MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 40 Coquettish mother

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Pi Kunxing is a thief. He usually steals everything. He enters the game many times and does not change after it is released. He is determined to make a living by stealing.

But he failed for two days. The luck of these two days was really bad. The last money in his pocket was lost just now. He didn't want to steal something, and today's dinner was not settled.

He was swaying casually, and a pair of thieves eyed the crowd around, who could steal, which was stealing, and which could be stolen, and he could see at a glance.

Looking at it, he noticed two teenage girls.

It doesn't work if you don't want to pay attention, the two half-old children pull the wind and pulley, one of them is carrying one, and now the young one is young.

I don't know why, I intuitively told him that these two young and young oil and water are probably enough.

He pretended not to shake easily, and heard the little girl asking the charging cable to charge the mobile phone, and looked at her mobile phone, yo: sure enough oil and water.

If he stole the phone, he could sell it for at least 10,000 yuan.

Pi Kunxing's small eyes suddenly lighted up, he took the initiative to speak: "Little sister, your mobile phone is expensive, most people do not have such a charger, but the mobile phone store sells it, if you are in a hurry to charge, just buy one . "

As soon as Gu Yuanyuan heard it, he turned back: "Do you know where there is a mobile phone shop?"

"Of course I know." Pi Kunxing smiled, "I'm fine anyway, I'll take you there."

"Thank you Uncle."

Picunxing's mouth twitched: he was less than thirty, didn't he have less hair? Why did you become an uncle? !!

The reason why Pi Kunxing dared to think about the two young men was more confidence. He used to hang around with a big brother. The big brother would do some tricks and taught him a few tricks.

These tricks made it easy for him to fight alone for three or four adults.

Two little young men who are not deep in life are even better off. As soon as he thought he could make 10,000, Pi Kunxing was excited and wanted to hum.

Ten minutes later, Pi Kunxing led his two young, swollen and swollen faces to a mobile phone store.

Qian Qian drew Pi Kunxing, let him crouch down on the ground, and Gu Yuanyuan entered the shop.

At last, Gu Yuanyuan found Lin Shaosi's missed call and several WeChat messages, and immediately called Lin Shaosi.

At this moment, Lin Shaosi learned from Jiang Yan that Lu Wenchen had entered Lu's hotel.

He drove directly and shot at the Lujia Hotel.

When I received a call from Gu Yuanyuan, when he heard the familiar voice from Gu Yuanyuan in the receiver, Lin Shaosi was silent for a few seconds, and his voice was a little dumb: "Where are you now?"

Gu Yuanyuan's voice jumped over, "Xiao Si, I'll be back in a while ..."

Lin Shaoji interrupted her: "Report the position! Send the position! Immediately!"

Gu Yuanyuan obediently posted.

"I'm hungry." Qianxian walked in.

Gu Yuanyuan had to buy a charging treasure, and went out to see Pi Kunxing, who was crouching down. Like this kind of habitual thief, he left it to the police uncle to deal with it, so she called the police.

When she heard the alarm, Pi Kunxing's face changed drastically. Regardless of the severe pain from her hand, Teng jumped up and ran out.

He was arrested by the police and he would not be able to come out until a few months later.

Knowing that there was a lot of food to eat right away, he was excited for a moment, caught Picunxing, and said, "If you run away, I will break your neck."

Pi Kunxing was frightened and didn't dare to move any more. He just looked at Gu Yuanyuan with a weeping face, and the latter was unmoved.

There is a dumpling shop opposite the mobile phone shop. Gu Yuanyuan took Qianxian in, ordered ten dishes, and asked Qianxian: "Enough?"

Qianxian narrowed her eyes happily: "It should be enough."

Gu Yuanyuan: "... not enough."

Police in the area came quickly, and Pi Kunxing was taken away.

When the police led people, they opened the law enforcement recorder. The law enforcement recorder was originally aimed at Qianxian, but who made the police also a young boy, the camera couldn't help but drift to Gu Yuanyuan.

"This guy is a recidivist. He has escaped from prison several times. He can't catch him without slipping. It's great that you can catch him." The police did not hesitate to praise him.

The boasted police took Pi Kunxing away, and the video on the law enforcement recorder was handed over.

The internal system of the public security is shared, it is only divided into regions.

Soon after, by chance, the armed police officer saw this video and recognized that Gu Yuanyuan was the girl she had seen in the hospital last time, and she looked a bit like her brother.

I don't know what kind of psychology, the police officer quietly took a picture of the girl and thought to himself: Maybe I can show it to Yisheng.

Lin Shaoshi followed Gu Yuanyuan's positioning and arrived half an hour later, across the glass, and saw her sitting in a dumpling shop. She was opposite a man with her back to him and could not see her face.

From his sight, it was found that the man actually grasped Gu Yuanyuan's hand, and Gu Yuanyuan frowned, apparently very uncomfortable.

Lin Shaosi calmly unfastened the seat belt, calmly opened the door, and then calmly walked over.

He was wearing a long trench coat without any camouflage. A big stop sign was placed outside a shoe store not far away. The person above was Lin Shaosi-that was a brand of running shoes that he endorsed.

Naturally, this kind of shoe store sells not authentic products, but it is a common appealing method to put star posters outside the store.

Someone in the crowd came to see:

"The man looks familiar."

"Have you seen it before?"

"I've definitely seen it, there is a print, but I can't remember where I've seen it."

"The legs are so long, they look so handsome."

"... Do you think he looks like Lin Shaosi?"


Lin Shaosi opened the dumpling shop. At this point, there are not many people in the dumpling shop. In addition to Gu Yuanyuan and Qianxian, there is also a couple sitting at another table.

Seeing Lin Shaosi's Gu Yuanyuan immediately got up and found that Sambo didn't do anything to disguise her. She subconsciously went to see the couple at the table. Sure enough, they both hesitated, and then screamed, "God, Lin Shaosi! "

Girls take pictures when they take out their mobile phones.

"Don't eat it," said Qian Xian, an ancient Yuan and Yuan dynasty. "Go ..."

Before the word "go" had been spoken, Qianxian sucked a dumpling, and threw the empty plate to Lin Shaosi, a cold light flashed, and a click, the plate was neatly divided into two halves from the middle and fell to the ground with a bang.

Gu Yuanyuan: "?????"

Couple screaming to take pictures: "????????"

Lin Shaoji moved, Qian Qian also moved. The two figures were entangled in an instant, and the girl screamed again: "My mother, fight!"

The boy was excited: "Shooting, it must be shooting! We performed in groups!"

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

The boss who heard the sound ran out of the back kitchen and saw his own shop, one holding a knife and the other holding chopsticks, and actually tinkering around the place, sliding down from the bottom of the table for a while, jumping from the chair for a while. They perfectly avoided couples taking pictures, and girls who were sluggish by the window.

That picture ... The boss shouted, "Fuck !?"

A dumpling flew over, and the boss cleverly ducked to avoid him. He took the opportunity to ask Gu Yuanyuan: "What's going on?"

Hold the chopsticks with her to eat dumplings. He remembered that he ate 15 dishes!

Gu Yuanyuan made a deal with her. She turned her head and looked out the window. At some point, a group of people gathered around, almost everybody took a cell phone to shoot in, and her face was full of wonder.

She could even hear someone say, "No camera, it's so **** good!"

"Lin Shaosi, come on!"


"Our company is awesome." Even the door came together and waved to cheer.

Roaring, a chopstick flew over, a machete split horizontally, the chopstick pierced the wall by three points, and the chopstick head buzzed and trembled.

All viewers: "!!!"

"No more fights." Qianxian spoke, stepping back, he was unhappy with only one chopstick left in his hand, "you're welcome to hit me again!"

Lin Shaosi looked at him coldly. With a flick of his wrist, Qianxian drew a chopstick like lightning. Seeing that he was going to fight again, Gu Yuanyuan ran to the middle with a violent cold.

With no expression on her face, she first looked at Qianxian: "You, throw it away."

Qianxian grieved and put the chopsticks in the chopstick holder.

"You, close the sword." Gu Yuanyuan went to see Lin Shaoji again.

Lin Shaosi didn't move. It seemed that if Yuan Yuan was not standing in the middle, he still wanted to rush up.

"Good, many people look at it." Gu Yuanyuan whispered.

Lin Shaosi glanced around: "..."

He stowed his knife away.

"Are you bringing cash?" Gu Yuanyuan whispered again.

Lin Shaoji also whispered, "I have it in my wallet."

Gu Yuanyuan took his wallet out of his pocket and looked around. Fortunately, there was no damage except the chopsticks on the wall, a broken plate, and the chaotic tables and chairs.

She counted ten red tickets and put them on the table.

The next second, she grabbed Lin Shaosi and rushed out. The people at the door didn't respond at all.

Qianxian was shocked, and while looking at the dumplings on the table, he rushed out.

At first Gu Yuanyuan dragged Lin Shaoji to run, watching the crowd react, Lin Shaoji directly held Gu Yuanyuan's waist and took her to the car in one breath.

Just entered and found something moving behind him. Looking back, Qianxian actually drilled up.

Some fans have been chasing here. Lin Shaosi couldn't say anything more. He stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

Seeing that they couldn't catch up with love beans, the crowd swarmed into the store:

"Natural, there is really no camera, not filming."

"This is not a special effect. Chopsticks enter the wall. How did this happen ?!"

"Don't you say that learning martial arts is the most powerful way to keep fit? When will you be able to fly to the wall!"


"Who is he?" Lin Shaoji turned the steering wheel and saw no one catch up, and the speed slowed down. "Who abducted you? Is he or Lu Wenchen!"

Gu Yuanyuan didn't expect that the three treasures already knew, so he had to explain honestly: "Lu Wenchen, Qianxian saved me."

Oh, Qian Qian, it's so sweet.

Lin Shaosi looked at Qianxian from the rearview mirror, and Qianxian said coldly: "If I had no weapons, you would have been defeated."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

She could feel the anger above Sambo's head rise to the top.

"Little Division." Gu Yuanyuan immediately went to shake Shaolin's hand, and the latter conditioned to shake off, and Gu Yuanyuan's hand hit the back of the chair heavily.

Her wrist was swollen by Lu Wenchen before. She saw it at the dumpling shop just now and said that it could be relieved by kneading for her.

Gu Yuanyuan closed her eyes and endured the sore and painful pain. Lin Shaosi saw her hand trembling because of the pain, and was a little flustered: "Little girl, you ..."

"I'm fine." Gu Yuanyuan opened his eyes and grinned widely.

Qianxian uttered again, drumming his cheeks: "It obviously hurts, why should you bear it? Your body is different from ordinary people, and it will cause pain if you touch it lightly."

Lin Shaoji: "What do you mean?"

Gu Yuanyuan: "How do you know ?!"

Qianxian tilted her head and seemed to be selling Meng: "I just took your pulse and saw it."

Gu Yuanyuan: "!!!"

Can this be seen? !!

Lin Shaosi looked at Qian Xian, and then looked at Gu Yuanyuan. From the expression of the latter, he understood that Qian Xian was all true.

No wonder every time this girl slaps for a moment, she will cry. Many people in the cast talk about it, and some words are not very pleasant.

I heard by accident--

"Although I don't like Cheng Manan, but Gu Yuanyuan is not so good ... crying at every turn, like who owes her."

"Yeah, I kind of liked her before. I think she's a newcomer and her acting skills are okay, but it's too lyrical. I have to have red eyes every time I film and cry for a small injury, which is disgusting."

"Me and me too. It makes it hard for me to like her like this. This is different from the white lotus who likes to cry."

"The matter between her and Cheng Manan is, in the final analysis, just a piece of her word, who knows what it is like in private ..."

"Actually, I was very puzzled at the beginning. Why did Xu Dao suddenly see her and asked her to test the number one girl, and Sige and Shu Ran, they all liked him ... you said ..."

Lin Shaosi has been in the crew for many years. He has heard a lot of such unpleasant words, some talk about others and some talk about himself.

He couldn't stop these people from thinking, but there was a way for Gu Yuanyuan not to hear these voices, so he went to the co-ordinator.

Since then, I have never heard such awful words.


The little girl is a little bit spoiled, what about crying?

In the end, it turned out to be this reason.

Lin Shaosi kept his lips silent. After a few seconds, he suddenly hit the steering wheel and the car turned. Gu Yuanyuan found that the direction of the car was in the direction she and Qianxian came a while ago.

"Little Division, aren't we going back?" Gu Yuanyuan was completely confused as he could not keep up with the "breaking news".

Lin Shaosi snorted coldly: "Lu Wenchen really thought he could cover the sky with only one hand? Since he dared to catch you in public, he wouldn't let him bleed a little blood.

"Qian Xian has stabbed him, and I also stabbed him." Gu Yuanyuan remembers it very well, and it was necessary for the child to help himself out, "and I still have this."

She took out the cheque like a gift.

Lin Shaosi glanced over her wrist, her eyes were cold, and she slowly said, "You don't count."

The author has something to say: the second child arrives, hey ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

How to explain the operation of life? 7 bottles; 1 bottle of Xiyan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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