MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 55

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The man frowned at a few centimeters from her face, a dissatisfied appearance, Su Jin slightly back, with a stool back away from him, and stood up straight.

The position in front of him was empty, and Lu Xi’s eyebrows were light and straight, and he straightened his waist and reached out to Su Jin.

"Well?" Su Jin licked his head and had some doubts.

"Go away." Lu Xi's thin lips were slightly bent, and the peach blossom eyes were smiling. "I can't help it anymore."

Can't help?

Su Jinyi, but this sentence has not been asked to export.

Can't help?

At the audience in the graduation party, the girl was attracted by this sentence, and she was annoyed and asked curiously.

The man heard a low laugh.

"I can't help but want to--" His eyes turned slightly and his voice was low and elegant.

"- Kiss you."

The peach eye of the hook is opposite to her phoenix, and the eyes are smiling.

Thoughts are turning, Su Jin's face is slightly red, can't help but still need to ask?

"The wolf." She looked at him and turned and wanted to go out.


The girl's cheeks are reddish, and the phoenixes are naturally picked. When he is smashing, his eyes are flowing, like a clear water, and the blue waves are oysters.

Lu Xi picked up his eyebrows and pressed the girl's arm under the hands of the air. The force was slightly forced, and the girl turned into his arms.

Cold is not sneak attack, Su Jin in order to maintain balance, his arms hooked the man's neck, and when he came back, the waist has already crossed a pair of arms.

"Hey!" She whispered a little, but she struggled a little but was held tighter. She simply gave up the struggle, looked up at the man in front of him, and smashed the phoenix. "Get started, let's go down." ”

"The wolf?" Lu Xi ignored her urging, but she raised her eyebrows and leaned over.

Su Jinyuan himself is not low, and now he wears high heels on his feet, and Lu Xi is intimately in his arms. Now this is leaning over, and the noses of the two are almost intimately contacted.

Su Jin was a little sluggish and licked the phoenix phoenix. The familiar peach eyes suddenly enlarged, the eyelashes were long and thick, the fog at the bottom of the eyes dissipated, and the smile spread little by little.

"The indecent assault is the pervert." His straight nose tipped her nose and bent her lips. "I call it--"

The warm breath fell on the ear, Su Jin returned, and his lips had turned to her ear.

"--It’s hard to be yourself."

The sound of warm alcohol, like the vintage of old age, is just the fragrance of wine, so people don't know where it is today.

The girl’s familiar hair is lingering on the nose.

Lu Xi pressed his body and kissed him with a white jade-like earlobe.

Unlike the warm touch of the breath, Su Jin stunned, and she reached out to pinch the position of the earlobe, and her look was a bit sluggish.

The little girl looks cute and cute. Lu Xi can't help but smile. When she raises her hand and just wants to lick her hair, she sees the complicated hair, and she can only rest this thought. The raised hand turned and pulled down the girl's soft palate with the earlobe, held in the hand, ten fingers interlocked, which opened the mouth with satisfaction.

"This is interest."

interest? Is it difficult to have a principal?

Su Jinmu was stunned and couldn't help but stretch his hand and press the beating frontal angle.

This guy, what about the face?

"Go, time is almost up." Lu Xi smiled and smiled, pulling Su Jin's hand and walking outside the door.

The two men walked down the stairs, and the otherwise noisy living room was quiet and quiet for a moment.


Pearl and jade. At this moment, everyone could never think of other words.

When they saw the two men coming down, Su Chenghai waved at them and embarked on a small stage that was temporarily built.

Because of the reason of the deep sea home, this engagement ceremony was hosted by Su Chenghai.

"First of all, thank you for the arrival of the crowd," Su Chenghai said in front of the microphone. "Today are all friends and relatives of my Su family. Since they are all of themselves, I will not say more."

"Lu Xi, Xiao Jin," he rushed to the two men under the stage. "You come up."

Su Jin took Lu Xi’s arm to the stage and stood behind Su Chenghai.

"The two around me, one is my eldest daughter Su Jin, the other is Lu Xi from Luzhou, Jingzhou." He pointed to the two people behind him, and he looked a little emotional. "My father and Lu’s father had Old, set a marriage contract for the younger generation, and told us about this before the death of my father. I discussed with Lu Shixi, and prepared to get the two children to get along with each other. If there is a chance, it will just follow the wishes of the two fathers."

"Now more than half a year has passed, and the two children are interested. Although they already have a marriage contract, they can't be famous. So Lu Shixiong took the family and discussed with me. My two children had this engagement. ceremony."

Because of Lu Xi’s identity, only the two families knew about the accident in the previous car accident, and there was no rumor. Today, through the name of this engagement, it is also a reason for the arrival of the Lu family.

"Lu Xi." Su Chenghai turned back and looked.

Lu Xi looked a positive and took a step forward and said slightly: "Uncle Su."

Su Chenghai nodded slightly and pulled his daughter to the side with one hand. He said to Lu Xi, "I will hand you Xiao Jin. If you bear her, then my family will not lose face and get married."

For a family like them, every move represents a face, and sometimes even acting affects the stock price. But if Lu Xi is not a small Jin Liang, then he is fighting the Su family will also cancel the marriage contract.

And although this day is getting along, he is still satisfied with this future son-in-law, and it is necessary to be able to beat it properly.

"Uncle Su please rest assured." Lu Xi stood up straight and frankly confronted the eyes of his future father-in-law. "I will not let anything hurt her, including myself."

There is no swearing swear, just a simple sentence, but the tone is very serious.

Su Chenghai stared at him for a long while, hooked his mouth and finally sighed.

"Xiao Jin," he gently touched his daughter's long hair scattered behind his back, looking sighed and whispered: "When you grow up, you have to have a man to protect you in the future."

"Dad..." Su Jin smashed the clothes corner of Su Chenghai. The bits and pieces that originally existed only in Su Jin’s memory floated to the heart, and her eyes slammed red.

"Okay." Su Chenghai saw her daughter's red eyes and hurriedly smiled and said: "It's just an engagement, marriage is early, Dad can protect Xiaojin for a long time."

Seeing that Su Jin had a smile, he took his daughter's hand and placed it in Lu Xi's palm.

With both hands overlapping, Lu Xi clenched the girl's little hand and took a deep breath, pressing down the tide of the heart, and a smile on his lips.

This is the person who has been in his heart for thousands of years, carrying all his obsessions and attachments.

Originally, just to resurrect her.

But I did not expect to meet her soul in the last mission.

From that moment on, he was crazy.

Brand new identity, intimate family. Although she knows the story, she will be prepared for the world. She can be a brand new one. No one knows where she used to be, but it naturally makes her feel safe.

The experience was not unbearable, but the long-term defense made her somewhat indifferent heart more indifferent. In addition to paying, no one can let her care and let her mind.

Some things, some feelings, because of fear of injury, so the chance of connecting is not left to yourself.

But what if it is a brand new world? No one will know her origins, no one will discover her past. She is a big lady who is favored by her family in the palm of her hand. She is also familiar with the plot. She has enough ability and status to protect herself. Even her precautions are no longer needed.

Only when she subconsciously confirms that she can protect herself, will she consider other feelings before she can consider accepting another person.

And this is his chance.

No one knows what kind of big waves he has in his heart at the moment he wants to understand all of this, and then how he is hard-locked to the bottom of his heart.

Although he was prepared, when he heard the story of Xiaoqi reminding the story, it was still difficult to suppress himself. He had to endure for a long time or came out early.

See you at the airport.

In fact, it is not a first sight.

Ever since he knew that Su Jin had been replaced by Su Jiner, he was almost free to see her through Xiaoqi.

Seeing that she was confused at first, seeing her adapt to this new identity a little bit, seeing her eyebrows clear and smiling.

Through the cold screen, it is hopeless.

Later, he finally came to her side.

The eyes are as familiar.

The phoenixes are slightly picking, the black and white are distinct, and the eyes are all indifferent to the eyes except for the three-point curiosity.

Like the figure that appeared in his dreams many times during the millennium.

Crazy, want to go forward, want to hold her into her arms, want to integrate her into blood, never separate.

In the end, he just calmly, took her hand and dropped a light kiss on the back of the hand.

"Jiner." He took her right hand and took a small ring in the hands of Su Chenghai to put on her middle finger.

"First wear, I will give you one when you graduate."

He spoke casually, his voice was light, and probably only three people on the stage heard it.

Su Jin looked at the ring on the middle finger, streamlined design, elegant dark lines, no exaggerated diamonds, only a little bit of diamonds inlaid on it, composed of an abstract flower body L characters.

L? She looked at her and took another ring from her father's hand and put his left middle finger.

Sure enough, the broken diamond consists of an abstract squirrel S character.

But... just change one when you graduate?

Wedding ring?

Su Jin’s heart moved, bending his lips and lips, and quietly turned his head and looked at his old lady.

Oh, it really turned black.