MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 68

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Neuer was slapped **** the back by Ace, who had hands and feet, and suddenly his veins twitched. He kicked Ace back and cursed: "You're so excited! Don't wipe your tears and snot on me!"

Sabo stared blankly at Ace, and his past memories began to emerge in his mind.

Dark, bad aristocratic family, Sabo escaped...

In that place, he met the two most important people in his life.

They built the "ASL Secret Base", became sworn brothers, and agreed to go to sea together as pirates.

But later, his parents caught him back, and Sabo escaped and sneaked out to sea alone, but was sunk by the Tianlong people's shelling.

The fragments of memory were constantly reorganized, and the blank mind in childhood was dyed with color again, and the funny crying face suddenly overlapped with the brother in memory.

Ace, who was kicked away by Neuer, got up, and seeing the boat getting closer, he finally couldn't help but rushed up.

Ace jumped on him crying and laughing, and shouted, "Sabo!"


The important brother reappeared in front of his eyes, and Sabo called out almost subconsciously, and then rushed up with tears in his eyes.

The two brothers bumped into each other tightly, and then wept loudly like two children, yelling nonsense, but no one could hear them clearly.

Kerla stepped off the boat in surprise, came to the side of Christine and said, "What's going on?"

Neuer smiled and looked at the two hugging and rolling, and said, "Brothers meet again, it seems that Sabo's memory has recovered."

Kerla looked at the two passionately in love, and said in surprise: "Sabo and Fire Fist Ace are brothers?"

Christine nodded helplessly, and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems to be true."

The two brothers cried for a long time, finally held back their crying, and finally walked towards the three of them.

Sabo hugged Ace's shoulders, and introduced to Kerla: "Kerla! He is Ace, my brother who was sworn since I was a child!"

Kerla bowed slightly, then Sabo turned to Neuer, took off his top hat and said seriously: "Thank you Neuer, I heard from Ace that you brought him to me."

Ace also said gratefully: "Yes! Thanks to you, Neuer!"

Neuer shook his head with a smile and said, "It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort."

Kerla looked at the kingdom in the distance and said: "We still have tasks, let's go back and talk about it first."

"it is good!"

Sabo and Ace recognize each other, and now they are tired of being together with a knife and saw.

Until they came back to the stronghold, the two of them kept talking. If they didn't know that they were brothers, everyone would feel **** in gay...

Seeing her partner's soul being taken away in an instant, Kerla pursed her lips and whispered unhappily: "This brother has such a good relationship..."

Neuer, who has developed hearing, glanced back at Kerla and smiled knowingly.

Kerla, who is known as the second sister-in-law, and Sabo are childhood sweethearts since they were young. When Neuer was chasing the comics, he did not miss this pair of CPs.

Now looking at the reality of Neuer, why are these two still wearing couple outfits...

A few people returned to the west wind stronghold, and the dragon was waiting for them.

Seeing Sabo and Ace recognize each other, Long didn't show any expression, but just patted Sabo's shoulder silently.

Long spread out a sea chart and said: "This map is the only way for the gold in the sky, and it is also the place we planned."

There are several obvious icons drawn on the chart, marking the positions of the ships respectively.

"Our side is divided into the infiltration team and the encirclement force. In the infiltration team, we have to rely more on Mr. Neuer."

Neuer nodded and said, "No problem, sneak in and disconnect the communication equipment for help, it's easy!"

Ace took Sabo's arm and said excitedly: "Then I will be with Sabo, we are waiting for your signal!"

Neuer covered his eyes, you said you were with me before.

Chapter 106 The Plan Begins

The plan has been discussed for a few days, and before anyone is fully prepared, the Tianshangjin fleet has arrived as scheduled.

After all, it's not a performance, so we can't ask the government to cooperate and rehearse the process first.

In the planned sea area, a huge and mighty fleet sailed from afar.

Each ship is guarded by a certain number of people, half of which are government and navy guards, and the other half are national guards.

Among the fleet, there is a large amount of money resources on a ship, and government agents stand vigilantly around the deck, watching out for disturbances around the ship.

As for the sunny bow, Christine walked out swaggeringly.

She was dressed in platinum and luxurious knight attire, with a knight's long sword hanging on her slender waist, and her elegant silver hair shone brightly in the bright sunlight.

When the people from the government saw her walking out, they couldn't help but take a second look.

The leader of the Knights named Keli Ting is an ally of the Kingdom of the Heavenly Gold on the tribute ship, and he was specially invited to help him protect it.

Except for the government personnel, this ship is almost all guards of the knight order.

The government's high-level spies dismissed the masters invited by the franchise countries themselves, and Christine also saved a lot of trouble.

Behind Christine was a man of medium build with a ferocious face.

That person was Neuer who used his abilities to transform into someone else.

He settled Robin and the others, and put Enilo and Weber there to recuperate.

Neuer only brought Lu Qi and Bruno, the ability and experience of these two people are very helpful.

Especially Bruno, the ability of the door fruit can make the revolutionary soldiers appear on the ship as outsiders and places without a trace.

With an ugly face, Neuer looked at the guards on the ship calmly.

The chests are puffed out, and they should all be masters of illusion art, with muscular limbs and good physique.

On the entire ship, there is almost no one who does not know Type 6, which is completely different from the navy soldiers that Neuer has encountered in the past.

Moreover, besides the government guards on board, every fleet transporting gold from the sky is surrounded by a naval warship for "close" protection.

With such a strict defense, it is no wonder that the Revolutionary Army took so much trouble.

Even the revolutionary soldiers who sneaked in were very elite.

After several changes to the plan, Neuer's goal of action has actually become very simple.

In the entire Heavenly Gold Fleet, each ship is equipped with phone bugs, and the soldiers in charge of sneaking must cut off all the phone bugs that communicate with the outside world.

But both the transport ship and the navy ship have a head ship equipped with a video phone bug for surveillance, and every move of each ship is under control.

There are also "cameras" in this world. Even with Bruno's door fruit, as long as the outcrop is photographed, other ships will send out distress signals.

The two leading ships are heavily guarded, and Neuer's most important goal is there.

It is impossible to occupy the fleet completely silently, only to maximize the effect of sneaking into the fleet.

Secondly, if the help signal of the fleet can be cut off, it can also buy time for the soldiers on the periphery.

So Neuer's actions became very important, basically becoming the starting gun for all revolutionary troops.

Neuer followed Christine, and several of them stood in a small group, pretending to be on normal patrol.

Lu Qi on the side seemed to be looking straight ahead, but silently observed the positions of the surrounding naval ships.

The blind spot of vision is very small, and the actions of every ship can be seen elsewhere. Except for the house, it is difficult to have a blind spot.

Christine led the team on patrol, and a petite girl came in front of her.

The girl was dressed in government clothes and had a younger brother behind her.

A girl who looks less than 1.5 meters tall actually has old men as her subordinates.

Seeing Keli Ting coming, she raised her hand to stop them and said, "Captain Keli Ting, if you have nothing to do, don't wander around on the boat."

Christine squinted her eyes and said with a gentle smile: "It is also our duty to guard the heavenly gold tributed by allied countries."

The man behind the girl frowned, and said admonishingly, "Listen to the officer, there's so much nonsense."

Just as Christine was about to speak, Neuer sneered and said, "A child who hasn't even grown a hair yet has a good dog."

Being provoked, the man couldn't bear it immediately, stepped forward and grabbed Neuer by the collar and cursed: "What did you say?"

The girl said with a blank face: "Captain Keli Ting, your subordinates need to clean up their mouths."

"Well, let me discipline you."

The girl winked, and the man understood on the spot. Holding Neuer in his hand, he said with a sinister smile, "Stinky boy! Find a place where no one is around, and experience the dangers of society!"

Seeing the girl take her away, Christine's face was ugly, but she had to swallow her anger and said: "I have no way to control you, let the commander handle it."

The girl nodded with a sneer, then followed the man silently.

Christine laughed secretly, exchanged glances with Lu Qi and Bruno, and was ready to act.

Neuer was dragged away by the man, who then threw him into the grocery store at the bottom of the boat.

The rest of the guards who had seen them watched this scene with joy.

There are still some masters who dare to provoke the government with their lives, fearing that they will not be able to come out alive.

Not long after, the girl walked into the warehouse with her hands behind her back, quietly watching the man teach Neuer a lesson.

After a while, the man was so badly taught that he lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, and he lost his breath.

Another man who was exactly the same came over, but at this time, his temperament changed slightly.

Neuer turned into someone else again, tried to adjust his voice, greeted the girl, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Momomi, call me sir later." The girl had a petite body, but her expression was always cold.

Neuer didn't look away at all, seeing no one, raised his hand to stroke her hair affectionately, and said with a smile: "Little Lolita's expression is not cute."

Momomi felt the temperature above her head, looked up at Neuer, and said in a piercingly cold voice, "Shut up, take your hands away."

"I won't..."

Neuer laughed, but immediately he noticed something was wrong.

I clearly spoke, why did no sound come out?

Neuer looked at Momomi in surprise, as if roaring in his heart.

Silent fruit? This is Corazon's ability!

By the way, Corazon died, and the devil fruit naturally appeared again.

It seems that Momomi, the revolutionary army lurking in the government, has inherited the power of the Silent Fruit.

No wonder Keli Ting let her cooperate with their actions.

Momomi looked at Neuer who had calmed down, and said to herself, "Don't look at me as short, but I'm already 27 years old, show some respect."


Neuer looked at Lori in front of him with even more shocked eyes, which is too ageless.

The girl who is about to run into the third year is really weird. She is short, has a straight face, and has a childlike voice and face.

They are all of the same age, take a look at Miss Robin.

Neuer once risked his life to measure for the great scientific practice. The bust is one meter, which is not bad at all.

That pair of big flat peaches will definitely catch up with my head soon!

The two-dimensional game is high...

Only later, he was almost buried alive by Robin...

Chapter 107 Neuer is in action...

The government agent on duty on the ship saw Momomi leading his men to the deck.

Only then did the secret agent let go of his suspicion, and silently sympathized with the man who offended Momomi in his heart.

If he didn't follow them out, he must have been dealt with.

Feeling several gazes staring at him, Neuer smiled disdainfully.

The ability to imitate fruit is not something ordinary people can see through.

Read The Duke's Passion