MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 51

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"Don't cry." He said with a dumb voice, "I will feel bad."

"It makes you feel bad, who makes you so long..." Su Jin’s voice suddenly stopped, and she looked at the man who was smiling in front of her eyes, and then reacted to it. Have you heard that?"

Lu Xi nodded slightly.

"You--" Su Jinzheng said something, and he heard the sound of opening the door.

Both Su Shi and the doctor came in.

Su Jinchong nodded to them, but when he turned back, the man who saw the bed closed his eyes again.

"Doctor!" she hurriedly shouted.

Hearing her shouts, the doctor walked to the bed a few steps, looked at the man on the bed carefully, and did some checks. Then I turned around and smiled at the anxious Su family brother and sister: "Reassured, not In a coma, he was just weak and fell asleep."

Wen Yan, Su Shi and Su Jin sighed.

"Right, brother." Su Jin looked up and asked: "Have you told the family?"

Home? Su Shi hooked his lips, the word used wonderfully.

"You want to ask..." He looked down at his sister, "Uncle Lu and Lu Aunt? Oh, and Luke Big Brother."

"Brother!" Su Jin threatened to lick his waist, but he did not wait for him to admit defeat, he changed to a corner of his clothes and asked a little embarrassed: "Brother, his family... How about getting along? I have been here for a few days..."

These days, the Lu family will come over every day, but she is a bit embarrassed because of Lu Xi’s affairs, and no one cares. I don't know if I will leave a bad impression on my future in-laws and big brother.

"Don't think about it." Su Shi squeezed her cheeks a little funnyly. "Uncle Lu, they like you."

Can you like her?

Su Jin’s beautiful phoenix suddenly lit up.


In the familiar space of consciousness, Lu Xi sat on the sofa, and some helplessly looked at the little guy opposite him.

"Small seven..." He whispered, but like a flame ignited the opposite bucket.

"Lu Xi!" The original childish voices were sharp. "Are you crazy?"

"I clearly warned you in advance, you can definitely avoid it! If you are crazy, then you will hit it! Do you know how dangerous this time! In order to save you, I spent the last point, if there is no last If the task is dead, then the two of us will never wake up. You know or not! If you are out of the task, you will die. You know... you..."

"I know." Lu Xi dropped his throat slightly. "I know, Xiaoqi."

"I am crazy." He looked up and looked at the unchanging blue sky in the space of consciousness, bending his lips slightly. "Since picking up this commission, I have known that she has a brand new identity in this world." I am crazy."

"Lu Xi..." The little boy, composed of light and shadow, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

What to say?

No one is more clear about him than his obsession with her.

In the panel of the character's attributes, his billions of points in his mind are finally enough, and even a little surplus.

"You are the perfect prayer I have ever seen."

"The most perfect?" Lu Xi chuckled. "Your wisdom has just been born for three hundred years. The host that I have been with is one of me. Have you seen other petitioners?"

Xiaoqi was silent for a moment and said: "Although I have not seen it, I hope that the information on the host achievements between the systems can be shared, and there is a rating on the headquarters."

“Oh?” Lu Xi raised an eyebrow and asked with interest: “How is my rating?”

"A." Xiaoqi seems to be reluctant to speak.

"A?" Lu Xi took a look at Xiaoyiyi. "Don't tell me that there is no A."

"Not the same." Xiaoqi said with some eagerness, "Headquarters can only be rated according to the success or failure of your mission, but I know that you are different."

“What's the difference?” Lu Xi shook his head. “It's just about living for others.”

“The existence of the praying system was originally intended to help the petitioners. The prayers complete the commissioning task, correct the world line, get points, then buy help from the system, and even owe points at critical moments, but only Because the difference in ratings can be different, the other pledges do the same."

"But you are different." Xiao Qi's eyes are extremely serious: "Before this task, you have never even sought any help from the system that requires points. All of them rely on the memory of the trustee to grasp the plot. Perfect control and computational power."

Said here, Xiaoqi looked at his eyes almost full of admiration, "You can perfectly integrate huge memories without the help of systemic liquid medicine, and can be used in all kinds of worlds of various plots. In the case of almost out of the system, the whole world is played between the palms of the hands. Even some of the principal's abilities can be used for their own purposes."

"One thousand and thirty-seven years, eight hundred and fifty-six missions, seven hundred and twenty-one completed, one hundred and thirty-five defeats." Lu Xi's lips and corners remain unchanged, "just like this, still Perfect?"

"I didn't understand it at the beginning. I was just a cold-calculated machine." Xiaoqi seemed to smile. "After that, you have more and more success, my intelligence is getting better and better, I finally finally understood."

Lu Xi looked at him.

“There is no need to exchange points for the help of the system. It is only because one person has to complete the task because you have to save one billion points at the fastest speed. You can’t waste a trace of it during the period. And the one hundred and thirty-five failed tasks, all Both appeared in the first six hundred years."

"That is, since six hundred years, after the points are enough to pick the task yourself, you have never failed. After the birth of the spirit, I went to check the failed tasks, all without exception, all about love. And six hundred years later, except this time, all the tasks you choose are irrelevant."

"Lu Xi, those tasks, can't you finish, or do you want to finish?"

"Can't, don't want to." Lu Xi looked at the little guy in front of him who had a similar point to him. He showed some hints in his eyes. "It is neither, nor willing."

"Well?" Xiaoqi stunned the girl with some doubts.

"After she, I no longer have the ability to love another person; after she, I don't want to love another person anymore."

"Even if it's just a play?"

"Even if it's just a play."

"Forget it." Xiaoqi sighed. "But you are really too risky this time. Look, how many times have you used me since I have been in this world? Modify the relationship between Fu Yanzhou and Xu Ziyan, let them advance Together; set the coordinates in your jade, find the sweetheart you were kidnapped; and help you find Mingkai, fortunately, I am clever, giving you a lot of water, so that you save a lot of points, otherwise this Where are the points to save you!"

It is necessary to know that the points already invested in the points column cannot be used. Generally, the prayers will reserve enough points before the next task. Whereever, like this madman, as soon as they get the points, they will plug in the points column. This time because of the involvement of Su Jin, he left the reserve points, but did not expect that the first thing he had done after he had followed him was to modify the world line! Fortunately, it is just a modification, not a complete change, otherwise it is not enough to lose the credit.

Su Jin is a book reader. She knows the story in the original book, but Lu Xi’s story is completely different from her.

The reader, Su Jiner, was not interested in the male lord because she knew the plot, but the male lord became interested in her after being treated by Su Jin. Of course, it is just an interest. He thinks that true love is still Lin Xiyue, so he talks with the original female host about his love, and on the other side, he slams Su Jin, who is frosty to him, and a proper scum male. Then one day, his behavior was exposed, and he was framed by Su Jin to seduce him. Instead, he was beaten by the eggs and was stunned by Lin Xi. The man was frustrated, went to the bar to get drunk, and drove home when he drove into the river, and that was over.

Only the male owner died in the middle of the accident, and the world line is about to collapse.

So Lu Xi became a trustee.

Entrust the pledge to replace him for life and find a true lover.

After Lu Xi heard the name of Su Jin and confirmed it with him, he did not hesitate to take over the task.

"I believe in you." Lu Xi hooked his lips and his eyes softened. "I believe her too."

I believe that you will save me, I believe she will understand my heart.

Not gambling, because I am so convinced that you will fall in love with me, or that you have fallen in love with me.

"But it." Xiaoqi pretended to be old-fashioned and swayed. "Since the mission has been completed, the matter here is over. The points are enough, you can go back to the original world."

The faint white light flashed, and Lu Xi suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted the action of Xiaoqi.

"Who said that I want to go back?"

"Ah?" Xiaoqiyi, the light of the hand shook and shook his head. "You don't go back?!"

"Don't go back." Lu Xi nodded.

"Lu Xi." Xiao Qi's look suddenly became serious. "As a petitioner, don't you know the truth about these worlds?"

"I know." Lu Xitao's eyes are smiling and clear. "These worlds derived from books are between real and illusory. There are two kinds of endings. First, the main plot characters die, no wishers. Appears, the world collapses; Second, the world line develops normally, or the commissioner is born before the collapse, the prayers intervene, complete the wishes according to the requirements of the client, and correct the world line to make it develop normally."

"Finally, the world will solidify with the normal death of the last major plot character, withering. It will become a spiritual light and become the nutrient of the main world with the power of the whole world."

"Yes, the spiritual power of the main world is exhausted, so the gods have formed these worlds between illusion and reality with the supreme power." Xiaoqi hated him and gave him a look. "You know this, Will you be willing to live in illusion, and finally become the nourishment of the Lord's world with the aura?"

"What is true? What is illusion?" Lu Xi shook his head and stood up, looking to the distant edge of the world of consciousness. "Small seven, for thousands of years, only in this world, I feel that I am alive. For me, having her place is real, and without her days, it is like a big dream."

"But the main world also has her!" Xiaoqi screamed. "Lu Xi, are we going back? Well, as we agreed."

As originally agreed?

Lu Xi slightly narrowed his eyes.

At that time, his consciousness fell into the darkness and did not know how long it was. Even the passage of time could not be felt. Then, he heard the voice of Xiaoqi.

At that time, Xiaoqi had no intelligence, just a cold mechanical sound.

He said: "Lu Xi, can you be a wisher? After completing the task, after returning to the main world after one billion points, I can let time return to Su Jiner before boarding the plane."

"Returning to the main world, I let time return to Su Jiner before boarding the plane." Xiaoqi looked up at him: "The main world is perfect, there is no limit to these worlds. You can live with her. There is a little point, I can Heal the body for you, wash the ribs for you, with your qualifications, plus the aura of the perfection of the main world."

"The avenue is available."

“The avenue can be expected?” Lu Xi raised his eyebrows and smirked his lips. “How about the avenue? What about the longevity?”

"Lu Xi..."

"The main world, her only concern is no longer alive, and I have nothing to worry about. Going back to do what? The most important thing is..." Lu Xi sighed slightly, smiled bitterly, "Little Seven, back in time She won't have memories here. Once again, especially in the main world, I am not sure, let her fall in love with me."

"Before I saw "Sunflower", I didn't have the confidence. After seeing "Sunflower", I have no confidence."

"Maybe, I will be her most important person, but she will not fall in love with me after all. From being into luxury, it is difficult to get into luxury. For me who have tasted the taste of love here, how can I meet? Accompanying?"

"That's it. Here, we will be husband and wife, love." Lu Xi coveted, a thin smile on the thin lips, "We will stay together until the world goes unseen At the end."

The space of consciousness is quiet for a long while.

"Really decided?"


"There is no room for change?"


There was a long sigh in the air.

"One billion points, for a wish, what do you want?" Xiaoqi whispered, "You know the rules."

"One billion points. For her life, peace and joy, no disease and no worries."

"You...and the last point, what do you need to redeem?"

At the end of the last transaction, Lu Xi looked at the little guy who had been with him for a hundred years and smiled slightly.

"Small seven, you will encounter a better host than me."

Xiaoqi blinked his eyes and licked him for a long while. He finally couldn’t help but rush into Lu Xi’s arms and opened his mouth and took a bite at his arm.


"Maybe... I will never encounter a more abnormal host than you." The tender voice came from a distant unknowable place.

"And, I wish you happiness."

Read The Duke's Passion