MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 233 enemy of enemy

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"What's the use of this heart...?" Luo glanced at Vergo's heart on the table and asked Qiubai. At this time, he was dealing with the injury on the captain's body, because he couldn't figure out what was going on. Why are you looking for Vergo's trouble now, so I started chatting.

A doctor of Luo’s level—actually it’s not accurate to say that he is a surgeon, he has done all gynecology, but relatively speaking, the surgical techniques are too superb, so that’s why he is called that—he treats diseases while chatting Complementary interference, not to mention Qiubai's injury is not complicated, only fractures and more serious fractures.

"This... The reason is very simple, do you know how to improve the relationship between two big countries with cold relations... It's enough to play billiards, so in order to improve the relationship with Don Quixote, I took Vergo's Heart, I decided to name this tactic 'heart diplomacy'. In the future, we will return Vergo's heart to Don Quixote. As a gift, they will give us a loli in return, so that the ending will be happy, hey Pippi ."

It really challenged Luo's comprehension, but he still understood the second half, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. This is not equivalent to robbing a store of money, and then using the money Is the money shopping there? Can you improve your relationship?

To be able to say the simple words "exchange your heart for sugar" around your mouth is for the sake of being incomprehensible, and there is no one but Qiu Bai.

"This is not good?" Luo asked back, Doflamingo shouldn't be so angry? Can he agree to this approach?

"It's not good? Oh, it's not very good, right? It's true that heart diplomacy sounds a bit bloody. By the way, how about loli diplomacy? If you change it to loli diplomacy, it will be very healing, and it will warm people's hearts." Although he said the same It's a topic, but the place where the two people pay attention can still be the mouth of the donkey.

Luo hurriedly shut up, and at the same time began to wonder why human beings have an organ like a mouth? How strange.

At this time, the Balubatos was sailing between the Marin and the Chambord Islands, and the Red-haired Pirates did not come to join the war on the top. Their.

Because of the participation of the prisoners in the advancing city, the advantages of the navy on Ma Linduan's side have almost disappeared. At this time, if another heavy weight of the Four Emperors is added to the enemy's side, the navy will be overwhelmed at once, and the war will be overwhelmed. There is also the possibility that it will be gone... This is obviously not the result that Qiu Bai wants to see.

After quickly dealing with his injuries, Luo will continue to take care of the other four wounded patients... The four jailer beasts, look, what a tragic person "Death Surgeon" is, he has to work part-time when necessary Be a veterinarian.

As he advertised, Qiubai is an environmentalist, so he decided to save these four poor endangered creatures - the above is a hustle, or that sentence, anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle, and bring these four wonderful flowers. Come and see what is going on with the awakening of Devil Fruits, and secondly, they can play an important role as a character's bodyguard and guard in the future.

Qiubai walked out of the cabin that served as the operating room and walked onto the deck while moving his body. Luo is just a doctor and not an immortal. Naturally, it is impossible for him to recover in an instant, but he already feels much better than before.

"Captain, is it alright?" Monet, who was waiting here, asked a little worriedly, knowing that now they are going to intercept the Four Emperors, even if Qiu Bai's body is fine, this action is worth worrying about. Besides, he is still injured.

"My injury? It's okay, it's been dealt with... Did the ghosts find anything?"

Just as Luo's surgical fruit is more used in terrorist activities, Perona's pessimistic ghost has always been used as an observation spirit, which is not enough.

"Not yet, no trace of the Red-haired Pirates has been found for the time being," Monet then asked, "but considering that Red-haired has been confronting Kaido before, and Kaido also intends to attack Whitebeard... Wouldn't Kaido follow him to the first half of the Great Route when the red hair passed through Fishman Island?"

"This...I think most of them won't," Qiubai said after thinking for a while, "From my personal understanding, Kaido is a person who always looks for excitement when he has something to do or not, and the first half of the great Hangnan came to him. Said it was too calm, he should have no interest."

Relying on his rough skin and not so crispy flesh, Kaido singled out this and the other all day long. At first glance, he looked like the kind of person with an abnormal brain, and completely different from a certain white, although the latter also "occasionally" took Some radical actions, but in hindsight, those actions implied his strong purpose, and what about Kaido? It's all about stimulation for stimulation's sake.

Therefore, Kaido's interest is not suicide at all, but death. If he really wants to die, he doesn't have to jump off the building every day to hang himself in the sea, and sip a plate of devil fruit like melon seeds. , but also broken.

"But what you said is not impossible. In short, it will depend on the specific situation." Qiubai added, the possibility is only a possibility, and no one can guarantee that Kaido will never follow the red hair this time. The back of the **** crossed the red soil continent.

"Then if the Beast Pirates really came to the front section of the great route, would we have the possibility of attacking the red hair with them?" Monet had another idea, Kaido and the red hair are enemies, and now he will deal with the red hair for him Is it possible to provide cooperation?

"No." This time Qiu Bai blurted out the answer without even thinking about it, and he was 100% sure that it was a correct and standard Monet, the phrase 'the enemy of the enemy is a friend' Most of the time, it is not true. For Kaido, the enemy of the enemy is still the enemy. If the three of us meet, the result will definitely be that he will attack us and the red hair at the same time. "

If the three parties really meet, Qiubai will definitely choose to join forces with Red Hair to deal with Kaido, no matter how big or small, at least there is a possibility of cooperation with Red Hair, and Kaido... Forget it, let's not joke.

"It is estimated that Kaido himself is a person who is invincible in the world, so... even if he is an enemy in the world, he is fearless and fearless, and since he is fearless and fearless, what if he is an enemy in the world?" Qiu Bai said again. A tongue twister, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"Understood," Monet nodded, just now she ignored Kaido's humanity for a while.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido, Hundred Beasts, no matter how you think about it, it is not a correct name. As far as he beats whoever catches him, obviously it should not be called Hundred Beasts..."

"What should it be called?" Monet asked.

"...Of course it's a mad dog. You don't need to ask such a simple question."

"...Does it seem a little disrespectful to say that?" Monet hesitated for a while and said, Kaido is indeed crazy, but she has never heard of anyone naming him a mad dog.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Correctly analyzing the opponent's character is the way to respect the opponent, right?" Qiu Bai said.

Monet thought about it carefully again, and found that there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but the place that should be awkward still feels awkward... This is also something that can't be helped, Kaido of the beast and Kaido of the mad dog, the B-frame is completely different what.

Therefore, when talking with Qiubai, you must pay attention to the time and quantity, otherwise, your own logic will definitely go wrong.

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