MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 107

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The bright black armed domineering wrapped the fist, and Neuer couldn't help being taken aback. Such a skilled domineering is rare, isn't it?

There was a fierce look in Shark Star's eyes, did he really think that their Murloc Island was invaded by pirates like this, so they lost their temper at all? !

Waving the trident, the irritable little murloc shark star went up and wrestled with that man.

However, Shark Star Fish was relentless, and within a few rounds, he was hit with a black fist in the face, and flew back backwards.

Neuer looked at Shark Star speechlessly, if you don't have the skills, just stay honest, why go up and join in the fun?

The man tried to charge forward with his weapon, so Neuer had to shout, "Stop!"

The man was obedient, and he stopped and stood back on the spot, staring blankly at Neuer who got out of the car.

Neuer coughed twice pretendingly, and said, "You are..."

Before Neuer could finish speaking, the man in front of him suddenly fell to his knees with a plop, and with a groan, his head fell to the ground.

This operation has completely confused Neuer, what is this for? You don't have to kneel down if you don't want to fight?

Before Neuer could help him up, the accomplices behind the man fell to their knees one by one as if their legs were cramped.

Afterwards, there was a rain of loud and uniform kowtows, and Neuer felt that his life was about to die.

The nearby mermaid residents who were attacked by them and fled heard the loud noise at the scene, and wondered: Why is there still thunder...

Shark Star's nose was crooked, and when he looked up and saw the group of people kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help but look at Neuer in admiration.

As expected of the Lord Devilman, let these guys kneel down and beg for mercy without any action!

Neuer was kneeled by so many people, even his thick skin couldn't bear it, and he said awkwardly: "Who are you? Stand up and talk!"

Hearing this, the people who had just stuck to the ground quickly bounced up, straightened their bodies, and looked forward with resolute faces.

I... wipe.

It's a bit like a retainer who has received professional military training, and it feels like ordering and prohibiting.

Neuer paused, walked towards the leader man suddenly, and asked tentatively, "Did I meet you somewhere?"

The man's eyes were wide open, his voice sounded like thunder, and he roared: "Yes! Your Highness's eyes!"

Your Highness?

Neuer was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of what Rayleigh had said to him before.

"Are you the survivors of Neutem?!" Neuer said with wide eyes and surprise.

The man's eyes were a little red, and he said in a trembling voice: "Yes, Your Highness! It's my negligence that Qishui Zhi didn't recognize you!"

Neuer scratched his head, but he remembered it.

Isn't this buddy the hunk who sold him the dragon fruit when he was in the capital of seven waters?

At that time, he felt strange that in the first half of the great route, there were still masters who were proficient in armed forces, and they dared to sell devil fruits as if nothing had happened.

But if he was from the new world of Neutem, then his behavior would make sense.

Neuer pinched his chin, pointed at him first and asked, "What's your name?"

The man said with a solemn expression: "The minister was adopted by the old majesty, and he was given the surname Kylos and the name Leihe."

Neuer scratched his head, and then asked a little puzzled: "Then did you find me?"

Lei He's square Chinese character face was meticulous, and he said seriously: "I recognized Your Highness through the pendant in the capital of seven waters, and then I found a companion to follow your trail."

"Through your reward order and some news reports, I found the Sea of ​​Terror and the Chambord Islands in turn. Just when we were about to find a way to smuggle into Mary Gioia, I heard the news that you entered Fishman Island."

The corner of Neuer's mouth twitched, as expected of Neuerm.

Fortunately, they were not allowed to infiltrate Mary Joya, otherwise this group of people would have come back alive.

But because of this, Neuer believed in the loyalty of this group of people.

For a prince whose identity cannot be fully confirmed, he is determined to find so many places and not give up. It is indeed a lot of perseverance.

But what Neuer should ask is still to ask: "Why are you willing to follow me just because of that pendant?"

You know, when Neutem was destroyed, he hadn't been born yet, and maybe only his biological parents escaped.

Leihe lowered his head and said in a sad tone: "In those years, the royal family members withered, and the old majesty adopted many orphans like me, and gave them the surname Kylos, all for the sake of Neutem."

"But later, the catastrophe came, the old majesty died tragically, and we escorted the eldest prince out of Neutem. Your pendant is the exclusive royal pendant of the eldest prince."

The eldest prince back then was probably his father.

Neuer asked suspiciously: "Since the eldest prince ran out of Neutem and sent me to Donghai, what about others?!"

Lei He was stunned for a moment, and said blankly: "We... don't know, the eldest prince disappeared on the way to escape..."

"It's just that the old His Majesty back then seemed very confident in sending the eldest prince out safely."

Neuer shook his head regretfully. To be accepted by His Majesty and bestowed a surname must be an important confidant cultivated since childhood, and even they don't know the inside story...

Now he feels more and more that after the eldest prince escaped from Neuer, other things must have happened to allow Neuer to grow up safely.

Leihe raised his head, stared at Neuer's handsome face, and was moved: "I am really touched to see that you are fine."

Looking at Lei He's face, he knew that he had suffered a lot, and sighed, "It's been hard for you all these years."

Leihe shook his head vigorously, and then tentatively said with some hesitation: "Your Highness, then our country..."

Neuer showed a smile, and said confidently: "Since I met you, I will definitely rebuild Neuerm!"

Lei He and the survivors of Neutem behind him laughed excitedly, bowed their heads and said in unison: "Yes!"

In this way, the matter of the site will be resolved, and it happens that there is still the aspiration of the people of the Neutem survivors, so there should be no major obstacles.

When Neuer was in a good mood, Leihe said slightly angrily: "But Your Highness, Neutem's hometown, has been designated by the government as their own power."

Neuer's expression turned cold.

From this point of view, I still have to blackmail the government...

The hometown of Neuerm doesn't know how many secrets it has about itself, Neuer has to see it with his own eyes!

Chapter 173 Helpless Robin

After listening to Leihe's report, Neuer calmly considered how to get Neutem back.

Although it is not necessary to return to the homeland, it is also very convenient to find another island to rebuild the country.

But it belongs to his own territory, and he must fight for it.

Neuer asked Reh: "You can locate Neutem, right?"

Lei He nodded firmly, took out an old pointer from his satchel, knelt on one knee and handed it with both hands:

"The subordinates have always kept Neutem's permanent pointer, and dare not let him have the slightest damage."

Neuer took the permanent pointer, looked at the words engraved on the pointer, looked at Leihe and comforted him: "Don't worry, at least Neutem is still with us."

This sentence…

Leihe seemed to see the tall man who stood proudly in the raging fire and was full of confidence many years ago.

Run away, Neutem and you are here, there will be no perishing!

Lei He couldn't hold back his emotions anymore, tears welled up in his eyes, and he held back his crying and said: "The eldest prince back then also said similar things..."

Neuer was taken aback for a moment, then smiled relievedly and said, "It seems that this strange old man still has a tacit understanding with me."

Neuer helped Lei He up, hugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Let's go, the King of Fishman Island is my friend, I'll find you a place to rest."

Lei He lowered his head in trepidation, and said with a little relief: "Your Highness is indeed amazing. Even without Neutem's protection, I can get to know so many amazing people."

Neuer laughed and said, "If I were still Your Highness Neutem, I'm afraid I wouldn't know so many friends."

Lei He nodded in agreement: "Indeed, in the vast sea, there will always be various encounters."

After all these years of fleeing and running around, Rehe and many of Neutem's people knew how dangerous the outside world was.

Neuer went to ask Prince Sharkstar to call a few more cars, and he planned to settle the Neutem survivors who came to find him.

When Shark Star heard that these mysterious people were Neuer's subordinates, he hurriedly arranged for his subordinates to do it.

As expected of the heir to the throne of Murloc Island, Shark Star always made Neuer, a guest, feel at ease when he handled affairs, and several anchovy carts arrived in a short while.

Shark personally accompanied Neuer in the lead car, and Neuer also pulled Leihe.

Informed by Neuer, Leihe formally apologized to Shark Star, and Shark Star also forgave him for his mistakes.

After all, no one was injured, and Shark Star was unwilling to pursue the matter, and besides, Master Neuer's subordinates were very self-cultivated.

It's much better than those human beings with beastly faces!

A few people returned to the Dragon Palace, and everyone was playing on the island at this time, and Bai Xing and Enil were not there.

But when they returned to the palace, that charming figure came out of Neuer's room.

Robin was wearing a large white sweater, hot pants, her smooth black hair tied up, and round glasses on her face. She walked towards Neuer with a stack of papers.

This attire made Robin, who has the temperament of Yujie, look a little pure and cute. She held up her glasses and handed the stack of papers to Neuer and said:

"I recorded the main text of the history, it's about Joey Boy."

Neuer smiled and looked at Robin's beautiful blue eyes, and asked softly, "Have you reached any conclusions?"

"A bit of a clue, it's still vague..."

Robin answered with a frown, and at the same time spread out the tied ponytail, and the loose long hair immediately poured down his shoulders like a waterfall.

Neuer naturally stretched out his hand and smoothed her hair, and said, "Don't worry, the road ahead is long, and any mystery will be solved at some point."

Robin said nothing, and silently turned his head towards Neuer's palm.

Seeing this kind of scene for the first time, Shark Star scratched his head and whispered to Leihe beside him in embarrassment: "Master Neuer, the relationship with Miss Robin is really good..."

When the dull Leihe heard this, his eyes widened suddenly!

Could it be, this is it!

"See the princess!"

Lei He fell to his knees again with a thud, roaring loudly.

Neuer's frightened hands trembled, and he said speechlessly, "What are you yelling for?"

Lei He raised his head in doubt, and asked, "Isn't this beautiful lady the concubine of His Highness?"

Neuer blushed and said: "Robin is my first companion in the sea, it's my...uh..."

Robin covered his mouth and chuckled, patted Neuer and joked, "Forget it, he can call him whatever he likes."

Lei He nodded happily, and Noy looked at Robin worriedly and asked, "This title... don't you care?"

Robin smiled and said nothing.

But in fact, in her heart, she wished to smash open this man's elm head to see what was inside!

Robin calmed down the turbulent waves in his heart, looked at Lei He and said, "Your name is His Royal Highness Neuer, so you are a citizen of Neutem?"

With bright eyes, Leihe asked, "Yes, how do you know?"

Neuer took the topic and explained for her: "Robin is O'Hara's historian, and she has been helping me find the traces of Neutem before."

Leihe suddenly realized: "O'Hara did communicate with our country before, so that's how it is..."

Robin understood Neuer's plan and said, "It seems that you are planning to go to Neuer next?"

Neuer nodded and thought about it: "Before that, get the Shichibukai position promised by the government."

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head, looked at Lei He and asked, "Where are the people of Neutem except you?"

Leihe took out the chart from his bag, unfolded it, pointed to a small island and said, "It's all here. All the survivors of Neutem built a hidden town here, and we usually go out to get resources."

Neuer nodded, picked up the chart and said, "Then go here first, pick everyone up before leaving."

Leihe has heard for a long time that His Royal Highness Neuer has a magical ability to take away many people without any effort.

Neuer and Robin planned for a long time, checked many details with Lei He, and finalized the next action.

After leaving Fishman Island and entering the New World, first go to pick up the survivors of Neuerm, then find a suitable island to make an appointment with the government, sell the hostages in Neuer's hand, and then go to the old place of Neuerm.

As for the hostages, Neuer originally wanted to use the peach blossom eyes a few more times.

But since he tried the effect of peach blossom eyes on Tao Tutu, Neuer has sealed this pupil technique a little.

Read The Duke's Passion