MTL - Pet Addiction: The Prince’s Desire to Spoil His Pet-Chapter 7 Sleeping, can you? 7

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When Xue Ying was busy sneaking, he sneaked out and looked for a few warmth outside the palace. It was very envious that the number of warmth went to the Lama Temple and it didn’t take long to fly on the branch. He said that she would raise her head in the Lama Temple. Speaking.

The number of warmth only feels unrealistic.

After all, she was trembled, fearing that one day annoyed the prince, and she couldn’t eat it, and dared to scatter in the palace.

On the other side, the jade is inside.

When Shibuya had already taken the medicine in the morning, he sun-baked the flowers in the yard, and saw his own personal maid, Abi, talking around and talking, and Shibuya opened his mouth: "What?"

Abi couldn't help but tell: "The princess, the news came from the palace in the early morning, and the king was lucky enough to have a female slave last night. Now she still let her live in the palace."

The scissors in the hands of Shibuya lost the standard and cut a flower.

Shibuya put the scissors on the side of the stone and gently rubbed his eyebrows: "Female slave?"

"It was the young man who was ruined by the prince of the past, and was brought back by the prince. I heard that Wang Ye liked her very much."

If I don't like it, how can I bet a female slave? If I don't like it, how can I let her live in the palace?

You know, you can never be fortunate enough, let alone who is going to live in the palace...

Shibuya silently did not speak, coughed a few times, and slowly gasped for a while and said: "Is she in the palace now?"

Abi nodded, "Yes."

"Go... look at her." Shibuya got up.


A few warm and snowy said that the conversation went back. She sorted out her luggage and packed up the sleeping hall. When she finally sat down to drink tea, there was a footstep outside.

Waiting for a few warmths to open the door, the outside person opened the door.

The number of warmth stood in the same place, watching the incoming person stalemate for a moment, and Abi, who was next to Shibuya, took the lead. "Isn't you see Princess Princess?"

A few warmth had to give her a gift.

Shibuya has looked at the number of warmth. Naturally, I don’t remember that I saw her more than half a month ago. After seeing the shackles of the warmth, I finally got a little peace of mind and looked at her casually and asked: "How do you wear cockroaches on your body?"

A few warm heads looked down at the cockroaches on his body, and did not answer them. Abi, who was beside Shibuya, said: "The princess does not know that the slaves of the country are going to wear them for a lifetime."

Shibuya nodded in a clear way. "It turns out. I heard that Uncle Wu likes you very much, thinking that he will give you the solution."

Abbey said: "The princess thinks a lot, and the prince is only a moment of interest, and then it is just a slave."

Shibuya looked at the number of warmth and saw that she still kept her head down and didn't talk. In the heart of Shibuya, this was a little better, coughing, letting Abi not talk nonsense, and sent a few snacks to her to eat. gone.


When Qian Qianmo came back from the palace, he followed the five kings and squatted, saying that he was taking a look at the little niece, Shibuya, but went straight to the palace after going to the Lama Temple.

晟 Thousands of inks: "Don't you look at Shibuya?"

晟 晟 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随A female slave returned to the palace. I heard that the female slave is still a little princess in Qingguo. Is it true?"