MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 242 28 years old, beautiful as a flower (below)

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"About the purpose of my coming to Fishman Island, one of them is to help restore the order of Fishman Island..."

"The second is to take away Princess White Star, hoping that she can accompany us to complete the voyage to the new world."

In Ryugucheng, Qiubai stated the purpose of his trip to King Neptune.

Because the matter to be discussed may be a secret, the only people present at this time are King Neptune, the three princes, the left and right ministers, Jinbei, Qiu Bai, who calmly said the painful request, and the people who kept looking around. Peipo.

But Qiubai's request is obviously unsatisfactory. One of the hardest things in this world is to say something like "I'm going to take your daughter" to a certain father.

King Neptune waved the trident in his hand, and then stabbed it on the floor with a deafening sound.

"Young man, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Calm down, I probably understand the feeling of being a father, but compared with emotion, reality is often more helpless and cruel... Fishman Island does not have the power to protect Bai Xing, but I can do it."

The ancient weapon Sea King, Bai Xing's heavy identity will be exposed sooner or later, and it will be known to more and more people. Qiu Bai said nothing wrong, what can King Neptune do at that time?

At least it was certain that there were many more forces in this world that could destroy Fishman Island than Qiubai.

"What do you mean by this?" King Neptune barely maintained a calm state, but he was already very nervous... Qiubai's words showed that he already knew Bai Xing's identity, but the king still had a bit of luck in his heart .

"You know what I'm talking about. Bai Xing's power is too huge and coveted. In order to protect this power, it also needs strong enough power... and this kind of power cannot be obtained from Fishman Island."

Apart from not directly naming the word "Sea King", Qiu Bai has already made the words clear enough, and there is no reason why King Neptune does not understand.

King Neptune's eyes were restrained and looked at Qiubai with an almost empty look. After a long time, he said, "Even if everything you say makes sense, but in the think I will trust you. A pirate?"

From the first time Qiu Bai appeared beside Bai Xing, King Neptune vaguely felt that a scene like today would come one day, and now it has really come.

From his point of view, Qiu Bai, who kept trying to protect Bai Xing, was just trying to use one of the "Sea King" powers.

"Trust is naturally difficult, and taking away Bai Xing naturally also has that aspect." Qiubai is not shy about this, "but I can guarantee one thing, I'm not the kind of person who would force her to use her power. Bai Xing was a friend a long time ago..." Of course Qiu Bai was not the kind of person who bullied the weak with a gun and coerced Bai Xing into doing something, but he was also very determined to put the power of the Sea King under his own.

It's just that as a "good boy" like Bai Xing, if she wants her to go with her without any resistance, she must get her father's consent, otherwise Qiu Bai will spend so much time talking.

Yet King Neptune would not believe his assurances.

It's a pity that Qiubai had to turn the topic in an unfriendly direction, "Isn't Your Excellency the king worried that the news of Bai Xing will reach the world government sooner or later? At that time, Fishman Island would have to talk to this world. The greatest power in the world is the enemy."

These words are a real threat, just like Qiubai wants to leak the news of the Sea King to the World Government. With Qiubai's thinking, the world government would definitely take this subversive power into its own hands, and at that time, Bai Xing's treatment would definitely not be much better.

Perhaps at this time King Neptune had been angered by Qiubai, and his fierce words blurted out, "The story of the Mermaid Princess has been passed down from generation to generation. Would you be naive enough to think that the world government knows nothing?"

This was actually a thoughtless sentence, which made Qiubai's eyes widen.

Does the world government know the news of Aquaman? King Neptune is not worried about the news of Aquaman leaking to the world government?

All kinds of messy thoughts spun around in Qiubai's mind, and in the next instant, a thread connected a lot of things together... Qiubai smiled, and he seemed to know a shocking secret.

Well worth the trip.

"If Your Excellency the King's answer to me is always yes, I won't forcefully take Shirogane away. It's just that people like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling will know the news about 'Neptune'." When he said the word Neptune , Qiubai just made a mouth shape to pronounce, but did not really make a sound.

He doesn't do this, but it doesn't mean he won't defraud the king. Anyway, in the eyes of others, he is mostly a moody pirate. He doesn't want to take what he can't get, but chooses to completely destroy it. This kind of Neurotic things are exactly what he should do and conform to the law of his behavior.

"Then you can stay here forever, capable person, you seem to have forgotten that this is a fish-man island 10,000 meters under the sea!" The king's words seemed to be an order, and the people even made an attack.

Qiubai's threat hit his sore spot, so King Neptune decided to keep him completely. How do you say it?

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts?

Or can only the dead keep secrets forever?

"It's true that I am an ability person, but I'm not an ordinary ability person. For example... Do you think an ability person like Qingzhi Kuzan is afraid of water?"

The environment determines the situation of strength and weakness. For ordinary people, the murlocs are too flexible in the water, and secondly, let alone fighting in the water, they can't even breathe, so they only have to lose, but autumn Bai is different, he is a person who plays video Seeing Qiubai's posture, Peibo instantly understands something. The shell opens, hides in and closes tightly.


Electric arcs began to flash on Qiubai's body, but in King Neptune's view, it was nothing more than a thing that could be extinguished in one shot.

The fish people's tactics are very simple. Before the fight, they will open the warehouse and release the water. As long as the water enters this space, it is their victory.

The air bubbles at the window and door were punctured, and the torrent swept over in an instant, soaking through the autumn white.

"Have you ever heard of what is called electrolyzed water?"

The bright light of thunder dashed around along the influx of sea water, and at the same time a large amount of gas poured out from Qiubai's side, and then... it was a continuous explosion.

It is both electricity and water, and the powerful energy flow instantly creates countless flammable and explosive gases, and it detonates them directly in the next moment...