MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 814 What was lost?

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Lu Mingshu sighed.

She knew that Xie Xing Shen went to find the Emperor, but did not know that they were going to pay Shang Qing.

The destinations of the two people are completely different and can be met together. This luck is also not said.

"You come here, why don't you tell me?"

Xie Xing said with a smile: "A little thing, don't bother you."

"A little thing?" Lu Mingshu looked at the hot scene. "I don't want to come, are you sure you can kill him?"

"Of course!" Xie Xing was confident.

"Oh." Fu Shangqing at the edge of the blood pool suddenly gave a low smile. "I wanted to clean up them and go to find you. I didn't expect you to come first. It really saved me a lot!"

Lu Mingshu looked at him, cold and cold: "Fu Shangqing, this time you see where you are going."

"This sentence should be said to me." Fu Shangqing smiled slightly, "Hey daughter, these years can think of you, when you don't leave, can you go with you now?"

“Hey!” Xie Xing Shen turned his face first. “I want to grab my wife and be your spring and autumn dream!”

After that, the body shines, and the direct attack is still clear.

Fu Shangqing's eyes closed, and there was a **** fog on his body. His starlight returned without success.

Another **** body suddenly surged in power and intercepted Xie Xingshen.

The devil snorted: "Are you alone or dead?"

The **** body suddenly melted, and it was scattered as a corpse. The other **** body was soaring and attacked again.

“Hey!” Yan Zining asked, “Let's help?”

"Crap!" While speaking, her sword light has already been shot.

Sword gas is like a dragon, sweeping away, but wherever there is, the blood is unable to parry.

The devil took a sigh of relief: "This girl, how is it so powerful?"

"Crap! This is my wife!" Xie Xing Shen's tone is very proud.

The emperor gave him a white look. Is this little **** still a bit sensible? This girl was very strong before, but it was understandable and strong, but this time I saw that there was something change in her body.

For example, her swordsmanship seems to have a hint of discomfort.

Fu Shangqing obviously felt uncomfortable. Since Lu Mingshu joined the battle, his **** body was reshaped and slowed down.

He sighed in a sigh of relief: "Hey daughter, so right, don't you feel too unrequited?"

Lu Mingshu said coldly: "Don't play, you will only make me sick."

Xie Xing Shen haha ​​smiled: "It is very enjoyable to have a wife and a daddy together with my father."

Fu Shangqing laughed: "Speaking, your mother has been dead for fifty years? I don't know her soul, I have no reincarnation."

His tone was too strange, and Lu Ming was very relieved: "What do you mean?"

Fu Shangqing still laughed: "You guess, the blood corpse I made at the Jiu Yao Palace, where did the corpse come from?"

Lu Mingshu smashed his eyes and smashed it out from the teeth: "Fu, Shang, Qing!"

When the voice fell, the sound of the sword rang, like a thunder, and straight to Fu Shangqing.

He smiled softly: "You are too good to be so excited."

The blood fog rises and the dirt comes.

Lu Mingshu is more aggressive than a trick, and he must take his life!

The dragon has a reverse scale and touches it to death. Other things she can not care, the mother is her counterscale!

No matter what he said is true or false, dare to take her mother to threaten her, **** it!

"Ming Shu!" Xie Xing Shen shouted, "Calm down! Don't count his plans."

Lu Mingshu took a deep breath and converge on the anger on the face, but the sword did not slow down.

Fu Shangqing had to deal with it carefully.

On strength, he is not necessarily stronger than any one present, but his blood corpse wins more and has a good position, taking advantage of the opportunity.

After the blood corpse fluttered, Lu Mingshu did not lift his eyes, it was a sword.

Fu Shangqing had to avoid it, and another **** body hit it.

She was on one side, avoiding the offensive of the blood corpse, and suddenly felt a bit wrong, but she was empty and empty!

At the same time, the sound of the small cloth sounded: "Hey! Let go!"

Fu Shangqing then retired, carrying a small cloth: "It is best not to move!"

Lu Mingshu sneered, sneer: "Fu Shangqing, is your brain bad? The cloth is a copper man, you throw it into the blood pool, it will not change. As long as there is material, I can take it. Repair it."

"Is it?" Fu Shangqing smiled and reached out, opened the head of the cloth and explored it.

"Hey! Let go! Hey! Let go! Hey! Hey..." The gem in the eye of the cloth was unloaded by him and he lost his voice.

Lu Mingshu saw that Fu Shangqing’s complexion changed: “No?”

His fierce gaze, cast on Lu Mingshu, looked at her coldly: "What about it?"


"I obviously smelled the smell." Fu Shangqing looked down at the small cloth and pulled it hard. The head of the small cloth was pulled down. He reached out and licked it, and pulled out the parts that could be pulled out.

Although I know that Xiaobu will not die, I can see that Fu Shangqing has removed it. Lu Mingshu is still furious: "Stop!"

When the sword was a sigh, he attacked Fu Shangqing.

All the blood corpses gathered together and stood in front of him.

Fu Shangqing seems to be like a demon, muttering in his mouth: "No, how come?"

"What is he looking for?" Yan Zining is inexplicable.

Xie Xingshen suddenly remembered one thing: "The last time we searched his hiding place, the little cloth swallowed one thing!"

By his reminder, Lu Mingshu remembered.

That thing is important to deal with Shang Qing? Speaking of it, Xiaobu never ate something that was inexplicable, but he was tempted by the thing...

Lu Mingshu remembered the prescription she had found in the secret hole not long ago.

Before the Ming Dynasty, Fu Shangqing was preparing for the soul, and wanted to reincarnate. Why did he change his body with the evil spirits and change himself to the same blood?

Because he lost something, he can't reincarnate!

That thing, it is very attractive to Xiaobu, and it is swallowed when you see it.

Yes, after the small cloth swallowed the thing, it also said that it was gone.

So what is it? Why are you missing?

The cloth is wise, but it is not a living thing...

"The soul!" Lu Mingshu shouted out.

"What?" The Emperor was screamed by her.

"Fu Shangqing lost the soul!" She stared at the madness of Fu Shangqing. "He stripped the memory from the soul, and he only kept the memory. The soul was placed separately for the soul. Who? I knew that I met us last time, fled in a hurry, and lost my soul. The soul was swallowed by a small cloth, so that he could no longer reincarnate. He could only use evil spirits to make himself the same as blood. In order to survive!"

Others listened to her, and they all took a breath.

Lost the soul? Doesn't that mean that as long as Fu Shangqing died of this body, he will disappear forever?

The soul is erased from memory, just like a container. That little cloth got the soul, isn’t it...

Lu Mingshu turned his head and looked at the Emperor: "Your Majesty, you are a sinister repair, dealing with a monster without a soul, should you have your own way?"

Read The Duke's Passion