MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 76

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Hearing the sound, Aokiji's face changed slightly, and he watched the two flashes of light warily.

The light converged, and the two figures revealed their original appearance.

I saw two identical wretched men appearing in front of my eyes.

One is a yellow ape, and the other...should also be a yellow ape?

Aokiji looked at his pair of colleagues and asked in surprise, "Porusalino? You were copied by him?"

The two yellow apes replied in unison: "It's me, Aokiji! He imitated me!"

Aokiji was dumbfounded, how could he tell the difference?

One of the "Yellow Apes" said with his anxious speech speed: "Damn pirate, do you think you can't recognize Kuzan if you pretend to be me?"

Another "yellow ape" glanced at him disdainfully, and said with a wry mouth, "Aren't you afraid? Kuzan can recognize it at a glance, you fake."

The "Yellow Ape" on the left squinted and said with a smile: "It's still pretending, if you have the ability to fight again, Kuzan will naturally see it."

Not to be outdone, the "Yellow Ape" on the right said, "Come on, let's see who is the speed of light!"

Two flashes of light collided into the air again, leaving the stunned people in place, and the yelling and cursing continued to ring out in the air.

The sound of apes on both sides of the strait couldn't help crying for a while, and the pressure here was given to Qingzhi Kuzan who was watching the show.

Kuzan scratched his head and stared at the two with a headache.

You guys are too high on me, I really can't recognize it...

Kuzan looked at Enilu and the others who were blocking him, and shouted with an idea: "If anyone is real, quickly get rid of Neuer's men!"

The two flashing lasers rushed towards Weber and Enilu on the ground at the same time without any hesitation.

With the same move, the two launched a light-speed kick together. Weber and Enilu were hit immediately, and their bodies were twisted and kicked far away.


Kuzan has completely lost his move. Did Neuer kill his own people?

Enilu climbed up from the ruins of the building in disgrace, struggled to cover his head, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

Although there is no evidence, why does it feel like the captain stabbed him in the back and said...

The one who kicked himself to death is definitely the **** Neuer!

"Yellow Ape" looked at Enilu, blinked innocently, and smiled innocently.

If you want to test Neuer's identity like this, do you think he dare not do it?

To tell you the truth, when Neuer was bored on the boat, he would hit Enilo twice for fun!

Unable to tell the real from the fake "Monkey King", Kuzan had no choice but to give up this idea for the time being and directly freeze the huge warship with air-conditioning.

Joy suddenly appeared in Neuer's sloppy eyes, and this is the moment he was waiting for!

The moment Kuzan activated his ability, Neuer seized the opportunity and quickly elementalized and approached Aokiji's body!

The real yellow ape at the side had already guarded against him, and flickered over to protect the green pheasant.

The yellow monkey's long golden legs kicked on Neuer's shoulder, but he still didn't stop, and bumped into the green pheasant abruptly under the pressure.

"Successfully copied the golden talent Demon Boarding Freeze, do you want to replace it?"

Neuer wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing a relieved smile.

This smile fell into the eyes of the yellow monkey and the blue pheasant, it was the devil's smile!

Dangerous signals sounded in the brain, and Aokiji, who was accidentally touched by Neuer, stared at him with a livid face.

With a majestic lineup of two generals, even the Four Emperors can face each other for several rounds.

But if you don't let others touch you, just defeat a Shichibukai-level Neuer, then this is embarrassing them...

Fighting is destined to touch, and Neuer's unsolvable copying fruit has created an innate advantage for him, not to mention that he now has a shining fruit.

Above the sea, is there anyone he can't touch or copy?

Neuer stored the Thunderbolt fruit in the illustrated book, straightened up like a rainbow, and returned to his original appearance.

The calf turned into a flash of light, the shadow current wave was under his feet, and his arms were still covered with a layer of ice armor. Neuer stretched his neck and said with a smile: "Come on, the second round!"

Seeing Neuer showing his original appearance, the enemy navy soldiers quickly raised their guns and fired a well-trained volley of bullets.

Neuer swept his hand lightly, and an ice wall rose from the ground, directly blocking a large area of ​​lead bullets.

Thousands of naval shells were unable to break through Neuer's defense alone. At this time, someone finally remembered Neuer's ability.

Demon Man Neuer with the Copy Fruit!

Under his command, he has the thunder fruit ability user known as the strongest natural system and the rare ancient ability user.

Moreover, according to the latest information, all members of the former government spy agency CP9 have joined Neuer's gang!

Such a pirate is simply a nightmare for those with abilities, and he also copied the ability of the general.

With only Admiral Sakalski left, the navy's highest combat power has been lost...

Aokiji and Kizaru had long since given up the idea of ​​fishing, and they joined forces to attack Neuer.

The fusion of ice and flash, coupled with the large-scale influence of the shadow, Neuer's explosive power is worthy of anyone.

However, if such multiple abilities are activated at the same time, the consumption of physical strength will almost increase exponentially, and Neuer will not be able to hold it for too long.

If you have Kaido's physical talent, you will still be concerned about the physical consumption of Devil Fruit.

It's like Luo has the power of the fruit of the operation, but his physique hasn't kept up, and he loses his physical strength after a few times of use.

Neuer raised Amaterasu Fire, spread it to Onimaro, and swung the Black Flame Blade at Aokiji.

The light of the yellow monkey is not restrained by any element, but the ice of the green pheasant is different!

The high temperature of Tianzhaohuo rushed towards the face, and the cold Aokiji subconsciously showed timidity, and was forced to take a few steps back by the astonishing heat.

This kind of high temperature, even Aokiji and Akainu never felt it when they fought against each other!

What kind of ability is this? !

Neuer gained power and was relentless, the demon sword burning with black fire carried a terrifying aura, pressing down on the green pheasant step by step and slashing wildly.

Aokiji was suppressed by Amaterasu's temperature, and the ice cubes cast would be melted in an instant, so he had to fight and retreat.

Fortunately, Kizaru came to support him in time, and confronted Neuer again with the Amacongun Sword, while Aokiji played a supporting role at the side, interfering with Neuer with ice thorns from time to time.

After all, the general is experienced, and the battle situation changed rapidly, and Neuer once again fell into a disadvantage.

Just when Neuer's physical strength was gradually exhausted, deafening cheers came from behind him!

"Successful, we have broken the ice!"

Chapter 120 Theory of Justice

Neuer finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the voice behind him.

The ice sword pierced by the black fire swept across countless grounds, and these obstacles were immediately melted.

Taking the green pheasant as a breakthrough, Neuer broke out of the encirclement of the two generals with a knife, and shouted: "Push the boat off the mainland and leave it to me!"

The two giants responded in unison, stretched out their long arms, grabbed their companions, carried them onto the boat, and then rushed down the red earth continent with all their might against several warships!

Huang Yuan couldn't help but pause, are they trying to commit suicide? !

The Red Earth Continent, this almost insurmountable mountain, not to mention that there are still people who want to jump from here!

Aren't you afraid that people and boats will fall to pieces?

Aokiji suddenly understood something, and shouted anxiously: "Porusalino! Don't let Neuer use his ability!"

But Neuer had already started to act, and seeing the right moment, he desperately spread a dense fog like ice crystals in the air.

In an instant, an ice tunnel suddenly appeared under the warship, extending towards the sky at an angle!

ice slide? The sailors could hardly believe their eyes, could this kind of fun take them away?

Falling on the ice slide, although the vertical fall has changed into a slide, the ice surface is still uneven, and everyone on the boat screamed again and again.

But there are more people, but it is the sound of joy and celebration.

But Neuer, the maker of the ice slide, was complaining.

The ice road ahead was still extending, and Neuer stood on the bow of the leader, raising his hands to use his abilities, not daring to relax for a moment.

The Red Clay Continent is so high that the ice slide can only be used for slow descent, and Neuer's physical strength is not enough to directly make such a large area of ​​ice.

I have just solved the swordsmanship talent and domineering talent, and then I have to plan for the physical talent...

Neuer was thinking with a wry smile, but at this moment his sense of knowledge suddenly rang loudly, and there was a danger coming from afar!

Neuer did not question the accuracy of his knowledge at all, and quickly lowered his head to avoid it.

Almost at the same time, a beam of light flashed over Neuer's head, and he was almost headshot!

Neuer raised his head in a thrill and looked at the person behind him.

On the top of the mast of the warship behind him, the yellow monkey rested on Aokiji's shoulder with one hand, and pointed his finger at Neuer with the other hand.

The cloaks of justice behind the two of them rattled, bringing an infinite sense of oppression to everyone in the sky.

Someone looked at them and said angrily: "It's all like this! Is the navy still refusing to let us go?!"

Huang Yuan spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, it's just an order."


The fact is that Huang Yuan originally wanted to get off work when he saw Neuer take people on the ice slide and the soldiers couldn't pursue him.

Who knew that his good colleague Qingzhi, who usually fished with him, had some kind of muscle cramps, so he insisted on Huang Yuan leading him to catch up.

So now, there is a scene where the two laziest generals take the initiative to work overtime.

Aokiji listened to what the liberated slaves said, looked at Neuer calmly and said, "Devil Man Neuer, let's negotiate a condition."

talk? What are you talking about?

Forget it... It would be best if we could delay for a while.

Neuer couldn't let go of his hands, tried to make a relaxed posture, and said: "What do you want to talk about, talk about it?"

Aokiji pointed to the rescued people below, and said, "If you voluntarily surrender and hand over the Tianlongren who were **** by you, I can give up chasing them and take them to a safe place."

Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Can you be the master?"

Aokiji's expression remained calm, but his tone was unexpectedly firm, and he said, "I am responsible for the accident. Our mission is to arrest Neuer and rescue the Tianlong people."

"Those slaves... just treat them as scattered and fled..."

Neuer laughed disdainfully after hearing Aokiji's condition, and said mockingly: "You really made a good condition..."

Aokiji was not annoyed by his mocking voice: "What do you think?"

Before Neuer could answer, the brothers who were rescued by him were already unhappy, and they roared angrily one by one.

I don't know where they got the courage to point at the general's nose and curse.

"Shameless navy, why do you take away benefactor!"

"A strong man like Engong, dragging us burdens to escape together, you just want to arrest people with a single word, fart!"

"Anyway, you will be caught if you let him go. We would rather fight here with En Gong!"

"Yes! We don't care about your freedom of hypocrisy and charity!"

Aokiji was a little surprised by the astonishing resistance of these slaves. Faced with their doubts and abuse of the navy, they were speechless.

After a long time, Aokiji faced Neuer, with a smile on Ice Cube's face, and said:

"They are all willing to follow you, Neuer, it seems that you have a strong charm."

Feeling that Aokiji had lost his hostility, Neuer chuckled and shook his head, and said, "Kuzan, are you pretending to be stupid?"

"You should understand that it's not that I'm very attractive. It's just that for these poor people, they believe and are more willing to believe in a lawless lunatic than in the righteous navy serving the government."

Neuer stared at Aokiji, and said word by word: "The justice of the navy, your justice, it seems that as long as there is a world government, it will not be realized."

Aokiji quietly listened to Neuer's words. After a while, his cold voice seemed to become distant and near: "Is that so..."

Neuer didn't know how much Aokiji could listen to the words he racked his brains.

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