MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 208 Summoning order (below)

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"Why are you everywhere?" In a certain alley, Qiubai asked a man wearing a mask and covered in a black cloak.

This kind of sneaky person is not a positive person at first glance.

However, this sentence was the line the other party wanted to say. The man took off the hood and the mask on his face, revealing a face with a mustache... It was Rob Ludge again.

"Should I say long time no see?" Lu Qi asked... In addition to him, there was another person dressed like him standing behind him. Judging from the figure, the other person should be a woman.

"Then should I say that the original kitten has grown up?" Qiu Bai continued. In fact, apart from the proportional enlargement of the entire body, Lu Qi didn't seem to have changed significantly from many years ago.

"I didn't expect that the little pirates of that year have grown to the level of Qiwuhai, and sure enough, it was a complete mistake not to solve you at that time..." Lu Qi seemed to be not very friendly when talking about the past.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's like you can win me back then." Well, what Qiu Bai said is the truth, Lu Qi really didn't win when he was in Beihai.

Lu Qi's pupils shrank slightly, and at the same time the muscles on his body began to bulge, "Pirate Qiubai, why are you here? Anyway, if it interferes with our mission, even if it is Qiwuhai, CP9 will You are punished."

Cp9 does have a killing license, but having this kind of authority does not mean that anyone can kill. Obviously, Lu Qi overestimated his own strength here.

Qiubai has never been lazy in his cultivation of his own strength. At the same time, he can still hang up. Now Lu Qi is not his opponent at all.


Just as Lu Qi ran towards Qiubai, Ain fired.

Lu Qi quickly turned and avoided the hot lead bullet, but he had no chance to shoot again. At this time, a short knife had touched his neck, and he had to stop.

"Don't move." Ain is generally a dual wielder, sometimes she uses two guns, sometimes she uses two knives, sometimes he has a pistol and a knife.

Lu Qi originally wanted to attack Qiubai, but he couldn't catch Qiubai's movements at all. When he started, the person in front of him disappeared.

"I reminded you not to talk nonsense, and the two times we really met by chance." Qiu Bai did not deliberately follow or hinder Rob Luqi. The accident in his mouth was the truth, but Lu Qi couldn't believe it. This kind of statement, let alone Qiubai's actions now, can't support his persuasion at all.

"You said so... the child of the devil?"

Lu Qi looked up and found that Qiubai had already stood on the top floor of the buildings on both sides of the alley at some time. At the same time, he captured one of Lu Qi's mission targets - Nico Robin.

This undoubtedly exacerbated Lu Qi's "misunderstanding".

"Nicole Robin!" Lu Qi called out her name. At this time, Robin, who realized what happened, then launched an attack on Qiubai... This shows that at least now she is willing to accept CP9 manipulated.

Qiubai's body began to grow without knowing how many hands, and it looked like a white stone Guanyin who practiced. However, today's Qiubai is different from the past, although physical contact with him is a very dangerous action, This is similar to contacting Ain.

With a crackling electric leakage, Nico Robin was stunned by an inexplicable electric shock.

"I'm sorry, I'm a man who is like a jade, and I'm not used to being touched by other women." When he said this, he was actually looking at Ain, but this shameless remark naturally didn't get the slightest praise. .

At this time, Lu Qi was a little scared. He was worried that Nico Robin would be killed inexplicably, so he didn't care about the threat in front of him at all, and came directly to Robin's side at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, a little inspection revealed that this important target had simply passed out.

He looked up again, where are the figures of Qiubai and Ain around here? Just now, he was just looking for something by himself. Finally, Qiubai was honest for five minutes, but it was too irrational to send him to the door to find stimulation... But after Qiubai left like this, Lu Qi should have understood that he had no special intentions. right.

"Nicole Robin... just let it go?" A bit further away, after watching Lu Qi take Nico Robin away, Ain asked Qiubai.

"Yeah." Qiu Bai just nodded very rarely this time, and didn't say anything more.

Nicole Robin is naturally extremely convenient for deciphering the historical text to find ONEPIECE, but Qiubai doesn't need her, nor can she need her, otherwise... what is Monet's efforts all along?

Sometimes people need to be flexible, and sometimes they have to go all the way.

Therefore, if O'Hara's last historian is not needed, then this accidental encounter will naturally be over. Qiubai has no reason to save Nicole Robin, nor can she save Nicole Robin.

At this moment, the teleportation bug on Qiu Bai's body suddenly rang.


"Captain, there is one more important matter. Just now, there was contact from the World Government..." Monet's voice came from the telex.

After becoming Qiwuhai, Qiubai obtained a special teleporter to communicate with the world government, and this important item naturally needs to be kept in Monet's hands.

And just now, UU reading she received a contact from the world government, the world government is calling Qiwuhai, it seems that there is something important to discuss.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiubai probably understood something, and then said to Monet, "Promise this matter and say that we will arrive on time."

"Okay, but this time it is not a compulsory recruitment. Should we respond to the World Government between the two, are we really going?" Monet confirmed again.

"Yes, we will set off after the ship is remodeled and the fury of the gods recedes." Qiu Bai said.

The wrath of the gods is about to come in two days. Qiubai will be able to sail again after the tide has passed, and after leaving here this time, they will probably not return to the west again. One last thing After finishing the process, the Cauliflower Pirates will enter the new world that has not been seen for a long time.

The recruitment of the world government now is probably the sign of the beginning of the last major event in the first half of the great route.

If everything is as Qiu Bai expected, this time he will overturn the power balance system of the entire world, and his road to ONEPIECE will also become smoother.