MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 17

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Lu Xi stood up fiercely, and the laptop slipped off his legs, making intimate contact with the marble floor, making a dull sound.

The computer screen full of words flashed twice and it went dark completely. Lu Xi never looked at it anymore, but he hurriedly asked: "What is Jiner now? What is going on? What is the other party?"

A series of questions blurted out, and there was no pause in the middle.

Su Shi sighed and reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. "We only know that Xiaojin should have been kidnapped. The specific situation is not clear. The Zhou Bureau is already checking... the kidnappers..."

He closed his eyes and closed his eyes. "The kidnappers have not come to the news yet."

The kidnappers have not come to the news yet? Lu Xi frowned. "When did Jin Er disappear?"

"Every eight o'clock." Su Shi replied: "At 8:10, she came out from Hung Hom and got a taxi. The taxi passed through Mingyuyuan to the monitoring blind spot of Ninghai Road. After that, the driver and Xiaojin They are all missing."


Lu Xi looked down at the wrist watch, and the twilight was heavy.

Half past ten.

Two hours and twenty minutes, and the kidnappers did not even have any news. If it is fortune, it is good, but what if it is fatal? Weekly... police? Put your hopes on them?

And Jiner, she...

He squeezed the mobile phone in his hand, and suddenly a slight smile appeared on the thin lips. The eyes of a pair of peach blossoms were filled with mist, and the layers of coldness spread out, and the eyes were cold.

"I know."

His voice suddenly calmed down, spoke four words, and hung up.


There were two hang-out calls on the phone. Su Shi squinted at the screen of the mobile phone. After a long while, she looked up and said, "Dad, what does he mean?"

Su Chenghai shook his head and shook his head. Although he was not at home, he could see that Lu Xi was valued by Xiao Jin, the fiancée, but this... "I know it?"

"Maybe..." he said with some hesitation: "Do you have other channels in Lujia?"

Other channels?

Su Shi first was a glimpse, and then shook his head. Although Lu Jia’s family was a hundred years old, the Yuming Group was strong enough, but in the end, the strong dragon did not press the head snake. If Lu Jia used the high-level power to deal with it, it was just a laminate one. The layer, in the end, still has to fall on Zhou Kangle, even if ... even if you can adjust the elite from the provincial department, it will take time.

And time, for the current Su Jin, is life.

The wait for no news is the most torture, and the longer the time, the more desperate. If you are seeking for money, the Su family will try their best to change people back, but if...

He can think of it, how can Su Chenghai think of it? Su Shi looked at the father behind the table and saw the man who had always been as majestic, and he was already red-eyed.

"Maybe...he really has something else..."

The low whisper came from the father's mouth, Su Shi slightly lowered his head, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

When despair is getting closer, even if you know that it is a straw, you can't help but think about it.

where is this place?

When Su Jin regained consciousness, she felt a little groggy. She closed her eyes and pressed the frontal angle of the beating. It was finally better, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

The body is still a little soft, but this does not affect her vision.

Just... She closed her eyes hard and opened it again. After repeated times, she bit her lip.

Around... a darkness.

“Is anyone there?” She whispered, and a clear echo came around her.

This place should not be big.

Listening to the sound, Su Jin judged.

It was just that the surrounding area was too dark, she tried her best, and she could only see the near fingers, and there was a slight coolness around her. She reached out and explored it. The tentacles were a little cold metal. With some rugged vertical stripes.

Is it a simple color steel house?

There is no light... Should the window be blocked, or... there is no window at all?

Thinking this way, she frowned slightly, and chose a direction along the wall behind her and slowly climbed forward. It felt like two or three meters, and it touched the corner.

Su Jin slowly sat down on the wall and sat up against the corner, recalling what had happened before.

In the current situation, she was kidnapped, and the person who kidnapped her was a female driver who drove a taxi, or that the female driver was one of the people who kidnapped her. The detour of the detour... On the one hand, to eliminate her wariness, on the other hand, there may be something in the car that can make her stun, but it takes more than twenty minutes to make a difference.

Who is the messenger?

Sujia's business rivals? Zhao Wenhua? Han Xueyu?

If it is Zhao Wenhua, what is the use of kidnapping her? Use her strong, force her to submit? The heirs of the Zhao family will not be so stupid? The Su family is a bit stronger than the Zhao family. When things are lost, there is no place to turn over.

And Han Xueyan, the original book is also a dispensable female N, even if she is jealous, but after all, is a girl in her twenties, where can I really do such a thing? What's more, she is kidnapping her what to do? Looking for someone to ruin her innocence? But now it is obvious that she is alone.

What is left of the Su's business rivals?

Does the other party want to get something from her father through her chips?

However, the clothes on the body are complete, and the body is soft and has no other abnormalities except for the coma. Regardless of who is behind the scenes, since she did not do anything to her when she was in a coma, it means that she is still safe now, as for others. It is necessary to look at the negotiations between the family and the people behind the scenes.

As for the attitude of the father and brother... She never doubts that their love for her, in the original book, after she kidnapped Lin Xiyue, she was only sent abroad, and it is still a matter of food and clothing. Her nature is simple, on the other hand, she is a family member who has been together for more than 20 years.

Su Jin has put aside his heart, and the atmosphere in the chairman's office at the top of the Su's top has become more and more dull.

Two people with four eyes staring at each other and discharging the two mobile phones on the table, a little wind and grass will be excited.

Unfortunately, there is no news on the Zhou Bureau.

The kidnappers... there is no news.

Su Shi’s cell phone suddenly rang, and the two men first glimpsed before reacting.

The person who called was a Korean dream.

Su Chenghai raised his hand and gestured to Su Shi to answer the phone.

"Mom," Su Shi nodded, and decided to open the door: "What?"

"It's okay, Xiaojin's phone is still not working. It's almost noon. You call the coffee shop and ask her if she comes back for lunch?"

"Lunch..." Su Shi thought sharply and went back to: "Yes, Mom, Xiaojin told me that she had just lost her love with a friend. She has to accompany her well. It is estimated that she will not come back at night. Let you Don't worry, she will call you when her phone is repaired."

“What did Xiao Jin say?” Han Meng had some doubts. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

"I don't forget too much about things." Su Shi said with a smile.

"Is that the case?" Some of Han Meng’s letters will be suspicious. Under the repeated guarantees of Su Shi, this is the only way to hang up the phone.

Listening to the hanging sound from the phone, Su Shi was relieved.

"Let it go."

Su Chenghai’s voice came from the ear, and Su Shi looked at his father’s gaze, but saw his right hand unconsciously clenched the paperweight on the table. When it was opened, the long edge was in the palm of his hand. There is a deep red mark left in it.

He sighed slightly, but did not know, Su Chenghai's hand hidden under the table had already clenched into a fist, and the trimmed and rounded nails fell into the palm of his heart.

the other side.

Su Jin hugged her knees in the corner and suddenly felt a little cold. She frowned and had a layer of sweat on her body. In the darkness of her fingers, she panicked from the bottom of her heart. Breathing is a little difficult.

In the mind, an image flashed past.

The smiling faces of the children in the orphanage, everyone lost their hands and hide and seek the hidden smiles, and the empty house, a similar darkness, and finally stopped at the kind smile and warm embrace.

Su Jin reached out and held the forehead with a splitting headache, and suddenly opened his eyes.

She always thought that she was indifferent; she always thought that although she was a child of an orphanage, she could live a smooth life without any grievances; she always thought that she could be put into her heart because she raised her. Big.

But she never thought about it. Since she was indifferent, and Fu was no different from her children in other orphanages, why did she just put her in her heart?


She was thrown away since she was a child. She took her to the big hand and raised her as a relative and a prostitute. She naturally differed from other people. The children who have become orphans have the most obvious perception of these.

At the age of seven, a group of children who were similar to her locked her in a dark compartment while playing hide and seek. This group of children understands both the grievances and the age of special sensibility, so it is even more fearless to do things.

Until dinner, Fu Xiao discovered that she had disappeared. After searching for a long time, she finally found her in the cubicle who was close to the coma in the corner.

After she recovered from a serious illness, she immediately forgot this memory. The memory before the age of seven was slowly blurred.

But even if she forgets, she has a natural dependence and closeness to the person who saved her from the darkness. So even after paying for her to be like her, she is also slowly following her long companionship. Put her in my heart.

If it is not the case now, she will not find these memories.

Su Jin smiled a bit, but did not know what to do. Obviously knowing that fear is wrong, but this feeling is still emitted from the bottom of my heart. Even the original soft body was a little stiff, and it was harder to breathe when it was sweating.

I don't know how long it has been.

In the darkness, a loud noise suddenly came.

Su Jin stunned, and this slowly stiffened and raised his head.

Her position is facing the door, and the door seems to have been opened.

It seems as if the overwhelming sunlight has fallen, illuminating a small space, and some stinging her eyes.

But Su Jin did not want to close his eyes.

The beautiful phoenix stared at the door without hesitation, letting the slightest pain spread in the eyes.

The person at the door, the clothes were messy, seemed to come from the center of the light, and slowly walked to the position away from her.

Su Jin looked at the man kneeling down in front of her, her eyes were clear, her lips were slightly curved, and the smile of the peach eyes was more than the sunshine behind him.

Then he slowly opened her arms to her.

Open with a shallow smile.


Read The Duke's Passion