MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1817 Tune 26

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Then he nodded lazily: "Grandpa is hungry, get some food!"

Double-eyed eyes are shining, and almost all the stars are coming out of the eyes. The action of wearing clothes is several times faster. The eyebrows open their eyes and nod their heads again and again: "Good! Su, you are waiting, slaves are asking people to go, then Hot a pot of good wine! Right, what does Su Ye want to eat?"

Su Jing and taunted hooked the corners of the mouth, if it is the abominable woman, will not let himself drink again, only to ask people to wake up the soup. And she likes to eat, don't ask, she knows.

In fact, he was a bit puzzled, how long she married, she remembered his preferences as clearly.

"Whatever! A good preparation is!" Su Jing and lazy, and in his heart, he hated himself and did not live up to expectations: how do you think about that hateful woman!

When Fang Qing saw that Tian Jing had not returned, he told people to go to Mei Xiang Lou to find out that he was still there, and that he did not bother to disturb him. He did not even think that people would call him back, but in the end. Not happy: this man, really is not saved!

Woke up the next day, Su Jing and the side knocked a side, whether someone came to look for it.

He has forgotten, what are the people in Meixianglou? Qiu Niang, this old voice is not stupid, how could he tell him the truth?

The answer he got was of course: no one has come to him!

Su Jing and his heart were sour and sour, and they were a bit cold and cool, a little disheartened!

Self-deprecating, in the heart of the evil woman, he really has no weight at all!

He stayed here for one day and one night, and she actually sent someone to ask for nothing!

Su Jing and angrily thought: What is the use of this daughter-in-law?

Under one temper, he stayed in Meixianglou for one day and one night, and then he returned to the government.

When he returned to the government, it was the morning of the third day. As soon as he entered the room, he slid unconsciously and looked for the familiar figure.

Shuangling Shuangxiu faintly felt that the scalp was a bit numb.

In other words, the young master is not the first place to go to Meixianglou, but no matter which time he comes back, it is not comparable to this one.

how to say? Once upon a time, he came back from there, even if it wasn't refreshing and refreshing, it was also leisurely and leisurely. Unlike this, it was simply -- it was bitter and deep hatred!

Where is the Merry? It is clear that you are guilty!

"The young master," Shuangling couldn't help it. She smacked her scalp: "Little lady, she is not in the government, she used her breakfast to go to the business..."

"Roll!" Su Jinghe suddenly remembered this matter, could not help but become angry, screaming at Shuangling: "Death swearing! Who said that Xiaoye is looking for her? Where did she fall in love!"

Said angrily into the wing room.

Shuangling double show face to face.

Su Jinghe was stunned and dreamed of death for two days in Meixianglou. His head was still dizzy. He lay down for a long time and watched the sun turn west. He woke up and barely awake.

Commanded Shuangling Shuangxiu to cook the hangover soup, and prepared a hot bath, then went to the study.

After Fang Qing came back, the two hoes finally found the backbone of the heart. One person was busy and said the daytime things.

Fang Qing listened a little bit in his heart, and his face was not so ugly, but he was sneer and sneered: "He still knows to come back! How can you not die in the Meixiang Building!"

Shuangling Shuangxiu was shocked. Hearing this was wrong, he didn’t dare to interface. He told the little girl to play hot water to serve the lady’s clean hands.

Not much time will come to dinner, not waiting for Shuangling double show entangled or asked if you need to ask the young master to come back, Fang Qing said: "Take that squid tofu soup sour bamboo shoots braised fish head fried pea sprouts spiced spicy head vegetables Silk fried fungus ham diced to him to go to the study room!"

Shuangling double show busy promised to go.

Poor two gimmicks, sandwiched between the two masters, these two days are not less fearful!

Su Jinghe originally did not want to eat, no appetite, a look of sour hot and sour spicy, tofu soup pure white pea seedlings refreshing, but it was a bit of appetite, could not help but drink half a bowl of soup, a few dishes also eat a lot A dish of fried pea sprouts ate a bottom.

The stomach is very comfortable.

Suddenly thought that these dishes are naturally prepared by the abominable woman, and the two gimmicks will not be so careful!

Thinking so, there is no warmth in my heart, how much does the woman still remember her two points?

Su Jinghe hesitated and entangled: Do you want to go back to the house?

The subconscious mind wants to go back, but the subconscious also blocks him from going back - going back is equal to serving soft, why should he go back!

This entanglement hesitated, it was a big night.

Until late at night, Su Jinghe was justified and strong: Isn't it a marriage? Besides, it is not her own yard that is not her own room. Why can't he go back?

No, why should he "do not dare"!

Su Jinghe is very annoyed with the words "Don't dare" from his heart that he has no head and no brains.

Immediately, the courage was strong, and the wind was like a wind, and the dragon went straight to the yard.

"Young Master..." Shuangling Shuangxiu had no time to finish a sentence, Su Jinghe went straight into the room.

The two men were stunned and looked at each other.

What happened to the young master? Even if you come back, you won't be able to make such an expression...

At this time, it was late at night. Fang Qing was tired after a day at the business. She was already sleepy. At this time, she had already slept. There was only a corner of the floor lamp on the corner of the room. The lights of the beans were also used. The apricot yarn was covered, and the room was dimly lit and stunned.

Su Jinghe rushed in with a courage, and the warmth and quietness of the room made his heart relax in an instant: still his own home is good!

Su Jinghe has never had this feeling, from the heart of the sense of solidity.

He put his foot on the front, picked up the gauze and looked inside. The apricot red crepe was in the middle, Fang Qing was already asleep, his face was calm, his breathing was even and shallow, his eyebrows were facial features, small and nice, and the lips were slightly squatting. The petals are generally attractive.

The hair of the black oil was added to the embroidered pillow of the red lotus, adding a bit of laziness.

Su Jing and his throat rolled twice, and the dawn suddenly became deep. This is his wife, isn’t it?

He wants her! A very strong feeling told him that he wanted her immediately! Only when the body fits together, only holding her in her arms tightly, his heart will be practical, and she will feel that her living still lives in his life.

Su Jinghe untied his robes and put them on the bed. They suddenly pressed on Fang Qing’s body, bowed their heads and kissed them, and they were paired with a pair of black and bright scorpions.

Fang Qing woke up and looked at him with a sly look.


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