MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1827 Training 36

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If it wasn't for him who refused to take over the family business, how could a woman who was a young woman who had such a distant door doing these things?

This time, she was lucky, she avoided it, but she made it like this!

I am rushing to find her, but who knows it is unfortunate...

In fact, if you take over the family business early, this kind of errand can not be run in person, just need to sit in the local area, the next thing has its own layer of shopkeepers to run errands!

The daughter-in-law wants to get started soon, and I want to know more about it in all aspects. After all, the roots are on their own.

This robbery is a deserved one, but the wife is clearly implicated. At this moment, she still has to listen to her self-blame, how can he feel good in his heart?

Fang Qing smiled and said: "When the husband is here, should you rest assured? Time is not early, and the husband will stop early! You are seriously ill, if you don't get back, the father-in-law will not be distressed!" ”

Su Jinghe became more and more depressed. He looked up at Fang Qing and couldn’t help but blurt out: "What about you? Would you feel bad?"

Fang Qingyi, smiled and said: "That is natural!"

That is natural. Su Jinghe understands, because he is her husband, she is a good wife, so naturally it will be distressed! But what he wants is not like this! What he wants is that she will really feel bad about him...

Su Jinghe was a bit frustrated. Why did he ask her to treat him like this?

I was so upset and wanted to stay here with her, and I didn't want to see her side of the "good" wife who showed herself.

Su Jinghe missed the original glory of the eyebrows, and Fang Qing, who was not convinced by the temper.

Such a daughter-in-law, even though she hates to gnash her teeth, but also loves to gnash her teeth...

"You are resting, I am going back to the room!" Su Jinghe looked at her and finally said with a sigh of relief: "I am staying here, I am afraid that it will make you sleepless."

"French is too polite! You and my husband and wife, this is not necessary!" Fang Qing smiled, smiling and dignified, wise and incomparable, can not pick a trace of the wrong.

Su Jing and his face are even more ugly, and he turns and walks away.

"French is slow!" Fang Qing used to slam the door from the inside and smiled.

Don't you like people to take care of you? Isn't it just like a blind man holding a back and going backwards?

it is good! Then it is up to you to do what you want, what you want to do, if you feel so interesting, then you will live this life!

Su Jinghe returned to the room and sighed and frowned.

Su Si saw his heart and smashed up. He was busy talking about it: "What happened to you, Master? Are you uncomfortable? The slaves please ask the doctor!"

"Stand up!" Su Jing and glared at him, pointing to the position of the heart, scorned: "Your young master is not feeling well, is it useful to see the doctor, huh?"

"Ah?" Su Si stunned, and laughed and said: "This, who made the young master angry?"

"No!" Su Jing and sighed, unable to lie down on the bed.

Su Si stood by and thought about it. He realized the thoughts of the master. He smiled and said: "The young master is too boring? This, this slave has no way! This small town is far away, what can be played? What about children! Not even a flower building -"

"Shut up!" Su Jinghe now heard this? Suddenly sat up from the bed, screaming at Su Sixun: "What do you mean by nonsense? Who wants to spend any flowers? Your lady is not sick enough!"

Su Si stunned, and did not understand that the lady was not well ill and the young master had no relationship with the flower building.

But the young master is angry, and very angry, the nature of being a slave is sinful.

So Su Si squatted down, one strength: "The slaves are damned! The slaves are nonsense! The slaves **** it!"

In order to enhance the effect and sincerity of the sin, while talking about **** still gently fanning his mouth.

It’s another bitter heart and a different heart!

Su Jing and his heart fire!

Su Si is not Fang Qing, of course he does not have to endure!

"It's **** it!" Su Jing and his companion suddenly got out of bed and stood on the ground. They stared at Su Si coldly and sneered. "Do you really think you should die?"

His face was cold and his eyes were cold, and he couldn’t tell the suffocating suffocation.

Su Si has never seen the appearance of his own master, even if he had never had the same temperament before, he never had this look! Su Si suddenly scared, and looked at Su Jinghe slyly, and his heart poured cold water, and the coldness went down.

"Say!" Su Jing and a step closer, his eyes are still cold, staring at him straight, hooking his teeth and drinking low.

"Less, young master..." Su Si made a big chill, and there was no fear in his heart.

Su Jinghe has never had a shelf. The small shackles that they used to serve close to each other are generous and generous, but Su Si is a fool. He also sees that the young master is really angry at the moment. His "damn" word is playing. He didn't dare to say anything about death.

If you say it, chances are that the young master will kill him...

Half-sounding, did not wait until Su Si opened, watching Su Si tremble with fear, Su Jing and sneer, said: "Don't say these words in front of Laozi is a disappointment! His mother, the old man is not enough? If you dare to be tempted, Lao Tzu will be yours! Get out!"

"Yes, yes!" Su Si was so angry that he rushed out and rushed out.

How many aggrieved in my heart: What happened to the young master? This little broken place has nothing to do for entertainment and entertainment. This is not his fault...

Su Jing and a long sigh of relief, sitting on the bed leaning against the bed, stayed out for a while, a fist squatted on the bed, biting his teeth: "Women, daughter-in-law, I don't believe, you are against me. Is it really half-hearted?"

In the next three or four days, Du Zhang, Shuangling and so on all came back. I saw Su Jinghe and Fang Qing appear in front of the innocent, everyone cried and cried and laughed. Come down.

They did not get nothing in the Duss, but they also searched and rescued the two injured people. The families of the wounded were shocked and happy, and they were thankful for the thanks.

Shuangling’s girl also lost a large circle, holding Fang Qing’s crying.

Fang Qing was also moved, holding her back and gently patted her behind her soft and smiling.

Su Jinghe sees a woman who is better than herself to a beggar. The smile comes from the heart, and the pity is also from the heart, which is fundamentally different from the smile that is so light when facing herself.

Not sour in my heart: What is this? They are their own people, he became an outsider?

Dear sisters and friends, move your cute little hands and help Yiyi to join the new book "The Raiders: The Code of Survival" to join the bookshelf! Anyway, the bookshelf is empty and empty? Hey, the collection of new books is so small, Yiyi is too depressed! According to the requirements of comfort, enthusiasm, seeking for support, seeking collection and recommend ticket tickets ~~~
