MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 16 Coquettish mother

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The filming was not a simple one, but after Yuan Yuanyuan was stimulated, either he regretted it or he felt queasy.

Although she didn't know about "The Lore", she knew it was an action play. Sambo had a lot of plays every day, and when she came back, she would occasionally get hurt.

Using her body to make a play, isn't that killing her?

Xu Bai took out a script and handed it to her, but saw her face hesitant, frowning, and a little unhappy: "What's the problem?"

Gu Yuanyuan bit his fingertips and still asked, "Is there ... much play?"

Wait, her mind suddenly turned around—Sambo is male No. 1 and she is going to play female No. 1. Generally speaking, no matter whether it is a TV series or a movie, there are a couple of male and female protagonists.

Then she's not going to play a couple with Sambo?

She can't regret it now! Why did you agree so fast!

Where did Xu Bai and Lin Shaosi know what she was thinking? Seeing that she wasn't trying to retreat, Xu Bai's expression relaxed, and he said, "You don't have a lot of drama. You should finish the script first and give you two days."

"In two days, I will arrange a trial with Cheng Manan." Xu Bai relaxed his eyelids and stared sharply at Gu Yuanyuan. "I want you to make a stunning appearance and crush Cheng Manan with your strength. Can you do it?"

Gu Yuanyuan suddenly raised his pride in his heart and nodded: "Yes!"

"Secretary." Xu Bai commanded Lin Shaojie, without asking if he would like to, "In the past two days, you have time to practice her, pass on your experience to her, and teach her how to act and how to capture the camera."

Xu Bai was busy with the task. No one knew. In the short period of time just before, the director decided to change to female No. 1 and was still a newcomer.

For the next stunning appearance, Gu Yuanyuan returned to Lin Shaoji's lounge and began to watch the script. Lin Shaoji didn't bother her when she saw her so seriously.

The matter developed to this point, which he did not expect at all. He brought the little girl to the crew, just to prevent Lu Wenchen from attacking her ...

Xu Bai organized a trial play. If Gu Yuanyuan crushed Cheng Manan in all directions, it would not only be Cheng Manan's face, but also Lu Wenchen's face.

In this way, Xu Bai also has a reason to make a substitution and let the entire crew see that the reason for the change of Gu Yuanyuan is not who funded the people behind it, but that Gu Yuanyuan has the strength himself.

as well as--

He has to take out his own attitude and, as an investor, even if he has great power, he doesn't want to stop people. He will do the same, even if it offends someone.

This is the last bottom line as a generation of famous guides and artists.

By the way, Lin Shaosi sent this news to Gu Yizhou: [Brother, little girl was watched by the director, want to play the female No. 1 and go to heaven. 】

As one of the top directors in the industry, Xu Bai was so crowded that he wanted to film his drama. Gu Yuanyuan was directly watched by him. Although there are various factors, he does not deny that this is an important issue for Gu Yuanyuan. good chance.

At least, if she wants to enter the entertainment industry in the future, with this drama, her starting point is very high.

Gu Yizhou didn't return. It was estimated that he was busy. Lin Shaosi put away his mobile phone. While waiting for the show, he found Xu Bai again.

"Director, have you forgotten something?"

Xu Bai: "?"

"Little girl is my assistant. If you use her as the No. 1 girl, you have to pay some money." Lin Shao Si has never been the kind of person with a twist in his stomach, facing unfamiliar people, May be polite.

After thinking about it, Lin Shaosi added another sentence: "She was kicked out by her needy family members. Seeing this, you can't give too low a film."

Xu Bai: "..."

He hasn't spoken yet, Lin Shaosi said again, "I probably know that offending Lu Wenchen, the management will withdraw the capital. In this case, I will save my pay and I can invest some more."

Xu Bai was slightly surprised that Lin Shaosi's remarks gave him the reward for Gu Yuanyuan. Even if the cash flow is poor, he covers it.

Between the number of artists and the crew, because of the contradiction between money, Lin Shao Si said that he shouldn't pay for it. The weight is not ordinary.

As a kung fu superstar, Lin Shaosi's film pay is not low. If he does not pay, he can reduce the pressure of the crew by at least one-fifth.

Xu Bai was half moved and surprised. He asked, "What is the relationship between that girl and you?"

Lin Shaosi was a child star debut and started filming very early. Many people grew up watching his play. They also had a lot of gossips in the circle, but no confirmation.

If Gu Yuanyuan is Lin Shaosi's girlfriend, her attitude towards her will naturally change.

Lin Shaoji: "Did I not say that, my assistant?"

Xu Bai: "Don't hide in front of me, if it's a girlfriend ..."

"Stop it." Lin Shaoji rolled his eyes. "I'm not a pervert. Don't worry, I'm not in the relationship you want."

Gu Yuanyuan didn't know that Sambo was fighting for her welfare, and she was immersed in the ocean of "Lord" script at this moment-I can't tell how long I haven't worked so hard.

The outline of the script she watched first. This film is mainly about the actor k, who was abducted as a child and sold to killer organizations. After brutal training, she became a top killer. The organization arranged for him to perform various tasks. He killed many people. In his conception, there was no right and wrong, only living and dead.

Until k received a task to destroy a family of five officials, but after killing four people, he found the heroine Xiaoqi in the closet. When he was ready to kill Xiaoqi, he relented.

Because Xiao Qi's eyes look like the eyes of his sister in memory.

Xiao Qi saw his family die in the hands of K, facing his muzzle, without fear, without screaming, just watching calmly, as if he already knew his ending.

The rules set by the killer organization must be completed after taking over the task. If it violates, it is treason, and it will be hunted down.

K fled with Xiao Qi, and in the process of escape, k knew that he was killing a particularly good officer. He began to realize that he was caught in a conspiracy, and began to reflect on whether he was doing the right thing.

At this time, he suffered from two waves of killings, one is the killer organization, and the other is the police.

He wanted to protect Xiao Qi and resist hunting, and was seriously injured.

After Xiaoqi was taken away by him, he rarely spoke, but when he was severely injured and physically weak, he did not kill him for revenge, but instead rescued him.

In the end, K uprooted the entire killer organization, and surrendered to Xiao Qi. He was sentenced to death and Xiao Qi executed it himself.

In fact, there are not many small seven plays in the play. Most of them are k and other opponents' plays. The scriptwriting skills are very good. The scenes of the fighting scenes are particularly described. Gu Yuanyuan only looked at the first few places. stand up.

And in the play, it is not clear what the relationship between k and Xiaoqi is. Say it is love. It ’s not like it ’s siblings. It ’s not very similar. Create more space to imagine.

It's just the end, too sad.

No wonder it's called "The Lore".

Gu Yuanyuan wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes, and began to watch each scene seriously. Anyway, she also passed through many times. Although she hadn't acted really, she believed in herself.

She simply regarded herself as Xiaoqi and looked at the script from Xiaoqi's perspective. This was more like watching a documentary, which allowed her to understand the role faster.

The door was knocked suddenly, and Gu Yuanyuan didn't hear it at all, then clicked, and the door was pushed open, Gu Yuanyuan awoke and looked up.

"Xiaojiu." Cheng Manan's expression "You are really here", "What did you do to San Ye?"

Because she was too eager and angry, the director almost forgot to put on her gentle sister's mask, but fortunately, her face looked a little distorted.

The interrupted Gu Yuanyuan was in a very bad mood. She looked coldly at Cheng Manan: "Your mother hasn't taught you the most basic etiquette. Did you knock on the door before entering?"

Cheng Manan gritted his teeth: "I knocked, you didn't hear it!"

"I didn't hear it, so you open the door without permission and come in?" Gu Yuanyuan sneered. "This is Teacher Lin's private lounge. If you don't get a response when you knock on the door, you should leave and come in private. What do you want? Not here, there's something missing in the house. Who's looking for? "

Cheng Manan found that she was actually overwhelmed by the momentum of Gu Yuanyuan. She couldn't help raising the volume: "Xiaojiu, I just want to find you ... you don't know, Dad misses you very much, and that day you left, he was sad."

"Let's finish it." Gu Yuanyuan pointed to the door. "Hurry up when you're done."

"Xiaojiu, I know you don't like me, but you are still young and do n’t understand many things. I do n’t take account of those things you said before." Cheng Mananke restrained his temper and said softly, "Well, you do n’t want to I won't force you back home, but you tell me, what did you pour to San Ye? "

"You are asking something strange," said Gu Yuanyuan, "when did I pour something at Mr. Lu?"

"Xiaojiu, it ’s impolite for you to do this. Dad is not here, but I ’m your sister. I have an obligation to educate you. The third master does nothing, but you pour unknown things on him. If something happens, Can you take responsibility? "

Cheng Manan didn't see what Gu Yuanyuan did to Lu Wenchen, but through Lu Wenchen's reaction, she concluded that Gu Yuanyuan must have manipulated Lu Wenchen at that time, otherwise it would not be so uncomfortable.

She had kept up. People in black knew that she was the one Lu Wenchen was holding, and did not stop her from following. She was driven back by Yang Yufei.

She didn't want to fight with Yang Yufei when she landed at Wenchen, and she could just take this opportunity to show Yang Yufei's posthumousness, which made her decent and graceful. In addition, she remembered that she had to make a movie, so she returned to know her.

However, I was very worried about Lu Wenchen. When I returned, I didn't see Gu Yuanyuan. I saw Lin Shaosi preparing for the show. It is speculated that Gu Yuanyuan was probably in Lin Shaosi's private lounge.

She didn't care about how Gu Yuanyuan was involved with such a big star as Lin Shaosi. She just wanted to know what Gu Yuanyuan did to Lu Wenchen.

The thought of Lu Wenchen being "injured" by Gu Yuanyuan's calculations led to a fire in her heart. She would never let her go through it if she didn't want to tear her face with Gu Yuanyuan temporarily.

Make a note of this first and double it later.

"You are very strange." Gu Yuanyuan tilted his head. "You say to my sister, why do you turn your elbows out. How can you be sure that I spilled something on the president Lu? At this time, you as the sister Shouldn't you be on my side. "

Cheng Manan was stagnant, and soon returned to normal: "Xiaojiu, this is to help or not to kiss."

"Then you show the evidence that I spilled something." Gu Yuanyuan reached out his hand.

Cheng Manan: "..."

If she could come up with evidence, she wouldn't come to ask her.

This ancient Yuanyuan can really talk about ideas in every sentence. Why didn't she find her eloquence so good before? Cheng Manan knew that there was nothing to ask on the ancient Yuanyuan side.

But she was unwilling to see Gu Yuanyuan's expression on the face of the villain, and she secretly hated that the old animal was a small animal.

She made a fist secretly, and suddenly saw the script that Gu Yuanyuan held in her hand, and stunned: "How do you have a script?"

Actors each have their own scripts, but as long as they play the scene, they will bring the script with them, so that they can remember the lines at any time. Lin Shaosi filmed on the set, and the script was naturally in his hands.

Gu Yuanyuan, as an assistant, how can he get a script at will.

For some reason, an unpredictable hunch erupted in her heart, making her uncontrollably reach out to grab the script in the hands of Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan avoided, but she did not let go, thinking of Lu Wenchen's uncomfortable appearance and her own feelings of perseverance, Cheng Man'an took his heart to the side, and simply seized Gu Yuanyuan's face by taking the script action.

Gu Yuanyuan's eyes were cold, he plucked up the water glass on the table, and politely poured the water inside to Cheng Manan.

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