MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 206 wave, wave, wave

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"Recently I discovered a strange phenomenon, Pebble seems to like to stay with Monet, and then I thought about it, it's not surprising, it's very simple in terms of biological environment and adaptability. Explanation... It should be an instinct for polar bears to stay by Xue's side, and Peipo definitely prefers green pheasants compared to Monet." Qiubai always arranged his companions like this when he was idle.

After frightening Rob Lucci in his spare time, Qiubai left the shipyard. This is a habitual trick to pay for his life. On the premise of no harm, he will try anything interesting that he finds interesting, even though it is not good for him. For the target of his teasing, this is an absolute vice, and just now Lu Qi absolutely wanted to find a chance to strangle him.

But countless realities have proved a truth, called... scourge left for thousands of years.

"Really?" It's a pity that Ain is not interested in Qiu Bai's research results, and being ignored is what he deserves.

At present, the two are in a restaurant, and it is very necessary to improve their diet, because the blue gorillas 10, 9 and 6 are the main cooks on their ship most of the time, so you can imagine their What is the level of the food.

There are many people in the restaurant discussing the issue of the wrath of the gods this year. Compared with Qiubai, a "tourist" who is simply watching the fun and is not a big deal, the locals are more concerned about the wrath of the gods this year. It's a worry, because the tide is showing signs of increasing year by year. Maybe the whole island will be completely submerged by huge waves in one year. This is related to the livelihood of the island's residents. Naturally, they don't have the same leisure as Qiubai.

But soon Qiubai's attention was diverted from the conversation of the crowd to a table behind him... This time, three strange pirates entered the restaurant and sat on the seat next to Qiubai.

In an instant, the place became noisy.

They were a yellow-haired man in a suit smoking a cigarette, a green-haired man with three swords hanging around his waist, and a black-haired man wearing flip-flops and a straw hat.

And the way the two sides meet is both reasonable and a bit annoying - Huangmao didn't sit in their seats at all, but went directly to Qiubai's side... To be precise, it should have come to Ain's side.

Qiubai has roughly understood what this gentleman is going to do, although this is a rather dangerous move...

"What a beautiful lady..." Because of the question of "what a beautiful lady", this yellow-haired man has suffered a lot, and will suffer more in the future, but he will not change his mind and will try his best to love.

The only good thing is that he didn't try to make physical contact, so he is just ignored now, otherwise the consequences are really hard to say.

Qiubai glanced at Huangmao's ugly performance, and then turned his eyes away... Of course, Qiubai was still paying attention to this side secretly. If the other party did something irregular and stretched out his hand, he would chop his hand— - He promises not to hesitate for even 0.01 seconds.

"Three swordsmen over there," Qiubai pointed at Roronoa Zoro.

"Ah?" Sauron, who was not yet blind, turned his face around immediately, showing a not very good-looking expression, and then he said a standard street slang, "What's the matter? Do you want to fight?"

"No no," Qiu Bai shook his hands and smiled to show that he was not malicious, "I just have something very interesting to tell you, just now a strong-looking female sword came to this island. Sir, I think you will be very interested."

"Female swordsman? I'm not interested in fighting women." Zoro said very directly. In fact, there is something very similar to Huang Mao in his bones. He subconsciously has the emotion of refusing to take action against women.

"I understand, I understand," Qiu Bai said that he understood, but then he said, "Unless you are a female swordsman who has lost 2,000 times in a row, leaving you with no chance of victory."

This time, Sauron not only has green hair, but even his eyes are green, "What's the name of the female swordsman you said?"

"Name...Let me think about it," Qiubai began to pant again, and even pretended to take a sip of water before saying, "Oh, it seems to be called Guina."

So Sauron can still sit still? The answer was that he couldn't sit still for 0.01 seconds, and he immediately rushed out like a teleport.

"Sauron? Hey, Sauron, where are you going?" an abandoned captain shouted from behind, but unfortunately there was no response for the time being.

Qiubai smiled slightly, and silently ordered a savings for himself... To create a chance for reunion for the young and separated childhood sweethearts, and to avoid Huang Mao's interference, Qiubai felt more and more that he was a good person.

Although this kind of separation itself is caused by him, although it is a problem whether this Lu Chi can find Gu Yina, and even though Lu Chi ran out with a knife, these cannot deny that Qiu Bai has a kind heart .

With Luffy's IQ, he probably couldn't figure out what just happened. After all, that straw hat was even higher than his IQ, but fortunately, Sanji, who couldn't even flirt with his sister, recovered his brain in an instant. .

Although yellow and green are incompatible with each other, someone can instantly remove the excessive green hair, and Sanji also knows that this is a problem with his cerebellum.

"Straw hat, have you been to the empty island?" Qiubai asked again.

At this time, Sanji had already returned to Luffy's side. He wanted to remind his boat to be careful, but Luffy had already said the answer, "Ah, Sky Island is super interesting."

After many years, someone finally caught up with Qiubai's jumping brain circuit, because Luffy's brain was blank, and there was no circuit at all. Anyway, he answered directly what others asked I don't care about the reason at all. This person can guess that he has traveled 10,000 meters in the sky.

As long as he doesn't irritate him by saying "I'm the one who wants to become the Pirate King", the straw hat is still a fun person most of the time.

"Hey, Luffy, keep your head clear, why do strangers know that we've been to the Sky Island?" In Sanji's view, the suspiciousness of Qiu Bai's body is already unquestionable.

"Yes, uncle, why do you know that we have been to the sky island?"

This time, even Ain's attention has shifted to Luffy. Often, the simpler the person, the more ability to see through the essence. As far as Ain knows, this straw hat is probably the first to see through Qiubai You through appearance. A man with an uncle's heart.

And this guy is also an uncle...

"Of course you can guess that."

"Guess? Yeah, then there's no problem."

Slots and doubts have broken through the sky, but the dialogue continues in a rather bizarre and harmonious way.