MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1951 You can't handle any of them, what else do you want to do?

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  Chapter 1951 Can’t handle any of them, what else do you want

"Now each of you is more enthusiastic than the other. When the gangsters are under the black hands, you will cry." Lu Shuyan stood beside Zhang Fan. When she met young women, especially European and American big cows, she stared at them like a vulture. Looking at Zhang Fan, although there was a smile on his face, it always gave people a feeling that Zhang Fan was being watched.

  She felt that Zhang Fan might be more prone to accidents because he had never seen such a big cow before. So be very vigilant.

  At first, Zhang Fan didn't pay attention, and when he saw several people inadvertently glanced at his side, Zhang Fan realized that this guy was standing beside him, motionless like a piece of wood.

   "Why don't I go to the other side? Why don't you go talk to the gynecologist and follow me?"

  Zhang Fan said something unwillingly.

  Lu Shuyan gave Zhang Fan a blank look. Since Zhang Fan started not being afraid of her, her attitude towards Zhang Fan also started to be bad. After all, she had seen Zhang Fan as a young doctor, so she was not afraid of Zhang Fan at all.

  There is a joke in the medical system. It is said that a director has a good relationship with the directors of the same batch. Everyone calls each other Xiaomou, Xiaomou.

  But one day, the director became the dean. When the director who had a good relationship with him still called him Xiao when they met, the dean began to put on small shoes for the director.

  How to say this thing, the dean is not confident, and the director, in his heart, thinks too highly of the previous relationship.

Now Lu Shuyan and Zhang Fan probably have such a relationship. Fortunately, Zhang Fan is not lacking in self-confidence, and he also cherishes the friendship when the same group of people entered the hospital to work together. Leaders, especially those who have reached a certain level, are actually quite lonely. For example, why Zhang Fan is so nice to Lao Chen.

  Because Lao Chen can become a friend and partner when Zhang Fan needs friendship, and he is a quite competent subordinate when Zhang Fan does not need friendship. The grasp of this boundary, to be honest, if there is no elders in the family to instill it, most people probably will not understand it when they are forty or fifty years old.

  So the doctors and nurses who entered the hospital in the same batch as Zhang Fan always have a feeling in front of other people that there is a big brother among us.

"You thought I was willing to follow you. Not only did Wang Hong explain to me before coming here, but even the European Academy of Sciences said it. Although I didn't explain it thoroughly, I was so smart that I understood it without even thinking about it. What they meant was for me to stare at you. You. If you are not black, you are still a baby."

  Actually, Ouyang didn't mean that he was worried about Zhang Fan, but that the old lady had never seen anything in this industry, especially now that Chasu Hospital had developed several explosive drugs, so she was even more worried.

  Many people think that academics are nerds, but they are not. These people act or pretend to be nerds, but no one knows what they think.

  Regardless of men and women, there are quite a few Zhu Bajie and Bone Demons in the academic world, and they are often hard to guard against.

   This kind of person is even more deceptive when he engages in male prostitution and female robbery.

  Auntie Qiongyao’s little fan girl, such a domineering president, someone who can understand the human body, there is absolutely no need to train for these small tricks, just read it once and you will be fine.

  Especially for those who have just stepped into the ranks of experts, they often need to find something that can not only make them feel younger, but also need to exchange ideas after finishing the work. So female students, especially some female students in this industry...

  Once you take this step, if you have some rights to make others demand, then you will become a bulldozer.

  Many people think that the entertainment industry seems to be in chaos, but in fact, some people and certain things in the academic circle are not very good.

  Zhang Fan glanced at Lu Shuyan, and didn't engage in a verbal argument with this guy. But I still keep my feelings in my heart. It is still very difficult for those who have already touched the threshold of the industry to give up the opportunity to communicate with the top leaders in the industry and stand by their side as a piece of wood.

   Sure enough, after a while, a young woman who was born in a big city in Huaguo came over. "Hi, Yuan Zhang, I'm a scholar at Harvard Medical School, and my name is Lou Yajie.

  I heard your report at an orthopedic conference before I came to Harvard, and I made up my mind to follow your example. I was just a graduate student at the time, and I didn’t think I was qualified to talk to you.

   Now that I have finally experienced a bit, I mustered up the courage to discuss with you about bone tumors..."

  Zhang Fan put down the juice in his hand, and took the business card handed over by the other party. He knew in his heart that he estimated that he had no cards, or that the cards were not big enough.

   When looking at the business card, she glanced at the other party again. In terms of appearance, she might not be as beautiful as Princess Jia, but the academic bonus and the unconcealed adoring eyes are definitely not comparable to Princess Jia.

Princess Jia looks at Zhang Fan like the school girl of the most expensive private school in the city looks at the bumpkins in the countryside. Although it is much better now, sometimes when she sees Zhang Fan's certain actions, she will still inadvertently wear a look of I knew he would look like this.

  A man is a teenager until he dies. It is estimated that this is said by a woman. It might even be said by the heroine who roamed the rivers and lakes.

  For example, this Lou Yajie, although he is not a hero, he is definitely a young hero. Zhang Fan secretly sighed, it's a pity that this female doctor with intelligence in her eyes has gone astray.

   It's not that Zhang Fan is arbitrary, Zhang Fan has seen a lot of female doctors who are serious and want to develop in medicine. For example, Wang Yanan's eyes look at people with the feeling of looking at bones, with a sense of perspective in his indifference. Sometimes Zhang Fan has to admire Wang Yanan's boyfriend.

   After all, he is a man who has been a soldier and is now a policeman. If this is an ordinary person, if he is stared at by a woman like Wang Yanan, he probably has to touch his ribs first.

  And even if Wang Yanan meets a top scholar, his eyes are definitely not watery like a fan of a younger sister, but a look of scrutiny, suspicion or thinking.

   "Yuan Zhang, your wife's phone call said she gave birth to a fat boy again." Lu Shuyan took a step forward.

   Staring at Lou Yajie with the expression of a senior doctor making rounds on his face, as if he was about to strip him naked, and then said: Are you TN not reading carefully again?

  Lv Shuyan felt a bit of a rascal in front of Zhang Fan, but in fact, she was already a doctor exercising the authority of the director in the department.

The current Chasu Hospital is no longer the same as it used to be. A graduate student can be proud of it. Being able to become a director who is not a director at such a young age in the current Chasu Hospital is actually quite good in character and academics. .

   It can even be said that there is a certain amount of perseverance in her character, maybe not as pure as Wang Yanan, after all, there are few ordinary people with family conditions like Wang Yanan.

  Although in a small place, Wang Yanan's parents are small leaders, and his uncle is one of the top five in terms of tea and health.

  Even becoming a doctor, her family feels too tired. How many people can meet this condition.

  People, in the early stage, look at hard work and family, but in the later stage, they actually look at character and talent.

  Lv Shuyan's words made Zhang Fan's teeth ache. This guy was deliberately trying to anger himself. He was stalking or not. Quan Nima was nonsense, and he was just trying to get angry at him. The gratitude that had just risen in Zhang Fan's heart disappeared instantly.

  Zhang Fan understands what Lu Shuyan means, that is to say, Zhang Fan who takes medicine can't handle any of them, so stop dreaming.

  Lou Yajie's embarrassing face was deformed, and he left quickly after saying sorry.

  The medical circle is too small, especially the top medical circle is so big. Once you have done a good job here, it will be difficult to get along in the future.

  She thought Lu Shuyan was Zhang Fan's secretary! Then I left wisely immediately. There are a lot of people climbing this mountain, and there is a risk of being pushed down by my peers, so I gave up decisively.

  She is not an apprentice, she needs a peerless master, as long as it can make her go further, it is actually fine.

   "Can you be normal?"

  Zhang Fan said something to Lu Shuyan unwillingly.

   "Hey, why don't I invite her over now? You think you are Tianle."

  Zhang Fan turned his head directly, cursing in his heart: This **** is out of his mind, I'm not angry and I'm not angry with mental illness.

   After fewer people came, the bearded old man who was the first to give a report came slowly.

   "Swordsman Special Zhang, your report is wonderful."

  Looking at the lips parted and closed under the furry stubble, Zhang Fan really had the urge to look away. He didn't know if the old man would feel uncomfortable eating and drinking, but Zhang Fan felt a little uncomfortable just looking at it.

   "As one of the judges for the Lasker Award, on behalf of the selection committee, I invite you to participate in the next selection. I wonder if you have time?"

  Zhang Fan was taken aback, the old man's spoken language was quite serious, "Is this for me Lasker?" Zhang Fan was still a little excited.

   As a doctor, who doesn't dream of getting this award one day.

   "Thank you, how long will it take? You know, the time in our industry..."

   "Well, the selection will take about half a year!"

  Zhang Fan's heart was more than half cold, and then he heard the old man say: "It takes a little longer for the evaluation of academic publications, but it takes about a week for clinical treatment."

   "What can I do?" Zhang Fan felt relieved, a week is still possible, but half a year is definitely not enough, and Ouyang may feel that he has defected.

   "Okay, someone will come and send you an invitation letter at that time. This week, there will be some cases that need your treatment."

   It seems that the old man came to confirm.

  In the evening, in the conference room of the hotel, a group of people were busy sorting out their experiences in the past few days.

  It is not unreasonable to be successful in life. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that this will be a look at the corrupt imperialism, but none of these people left the hotel.

   "In the next week, it is estimated that there will be several operations. If you are interested, you can register in advance."

   Zhang Fan smiled and said something to a group of people.

  (end of this chapter)

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