MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 13 Coquettish mother

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【Ding! You bravely slapped Lu Wenchen, a big villain, with a pride of -10. 】

【Ding! Mr. Sambo Lin threatens Lu Wenchen, a big villain, with a force value of +10. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: "... ????"

Is this really good? !!

"Three Lords!" The men in black were shocked. They were all professional bodyguards. In addition, they were also trained by the Lu family. How could Lu Wenchen be crossed with a knife across their necks under their eyelids.

Gu Yuanyuan was afraid of Sambo's voice, and her pampering value rose again. She hurriedly smiled at the black man before the opening of Lin Shaosi: "Do n’t move, you do n’t have long eyes, do n’t accidentally hurt Sanye . "

However, she has seen the speed of Sambo's sword, and she also felt the evil spirit of the machete. People like Lu Wenchen are subject to the control of others, only to feel uncomfortable in her heart.

The thought of the big metamorphosis was uncomfortable, and Gu Yuanyuan's mood became more charming, not even the pain from his hands and feet.

Lu Wentan raised his hand, and the man in black stepped back, neatly moving. This scene is quite cool from the outside. Many patients around are curious to look here, guessing whether it is a TV series.

"I just found out that you are not only embarrassed, but also daring." Lu Wenchen actually completely ignored the machete on his neck, and raised his hand to caress his cheek. Gu Yuanyuan's slap was ruthless. "Last day, this is the third time I have been against me."

Gu Yuanyuan :? ? ?

The original owner has also worked with him before.

A picture appeared in Gu Yuanyuan's mind automatically, and there was another woman in the harem group, Yang Yufei, who served Lu Wenchen for lunch.

Then the two harem groups sneered at her with a single word, and the original owner refused to speak until a rice ball with sauce was thrown over and smashed on his face. Lu Wenchen saw it, and laughed.

The original owner could not bear it. He picked up the rice ball and smashed it towards Lu Wenchen.

Good job!

Gu Yuanyuan applauded and laughed even more happily. With her two sons by her side, she was so full of anger.

"Look at what you said, compared to what you did to me, how can I be a hands-on, at best it is to tickle you." Gu Yuanyuan tried to slap again, holding back.

The dog will jump over the wall in a hurry, really annoying the dead pervert, maybe he will do something crazy.

"I found the backing, and I was so mad at talking, huh?" Lu Wenchen's voice was very gentle, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

Even Lin Shao felt the chill emanating from him.

The eyes behind the sunglasses froze, and one hand rested on his arm-it was Gu Yizhou.

As a big villain, there are two brushes. Lu Wenchen felt the change in Lin Shaosi's reaction instantly. He slightly looked up: "Mr. Lin is really outstanding. "

This metamorphosis actually recognized Sambo? !!

Lu Wenchen pinched his machete with both fingers, ignoring its sharpness, and pushed it away.

After pushing away, there was a faint red line around his neck. He didn't care, but he looked at Gu Yuanyuan with a meaningful meaning: "You are fast, please go to the famous Lin Shaosi to be your bodyguard for half a day. I am ... "

Gu Yuanyuan politely interrupted him and learned his expression completely: "Sanye, are you afraid?"

Lu Wenchen was directly darkened by her words, and her eyes were covered with suffocation. If she looked like that, she might tear her alive.

【Ding! He successfully vomited blood from the villain Lu Wenchen with a puffiness value of -10. 】

Gu Yuanyuan smiled even more sweetly at once: telling you to play x!

Lu Wenchen is not a fool. Lin Shaosi's action just showed his attitude-try ancient Yuan Yuan.

In the entire entertainment industry, who doesn't know that it's hard to talk to Lin Shaosi, that's asking for trouble.

"President Lu, you are a successful person with status and status. I feel embarrassed to embarrass a little girl and a man." When called out, Lin Shao Si generously took off his sunglasses, which was very polite, impolite, And rolled his eyes very arrogantly, "If you have something, the door is behind, please."

"Or, in my free time, I will go to your house for a cup of tea, and Mr. Lu will not be unwelcome."

Gu Yuanyuan observed from a close distance, and found that the corners of the perverted eyes followed Sambo's words, and they actually fell.

she does not know.

Lin Shaoji just entered the circle and didn't understand the rules of the circle. He offended many people, and naturally someone would stumble in secret.

Such as making him unable to get the show, or forcing him to play some insulting characters, or playing with props on the set ... In short, there are all kinds of means and everything.

At first, Lin Shaosi also suffered a lot of secret losses, but later found that those who stabbed the knife behind them could not reason.

Because the reason is not listening to each other.

The fist was hard enough to let the other party stop, so he did something that was widely spread in the circle-after he found out who was behind him, he sneaked into each other's home one by one.

One of the chief executives of the entertainment company went out to hide his wife and stole the fish. He woke up early in the morning and found his lover fainted beside him. Lin Shaosi stood beside the expressionless face with a machete.

The boss was scared again, and Li Li said he wanted to call the police. Lin Shao didn't care: "The police can find the evidence that I came in, and I will lose."

"I don't believe you try."

"There is no way to trap my door in this world." Lin Shaosi said lightly, "You can continue to use the means behind me, I'm idle, nothing to do, come to your house every day to have some tea, some fruits and the like It's pretty good. "

CEO: "..."

The threat of red fruit.

The so-called bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Since then, at most, some people have done a little movement behind their backs. No one really messed with Lin Shaoji.

Lu Wenchen takes both black and white, and the entertainment industry is also involved. His harem group is indispensable for artists, and Lin Shaosi's name is naturally heard.

I have also used the idea of ​​soliciting-letting Lin Shaosi train his bodyguards can improve the overall strength of the bodyguards.

Lin Shaoji replied at the time: "I want to be beautiful."


"Hehe." Lu Wenchen laughed softly.

The nearest man in black shuddered a little, and Lu Wenchen just laughed twice. He said nothing and went straight.

The man in black quickly caught up.

【Ding! Mr. Sambo Lin takes away the villain Lu Wenchen for your anger, and the jealousy value +10. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

The ecstasy of the reduction of pampering in my heart disappeared instantly, without this!

When he waited for Gu Yizhou's office, Lin Shaoxi leaned in Gu Yuanyuan: "It is him, no wonder you dare not call the police."

"What did he do to you?" Gu Yizhou raised Gu Yuanyuan's feet, and he lowered his head, unable to discern any change in tone.

Gu Yuanyuan, with her eyes open, asked innocently, "I'm still young, what can he do to me."

Gu Yizhou raised her eyes and glanced at her quickly.

Gu Yuanyuan felt that Erbao was a bit wrong, but for a moment he couldn't figure it out. He felt that what he had said was too false, and added the sentence: "I accidentally provoked him, but fortunately, thanks to Dr. Gu's help, I just ran out ... and little division. "

Gu Yuanyuan couldn't help looking at the three treasures with loving eyes. It would be better if he no longer raised his pride.

It was really painful and happy.

Lin Shaoji: "I'm not as bold as anyone, even Lu Wenchen slaps."

Gu Yuanyuan smirked.

After a while, she frowned, "I was afraid he would get in trouble with Xiao Si."

This is what she is most worried about.

She didn't expect that Lu abnormal could recognize Lin Shaosi wearing a sunglasses mask hat with just a machete.

Lin Shaoji came to Gu Yizhou's office for the first time, and looked around. After hearing her words, he turned to look at her again, worried and ecstatic, and said, "Little girl, take care of yourself, dare to die Those who provoked me are still in the womb. "

Gu Yuanyuan was ridiculed by Sambo, but Lin Shaosi's words made her feel relieved.

Be a mother, and believe in your child's ability.

Besides, Lu metamorphosis is really afraid, otherwise it would not be so easy to leave. His response is enough to show that he was afraid of sambo.

Just thinking, Gu Yizhou's cold fingers rested on the bruises of her ankle: "He hit?"

Gu Yuanyuan shook his head.

Although Lu metamorphosis is not a thing, he did not touch her rough. This person is good at psychological tactics.

Lin Shaosi glanced over and looked at his eyes, his face became a little stinky, Qingcheng like this, not hit, hard or hit?

But he did not break through Gu Yuanyuan. The little girl probably felt too embarrassed and didn't want to tell the truth.

"I have seen this Lu Wenchen unpleasant for a long time, yin and yang are weird, and he still confessed what the third master is, and the pretense is not good. Silly **** one, he ..."

"Second Brother, why are you hitting me?" Lin Shaosi was inexplicable.

Gu Yizhou glanced at the ancient Yuan Yuan and said, "Don't swear."

Gu Yuanyuan felt that Erbao education was right, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, you can't swear."

Lin Shaoji: "..."

What fun is your little girl doing?

Seeing the two sing and educate each other, Lin Shao Si was irritated, and he raised his eyebrows: "Xiaojiu, who did you forget who supported you just now?"

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Sambo, who are you calling for a long time!

The two eyes were wide and small, and suddenly, Lin Shaosi was surprised: "Look carefully, your nose looks like me."

Gu Yuanyuan couldn't say anything.

It ’s not me that looks like you, it is you that looks like me!

Gu Yizhou moved a while. While Gu Yuanyuan was talking to Lin Shaosi, he quickly checked his feet, and his strength was very good. The pain value was within the tolerance range of Gu Yuanyuan.

"Without hurting the bones, the swelling is all right."

Gu Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked a silly question: "When can I swell?"

She looked at her pink pig trotter and couldn't even walk, which was too inconvenient.

Gu Yizhou answered her question seriously: "It varies from person to person, depending on your resilience."

Gu Yuanyuan showed an embarrassing yet polite smile. She had a bad hunch, and it was her feet ... that she could recover quickly.

Seeming to be aware of her worries, Gu Yizhou said as he took off his gloves, "My family has medicated wine, which works well ... Are you coming out of the house, are you going back?"

Gu Yuanyuan was stunned again by Erbao's jumping thinking, only shaking his head instinctively.

"Live in my house, then," he said.

He spoke so naturally that Gu Yuanyuan did not respond for a moment.

"She can't live in your house." Lin Shaosi, who was leaning against the wall before she spoke, squeaked, "She must follow me."

"Second Brother, you don't know Lu Wenchen's person. This girl lived with you and was found by him in a minute. And with his stubborn character, you must be involved. This girl is the safest to follow me. Now, who dares to touch her. "

Gu Yizhou is silent. His current understanding of Lu Wenchen is limited to hearing, but judging from the confrontation just now, this person is not easy to deal with.


He needs to confirm one thing.

Gu Yizhou frowned.

Gu Yuanyuan found that the two brothers completely forgot her existence, and had to raise their hands weakly, saying, "I can rent it myself ..."

"No."-Gu Yizhou.

"I still want to rent a house."-Shao Lin.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

She must be the world's most mum-free mother.

Gu Yizhou whispered quietly: "She has a foot injury and is inconvenient to move, and you are going to join the group to shoot a movie tomorrow. Do you want her to join the group with you? In what capacity?"

"It's not easy," said Lin Shaosi. "Give her the medicated wine you gave, didn't you say that the medicine works well, as for my identity, follow me ... barely make you a sister."

"No." Gu Yizhou vetoed it without thinking.

Lin Shaoji: "..."

He found his brother, very, very, very wrong.

Gu Yizhou avoided his gaze, and suddenly said, "Don't you ask me if Yi Sheng was found?"

Lin Shaoji: "???"

He looked at Gu Yizhou for some reason. There is no need to say this kind of family affairs in front of the little girl, he winked.

Gu Yizhou Yu Guang paid attention to the reaction of Gu Yuanyuan. When he said "Yi Sheng" just now, he could clearly see that there was a rush of joy on her face. It seemed that he wanted to say something about "Yi Sheng". .

Gu Yizhou's pupils suddenly shrank, and the fists clenched on his side quietly released.

Gu Yuanyuan did not expect that Gu Yizhou had found Xiaobao Gu Yisheng's news.

The original book did not say frankly whether the four sons had looked for each other when they grew up, but only introduced the male lead to find out why they told Gu Yuanyuan to die, and joined them to kill Lu abnormal.

After passing through, she speculated that the four sons were also looking for each other. Now that two treasures and three treasures have been found, the remaining two are smashing, and then slowly find them.

As a result, Erbao already had Xiaobao news. He was about to listen to the details later, but Gu Yizhou only said one sentence and turned the topic away.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Gu Yizhou closed his eyes and calmed his turbulent mood. In the previous second, he almost blurted out and questioned Gu Yuanyuan. Thinking of Lin Shaosi, he talked to his mouth and swallowed back restrainedly.

The third brother always believed that his mother had abandoned them, and even if he had had a high fever, he couldn't remember his mother's appearance, but this idea had taken root in his mind.

Based on his understanding of Lin Shaoji, he can treat "Xiaojiu" preferentially at this moment. He himself said that "Xiaojiu" looks exactly like his mother.

Mom is dead. I do n’t have to worry about everything in the past. A little girl looks exactly like mom, that is, she has a little help and care, which is very normal for Lin Shaosi.

But if he knows and believes the true identity of "Xiaojiu" ... Gu Yizhou doesn't know how Lin Shaoji will react.

Even him, he felt incredible now.

There are many questions to ask her:

Where have you been these years?

Why did it disappear then?

If you are still alive, why not come to us?

Why do we come to us with such a young face now?

What do you want to do? Is it going to disappear suddenly one day?

Too many questions, so that in the end, he dare not ask or confirm.

No matter how strong the wind and waves set in his heart, there will always be a faint expression on Gu Yizhou's face. Finally, he said to Gu Yuanyuan: "Come to my house to take medicinal wine, and go to the crew with Xiao Si. Safety."

He needs to have a thorough understanding of all the news of Lu Wenchen and know himself and the others before he can control the enemy.

During this time, she was the best choice to be with her third brother.

Gu Yuanyuan did not know what eye contact the two treasures and three treasures had made. They actually left the office together, so she had to sit in a wheelchair and play with her mobile phone.

I found someone added her WeChat, her head is all black, her nickname [. ], There is nothing to do anyway, plus WeChat has only one friend of Sambo for the time being, so Gu Yuanyuan clicked through.

Just passed, the other party sent a message over: [Do you think you can escape? 】

In this tone, except for Lu abnormal, who else?

This dead metamorphosis is really a ghost.

She vaguely remembered that WeChat could be pulled into the blacklist, and was fumbling to find the blackout function, and stopped – pulling black without talking back, didn't it mean that he was afraid?

Gu Yuanyuan typing, she has not used a mobile phone for a long time, very rusty, because the typing speed is relatively slow, and finally switched on the handwriting function crisply: [don't bother you. 】

Lu Wenchen posted a photo of Cheng Zhenhua, Chen Yun, and Cheng Manan.

Gu Yuanyuan: [Thank you for your help, hurry up and save my heart. 】

I didn't return there, so I'm probably vomiting blood.

Gu Yuanyuan slides the expression options, and finally selects a few "粑粑" small expressions and brushes them in a row.

Being happy, the door opened, Lin Shaosi walked in, and Gu Yuanyuan looked behind him: "Where is the ancient doctor?"


Gu Yuanyuan found that he was holding two bags in his hand, and Lin Shaoji stuffed her leg: "Doctor Gu gave you the medicine and bought you a big bag to eat, making you hungry."

In addition, Gu Yizhou also told him: "Her case shows that her body lacks nutrition and is not well. You ... remember to treat her better."

Lin Shaosi generally can't speak in his head, especially in front of people. What is more to say, he blurted and said, "Second Brother, do you like this girl?"

Gu Yizhou: "..."

Almost got mad from heart disease.

Gu Yuanyuan happily hugged his big pocket: the feeling of being filially obedient was really wonderful.

That night, Gu Yuanyuan lived in Sanbao's home, a large villa with a garden artificial lake. She nestled on a luxurious and comfortable sofa, and happily held the snacks that Erbao had fed.

Lin Shaosi looked at her contentment, and Leng Buding said, "Little girl, my second brother is really good, but it is too old for you."

Gu Yuanyuan: "?"

Lin Shaoji: "So ... if you like me, try."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

A puff stuck in her throat and almost strangled her. 2k novel reading network

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