MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 116

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Neuer spread his hands helplessly, and said with a smile: "That's right, just build another palace after that."

Leihe breathed a sigh of relief, and led Neuer into the palace.

The interior of the palace is much more refined than the outside, but Neuer feels that it is less majestic and less powerful.

Leihe took him around the palace for a long time, but he didn't find any information about himself.

Only some noble books were found, but the records on them were all insignificant things, which were the administrative records of the kings of the past dynasties.

Neuer stared at the book for a long time, but found nothing abnormal. They were all ordinary government affairs and national conditions.

He is not an expert in this field, so he simply handed it over to Robin for analysis.

Going around in such a big circle, in the end Neuer couldn't find any clues here.

"Navy and government, the search is really clean..."

Neuer gritted his teeth, although he had expected this result a long time ago, he was still a little unwilling.

However, when Neuer saw Leihe's excited appearance, he was relieved.

Anyway, they got such a large piece of land, so let's ignore that for the time being.

Neuer stood beside Leihe with a smile, and said, "It's almost time for shopping, it's time to work."

Lei He's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to respond: "Yes!"

It was night at this time, the sky was full of dark clouds, and half of the stars could not be seen in the endless dark sky, it seemed that even they were afraid of the darkness.

On the roof of the palace, Neuer waved the Yellow Spring Mirror, and a large ball of light was swayed out, and the dazzling light immediately illuminated the entire land.

Countless clusters of light seemed to turn into stars in the dark night, and human figures revealed their true faces from the light.

The survivors of Neutem and the fugitives of Mariejoia were finally released by Neuer again.

When the survivors of Neutem saw the surrounding environment, their hearts seemed to have been hit hard, and they looked at Neuer and Reh in disbelief.

It didn't take long before the voice of joy that had been accumulated for many years finally came from the crowd:

"It's Agniere! We're home!"

"No... no enemies? Your Highness took this place back?!"

"Long live Your Highness!"

"Long live Your Highness!"

Everyone in Neuerm below cried together, hugged and shouted, and some even knelt down, thanking Neuer for bringing them back to their homeland.

After getting along with each other for many days, the people who escaped from Mary Joa had a deep understanding of their feelings.

Their emotions seemed to be infected, and they raised their hands one after another, cheering with the same excitement.

Anel, who had been silent for many years, was reawakened by these poor people who had fled outside this night.

Neuer stood coquettishly on the roof, looked down at the noisy crowd, and shouted: "Brothers—"

"Neutem has returned to your hands. Next, let's rebuild our common home together, starting with the capital!"


Everyone roared passionately, stood on the ruins, and waved their fists vigorously.

Looking at the energetic crowd, Neuer nodded with a smile on his face.

Although the population of the newborn Neutem is still small, in the world of Pirates, with strength, everything is possible!

As long as he raises his arms in the name of Qi Wuhai, he can attract a large number of people who want to be sheltered, plus Neuer's reputation among slaves...

Neuer's eyes lit up. In this way, he can rob more slave ships in the future.

This can strengthen the "slave savior" personality that the world has imposed on itself, and can attract more loyal slaves or righteous people to join the kingdom.

Neuer waved his hand, and countless shadows appeared in the mirror of Huangquan, and shouted to everyone: "At night, these guys will come to help you!"

When everyone saw the people walking out of the light, they were overjoyed and said, "It's cute zombies!"

Neuer has black lines all over his head.


They have been with zombies for a long time, have they assimilated even their aesthetics by Robin?

Everyone happily hugged the zombie beside them, as if they had found a friend.

Zombies are the product of the shadow fruit, which is Neuerfa's loyal subordinate, so of course they will not be hostile to the people.

In addition, these days, people and zombies get along day and night in the river of hell, so of course they will not feel disgusted.

"Everyone is a good player, and the rebuilding of the capital is just around the corner!" Leihe said in a deep voice with crystal clear eyes, standing sideways beside Neuer.

Neuer nodded, and began to look forward to what the future king would look like.

At this moment, Neuer's heart trembled suddenly, he tapped his palm and shouted, "That's right! There's Sky Island!"

The people next to him were taken aback by Neuer's sudden yelling, and Enilo and Weber asked curiously at the same time: "What empty island?"

Neuer didn't answer, and secretly checked the rewards given to him by the system.

After meeting Enilo on the sky island to change the plot, the system rewarded Neuer with the ability to customize a sky island, which has been useless until today!

Create an empty island in the sky above here, and it can also echo with Noitem. You can do some more secret research or practice, and even...

Neuer's eyes are shining, maybe he can build a royal palace in the sky!

Chapter 189 Exclusive Sky Island

Ever since Neuer announced the rebuilding of the king's capital, Agniere, which has been abandoned for many years, there are enthusiastic voices every day.

Looking around, the construction of the entire royal capital has already begun to show its scale.

In a few days, the ruins and **** in Wangduli have been cleaned up, the streets and buildings have become extremely clean, and everyone is working here with tools.

According to Neuer's thinking, the king is the starting point for the integration of the kingdom, and it is also the only heart on the island, so it must be quite outstanding.

Fortunately, among the people rescued by Neuer, some are builders and design masters. The planning of the entire royal capital was designed early in the morning and handed over to Neuer for review.

Neuer was very satisfied after browsing the design drawings, so he waved his hand to his confidants to command.

As for himself, he found a suitable place and prepared to release the reward he had obtained long ago.

In Neuer's old palace, he stood in a large open space, with his palms lightly pressed on the ground.

Enel was a little strange and asked, "What does the captain want to do?"

Wei Bo shook his head and said, "Call us over, saying that we are going to Sky Island."

"But I have looked around in the sky, and there is no trace of Sky Island at all."

Robin chuckled, looked at Neuer softly and said, "Don't you guys know what that guy does?"

Enilo and Weber looked at each other, sighed and smiled: "Indeed, even if he created an empty island out of thin air, I'm afraid I wouldn't be surprised..."

A few people whispered behind him, Neuer concentrated and chose Sky Island in the system space.

"Are you sure to generate an exclusive custom sky island?"

"Warning! Cannot be undone once generated!"

Neuer closed his eyes tightly and said seriously: "Confirm the generation! It's just above here!"

The mechanical voice of the system came: "Height, area, environment adaptation..."

"Successfully generated!"

Neuer was overjoyed and quickly looked up.

But looking up, it was still a sea-blue sky, so pure that there was not even a trace of impurities.


So... where did the generated sky island go?

Neuer was wondering, but Enilu's face suddenly changed, and he shouted in shock: "How is it possible! What is this?!"

In the space that was originally covered by knowledge and knowledge, in the mind of Anilu, a huge monster suddenly appeared out of thin air, and there was no warning!

Enilu's eyes almost fell off, pointing to the sky and shouting: "Something has appeared in a very high place!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Netherworld Pirates leaned together vigilantly, trying to perceive with a smile, but the situation in the sky was still hazy.

Neuer looked at the sky in amazement, and it really came into being, but why, as the master, he couldn't perceive it at all...

At this time, the voice of the system also came out, reminding: "Host, your exclusive sky island can be controlled by remote control, and the control center has been sent to the space."

Can be remote controlled?

Neuer was stunned for a while, and hurriedly sank his mind into the system, and he found a fist-sized ball.

This ball is like a solidified white cloud. It is cold in the hand, and it seems to vaguely feel the connection with something in the hand.

Neuer pressed the white bead with both hands, and with a slight movement of his mind, the sky island connected by the white bead also moved.

"Is there something... approaching?" Yixiao frowned slightly, listening to the movement of the sky.

Enilu was shocked, waving his arms and shouting: "Sky Island has fallen!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally bright sky darkened. Among Agniere, everyone who was still busy just now stopped their work and looked overhead.

Putting on a overalls, Lei He said with a serious expression, "Is the end of the world?"

In the sky above Anel, an island made of flexible white clouds floated above his head, and its size was even comparable to that of Anel.

The corner of Neuer's mouth twitched, he looked at the white pearl in his hand and said, "This thing really works..."

The sky island that can be remotely controlled is very suitable for the base of Hades!

Enilo and Weber looked at the sky island in astonishment, "It's really a sky island out of thin air!"

Neuer looked at Leihe outside, and ordered: "Comfort everyone, I'll go up and have a look."

Leihe nodded quickly, and Neuer picked up Robin, and his body turned into a golden flash and rushed to the sky.

Enilo and the others hurriedly followed, and they landed on the empty island together.

As soon as he stepped on the white ground, Neuer felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and said with a smile: "This empty island is not bad, it smells like that..."

Weber excitedly rolled on the island cloud, and said, "I haven't seen this feeling for a long time!"

Although the deck of the Ark Proverbs is also covered with a floor made of island clouds, but once again stepping on the sky island, I have a special feeling for the native sky islanders.

Enilu looked at Sky Island with some melancholy, and sighed: "There is nothing on the island, it's empty..."

Conis, who is also a Sky Islander, also frowned: "Indeed, without houses and streets, it feels lifeless."

Neuer grinned and said, "That's not a big deal, a palace can be built here right away."

Robin shook his head and said, "Compared to this, I'm curious why you were able to create an empty island?"

Neuer scratched his head, raised the white bead and pretended to be stupid: "This is the treasure I found before, and it seems to be able to remotely control this empty island."

Out of trust in Neuer, Robin easily believed his words, wondering: "So amazing?"

Hearing their conversation, Enilo said curiously: "It's amazing, can we use it too?"

Neuer shook his head to express that he didn't know, and Anilu hurriedly asked for Baizhu from him.

Anilu was holding the white bead, just as a thought arose in his heart, the empty island under his feet suddenly shook.

Neuer looked at him in surprise, can other people use it besides himself?

The promised exclusive sky island, dog system!

Before Neuer was angry for a while, Enilu, who was calmly controlling Sky Island, suddenly turned pale, a mouthful of blood suddenly gushed out of his mouth, and his wobbly body fell back.

Wei Bo ran over in shock, hugged him and said, "What's going on?"

Enilu covered his forehead, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth and reluctantly said: "It's okay, it's just that this white bead will consume the energy in my body, and it was almost hollowed out by it..."

Neuer was taken aback, will he still consume energy?

When I use it myself, I don't feel it at all.

Sure enough, the things given by the system still have the master program...

Neuer quickly took the white pearl back into his hand, it seems that it is better for him to grasp this thing by himself.

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