MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 807 Have monsters

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The cloth suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mingshu asked him.

Xiaobu thought for a moment with his head and said: "It's a bit wrong, it seems to have a living person."

"Living people?" Lu Mingshu was taken aback.

Zhai Zining’s brain turned faster: “Don't you say that the big fish is here to raise a living person?”

Since the peers, Lu Mingshu certainly wants to tell him the corresponding information.

Zhai Zining listened to her and briefly said what happened at Lone Eagle Cliff.

Lu Mingshu asked him at the beginning whether there was such a practice in Kyushu. It was because of this ghost thing.

"Little cloth, take us in the past." Lu Mingshu took the initiative to find out, first find someone to say.

Fu Shangqing is too embarrassed to understand that she does not dare to trade.

"it is good."


The underground caves that are far away from this, the gemstones of the colorful, sparkling and shining.

Hundreds of mining shovel are working hard, repairing a diverse group of men and women, and working together in a busy manner.

Some people swear, some people divide the gems, some people identify on the spot, some are responsible for storage.

"Hurry up!" is headed by a man who looks a bit harsh. He is 30 or 40 years old, his eyes are slightly drooping, and he is a very serious person.

"Have you heard about the outside world? Zhou Liuzong wants to take over our secret land. Maybe you know this underground vein. If you know it by Zhou Liuzong, is there still our share? Hurry, they didn't find it, can move How much to move!"

"Uncle Shi." A young disciple bitterly said. "We have tried our best. We haven't had a break in these days. However, it is not a matter of a day or two to open a mine. How big can we move?"

The first man’s eyes glimpsed: "You haven’t lived a hard life. We are remote in the mountains. We have never been able to find any oil and water. Now it’s hard to find a vein. We don’t know how to cherish it! Let’s dig a mine, it’s a pocket. Rise’s money, think about whether he is moving money, is there motivation?”

It seems to be the same reason for the young disciples nearby. At the moment, I cheered and shouted: "Fast! How much can be moved? There is no such good thing in the future!"

Satisfied with the head of the man, the loud voice: "I have applied to the head, this time to dig the mine, you can take one percent!"

The disciples were overjoyed and cheered: "Thank you, Master Shu!"

One percent, it sounds very rare, but these are rare treasures! If you really want to have a pocket, they can make a fortune!

There is a hot mining here, and there is a ray of light flying along the mine.

In front of them, Twilight made a pair of men and women who were equal to the head man.

Seeing the appearance of the two men, the first man was taken aback: "Song Shidi, class teacher, what's wrong with you?"

The men and women, who are stunned, are covered in blood, and the whole person is stinking, and even the hair is scattered.

When I saw the head of the man, the Song Shidi shouted: "Ma Shixiong, let the disciples leave soon, there are monsters here!"

This horse brother said: "What? Monster?"

The class teacher "wow" spit out a blood, stretched out his hand, revealing the back of the hand that was taken away from the flesh and blood, with a crying saying: "You look at the brothers, it is really a monster! I was almost eaten by the monster. It’s hard to get out and report. Go away! Otherwise we have to be eaten by monsters!”

They did not shun people, but they were heard by the disciples. They could not stop mining and looked at them uneasy.

The two uncles are all in the environment, they are so embarrassed, this monster is really amazing?

The Ma brother is not willing, the veins here are really precious!

"What kind of monster is it? You are good to say it! When the head and the two elders are down, don't you give it a heavy treasure? And block it for a while. Wait for the head to come down and save, it will be fine."

Song Shidi eagerly said: "We have already circulated, but I am afraid that it is too late! Those monsters are eccentric blood corpses, extremely powerful, and they are not dead at all. Brother, don't feel bad about these mines, nothing is lost! We are going... ...class teacher!"

But I saw the classmate next to him, his face turned black, his eyes turned white, and he seized his hand that had been smashed into flesh and blood. He couldn’t say anything with his mouth open.

The disciples were scared, this looks terrible, as if the next moment would become a zombie.

The Ma Shixiong was also shocked. He thought that this underground mine might have something so powerful, but now he can’t look down on the class.

Song Shidi was afraid that she would hurt herself and rushed forward to hold the classmates.

The horse brother took out a pill bottle and poured a pill into her mouth. One did not work and had to pour a few more.

It’s not easy, the situation of the class teacher is stable, and Song Shi’s brothers have brought a cry: “Ma Shixiong, it’s really awkward! The **** body is too powerful, even if we have a treasure, we may not be able to wait for them to save! ”

Master Ma’s brother looked at the two men in the wolf, and then looked at the frightened disciple. He only said: “That’s good, let’s go back. You hurry up and collect the donkeys!”

The drink allowed the disciple to quickly receive the mining object, and a group of people evacuated from the other direction.

The situation of the class teacher is even more serious. The blood seems to be toxic. After a while, the whole hand is black.

Song Shidi was jealous and broke her arm.

If the arm is gone, there is still a long-lasting hope. If it is invaded by toxicity, then it will be lost.

A group of people fled quickly, but this underground mine was too long and too chaotic, walking and walking, Ma Shixiong felt wrong: "This is not the way out, what is going on?"

The disciples in front of me looked awkward. They don't know what's going on! These underground mines are too much messy! They just followed everyone and ran and ran.

When I finished, I found the monster and actually got lost. What can I do? If you can't get out, you can only pray that the head and the elders will come faster!

A stupid smell came, and Song’s face changed greatly: “No, the monster found us!”

The smell is getting clearer and clearer, everyone smells it.

"Go!" Master Ma brothers drank and could only lead the disciples to continue to run.

Waiting for them is a dead end.

Underground mines extend in all directions, but they have entered a road, waiting for them to discover that it is too late.

Brother Ma saw the blood corpse they said.

The **** corpses piled up together and combined into a horrible blood corpse. They had many eyes and squirmed more than a dozen arms and walked over here.

He took a deep breath and ordered: "I have listened to it. The strength is strong, the weak is in the back, and it is an array! If you want to live, you will take your own skills."

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy