MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 83 Coquettish mother

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Here comes He.

Mother Wu was very surprised.

Because of the particularity of Gu Yuanyuan and Qianxian, they didn't tell many relatives, even Zhu Meiyi, who knew the real situation, and Wu mother asked her not to talk too much.

A few relatives only knew that Gu Weixun's biological parents were found.

He Yuwen didn't want to be able to lift it at the Wu family in the future. As soon as He Mu entered the house, she made an excuse to pull He Mu to the bedroom.

The atmosphere in the living room was a little awkward. Mommy ’s lips moved. Gu Yuanyuan smiled and broke the embarrassment: "Sister Wu, how do you wrap this type of dumplings?"

Mother Wu gave a demonstration to Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Weixun and Qianxian came out of the bathroom. Wu Weijun and Wu Dad were busy in the kitchen. Wu Weijun didn't know who He was. Until He Yuwen and He came out of the bedroom, he was surprised. coming?"

Her mother's face froze and she returned to normal immediately. She said, "I happened to pass by here. Last time, Yuwen went home and dropped a bag, and I will send it to you without disturbing your family."

Wu Weijun scratched his head. He did not wait for him to talk, and turned his eyes to Gu Yuanyuan: "Oh, this is Yi Sheng's biological mother, really young. I do n’t know, I thought you were Yi Sheng's sister. "

"How is this maintained? It is really enviable."

What He Yuwen explained to his mother was that Gu Weixun's biological parents became younger by accident.

However, one thing He Mu knew very well was that Gu Yuanyuan and Qian Xian did not need to be raised in ancient times, so she was relieved.

Just looking at Gu Yuanyuan's young and beautiful face, obviously his peers, comparing himself ... Isn't this quite a repeat.

Why can't such a good thing turn her?

Which woman doesn't want to be young and beautiful? !!

At first glance, He Mu's words were nothing, but the listeners were very uncomfortable. He Yuwen's face was not good-looking, and said, "Mom, aren't you going to the Nanhe Market? The market is closed late, and I will send you there."

"I'm not in a hurry." He mother didn't want to leave. She heard He Yuwen said that when Gu Yuanyuan came, she brought a gift. She wanted to know what the gift was.

Stay there before you have a chance to open.

He mother enthusiastically pulled Gu Yuanyuan's hand. The next second, she screamed in pain, and shook her hand back.

"What's wrong? Mom?" He Yuwen was startled.

He mother pained: "Who threw something to hit me!"

There were just a few of them here, all of them were their own families. Who would throw things and hit her?

"Is it a cramp?" He Yuwen didn't dare to watch the crowd respond, and lowered his voice. "There is nothing at all."

"Why not." He mother covered her sore hand, "Look ..."

The sound stopped, and she did not even have a red mark on the back of her hand when she let go of her hand.

The atmosphere was weird again, and Dad Wu came out with the fish in his mouth.

"Sister-in-law, sit down and eat."

He mother glared at her hand and couldn't figure out what was happening for a while. Was it really her illusion?

She gritted her teeth, and just wanted to promise Wu Dad, He Yuwen squeezed her arm heavily, smiled at the Wu family and pulled Her mother out of the door quickly.

"What do you rush me to do ?!" Mother He was so angry, "Your men and parents didn't say anything. I am your mother and my in-laws. How can you drop a meal while sitting down! I found that you are now grown up, The wings are stiff, not even my mother.

"Who am I for, not for you?"

"Okay, let's go. You quickly go back and unpack the gift to see what it is. Didn't you say that the big star is also her son? It means she is rich, do n’t just send something casually Passed you off, nothing so good! "


He Yuwen returned in a heavy heart, and found that everyone was talking and smiling, and she was beckoned by the ancient Yuan and Yuan dynasties: "Yuwen is coming soon."

She breathed a sigh of relief, trot over, and wanted to say something. Seeing everyone didn't mention any mother, she had to press her mind.

At the dinner table, Gu Weixun mentioned a thousand leisurely martial arts. Wu Dad became interested. After eating, Wu Weijun and He Yuwen said they were working overtime and left.

Father Wu made a gesture of Taijiquan, which he studied, and said, "Little brother, what do you think of my boxing?"

Qianxian ate the crispy fried meat that was specially given to him by Wu's mother, tangled, and subconsciously looked at the ancient Yuan Yuan, meaning: tell the truth or tell the truth?

Gu Yuanyuan blinked: half true and half false.

Qianxian would be wrong. He shook his head at Dad Wu and spit out two words firmly: "No."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Dad Wu stunned, and humbly asked for advice: "Why not?"

"Nowhere." Qian Xian put down the crispy meat in his hand and stood up. "The punch you punched is soft and weak. Tai Chi is talking about Rou Kegang, which does not mean that it is soft. You can only count as a fist like this Take a fist and embroider your legs. "

"The real Taijiquan is like this."

The words fell away and Qianxian's breath changed.

The eyes of everyone in the living room were drawn to the past.

He punched out the Taijiquan set that Dad Wu had just hit. There was no wind in the room, but the clothes of Dad Wu who was near him did not move automatically. The middle-aged man over half a century stared like a copper bell. Then the excited body shook.

Qian Xian closed his eyes, ignoring the residual oil residue on his hands and mouth, in the middle of the living room, he seemed to blend into the surrounding air.

Finally, his leg straddled the ground, his palms pushed forward, a silent air flow surging, and the coffee table sofa moved back a distance of one meter.

"This is Tai Chi." He opened his eyes and said to Dadu Wu who was stagnant.

"Bang!" The fruit plate in Mother Wu's hand fell to the ground.

In order to shock Dad Wu and Dad Wu, Qianxian decided to teach Dad Wu to practice real Taijiquan. When Dad Wu heard it, he was as excited as a child: "Will you practice and push the table twice like you do?" "

Qianxian is not so honest now, and nodded: "As long as you work hard."

So Dad Wu was very enthusiastic and worshiped Qianxian as a teacher.

Qianxian was serious in teaching, and Father Wu had a good time learning. Qianxian also secretly sued Dad Wu: "Xiaobao always bullies me, what should I do?"

Gu Yuanyuan didn't help her, that's OK, he found a helper.

As soon as Dad Wu heard that, what would he do? He found Gu Weixun, and learned his lesson.

Gu Weixun: "..."

Gu Weixun can not listen to others, but he must listen to the words of Dad Wu and Dad Wu.

Qianxian was finally in the hands of Gu Weixun and lived a life of not being "bullyed".

Although the children did not want Qianxian to stick to Gu Yuanyuan, they were so busy at work that they could not accompany her all the time. With Qianxian free, she could relieve the boredom and opened her eyes and closed her eyes.

Every day, Gu Yuanyuan faced the question of where to live for the smashed children. For the sake of fairness, she temporarily lived in Lin Shaosi's vacant villa, so that the children could go to work with peace of mind.

Regarding her and schooling after a thousand free years, the problem of going to school has been solved, so she went to the third middle school where Gu Weixun was located. Gu Yuanyuan thought about it and decided to rent the house in the neighborhood of Gu Weixun.

Near the school, and next to Xiaobao, rent a bigger one, the other three can also come.

No matter how the children persuaded her, her idea was settled. In the end, Jiang Yan retreated and bought the house that Gu Yuanyuan was optimistic about.

He gave it to the people below, and he was not allowed to interfere with the three younger brothers.

The size of a three-room suite was too small, and Lin Shaosi said he had no place to live in the video phone. Then he had a clever idea and bought the suite next to him. At the same time, he opened two suites.

In this way, the total area is more than three hundred square meters and six rooms.

Jiang Yan and Lin Shaosi gave money for the house, and Gu Yizhou and Gu Weixun gave money for the furniture.

Taking into account that Gu Weixun has little savings, 80% of the furniture is covered by Gu Yizhou.

Gu Weixun bought six beds.

It will take some time for the house to be renovated and reorganized. It happened that Lin Shaosi ’s film crew went back to Beijing and Gu Yuanyuan went to the airport to pick him up.

Lin Shaosi's final play dragged on for a few days. It should have been within ten days, half a month.

I can't feel it in the video. When I saw the real talents, Lin Shaoji had lost some weight in the past half month.

Fans have already got a trip, they will squat at the airport in advance, almost crowded, not only these fans include Lin Shaosi, but also Shu Ran.

The two waves of fans got together, and the number was amazing.

After Shu Ran's killing, his company arranged for him to be in the city of X. The event ended. He collided with Qian Xian's time to return to Beijing, and the two returned together.

Gu Yuanyuan and Qian Xian hide in the crowd, pretending to be fans, watching the two men who are difficult to move out under the **** of security guards.

Lin Shaosi has been used to this occasion, while smiling at the fans and begging them to avoid crowding, so as not to get hurt, he looked around and looked for the figure of Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan sent him a message saying that it was the airport.

But there are too many people, and Gu Yuanyuan cannot be found in the crowd with both eyes.

Some fans noticed that he was looking around and asked aloud, "Si Si, what are you looking for?"

Lin Shaosi blurted out: "My mom."

Fan: "..."

As he said, a large number of fans came to his side, Lin Shaosi was keen to hear, and heard Shu Ran, who was also surrounded by fans, said in a loud voice: "Behind is Lin Shaosi, you go to him, he is today I'm in a very good mood. You can ask him for his signature. "

As soon as the fans of the wall grass heard it, I ran over, and as soon as Shu Ran was few people, he started running towards the exit.

Lin Shaoji: "..."

After getting out of the airport, I took the car that I picked up and took a few laps to throw away the fans who were behind me. Lin Shaoji asked the driver to stop at the side of the road and send the positioning to Gu Yuanyuan, waiting for her to find her.

After more than ten minutes, there was no figure, Lin Shaosi couldn't hold back and called Gu Yuanyuan.

It only sounded for a long time.

"Where are you? Why can't you?"

Gu Yuanyuan panted and turned dizzy: "I don't know ..."

Then, Lin Shaosi heard a familiar owing voice: "Secretary, come and pick us up, Xiao Yuanyuan and I are about to break our legs !!!"

It's Shu Ran.

It turned out that Shu Ran's car didn't arrive. Shu Ran, who ran out of the exit, was dumbfounded. The fans chased after him. He recalled the painful experience of being chased by the fans to the public toilet last time. taxi.


The fans are getting closer.

Gu Yuanyuan and Qian Xian waited outside. Just when they met, Gu Yuanyuan asked Qian Xian to grab Shu Ran's hat and coat, disguised as Shu Ran, and sucked away fans who did not see this scene behind.

Gu Yuanyuan and Shu Ran ran to the other side. When Gu Yuanyuan ran, she realized that she was wrong. What did she follow?

She just needs to stand quietly by the side and let Shu Ran get rid of her fans?

But her and Shu Ran's running made the followers even more screaming. Among this group of people, in addition to the fans, there were also shooters and paparazzi.

Gu Yuanyuan couldn't stop even if he wanted to stop, so he had to run hard with Shu Ran.

In the end, seeing her was too slow, and Shu Ran almost half-pulled and half-embraced to run with her. This pass ran down, Ye Wenwen almost killed half of his life, but fortunately, people finally threw away.

She and Shu Ran did not know which street they went to, they are now in an alley.

Shu Ran finished the situation and issued a positioning. He did not wait for Lin Shaosi to scold and immediately hung up the phone. The first sentence he said to Gu Yuanyuan was: "Xiao Yuanyuan, long time no see, running speed is OK. "

"Call her aunt." Gu Yuanyuan rolled his eyes and felt that his heart was almost jumping out.

Shu Ran said with a smile: "You believe it or not, within an hour, we have to be hot search."

He looked in silence at the young girl who was flushed to help him.

He knew that the biggest reason she helped him was Lin Shaoji. He and Lin Shaosi were close friends, and she took care of him as a junior.

"It's okay, nothing happened, you're the little godmother." Shu Ran finished, smiled, and returned to normal.

Lin Shaosi came very quickly. He came here in ten minutes. The three men converged.

Gu Yuanyuan called Qianxian, but he didn't answer. He called several times in a row, and finally answered, but there was a stranger at the end of the phone.

"I picked up the phone on the ground. You are the owner of the phone? I'm ..." He reported a place and said he would wait there and return the phone.

It was a young man who found Qianxian's cell phone. Lin Shaosi and Shu Ran stayed in the car without moving.

The young man said that he saw the phone fall from a teenager, and there were still many people chasing him.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Mostly Qian Qian was in the process of running, his cell phone popped out of his pocket, and he didn't notice it.

I paid a little money to the young people, but Gu Yuanyuan was worried.

After thinking about it, she said, "Go to the main entrance. He can't find us. He should go to the original place and wait."

Just then, there was an argument—

"... people crashed and flew out more than ten meters away. I could see it really, but the one who was hit fell on the ground and stood up for a while."

"Really fake? Impossible, you can get up after a collision, Iron Man?"

"I saw it too, and got up and kept running."

"Being able to run means that you didn't hit or hurt badly."

"Are the drivers scared silly? Okay, the people who were hit run away by themselves."

Gu Yuanyuan and Lin Shaosi looked at each other, their faces changed.

Shu Ran: "?"

"What?" Shu Ran frowned. "Will they be talking about Qianxian?"

Gu Yuanyuan quickly said, "He should be nearby. You two should stay in the car, don't get down, lest they be recognized again, I'll go to him."

It was still safe to be hit by a car for more than ten meters, and it sounded like nothing to listen to.

His cell phone was now in her hand, and his position could not be determined.

The phone suddenly rang, the call was a strange number, and Gu Yuanyuan moved in his heart. Press the answer key—

"Yuan Yuan."

Sure enough, Qianxian.

Fortunately, knowing that she had called her by cell phone, Gu Yuanyuan was relieved: "Where are you?"

"Yuan Yuan."

"Good, ask the person who borrowed your phone, and tell me where I am. I'll come and pick you up."

"Yuan Yuan."

Gu Yuanyuan frowned, feeling wrong: "Qian Qian?"

Qianxian's voice was very husky. After a while, he said the specific position.

The airport's route was a bit complicated, and it took Gu Yuanyuan more than ten minutes to find Qianxian—a small outdoor parking lot, sitting behind a flower bed.

She made a position with Lin Shaoji: "I've found it, come here."

Qian Ran's Shuran clothes were covered with a large amount of dust, the hat was no longer there, and there were scratches on the left face, and there was a slight bloodshot.

Gu Yuanyuan walked over, and after seeing the situation clearly, his heart leaped wildly. He squatted and asked, "Did you get hit by a car? Was there any injuries? Where is it uncomfortable? ... Don't stare at me and answer me."

Qianxian shook her head, saying she was okay, and passed her cell phone to her: "I grabbed it."

He pointed to a white car behind her, Gu Yuanyuan looked back, the window glass slipped, and the driver in the driver's seat lay on the steering wheel.

"He refused to lend it to me, so I stunned him."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

"Not an example."

She returned the phone to the driver.

"Really okay?" Gu Yuanyuan frowned, and she got closer to look at the injuries on Qian Xian's face, but found Qian Qian's head receding and avoiding.

If it had been before, Qianxian would have liked her to be so close.

Qian Xian frowned, glanced at Gu Yuanyuan, and that glance was strange.

A few days ago, Yuan Yuanyuan took Qianxian to make a hairstyle, cut the long hair short, and then dyed it into a light creamy yellow color, which made his delicate features more beautiful and three-dimensional.

When he was behind Gu Yuanyuan, he was like a sticky little puppies.

And now, Qian Xian's aura, with his eyes, seems to have undergone some changes.

There was a faint idea about to break out of the water.

"Yuan Yuan." Qian Xian suddenly covered his head, his voice was unable to hide his pain, "I have a sore head."

Gu Yuanyuan grabbed him, patted him on the back, and the voice was soft. She knew that Qianxian couldn't think too much about things. Once he was confined to think deeply, his head would have severe pain.

"Whatever you are thinking about now, stop! Have you forgotten, we will come to the airport today to pick up Sambo and Samba will be there."

Qianxian hugged Gu Yuanyuan's waist tightly, and put her forehead on her shoulder: "Yuan Yuan."

For a while, his emotions gradually calmed down, and Gu Yuanyuan's tight body relaxed.

Qianxian had headaches before, but not as strong as today.

"Well, don't want to, it's okay." She put her hand on his furry head, but the wetness in her hands shocked her.

Gu Yuanyuan raised his hand, his eyes were dazzling red.


"Yuan Yuan." Qian Xian's head arched around her neck.

Gu Yuanyuan's heart almost jumped out of his throat and hugged Qianxian's head in a hurry: "Don't shake it !!!"

Qian Xian closed his eyes and looked pale.

"Why would you rather believe in Lishan than in me." His voice was very light. "I said that Lishan is not trustworthy."


Ancient Yuan Yuan lived.

"Mom!" Lin Shaosi and Shu Ran ran over.

Lin Shaoji's eyes fell to the top of Qianxian's bleeding head, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Shaosi's voice was calm. "We will take Qianxian to the hospital immediately."

The author has something to say: The second child is a single child, 胎 米 ~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me overlord or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-1223: 59: 24 ~ 2019-11-1323: 57: 14 ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Ningxi Night; 10 bottles of jellyfish, pl, and purple; 5 bottles of red beans; 1 bottle of ziqin and ghost lamp;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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