MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 245 Deep sea girl (below)

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"Simply put, the main purpose of my visit to Fishman Island this time is to invite you to take a short trip with us..." Taking Qiubai's concept of people traveling back and forth all over the world, walking around the planet A half-circle really doesn't count as a long trip.

The world outside is full of different expressions, far from being comparable to the scenery you can see in a small hard-shell tower. What's more, Bai Xing was inspired by many, many strange children's books when he was a child, so after Qiubai said this, she The first reaction was intentional.

This is not difficult to understand, who wants to go out for a walk after being detained for N years.


But reason made it difficult for her to give a direct answer. She wanted to say "yes" but knew that she should say "no" at this time.

First, because her leaving the Shell Tower would be causing trouble for others, and second, it was King Neptune's request to stay here.

"You don't have to worry about King Neptune's words, he won't interfere no matter what you decide, so at this time you have to follow your own heart." Qiubai had already "convinced" King Neptune before.

What if you don't persuade? Hit and hit him, and he talked about so many sensible and scary topics.

"But wait a moment. As a magician, let me show you a new trick you learned. It's called... The Big Change Live Bear." Qiubai looked down and shouted, "Peibo, Chang. She's as big as she is..."

As he said that, he also pointed to Princess White Star beside him.

"Understood, Captain." Peibo nodded, indicating that he understood what Qiubai wanted to do... This would take into account the captain's mood, and Peibo fully followed his instructions.

"Mr. Xiong?" Before, Bai Xing's attention had been on Qiu Bai, but when Peibo spoke up, she realized that the bear was a living bear, not a stuffed toy, and could even speak.

Looking at Peibo again, he has already started to expand in all directions at this time, and soon he is taller than Baixing... Although this is not his limit, considering the limited height of the roof, he is still in time stopped.

Bai Xing blinked, well, she hadn't looked up at other creatures for quite a while.

At this time, Qiu Bai had already stood on Peibo's shoulders.

"Captain, what are you going to do next?" Peibo asked.

"Can't you be big or small, stretch and shrink, and turn this girl into a small package."

"How small is it?"

"As small as you can."

Peibo nodded, this time he completely understood why his companions were sweeping at the entrance of the village, but Qiubai only brought him here... I saw him stretch out a palm and gently touch the pad of his palm against the On the tip of Bai Xing's nose, and Bai Xing didn't understand what he was going to do, he felt that the palm in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, and the bear face and Qiu Bai on his shoulder were getting farther and higher, until she tried hard. You can't see their full face even with your neck up.

A huge shadow loomed over his head, and just when Shirahoshi feared that this palm could crush himself at any time and felt oppressed, it moved away.

She looked down at her tail inexplicably, then looked around, "Sister Lily?"

Princess Bai Xing usually recognizes people by looking at the top of their head and hairstyle, but this time she can actually see other people's faces from a head-up perspective, which makes her a little unaccustomed.

", you've become smaller." Lily was also surprised. With this proportion of the princess, there is no longer the urge to cut the back of her neck... The sixteen-meter doll has become one-meter-six, This is smaller than her original palm, which is incredible to everyone.

"It's the limit..." Peibo then returned to his original size. The ratio of 1/10 was the limit he could achieve, and 0.1 to 10 was his variation range.

"How is it, isn't it interesting?" Qiubai said to Bai Xing with a smile, now she can't reach out and poke, right?

Bai Xing is ignorant, this new perspective is more than interesting to her, it is clearly exciting, she has to take it slow, after all, when she was half a year old, she was much older than she is now.


Sea Forest, the cemetery of Princess Otoji, Shirahoshi came here for the second time, and the same person accompanied her both times.

Qiubai frowned and looked in a certain direction, wondering why there is such a thing?

A giant axe flew toward the white star from a distance, and the bright red beautification marks on the black iron axe surface were clearly visible in an instant. But this time, Qiubai didn't even need to do it. With his round body and vigorous movement, the white bear kicked this thing away in a certain time.

Qiubai touched his chin. The fishman named Vander Duncan was a little haunted. He threw an axe at a little girl for more than ten years, and he still called it "showing love"? Neuropathy?

Before leaving Fishman Island, he must get rid of this thing, otherwise he will have to go on forever, but where can I find this thing? It seems a little troublesome...

Qiubai thought too much about this, so he didn't need to bother to find it, Vander Duncan IX immediately took the initiative to bring it to the door.

"No, the direction is wrong..." Captain Vander didn't know that he was dead yet. He simply found that the direction of the axe he threw was slightly deviated from before, and the target fruit would not go wrong. , then what does the change in direction indicate?

It shows that Princess Baixing's position has changed, and even she has left Dragon Palace. After so many years, has King Neptune finally relaxed? So... isn't this a great opportunity? Not to be missed.

Vander Duncan is the kind of person who knows the identity of Bai Xing's "Sea King", the princess is in hand, I have the world, so he decided to rob the princess.

Fate, wonderful, Vander Duncan decided to hit the gun, and he had to act immediately, whoever wanted to stop him, he couldn't stop him.

Is this the legendary stab at a quick turn and turn a blind eye to death?

"Captain! That thing is coming!"

Just when Vander Duncan was thinking about it, the anxious reminder of his subordinates entered his ears.

I saw a crimson beam sweeping the torrent and lasing straight from the far The target was directed at Vander Duncan himself - Qiubai fired a "Red Plains Hound" at this neurotic many years ago, Qiubai turned his head and forgot about this, but the arrow had been chasing its target obsessively.

So far, Vander Duncan has a special strategy to deal with it. Several special steel plates blocked him. I saw that the arrow pierced several of them with a sharp sound, but was hit by the last one. Stopped, and then it buzzed, as if it might break free from this **** at any time.

But then these steel plates staggered up and down, and the long arrows broke into several pieces with a few clicks.

Then the guys on Duncan's boat threw these broken arrows under the boat, and the boat turned around and left here...after a while it would recover, then chase and break, and the cycle goes on and on.

It bites the target like a dog skin plaster, and it buzzes and regenerates like a fly. In a sense, this thing is more advanced than the target fruit.

In fact, as long as Vander Duncan is hit by this arrow, his mission will be completed, and he will not continue to chase, but... he doesn't dare, this thing flies with sparks and lightning, who dares to let it touch?

Read The Duke's Passion