MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 223 How many traitors are there among us?

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"Is what you said true?" Hancock asked hesitantly.

"Of course, maybe you lack confidence in me, but you only need to take a look at the key with me, and it doesn't need to leave your grasp from beginning to end, so you won't feel that if you hold the key in your hand, it will be blocked by me. Take it away?"

"Take a look, I just need to take a look."

After some previous explanations and taking a step back, Hancock was finally moved. After all, she was still confident in her own strength. Considering the negligence of the cost and the possible benefits, she decided to take this key. Give Qiubai a look.

The Empress hid the key in her chest, she just pulled it out and lit it up, and then stuffed it back... Qiu Bai stared at her movements without blinking, and then tried to prove that she was not watching. What should not be seen, he made a fist with his left hand, twisted his thumb on the belly of his index finger, and an identical key appeared in his hand.

"Although I occasionally lie, I am basically a very trustworthy person."

Then the key slipped into Qiubai's palm, and he held both hands. When he opened his palm again, there were already a bunch of such keys in his palm.

"...Copy?" In this situation, Hancock already believed what Qiubai had said earlier.

"There's nothing wrong in saying copying. My friends on the road call me the copy pirate Xiao Qiubai..." Qiubai shoved a bunch of keys into his pocket, but they were just keys, as long as the shape was there It doesn't matter what material it is made of, iron keys, stone keys, and plastic keys are good keys as long as they can be unlocked.

"The speed seems to be a little slower? Forget it. Next, while some friends have not come to the battlefield, I will go to hand the key to the person who should give it."

Although Qiwuhai is a name shared by the seven pirates, it does not mean that there is any special relationship between them. If it is not for the world government as a link, they will definitely not communicate with each other, so if the two seven If Wu Hai has too much contact time on this battlefield, it will definitely cause some unnecessary suspicions. After getting the key, Qiubai will soon separate from Hancock.

The Empress continued to play his indiscriminate attack, while Qiubai wanted to hand over the key to the person on Whitebeard's side... At least he had to find someone who seemed to make sense and would fight directly without meeting.

"Who is it?" In the gap between the two boats, Qiu Bai quickly found a suitable candidate.

"As expected of the captain of the first team, Marco, the phoenix, is very vigilant." Qiubai raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious, "I don't mean to fight with you."

"I'm not stupid enough to trust what Qiwuhai said." Although he said so, and Marco's body had already started to emit blue flames, he really did not act directly.

"Animal-type Eudemons, it's really an enviable ability." Qiu Bai said, and began to take out the key, "The key to Fire Fist Ace's handcuffs, do you need it?"

His words made Marco stunned for a moment, and then he cast a more suspicious look... Even if we don't talk about the issue that everyone's position is aimed at, the number of keys alone is not right, Ace's side is no small matter after all, if Qiu Bai brings it over It was a key, so the credibility would be higher, but he took out a handful of dozens of them like jelly beans...

Say the key is real? What a liar.

"Do you care about the number? I think the more the better, the better for you. If you have one hand, it doesn't matter who will rush to the execution platform first." Seemingly realizing the problem, Qiubai closed his palms again, and then put the key The number doubled again.

Qiubai used this behavior to show that the number of keys had nothing to do with the question of authenticity, and that the number was just because of his ability.

"Shibukai should stand on the navy's stand. If these keys are real...why do you want to help us?" No one would trust a strange pirate, let alone that this pirate is still Chibukai.

"To be honest, do you believe that I have nothing to do with the matter, anyway, you are going to rush to the execution platform, don't you? If that's the case, why don't you bring a key, even if the key is fake, what harm can it cause? Is it a good consequence? Let’s argue again, if it’s true, wouldn’t Ace be rescued directly?”

"As for why I help you... This really can't be called helping you. Actually, Fire Fist's life and death have nothing to do with me. It's just because I'm a pirate, and you are fighting against the navy."

Marko understood in an instant that he had complicated matters. This guy in front of him just wanted to watch them weaken the navy's combat power... Shichibukai was also a pirate, and they didn't want to see an overly powerful navy.

In fact, what Qiubai said is not After the pirates get the key, their offensive against the navy will definitely intensify, not that there is no change before and after.

After thinking for a while, Marco really took over Qiubai's key, "There is one more question, as you said, why did you shoot at Dad?"

This is a contradictory place. If you want to see the Whitebeard Pirates fight against the Navy, why did Qiubai want to attack Whitebeard just now? It didn't look like he was acting before.

"Is this difficult to understand? Didn't I explain it... The answer is the same as the previous question, because I'm a pirate."

Are there any contradictions or logical loopholes between pirates and pirates? Qiubai doesn't think so.

"Friendly reminder, you'd better be faster, Captain Marko, don't you really think Aokiji will be so kind to pave the way for you? This thing under your feet, General Akainu, can be dissolved effortlessly. What will be the think for yourself."

On the current battlefield, it seems that the pirates are taking the initiative, but in fact they are in an absolute disadvantage. Others may not understand, but at least people like Marco should understand the comparison between the forces of the enemy and the enemy.

The reason why the navy's resistance was not as intense as imagined was because they had to completely drive the pirates into the encirclement and catch them all in one go.

When Qiubai's hints are over, Marko, who should understand, should also understand. He turned and left... Maybe Marko was thinking about the deep meaning of Qiubai's words, and he didn't notice that the direction of this person's actions was not inward, but is to continue to the sea.

This is where the navy and pirates struggle most fiercely. If they go further, they will all be pirates. Why should Qiubai go back?

The answer is simple, because he has not stirred enough, so he must continue to stir.

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