MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 789 I owe you a sentence

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Lu Mingshu's body glowed green and seemed to be pulled. The shadow of the seedlings lit up on her.

Then the two are so combined.

There is no hindrance.

For a long time, Di Yu spit out a breath: "Sure enough, the one you recorded with Ling Xiao’s predecessors is the same person."

Lu Mingshu opened his hand and the mirror was easily separated from Di Yu and reached her hand.

Neither of them spoke, looking at this mirror, spinning in her palm.

After a while, Lu Mingshu asked: "Predecessors, do you want to see, what does that look like?"

"Of course." Di Yu did not hesitate. "But, can you show it to others?"

"Can try."

Before, she couldn't bring others into the skywheel. However, after swallowing Ruomu, she had a little change.

The mysterious power in her body was assimilated by Ruomu.

In other words, she is now integrated with Ruomu.

If the wood and the skywheel are the same source, and the power is much stronger, this has strengthened her strength.

She can temporarily use the power of Ruomu to disguise Di Yu and take him in.

But this time is very short, and Di Yu can't have any sense of resistance.

She said the request again, Di Yu nodded: "No problem."

This is equivalent to handing her life to her hand. If she is malicious, she can easily erase his ingenuity.

However, the answer to the pursuit of many years is in front of you, Di Yu is willing to take all risks.

"Predecessors should close their eyes and conceal their mystery and consciousness."

Di Yu said.

Lu Mingshu took his hand, and if the power of the wood passed, he would soon be assimilated into a part of Ruomu, and then forcefully pull it -

"Predecessors can blink."

Di Yu opened his eyes and saw a towering tree.

"this is……"

Lu Mingshu called out the wooden wheel and opened the redemption item one by one.

Di Yu repeatedly praised: "The world is connected, wonderful!"

Immediately, a flower was sent out by Lu Mingshu.

He was about to talk, but he saw Lu Mingshu still closing his eyes and not coming out.

At this time, in the skylight, Xiaosang’s cold voice sounded: “You should not do this.”

Lu Mingshu said faintly: "I thought that the sky wheel has nothing to see."

Xiao Sang’s unaffected voice is a rare anger: “If you do this, it will destroy the rules of the skywheel. Do you want to be the target of others’ hunting to **** the skywheel?”

Lu Mingshu smiled, but asked an irrelevant question: "If wood, mulberry, empty sang... Your name is really similar! In fact, you have the same mother tree, right?"

Xiao Sang is silent.

"Xiao Sang, can I see you really look like?"

Still silent.

Lu Mingshu gently said: "When you are now, why should you cover it? In the past two years, if Ruomu transformed my body, now I am barely able to count with you, right?"

Xiao Sang’s tone is loose: “You are still human.”

"Yes, I am a human. But my current breath is infinitely close to Ruomu, and it is not much different from you." Lu Mingshu said, "What's more, I already know that there are hunters, I am about to invest in the same business. Everything here will be abandoned by me, so what will I do when I am willful?"

Xiao Sangdao: "The mysterious woman did not force you to take this road."

Lu Mingshu still smiled and said: "I am the one who hates passive acceptance of fate. I don't take this road. Do you wait for those who kill the mysterious woman to find the door?"

Xiao Sang did not speak.

Lu Mingshu did not force her: "Okay! I did not ask you to do more. I am only willful this time, and I will not be embarrassed in the future."

After a while, Xiao Sang’s voice sounded: “You don’t have to follow me. If you do, it’s your ability.”

"Yeah." Lu Mingshu gently responded and said, "Then I will go out first."

Her figure disappeared and the skywheel became empty again.

For a long time, a woman’s illusion slowly emerged.


Di Yu looked at Lu Mingshu and opened her eyes and asked her: "You haven't been countered?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head.

"This thing..."

He did not ask for an exit, Lu Mingshu sent the mirror of his talent back to his hand and said: "Di seniors, I can't say much about this matter. At present, there is only this. I am afraid to go to Kyushu one time. trip."

Di Yu, I always feel that something is wrong.

Lu Mingshu has stood up: "Don't go over."

Di Yu looked at her back and slowly disappeared at the end of the mountain road. For a long time, she shook her head. This child, come to him to have something to say, but like this, it is like talking half way. It’s really weird. Is there anything wrong with the other half?


Lu Mingshu slowly walked back.

She did not expect that things would become like this.

In the two years of sleep, she completely absorbed Ruomu, thus triggering the memory of the mysterious woman sealed in the mysterious woman's secret.

It turned out that her previous guess was correct in some respects.

Some people in this world are aiming at hunting the owner of the skywheel.

The mysterious woman died in their hands.

The strange thing is that these people do not **** the skywheel, they seem to be just destroying.

Xiao Sang here, she can not get the answer, the mysterious woman knows not well.

No one knows where these people come from and what they want to do.

She also looked for a visitor, but unfortunately there is no clue.

On the other side of the child, she sent a message to her, and he also entered the hole. Therefore, she plans to find a scorpion, and cooperate again.

Knowing the cause of the death of the mysterious woman, Lu Mingshu is not sure that he can escape hunting.

The mysterious woman is so strong that she dies from the hands of the hunters. She may not be better than the mysterious woman.

If this is the case, she is most worried that Xie Xing is sinking.

Master, Jiu Yao Palace, no, she can still survive. But Xie Xing Shen...

He doesn't have a skywheel in his hand, and there are few accompanying characters. It is not easy to die with his life.

And in order to avoid hunting, she is very likely to come to the community in the future, not staying in one place.

In this case, does their relationship still make sense?

"Coinc, I have met again!" Zhou Ruying's voice sounded.

Lu Mingshu saw that she was hanging on the tree in front, and she was full of worries, and she was made to laugh and cry.

"You really are a negative man? I am chasing it."

Zhou Ruying turned over and came down from the tree: "Lu Mingshu, I told you. Do you know, you are a little hated?"

She raised her eyebrows: "Well?"

"You always underestimate how important you are to others." Zhou Ruying said very seriously. "I don't even send a letter to me. Do you think that you are dead, and it doesn't matter to me?"

Lu Mingshu also seriously thought: "In fact, this time, we only met for the third time, right?"


"In a few decades, I saw a few faces. Do you think that, in normal terms, are we friends?"


"However, you are right." She apologized sincerely. "I still owe you a sorry."