MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 841 Sky collapse

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The development of this matter made the five people completely stunned.

The East Critical is the ancient world, and there are indeed many strong ones. There is no fading, there are more than a hundred people present, this is just living near the mulberry. If there is no decline in all parts, it is a huge number.

And why are they called five people? Because their strength is far more than the same level! The same is no decline, the strength of strength is different.

However, these few people in front of them completely broke their self-awareness.

Experts can make a lot of things in one detail. These people are not inferior to them!

Lu Mingshu was also very surprised, and then a faint smile appeared.

The East Critical is not the ancient world, but there are so many sky wheel masters hidden.

"Who are you?" The blue-shirt woman shouted. "So master, silent and lurking in my east critical, what plot?"

The old lady faintly swept her: "Who is lurking in your east critical? I am only here to travel."

The middle-aged man said: "A certain is the East Critical Person, what is the lurking?"

The young sword of the negative sword is furious: "You are the East Critical Man, why do you help others to deal with the realm? Don't you know how important Mulberry is to the world?"

The middle-aged man looks at himself: "I don't know you. The role of Mulberry is not only to help you break through. Do you tell her to grab the mulberry for himself?"

The woman in black has always had a weird feeling. I heard this and touched my chin. "Is not for myself, but for what? She has already integrated so many mulberry essences, and then, how can I hold it?" ”

Another young woman guarding Lu Mingshu shouted: "Several Supreme, it is inconvenient to talk about it at this time. However, this matter is extremely important to me, and it may not be a bad thing for you, but I also hope to be cautious!"

These people are the best in all walks of life. Not only passed the test of the wilderness, but also survived by the chasing of the skywheel.

But who wants to be chased all the time? When is this exile, when is the end? The most fundamental way to break this game is to start with the sky wheel.

They are not the primary owners in the city, and everyone has more or less understanding of the secrets of the skywheel. Therefore, seeing Lu Mingshu's integration of so many hearts and minds, she knows what she wants to do.

The gods are divided into different parts of the ancient world. She is going to blend all the branches of Shenmu and reproduce the gods!

If Shenmu can reproduce, the secret of the skywheel should also be able to glimpse one or two?

Maybe, you can force the real Lord of the Skywheel to show up!

These people, although they own the sky wheel, are not the head of the skywheel. From beginning to end, the skywheel is affecting them, not they are affecting the skywheel.

When they say a word, they are just the shackles of the skywheel.

Who wants to be a beggar? Still being stalked by the constant pursuit.

Therefore, it is seen that Lu Mingshu is breaking the game and has decided to help her without any consequences!

"Isn't it a bad thing?" The young sword of the negative sword is awkward and angry. "Take away the heart of the tree and tell us that it is not a bad thing? Hey! Then you said it! What is the reason? If it makes sense, we might as well listen." Just listen."

"This..." These people looked at each other and showed a distressed expression.

How can the sky wheel be made public?

"Can't you say it? Is it really a bad thing? What can't you tell?" The young man sneered.

"Not bad!" Confucian man said, "We are already polite and give you the opportunity to speak. Do you not even explain it?"

The old woman looked up and saw Lu Mingshu in the fusion. She said: "There is no time to explain. Now is not the time to explain. You, the old man is here, want to move her, first step on the body of the old body!"

The other few, no matter where they are.

Which of them is not being chased for dozens of hundred years? Now that I have finally had the opportunity to glimpse my secret, can I let go? Must not!

"Don't delay the time!" The young swordsmen couldn't tell, they didn't pull them down again, their arms swayed, "Do it!"

Speak, swords and streamers, rushing forward.

He is all hands-on, what else can other people say? Besides, the other party has made it clear that it is not cooperative and can only be used.

They said it was not a bad thing, and it should stop it. If there is a reason, why can't you sit down and talk?

The war situation is on the verge of being triggered, and it is more violent than it was just now.

Masters have a trick, the spirit is turbulent, and the mulberry is filled with swells and swords.

Looking at the fight around, Lu Mingshu gently spit out two words: "Thank you."

The old woman also scored her thoughts and raised her voice: "Although I don't know which side you are in the same line, what you do is what we all want to do. In this case, the old man will give you this life and help you." I hope that you can reveal its secrets and tell us that these people are dead and eye-catching!"

Lu Mingshu has not had time to respond, another middle-aged man has said: "Mother, you are not right. We have been away for so long, is it not to live? Today's battle is for life, not for death!"

The old woman heard the words, haha ​​smiled: "It’s right! It’s hard to live today, but still want to live like an old man!"

Lu Mingshu smiled and closed his eyes.

For so many years, she has been fighting alone, did not expect the last minute, even someone helped.

Yeah, she can concentrate on dealing with these fines.

In the center of the battle, the green light is entangled, and it is getting more and more prosperous. The last tree is so fine that she flies out from her Dantian.

"Little Sang."


"You said, what is it for people to live?"

"...I don't know."

"Trying to do everything, wanting to live, this is probably the most tenacious force in the world? Your master, do you know this, will we put us in the dead? But, what qualifications does he have over the sentient beings? Play with us like a chess piece? Think of us as a locust, about not thinking about what the locust wants? Oh, it’s really disgusting!”


"More sadly, all of us must follow his rules of the game. I travel all over the world, looking for the branches of the gods, but also part of his game - this is the road he has set for us. So He had thought that the locusts would resist again!"

Fine and united, green light is flourishing.

All the branches, one by one, return to the original position.

Shen Tian Shen Mu, re-established in the world.

The mountain shakes.

"What's wrong? The ground is moving!"

"Look, the sky is falling!"

The blue sky above the head suddenly dimmed and the darkness fell.

What they don't know is that it is not just the East Critical that occurs.

In the celestial array that Kyushu has just built, the Emperor suddenly stood up: "The sky is falling! The legendary skybreak!"

Xie Xingshen, who just stepped out of chaos, looked at the transient sky and earth. After the initial surprise, he smiled: "Is she? I finally found it."

Read The Duke's Passion