MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 43

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The filming of the crew gradually got on the right track. Su Jin also ran to the crew for three days and two hours. He watched his own efforts and showed it in another form. The satisfaction of his heart almost overflowed.

A week later, the results of the paternity test came out, and the Ming family was boiling up and down.

Although Xue Kai at this time, no, it should be called Ming Kai, although he is still in the disease at this time, but as long as it can be cured, it is the greatest good news for Mingjia.

In the ward.

Alum looked at the man with his eyes closed and his face pale, his eyes soft and gentle, and even the brightly colored facial features were dyed with softness.

The fingertips slid over the face of the man, and she smiled slightly.

This is her younger brother, a younger brother who is connected with her mother and blood.

He had just transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward two days ago. After more than ten days of treatment, his condition has improved. Dr. Sun said that the treatment of M3 type leukemia requires three stages, induction of remission treatment, consolidation of treatment, maintenance of treatment, and the first stage of treatment can be completed in about two months, when Xiaokai's condition will stabilize. Further consolidation treatment.

Hope... always there.

"Ming Yujie..." Ji Min pushed the door open and saw the woman who was looking at the sleeping man, whispering.

"Well?" Alum responded. When he looked up and saw the person standing at the door, he nodded. "Why Vinson came over?"

"Well, Xu Te helps that there is something in the company."

"I know." She said, standing up, bending over for the person on the bed and licking the corner, softly said: "Xiao Kai, take a rest, my sister will come to see you tomorrow."

When she straightened up again, her face was restored to the solemnity of Ming, and she politely greeted Ji Min. She opened the door and went out.

The sound of the high-heeled shoes that tapped the floor was gradually gone.

Ji Min looked at the familiar man on the bed, and looked back at the tall figure that had disappeared into the corridor. He sat down on the chair next to the bed and sighed slightly.

She grew up with Xue Kai, the actor is his dream, so she became his agent, she thought that they could work hard together, through the storm, meet the white head.

Can be clear...

That story she said clearly, the Yin is wrong, although the Ming father is wrong, but after all, looking for him for so many years, she knows how much he longs for his loved ones, naturally can not selfishly stop him to recognize the ancestors, can ... Ming Kai... Will it be the bamboo horse she is familiar with? Ming family, will you allow the heirs who are finally found back to marry an orphan?

The warm sunshine came in from the window, and fell on the body, gently letting people sleepy, but Ji Min slightly frowned, his look was a little confused.

Deep Sea University.

Today’s filming was in the classroom, and Su Jin felt that something was wrong at the door.

Obviously, there was no filming, but the whole scene was silently audible, and the actors looked down at the script, and the staff quietly and slowly ignored things. A very repressed breath came from the source, and the source... She turned her head slightly and saw the man facing her by the window.

What's wrong?

She blinked with some confusion and looked up at Mu Qing, who was standing on the podium and holding her ostrich.

A few people saw her figure and her eyes lit up.

She walked over with the catwalk, gently poked the arm of Mu Qing, and whispered softly: "Clear."

When he heard the sound, Mu Qing jerked his head up.

Su Jin slightly glimpsed, the girl in front of her eyes was reddish, and her phoenix phoenix, which is very similar to her, flashed a touch of water.

"What's wrong with this?" She opened her mouth and asked with a mouth shape. "Hey?"

Mu Qing shook his head and yelled at the man in the corner.

Su Jinshun looked at the direction she pointed, and happened to see the white-eyed gaze staring at the script, and then suddenly realized that, oh, it was the sweetheart who was shackled.

She shook her head helplessly and reached for the forehead of Mu Qing.

Usually two people are used to playing around, Mu Qing habitually slightly sideways sideways want to hide, arms crossed from the table in front, just knocked down the microphone.


The sound of the crash became clearer in the silence of the room. For a moment, it seemed that the air was tense.

"What's the trouble! Let you--" The cold voice came from the man standing by the window, and he turned and turned around. The original screaming was like a sharp knife. And stop.

Su Jin slightly breathed.

The face of the man is clear, and the eyes of the peach blossoms are always shallow and smiling, so they have always been crowned with the name of warm and jade. Nowadays, the face is cold, even the peach eyes of a pair of hooks are like frost, the atmosphere of the whole body is condensed and not scattered. The sunshine that falls in from the window not only does not add half-softness to him, but is like the gold that protects the emperor. Generally, it adds a bit of high honor.

But all this is melting quickly.

When his eyes fell on the girl who was laughing and laughing, all the coldness was as fast as the ice met with water.

In an instant, there was only a full soft color.

"Jiner?" He seems to have some accidents. The peach-eye of the hook is filled with a clear smile again, and even the sound is softened, no longer the cold. The sun slowly rotates around him, refracting into a golden butterfly with wings only.

The repression in the air disappeared at once.

The whole crew was quietly relieved, and the look gradually relaxed.

Lu Xi stepped forward and took the person who suddenly appeared in front of him and went out.

In the classroom next door.

"It's not a day to start school. Are you ready to take a break today?" He leaned on the door halfway and looked at the little girl standing in front of him, laughing and laughing.

Tomorrow is September 1st, and Su Jin is also a senior, and she will begin her life in the last year of Shenzhen University.

"I came to ask you for something." Su Jin stepped back and looked up at the man who was taller than her. "My curriculum, are you doing it?"

"Well?" Lu Xixian was a glimpse, then reacted and nodded cheerfully.

"You--" Su Jin opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

She knew that he was able to quietly let her choose one more course. Who else would this big god-level hacker have? But he admits so much, what can she say?

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other for a long while, and Su Jin finally lost.

"My elective credits have been completed in the last semester." She sighed and said helplessly, "And you have to shoot, when the school shoots, it's better to say, when you go outside, there is still time. Come to class?"

"Jiner." Lu Xi raised his eyebrows and said: "The teacher taught us to say what must be done."

"Then you will say what you must do!" Su Jin sneaked a sneak peek at him. "I don't want to say credits. Your relationship with me is spreading all over the deep sea university. I am going to you." Isn't the class a sneak peek?"

In the previous press conference, her photos were released by the media.

Originally, this is nothing. After all, Lu Xi is, their photos are basically blurred, and her face is not a secret.

The point is, I don’t know which medical school directly categorized this information into the school post, and by the way also found another identity of Lu Xi, a visiting professor at Deep Sea University.

The School of Medicine, one of the top ten school flowers, and the famous director, school professor, 唔, and many attractive combinations. The point is not to fall in love, but to actually have a marriage contract.

Although I don’t know whether it’s because of their identity or the quality of the students in the deep sea, most of the comments on this post are all about Langcai’s appearance and the combination of heaven and earth. Occasionally, a few people who speak sour words are not too conspicuous. But the two of them actually ignited a fire on the school network.

At this time, she went to his class. Is it too hot to stir up the news?

As for the option of asking Lu Da Shen to black out posts...

Oh, she gave up without thinking about it.

Black? This man is not good to add firewood, but he is eager to put Lu Xi directly on her.


The people in front of him were light and picky. The original white skin color was slightly ruddy because of the anger. When he was carrying him, his eyes were hydrated and it was obviously annoyed, but he was more and more charming because of the end of his eyes.

Lu Xi’s heart was hot, taking a step forward, whispering: “What is the relationship?”

What is our relationship?

The familiar breath rushed to the surface, and Su Jin smashed it.

"The relationship between male and female friends?"

"No." Lu Xi shook his head and took another step forward. Su Jin stepped back with his steps, inadvertently hit the table behind him, and leaned back.

Suddenly, a warm arm was crossed across the waist. Su Jinyu, the whole person has been pulled into a warm embrace.

"We are the relationship of unmarried couples." He bent slightly and leaned closer to her earlobe.

"You, Su Jin, will be my Lu Xi's wife."

"Together with the common pains, the opposites. The white head is old, never separated."

Su Jin is slightly embarrassed.

With the same pains and sorrows, each other will be the same, and the whites will be old and never separated.

Sixteen words, not gorgeous or cumbersome.

One word and one sentence, as clear as an oath.

How much does he know her?

Knowing the pride she hides in her bones, she refuses to live under his wings, so she said that she shared the same pains and sorrows.

Knowing her indifference and loneliness under the deep surface, she moved her heart in the most direct way, and then made a promise of white first to old, never separated.

The words are like the most symptomatic medicine, a little bit swaying the deepest lock buried in her heart.

He continued to go out of the school gate of the University of Shenzhen, and Su Jin, who fell into someone’s love, suddenly stopped and reacted.

The purpose of her coming is not to ask him to add courses to her without authorization.

How - is it tempted?

Read The Duke's Passion