MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 76 Coquettish mother

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The person who appeared appeared lying on the ground, his hair was shoulder-length, and his clothes were very strange. He could not see the specific style, and it was hung in tatters. At first glance, he looked like a beggar.

For a long while, people were motionless.

"Crossing?" Gu Weixun's voice interrupted the strange silence. He looked at Gu Yuanyuan, who nodded slowly and solemnly.

Gu Weixun's eyes looked a little unreal.

Gu Yizhou took a step forward, turned the person over alertly, and when he saw the other's face clearly, he turned back to the ancient Yuan Yuan who looked here and said, "It's Qianxian."

Only Qian Qian, who has suddenly disappeared, will emerge in this way when the time is almost three months.

Gu Weixun asked, "Do you know each other?"

Gu Yizhou glanced at him silently.

Gu Weixun turned to look at Gu Yuanyuan. She avoided his gaze and looked at Gu Yizhou, who shook her head slightly at her, motioning not to tell Gu Weixun's true identity about Qianxian for the time being.

Gu Yuanyuan had to go back to Gu Weixun: "I know, my friend."

Gu Weixun looked at Qianxian on the ground, and looked at Qianxian's mid-air, where it had already been restored, and could not see any difference.

Qian Qian suddenly appeared and interrupted the previous conversation. The three people's attentions were all focused on him, especially Gu Weixun. If it was not calm and restrained, he would have stepped forward to look at it.

Lafayette seemed to know that an uninvited guest had come from his home, his whole body exploded, his tail erected high, and stared at Qianxian in the corner.

"He has injuries." Gu Yizhou glanced, frowned, and hugged Qianxian to the sofa, opened the tattered strip around his waist, and Gu Yuanyuan took a breath.

Qianxian's skin is very white, which makes the wound on the waist even more stingy. The wound is at least ten centimeters long and deep. Some residues of residue are stuck on it. After rubbing, the residue has fallen to seven or seven Eight.

Gu Yizhou pinched some medicine residues. He was a surgeon and had no knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but intuitively, he could conclude that these medicine residues were used to stop bleeding.

Qian Xian's face was white, and his breathing was a little short. Gu Yuanyuan touched his forehead and became hot.

Gu Yuanyuan withdrew her hands and said solemnly, "Go to the hospital right away."

"It's hard to explain the injury to the hospital. I have first-aid supplies in the car. I need to boil some boiling water and I will sew for him." Gu Yizhou finished and hurried out.

"Little treasure." Gu Yuanyuan was trying to ask Gu Weixun where the kitchen was, and the latter had stood up. Gu Yuanyuan looked at the unconscious Qianxian and followed Gu Weixun to the kitchen.

Gu Weixun took a pot of water, turned on the gas, and suddenly asked: "You guys who called Qianxian in the living room suddenly appeared, and it was no surprise, that is to say you knew he would pass through. You, can you? Just go through? "

"No, I'm different from Qian Xian." Gu Yuanyuan said dryly, the difference between her and Qian Xian is: one is the soul wear, the other is the wear.

She couldn't remember how many worlds she had worn before, and every place she wore was a new identity, and Qianxian only had his own identity, wherever he went.

Gu Wei looked at her for a long while, "Nothing?"

Gu Yuanyuan: "... It's gone."

"..." Gu Weixun stopped talking.

Gu Yizhou came back quickly. He was carrying a medicine box, which contained some of his standing medical equipment, and even anesthetic. Gu Yuanyuan didn't understand these, and Gu did not look around and said nothing.

When Gu Yizhou was treating Qian Xian's wounds, Gu Yuanyuan and Gu Weixun looked around.

This was the first time that Gu Yuanyuan saw Gu Yizhou's "work". When he sutured the wound, it seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him. The fingers holding the needle had no unnecessary movements and were fast and accurate.

Looking at his movements as if embroidering.

The whole wound was treated with sutures, and it only took more than ten minutes.

Gu Weixun had no cleanliness and Gu Yizhou had it. After treating the wound well, he looked at Qian Xian's dirty appearance, and couldn't bear it for a moment.

"Get him a clean suit." Gu Yizhou said, "Where is the bathroom?"

Gu Weixun knew this was what he was telling him. He pointed the direction of the bathroom, and then found his own pajamas.

"Mom, you go back to the room to stay." Gu Yizhou pushed Gu Yuanyuan back to the bedroom. Gu Weixun watched Gu Yizhou hit the basin, stripped Qianxian's clothes, tightened his eyebrows, and barely cleaned his body , And then put on pajamas.

He saw the disbelief in Gu Yizhou's eyes, but the movement in his hand was very gentle, avoiding the wound.

"You don't like him, but you worry about him. What's his relationship with her?"

Gu Weixun carefully examined Qianxian. After wiping his face clean, he looked very young, like Gu Yuanyuan, like a minor.

"The current boyfriend?"

Gu Yizhou: "..."

Gu Yizhou asked without answering, "Do you believe it now?"

Gu Weixun pursed his lips. A living man emerged from the air alive, and he was not stupid.

Gu Yizhou glanced at the closed bedroom, his voice was lowered: "Yi Sheng, crossing the word does sound beyond our cognition, but it is the case, and this kind of things can not be controlled. From beginning to end, Mom didn't abandon us. We blame her. "

"To blame, you can only blame the impermanence of fate, or to let our family be separated." After a pause, he continued, "She has always missed you, and we have been looking for you, so don't blame her."

Gu Weixun still maintained his previous expression and focused on Qian Xian again: "Who is he?"

Gu Yizhou actually wanted Gu Weixun to first digest the situation of acknowledging the ancient Yuan and Yuan, and then slowly informed him, but after looking at the ancients, he thought for two seconds and decided to tell him everything.

"After scientific identification, Qianxian is our biological father in parent-child relationship."

Gu Weixun: "..."

Gu Yizhou: "You didn't hear me wrong, and I wasn't kidding. The paternity test is still with me. If you want to see it, you can take the time to see it."

Gu Weixun: "..."

Gu Yizhou: "As for why Qianxian was our biological father, he lost all his memory, he could n’t remember the past, and his mother's memory was impaired, and he didn't know. So, why did we never meet when we were kids I haven't known for a long time. "

Gu Weixun: "..............."

"But based on Qianxian's crossing, I can probably guess what is going on."

Before Qianxian left, in addition to Gu Yuanyuan's inner guess that Qianxian was another time and space, all three children thought that Qianxian, like Gu Yuanyuan, traveled from time to time to the future, like Gu Yuanyuan.

Until Qian Xian suddenly disappeared, the three of them had their own ideas, and they discussed in the group who Qian Qian was and where they came from. In the end, they did not discuss a result.

Now Qian Qian reappears in such a gesture, it can be proved that his disappearance before is not to return to more than 20 years ago, to look dressed, it is more like ancient times.

He has reason to suspect that Qianxian has the strange ability to cross, but this ability is uncontrollable, so that they never met their dad as a child.

After Gu Yizhou said it, after thinking about it and confirming that there were no omissions, Fang said, "Probably that."

After a full few minutes, Gu Weixun reacted. He took up the cup on the coffee table. The water in it was cold. He drank it in one drink, and the cold temperature was very good to put out the restlessness in his heart.

"Today is really a memorable day." After drinking the water, he said such an unknown sentence.

At this time, Gu Weixun's cell phone rang and he was called by a student's parents: "Old teacher, sorry, I disturbed you so late, may I have time now? I have something ..."

Gu Weixun interrupted her: "Are you Guo Ziming's parents?"


"Give me the address, and I'll come and talk to him about him."

"Ah?" The parents were surprised, then surprised, and lamented that the teacher was too responsible and kept coming to the address.

Hanging up the phone, Gu Weixun said, "I'm going to visit home, you are free."

Just leaving, the bedroom door opened, and Gu Yuanyuan ran out: "Little treasure, I'll go with you."

Gu Yuanyuan knew that Erbao was going to change clothes for Qianxian, so he stayed in the room obediently and put his ears on the door. He wanted to hear what the two children were talking about.

She didn't want the sound insulation effect of this door to be very good. She could only hear the fuzzy voice, but couldn't hear the complete words, so she gave up.

Until the time was counted, he opened the door and saw Gu Weixun going out, thinking that Gu Weixun wanted to run away from home.

She thought, she didn't squeak, and stayed beside Xiaobao silently, just wait for him to get angry.

Gu did not look for thoughts, it seems to be measuring.

He just wanted to go out and be quiet, but Gu Yuanyuan proposed to be with him, and it is undeniable that he was a little emotional.

When he weighed it, Gu Yizhou's cell phone also rang. It was called by the director of the department: "Yi Zhou, come to the hospital right away. A patient has just turned over and needs immediate surgery. Lao Zhang Li He is on the stage. Others Can't do this, only you! "

Gu Yizhou looked serious: "I'm not at home, how long can the patient sustain?"

"One hour."


He stood up and said, "There is an emergency operation at the hospital, and I must rush over."

Gu Weixun paused for two seconds and did not call the parents of the students to release the pigeons.

So a home visit, a surgery, the two children smashed away together, and suddenly only Gu Yuanyuan and Lafayette were left in the room, as well as the unconscious boy on the sofa.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

She poked at his bloodless face, if not to look at him, she would follow Gu Weixun.

Looking around, I saw my bag, remembered the phone, slowly took out the phone, and found that it was actually flight mode.

When did she turn on flight mode?

After a moment's thinking, you know that it was from the hands of the ancients-Xiaobao must have contacted Erbao with her mobile phone.

Gu Yuanyuan thought about it, and felt that some things were not good to say in person, and he had to send a message to speak better, so he opened the head of Gu Weixun, just typed, but the phone shocked, Gu Weixun sent a message: [I did n’t Angry at you. 】

This sentence is more useful than anything, Gu Yuanyuan feels comfortable: Xiaobao is so sweet!

When she was excited to reply, the news suddenly disappeared, and Gu Weixun cancelled it.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Then, then it was gone.

Gu Yuanyuan didn't wait for Gu Weixun to send a message for a long time. She held her mobile phone and screamed in her heart: No such thing!

She poked at the screen angrily, looking at the frame, as if to pierce the screen, but the message sent out was terrifying: [Xiao Bao, are you still angry with me? 】

At the end, I sent a little rabbit with a pitiful expression on his ears.

Gu Weixun: [. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

what does this mean.

She tentatively sent a puzzled look.

Gu Weixun: [. . 】

Gu Yuanyuan knelt down. She couldn't guess the meaning of Gu Weihun at all. Is there really a generation gap between her and her?

Gu Yuanyuan racked his brains, and finally had to say: [Do not play with a mobile phone while driving, pay attention to safety, I will wait for you at home to return. 】

This time Gu Weixun didn't issue a period, so he didn't return.

Gu Yuanyuan had to look at the phone dumbly, and for a while, sent a message to Erbao, the content was similar, but still did not get a reply.

When she was sending a message, she was sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa, so when the person behind her slowly opened her eyes, she didn't notice it.


She noticed that there seemed to be a shadow in front of her, she nodded, and turned back sharply, facing Qianxian who had sat up from the sofa.

"Are you awake?" Gu Yuanyuan rejoiced. "You have an injury, don't move around, lie down!"

Qian Xian stared straight at her, not moving or saying a word.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

"Qian Xian, don't you ... know me?" She had a bad hunch.

For a long while, Qianxian nodded, then his eyes slowly turned red, and began to tears.

Gu Yuanyuan is stupid.

The author has something to say: I was finally born, good night ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: ccc 呦 2; Weixi, jiaaaaa, dream in dream, He An, Qing 鹂, cover up sadness with a smile ㄣ 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

There are 83 bottles of apple trees not blooming; 28 bottles of rain just now; 10 bottles of my wife, green bamboo, chestnuts, and lone light bulbs; 7 bottles of Chu Zijing; 5 bottles of Jiajia and Jiuzaier cat; 3 bottles of ammy; Two bottles of Weilong and Yilong; one bottle of Yipan and one ccc;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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