MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 206 Episode 3: Sick Husband and Shrewd Wife

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Xue Xuran feels that there are no regrets in this world for him. Although he was sick and weak, his health was not good, but his life was like this, and he didn't have much to complain about. Furthermore, he was born in a wealthy family, and he was pampered by his parents. He got what he wanted, and according to the principle of gaining what he lost, he felt that God took care of him.

But there is only one thing, he gets angry when he thinks about it, that is, he finally got married, but the gods didn't give him face like this, and made him fall ill on the day they got married. Even though he was too tired from a long trip before getting married, and exhausted his mind and energy, but he can't be allowed to behave like this on the day of worship! After he finished worshiping with strength, he was sent back to the room and fed a bowl of medicine. He fell asleep before he had time to explain to his newlyweds the rules of the wedding night.

By the way, what are the rules on the wedding night? He clearly planned it in his head, and he was drowsy. He fell asleep after drinking the medicine, but he couldn't remember clearly.

When you wake up and open your eyes, it's already daytime. Xue Xuran saw An Ruoxi sitting at the head of his bed at a glance.

An Ruoxi looked up at him with surprise. Xue Xuran thought angrily, if the first thing she said was "what's wrong with you", he would ignore her for three days.

An Ruoxi said, "Are you dreaming?"

Xue Xuran was taken aback.

"Did you dream about me?"

Xue Xuran was completely speechless. Although it's good to say that, I didn't say anything he didn't like to hear, but the words are endless, and it's quite annoying not to know what's going on in her head.

At this time, the girl heard the movement in the room and hurried in, seeing Xue Xuran woke up, she hurriedly called out: "Young master is awake!"

Soon two girls came in again, holding a tray with a bowl on it, the familiar smell let Xue Xuran know what it was.

"Young master has been sleeping for two days, should you drink some medicinal porridge? It's warm, just right for your mouth."

two days? ! Xue Xuran frowned, quite angry, and was about to play with his temper, but An Ruoxi quickly answered for him: "I want to drink, bring it."

An Ruoxi helped Xue Xuran to sit up with a lot of strength, then took the porridge bowl with one hand and the spoon in the other, and stuffed it into Xue Xuran's mouth deftly.

"When I was taking a nap just now, I dreamed about my husband."

Xue Xuran was about to protest against eating, but when he heard what An Ruoxi said, he immediately pricked up his ears, wondering what she dreamed about him.

"My husband told me, 'I'm hungry'." An Ruoxi said while feeding the porridge, "I woke up immediately. My husband is hungry, so what's the matter, I have to come and see."

Xue Xuran choked on a mouthful of porridge, he was not only sick, but also a foodie in her dream? Very angry! The image of his first husband! How about face! What is he trying to say? right! He wants to teach her a lesson, how can she be dreaming! Also, I have to talk to her about the pile of rules I thought about earlier.

Xue Xuran reviewed the rules in his mind, brewed up his emotions, and was about to speak, but found that he had already been stuffed with a bowl of porridge. It's over, why did you eat so fast? How can this momentum be sustained.

An Ruoxi smiled in satisfaction, put down the bowl, and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "Sister-in-law is indeed hungry. Hurry up and praise me."

Praise you for being too free? annoying. Xue Xuran gave her a supercilious look.

An Ruoxi didn't care, but felt that Xue Xuran's spirit was much better. When he is energetic, she is happy.

An Ruoxi smiled foolishly at Xue Xuran, Xue Xuran was waiting to roll her eyes again, but she was aware that there was a girl in the room. No, you can't give An Ruoxi a bad look in front of the girls, after all, he is a bride who has just entered the house, if he looks down on her, the girls will neglect her young wife in the future.

Xue Xuran cleared his throat, and asked An Ruoxi with a serious face: "Have you eaten?" He glanced at the girls while asking.

The maids hurriedly replied: "Go back to the young master, the young lady has already eaten." The young master is really sick and confused, just now the young lady clearly said that she took a nap, so it means that she has already had lunch.

"Did they serve you well?" Xue Xuran asked An Ruoxi again.

The girls hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, young master, the servants will definitely do their best for the young lady."

An Ruoxi didn't even have a chance to speak, she just felt happy and kept laughing.

Like a fool.

Xue Xuran disliked her again.

He let the girls go down, and when only the husband and wife were left in the room, he gave An Ruoxi a hard look, and felt happy.

But An Ruoxi continued to laugh, Xue Xuran was speechless, and didn't know what to say for a while, and after thinking about a few lessons, they all felt that this opening was not imposing enough, so they simply asked: "The maids and women you brought are all settled. ?"

"It's all good."

"En." Xue Xuran was speechless again, should he ask if he slept well last night? Oh, after this wedding, what topic do you talk about?

"Sir." An Ruoxi leaned over. Xue Xuran's heart skipped a beat, and pretending to be indifferent, he let out a "hmm" without showing any emotion. She was close, and he could smell the fragrance of her body, which was faint, soft and quite seductive. Xue Xuran's face became a little hot, and then he felt irritable again, his body was heavy and his heart was stuffy, his body was so weak that it was so uncomfortable to even blush.

and many more. Why is he blushing!

"Sir." An Ruoxi called again.

The voice was shy.

Xue Xuran couldn't help but secretly glanced at her.

An Ruoxi lowered her head, her face was pink. Xue Xuran couldn't look away.

"Sir, I just want to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the girl shouting outside: "I have seen Madam."

An Ruoxi suddenly raised her head and met Xue Xuran's eyes. Both of them looked surprised and annoyed.

It was too late to say anything, Mrs. Xue led two women and a man who looked like a doctor hurried in: "Xu Ran, are you awake?"

"En." Xue Xuran had no choice but to respond, while glancing at An Ruoxi. What do you want to ask for a while and then ask if you know?

An Ruoxi took two steps back to make room for Mrs. Xue. She quietly looked at Xue Xuran, feeling a little wronged in her heart, she didn't send his wife here, why did she stare at her?

Madam Xue smiled reassuringly at An Ruoxi: "It's okay, don't worry, let the doctor show him."

An Ruoxi hurriedly saluted and returned a smile.

Xue Xuran's wrist was held by the doctor, looking at the doctor's face, he couldn't say anything nice for a while. Xue Xuran looked at An Ruoxi, and was not happy: "Go back to your room first."

Madam Xue and An Ruoxi were both taken aback.

Xue Xuran said again: "This room is full of medicine smell, and it's very stuffy, don't stay here anymore, go back to the room and rest."

After hearing this, Madam Xue understood what her son meant. He definitely didn't want An Ruoxi to listen to the doctor discussing his condition. That's right, my daughter-in-law just came in, don't listen to these things. So Madam Xue also said: "That's right, Xi'er, you go back to rest first. There is a doctor here to take care of you, Xu Ran is fine."

An Ruoxi opened her mouth, wanting to stay, but she didn't know what to say. She glanced at Xue Xuran quietly, but he didn't look down at her. An Ruoxi bit her lip, nodded in agreement, saluted and walked out.

Xue Xuran looked at her back and coughed hard.

An Ruoxi looked back at him. He glared at An Ruoxi hard, and signaled with his eyes that the doctor will leave after a while, you will come back later, you know? I wanted to ask some questions just now, but I will ask again later, do you understand? Go back to the room and think about a few more topics, so we have something to say when we meet, you know?

An Ruoxi blinked her eyes, turned her head and walked away again, her steps were a bit heavy, she felt really aggrieved, why did she drive her away, she was obviously his wife. Just chase her away, and still stare at her, for fear that she will bother him again? Obviously, she was very kind to her before, but he insisted on her marrying over, and she never forced him.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, An Ruoxi hung her head and went back to her room to feel sad.

An Ruoxi stayed in the house for a long time when Mrs. Xue came. Mrs. Xue comforted An Ruoxi with soft words. The daughter-in-law's son fell ill on the day she started, and she lived in a separate room, which made her worry about her. It is true that the Xue family can't live with him. Mrs. Xue felt a little guilty, so she gave An Ruoxi some jewelry, talked about Xue Xuran's condition, and asked her to be more considerate, saying that the days will be long in the future, don't care about Xue Xuran's bad temper, if you are annoyed by him, come and tell her Well, as a mother, she will definitely decide for her daughter-in-law.

After hearing this, An Ruoxi was a little moved, if she changed her mother, she might have some blows to her daughter-in-law. After such a comparison, An Ruoxi felt that Xue Xuran hated her, her mother-in-law treated her so well, but he would only stare at her as a husband-in-law.

An Ruoxi got angry and didn't go to see Xue Xuran again this day, but inquired about it at night, Xue Xuran was not in good health today, the doctor said that he would have to stay in bed for a few more days and take medicine to rest.

The next day was the day when An Ruoxi returned to her natal home in Guining. She brought a lot of presents from Mrs. Xue and returned to An Mansion alone.

Tan was very upset to see her daughter come back alone. This son-in-law didn't even come out to toast the guests on the day of his wedding, it was really rude, the face of their An family was damaged, and she had heard a lot of gossip in the past few days.

Mrs. Tan took her daughter and asked carefully, had they ever consummated their marriage?

An Ruoxi was a little ashamed, he hesitated and said nothing.

Tan was even more unhappy. To put it bluntly, Mr. Xue can't even consummate a house. How many years can he last with his body?

An Ruoxi was immediately annoyed when she heard this.

Mrs. Tan didn't look at An Ruoxi's face, but thought that her daughter was embarrassed, so she taught her that no matter what, consummating the house is the most important thing. After the marriage, everything is useless, and the only way to establish a family is to have children. Keep your feet on the ground. The Xue family's property must be left to the Xue family's descendants in the end, Xue Xuran looks short-lived, so he has to find a way to conceive a child as soon as possible.

An Ruoxi pursed her lips tightly and remained silent, endured her mother's nagging for a long time, and after hearing a lot of mother's complaints about Xue Xuran's illness, she finally couldn't help it, and said that she had to go back early, got up and wanted to leave.

Tan's face was stern and unhappy: "What's the rush?"

"I'm in a hurry to go back and have a baby!" An Ruoxi was even more unhappy, and left with an angry sentence.

When he returned to Xue's mansion, his complexion was still not good, but he heard the girl report that Xue Xuran woke up and wanted to see her.

An Ruoxi hurried over.

Seeing her, Xue Xuran scolded: "What's the matter? Is it the same if you have a husband or not? Don't you think I'm sick?"

An Ruoxi was startled, feeling distressed and guilty at the same time, before he could finish speaking, she rushed over and hugged him: "I didn't, it wasn't what I said, it was all my mother's idea. I don't hold anything against you You are sick. You are in my heart, no one else can compare. "

After yelling, he thought about what was wrong, looked up, Xue Xuran wrinkled his face delicately.

Hey, don't you know what her mother told her when she went back to her mother's house? That's right, he doesn't have a smooth ear.


"What did your mother say?"

An Ruoxi stood up obediently, and asked with a serious face: "Sir, what do you want from me?"

Want to get off topic? Xue Xuran snorted coldly, this trick doesn't work. It was not in vain for him to recuperate from his illness for a few days, now he is full of energy and can fight with his wife for 300 rounds! This account is calculated bit by bit, and nothing is missed!

"Tell me! What day is it today!"

An Ruoxi thought about it carefully, and answered cautiously: "May, the third day of junior high..." Her husband's face was not good-looking.

"Are you asking this?" Xue Xuran was even angrier.

An Ruoxi opened his mouth, didn't he ask this?

What a fool! Xue Xuran asked again: "Where did you go?"

This is an easy answer. "Going back to my mother's house."

"Why go back?"

"It's not, on Guining's day, you have to go back to your mother's house."

"You also know it's Gui Ning!" Xue Xuran finally heard what he wanted to hear, glared at him, and said, "Shouldn't I lead you back to your mother's house in such a day? In the end, you left quietly Yes, did you ask me?"

An Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and swallowed back the words "But Mr. Gong, you are recuperating from illness, so you don't know when you will wake up, even if you wake up, you should not go out". She lowered her head and stared at the toe of the shoe.

"Are you aware of your mistake?"


Xue Xuran was taken aback for a moment, so obedient? How can he play so well.

He cleared his throat: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"I brought delicious snacks from home, take one for my husband?"

"Is it rare?"

So is it rare for him to go home with him? An Ruoxi pursed her lips. She knew that Xue Xuran didn't like her mother.

"Then punish me to move in, and serve my husband to change clothes and eat." An Ruoxi thought for a long time, and a flash of inspiration occurred!

Xue Xuran was taken aback, and looked up at her.

An Ruoxi raised her head and held her chest upright.

"What did your mother tell you?"

An Ruoxi was immediately poked, a little discouraged: "She asked me to serve my husband well."

"Really?" Xue Xuran had a look of disbelief.

An Ruoxi argued: "Although it's not such a sentence, the meaning is the same."

"Then what did she say?"

"Ah, what did she say? I can't remember. Anyway, that's about it." An Ruoxi played a rogue.

Xue Xuran glared at her: "If you marry me, you will be our Xue family. Don't listen to your mother's orders anymore. She has a bad heart. I don't want to clean up your mess in the future."

An Ruoxi is not happy anymore, no matter what, it is her own mother. Although she is a little disappointed in her mother, she is very upset that others look down on her and have such a low evaluation.

"It's okay with my mother. You are angry and can't go back to the door with me. Could it be that you feel that you can't monitor me? I am Xue's wife and your wife Xue Xuran. Naturally, I am devoted to you, but I have just passed the door. You Slandering my mother like this, belittling me and being hostile to my family, is this the attitude a husband and wife should have?"

Xue Xuran was stunned for a moment, not happy anymore: "What did I say, you deserve ten sentences if I say one sentence, then you need to review your attitude!"

"My attitude is very good! You said you wanted to see me, so I came here quickly. I answered your question quickly. How is your attitude?"

"Then tell me, does your mother dislike my illness?"

"It's true that you're sick. You've been sick all your life. Why are you picky about what others despise!"

"Look, isn't that what I say and what you say!"

"What you said just now is that if you say one sentence, I'll give you ten! Now you can count it yourself, there are no ten sentences!" The more An Ruoxi quarreled, the more he quarreled, and he almost got his hips tied.

"You still think you're pretty smart, don't you?"

"Not as smart as my husband."

"Hmph, when flattering you, you can show your sincerity with a better tone."

"Who's flattering! I'm telling the truth!"

Xue Xuran glared at her! Praise him ferociously, is this really a compliment or an angry word!

An Ruoxi stared back. Now that she was in full swing, she said in one breath: "It's a fact that you are not in good health, and it's also a fact that my mother is trying to make money for others. But it's not my mother's idea that I marry you. In that way, I married you because I like you. You are weak and sick, so what, there is no natural or man-made disaster, maybe it is not as long as your life. Your life is not long, so what, I also thought about it before I married Yes, we are the same age, the same age, and when we die, we will naturally be of the same age."

Xue Xuran froze. He expected that he was a lot of women, but he never expected that she would talk like this, and say such serious... love words. Xue Xuran's face gradually heated up, and he felt something burning in his heart, his heart was beating fast, scorching hot.

He cleared his throat, cleared it again, and managed to maintain a normal tone: "Tell me yourself, are your words disgusting?"

An Ruoxi put her hands on her hips: "What disgusting words! Say it! What disgusting words!"

It's even more fierce than a village woman in the mountains!

Xue Xuran looked at An Ruoxi, but couldn't feel the slightest bit of disgust. She was fierce and rude, but he found her shining eyes so beautiful, and the vigor of her fierce posture so attractive.

Two people, you looked at me, and I looked at you, without revealing that the other blushed.

An Ruoxi pinched herself secretly, and said with a strong face: "My husband is fine, then I'll go back to the room!" After saying that, he retreated quickly, walked out of the room and slapped his head, oops, how could I forget the most important thing, should I borrow With this momentum, I said that I would move in and live with my husband...

An Ruoxi hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, anyway, she had lost her manners just now, so she just pretended to be imposing now!

An Ruoxi rushed back into the house with strides, opened his mouth and shouted: "I tell you, I want to move in, you are sick and need..."

"Need someone to wait on you" didn't finish the sentence, because An Ruoxi saw that Xue Xuran had got up and was dressing himself, looking quite energetic. It's really annoying, so her reason can't be used?

"Moving in?" Xue Xuran looked at her.

"Can't you? Husband and wife should live in the same room." An Ruoxi was annoyed by Xue Xuran's attitude, "Before you fell ill, I was afraid of disturbing your rest, so I listened to my mother-in-law and lived in another room temporarily. Now that you have recovered, I will move back."

Say yes! Say yes quickly!

As a result, Xue Xuran remained silent, turned around and went to do other things.

An Ruoxi was left alone, gritted her teeth, and stomped her feet: "That's the deal." Then she turned and ran away.

Xue Xuran turned her head when she heard her go, her eyes glistened with joy, alas, I almost couldn't hold back just now, I'm sorry to ask him to say yes to move, she just made up her own mind. Then he just waited. By the way, I can still use this incident to make fun of her thick skin in the future, and take the initiative to consummate the house.

Round house, round house, where is his brochure, he wants to read it again.

But until night, Xue Xuran didn't wait for An Ruoxi to move in. He thought about waiting a little longer, asking how shameless he was, but An Ruoxi didn't move. He thinks it's better to wait a little longer, or else people are preparing for it. When he asked, it seemed that he missed her so much. In the end, An Ruoxi remained silent.

Xue Xuran didn't know that An Ruoxi was falling into deep depression at the moment, wishing she could bury herself. When she returned to the house, the more she thought about it, the more she felt ashamed, so she waited for Xue Xuran to speak, as long as he said, "Didn't you say you want to move? Why didn't you see anyone?", then she would move quickly. But she sent a girl to inquire, but Xue Xuran stayed in the room the whole time and didn't ask her at all. An Ruoxi buried herself in the quilt and wailed, shameless, shameless, how to move this?

The two of them dragged on all night, sullen in their own rooms, sleepy and fell asleep.

Xue Xuran got up late, thought about it all night and didn't sleep well, and only woke up around noon the next day. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw An Ruoxi sitting beside his bed, holding a book in his hand.

Xue Xuran took a closer look, his hairs stood on end! His brochure! Where did it hide last night? Could it be that it was not put away, and was found by this shrew!

An Ruoxi turned her eyes inadvertently, and seeing Xue Xuran woke up, she was shocked, and almost threw the booklet away, but she pretended nothing had happened with a guilty conscience.

Both of their minds were spinning rapidly, how to deal with this situation?

Before the two of them could speak, the girl outside called out, "Hi Ma'am."

Both Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi jumped up. Mrs. Xue came in, followed by the girl holding the food box. Seeing the scene in the room, she calmly asked the girl to put down the food box and send it out.

Both Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi looked at her nervously.

Mrs. Xue laughed, and was about to explain a few words before leaving by herself, but saw the book in An Ruoxi's hand.

The villain Xue Xuran complained first, and said: "Ah, mother, I just woke up, why are you both here? Lady, what are you holding in your hand? Where did you get the book, and how did you bring it to my room to read? Go back to your own room look."

An Ruoxi was dumbfounded, and then she realized that she hurriedly carried the book behind her back, and fumbled for a long time to say: "I, my mother stuffed a bunch of things, I took it over to have a look, I turned to this booklet, and I haven't read it yet. not sure what it is."

Mrs. Xue really didn't want to see it, and she didn't want to hear it. She waved her hand: "It's alright, alright, you guys have a good chat, take a look. I'm just bringing food and looking at Xu Ran's body. Since there's nothing serious, then please trouble Xi'er to take care of him."

An Ruoxi hurriedly agreed.

Mrs. Xue turned to leave, and suddenly said: "Xu Ran is well, Xi'er, you can move in. The couple should live in the same house."

An Ruoxi and Xue Xuran responded in unison: "Yes, yes."

Madam Xue smiled, and said, "Let's eat first."

"Okay, okay."

Mrs. Xue left. Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, they looked at each other, blushed and looked away, and heard Mrs. Xue telling the maid outside that the young master and madam are not allowed to enter without calling.

An Ruoxi and Xue Xuran blushed even more.

The two stood for a long time, An Ruoxi said softly, "This is not my book."

"Then whose?" Xue Xuran played a rogue.

An Ruoxi pursed her lips, not to expose him.

Xue Xuran looked at her red face and asked her: "Are you hungry?"

An Ruoxi shook his head.

Xue Xuran said again: "I'm not hungry, I'm sleepy, I'm going to take a nap." After saying that, he went back to bed.

An Ruoxi stared blankly at his actions, not knowing how to respond. Xue Xuran lay down on the bed and stared at her.

An Ruoxi was still in a daze, he was sleeping, so what should she do?

Xue Xuran waited for a long time, annoyed, this shrew, doesn't she have a special idea? Isn't it a joke to move in? He didn't do any fart after talking harshly, but now he can stand there stupidly!

"How long are you going to stand?" Xue Xuran yelled at her.

An Ruoxi bit her lip, bowed her head aggrieved and walked out.

Xue Xuran beat his heart! Actually left! gone! He wanted to stop her, but felt ashamed.

An Ruoxi walked a few steps, and found that she was still holding the shameful booklet with many pictures in her hand. She looked at the booklet, and then looked back at Xue Xuran, it was so irritating! This guy hides such a shameful thing, and still pretends to be dignified!

An Ruoxi threw the book **** the ground, turned around and walked towards Xue Xuran, shouting ferociously: "I want to take a nap too!"

Xue Xuran rolled on the bed, buried his happy expression with the quilt, and muttered: "It's disgusting."

Xue Xuran pricked up his ears, but didn't hear An Ruoxi's movement, fearing that she would leave suddenly again, he turned over and reached out, grabbing her wrist.

Both of them felt their skin was hot, and their eyes met each other, shy and happy at the same time.

The tent was lowered.

Various voices murmured in the tent.

"Do you know?"

"Why don't you go and pick up the booklet and let's compare it?"

No one went to pick up the booklet.

After a while, there was a soft panting sound in the tent.

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