MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1918 I'm afraid that the gangsters won't get caught

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  Early in the morning, Jing Shu sat at the dining table with Zhang Zhibo in her arms, and asked, "Where's my brother?"

"I ran away in the middle of the night!" Shao Hua felt that this was ambiguous, so he quickly added another sentence: "There was an emergency operation in the evening. I guess I haven't had the operation yet. It's much better now. When we first got married, your brother was not at home. I slept through it all. Every time the phone rang at night, I was terrified.”

  「Oh! Isn’t he the dean now? The dean still performs surgery?」

"It doesn't matter how long he is. He said that he is a doctor first. Come on, eat quickly. After eating, I will take you around." Shao Hua wanted to take Jingshu to the New Year to buy some clothes for his sister-in-law. Zhang Fan didn't need to explain anything. Although he missed Zhang Fan who was working in the hospital, Shao Hua still managed to show the appearance of a veteran.

In the operating room, when a new round of sun rises, the doctors who perform the operation don’t feel much. The operating room of the hospital is the same day and night all year round. The sun will never be seen, and the incandescent lamp will always be on. irradiated.

  Although it is already dawn, there are about five or six operating rooms that are still undergoing surgery from last night to this morning. The most is orthopedics, followed by general surgery, and one is brain surgery.

  In summer, the most common orthopedic surgery is finger amputation on the construction site.

Many people feel that their lives are better now, but in fact it is just that their lives are better. Many people who do manual labor are still living on food and clothing. Especially in recent years, the city's environmental protection has been strictly controlled, and many construction sites start work at night. , Accidentally, his finger was cut off like an onion. The unshaven man held his injured wrist with one hand.

   My lips were blue from the pain, and I went to the hospital. The question was not whether the finger could be saved, but the price. Really, how pitiful it was.

  In the orthopedics department in winter, most patients are injured by car accidents and slips and falls.

As for extracerebral surgery, in the past, extracerebral surgery could not provide many lives, but now it is much better, especially in winter when the weather gets colder, and patients with cerebrovascular accidents no longer need to go to Bird City, which is hundreds of kilometers away, as a private disguise. up.

  As for general surgery, there are also many emergency departments. The more holidays and holidays, the more the number of emergency departments will increase.

   Happy holidays, good food and drink, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, sent to the hospital like a game.

   After a night of rescue, the researcher from the pharmaceutical factory came to his rescue. His pale face looked like a dead person who had swallowed his breath, which is not an exaggeration at all. He lost a lot of blood. If it weren't for the doctors of Chasu Hospital and the blood donation army organized by Ms. Zeng in the High-tech Zone, he probably would have died.

  Zhang Fan, Ma Yichen and the others were also quite tired.

   Ma Yichen, who sent the patient out of the ICU, pouted as he walked. "What are you doing, you are fooling around." Zhang Fan cursed.

   "I've seen a lifeless person, but I've never seen such a lifeless person. When I woke up, the first thing I asked was how his girlfriend was doing. I thought he was not feeling well, so I lay on his ear and listened for a long time."

   "There is a reason when you can't find a partner. Your father is dying of anxiety. Hurry up, wash up, have some breakfast, and go to rest." Zhang Fan smiled.

   "I'll be outpatient in the morning!" After finishing speaking, Ma Yichen looked at Zhang Fan pitifully, with obvious intentions, and hoped that Zhang Fan would tell the director of the department.

   "Oh, is that so? Then persevere." Zhang Fan pretended not to understand, turned his head and left after speaking.

  For the position of a doctor, there is one radish and one pit. The bigger the hospital, the more this is the case. There are almost no doctors in the hospital who ask for personal leave.

   You can take breaks, you don’t even have to ask for time off, but you have to do your work, or get someone else to do it for you.

  Zhang Fan also came here in the same way. It is impossible for him to interfere with the work arrangements of the department. Sometimes, the relationship between men and women is really an incomprehensible thing.

  This researcher was lying on the hospital bed dying, and he was still worried about his girlfriend. As for his girlfriend, after entering the hospital with 120, she didn't know whether she was afraid of the police or the money. Anyway, she ran away from the hospital as soon as she slapped her ass. At that time, no one signed it. It was the operation consent form signed by the chief on duty Chen. .

   Didn't know that after this happened, the young researcher

   Members can understand something.

  Zhang Fan took a hot bath in the operating room and changed his clothes. If the operating room of the hospital is slightly better than other departments, it is probably this large washroom.

  In the past, the old Huang Ouyang was better than the other in terms of treatment of doctors. The washroom in the operating room was the same as the big northern baths in the early years, with a row of showers with iron pipes.

  During the operation, the doctors stood in rows, all in white.

  After Zhang Fan came to power, when he remodeled the surgery building, he spent a lot of money in such an inconspicuous place.

  From sauna to steaming, everything is complete. That is to say, there are no technicians. If there are technicians, it is estimated that there is no more comprehensive bathing than the operating room of Chasu Hospital in the whole frontier.

  Many nurses and female internal medicine doctors also come to the operating room to take a bath on weekends or before rest.

  Out of the operating room, I ran into Ms. Zeng.

  Ms. Zeng also stayed up all night. Originally, she didn't have to insist, but today was Zhang Fan's emergency surgery, so she didn't leave.

"Mr. Zeng, thank you, thank you very much." Zhang Fan looked at Ms. Zeng and thanked him very earnestly. Ms. Zeng, who hadn't slept all night, looked like she had been digging coal all night, and the bags under her eyes were prolapsed. At first glance, it looks like there are two grapes hanging.

   Especially the skin, which is obviously a kind of withered yellow.

  Compared with Zhang Fan's vigor and vigor, Nima seems to have been sucked into something. Zhang Fan got used to it and took a bath again.

"Yuan Zhang, we should thank you. This researcher is very important. The hospitalization fee has already been paid in. I don't want to stay any longer. I have to arrange someone to accompany me. Hey, the young man is very nice. It's just about finding a partner. .”

  Zhang Fan made a phone call to his family, and after speaking, he went to the surgery to take over, and then he had to meet the leader of the breast surgery department. He had already made an appointment for several days. It wasn't until noon that Zhang Fan had time to sleep for a while.

  Cha Su Vientiane, there are so many people that they can’t move.

  Usually, when most people come to Vientiane, the great thing is to have a good meal, and then go to the supermarket.

   Now because the tea economy is obviously stronger than in previous years, especially young people, couples feel that money is not money in the mall.

   "Sister-in-law, this is too old-fashioned."

   "What are you old-fashioned, you are an adult now, and people in the financial circle have shallow eyelids, you don't have a few sets of clothes to scare people, and you are making trouble for yourself for nothing."

  Jing Shu is actually not disgusted with the old-fashioned, but the price.

   In Shao Hua's eyes, Jing Shu is still a child. In dealing with children, Shao Hua's experience has been upgraded since he had Zhang Zhibo.

  For example, if you take Jingshu to go shopping, you can’t take your parents-in-law with you. As for Zhang Zhibo, it’s so easy to fool, he puts a milk stick in his mouth, and the little kid chatters all the way from beginning to end without even lifting his head.

   "Okay, don't look at the price, I have a discount card, it can be much cheaper."

  After the sister-in-law came, Shao Hua was also accompanied by someone to go shopping. The two of them had the same revenge, and they wished that every family could go shopping.

  Back home, my feet felt two sizes too big.

   At noon, Zhang Fan slept for two hours. After waking up, he went to the cafeteria to eat. The tea cafeteria is open 24 hours. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still many doctors and nurses who came to have lunch.

   In the past, when it came to lunch, most of the male doctors would just pass it off with instant noodles, and the nurses would just have hot and sour rice noodles. All of them were young, but their stomachs were getting worse.

   "Yuan Zhang, call." Wang Hong hurried over as soon as Zhang Fan finished eating. While handing over the phone, he silently mouthed the description to Zhang Fan: "It's from Bird City!" "Hello leader, I'm Zhang Fan."

   "Just after the operation, I just eat. I have to do my work and pay attention to my body." The leader exchanged a few words and immediately entered the working state.

   Zhang Fan said a few words politely, then waited for the leader to speak.

  Anyway, the end of the year is coming soon, so don’t even think about borrowing money. Although Chasu Hospital is still under the leadership of Niaoshi, there is no way to borrow money.

   Apart from borrowing money, Zhang Fan is not afraid of anything. "Tea Suwen

  Spring Sanatorium, do you know? "

  「I seem to have heard that it has been closed for decades!」

   "What are you talking about? It's only been a few years since it was built. It's true that the nursing home is suffering a little bit now, but..."

"Leader, the hospital is going to get a loan at the end of the year. You don't want us to invest in this sanatorium, do you? It's just a few hot springs in a valley. I don't know if they are real hot springs or fake hot springs. They don't rely on the sea or the ocean. , who wants to come to this place to waste money!"

The boss of the bird market got a lot of breath from Zhang Fan's few words, "What nonsense, don't worry, I won't let you pay, just thinking about the nutrition department and health department of your hospital, isn't it good? I think you should unite , come up with something unique, wouldn’t it be great to revitalize the nursing home?”

  Zhang Fan pondered, but did not give a clear answer. Zhang Fan is now qualified to bargain.

  Actually, this sanatorium was the former Invalides. It was built very well at the beginning, but as the countries of Stan slowly collapsed on their own, this place gradually declined.

  However, the employees here are all veterans.

  Because there was really no business, some leaders in Bird City said that this should be individualized, but the news got to the nursing home somehow.

   This group of comrades, who had been out of military uniform for an unknown number of years, wore combat uniforms without titles, and a team of hundreds of people lined up neatly. They started one-two-one running exercises on the square in front of the Bird City Government Building.

  The leader saw it and quickly appeased him. They also raised conditions. They can do whatever they want, but they cannot be privatized. No, someone came up with an idea, saying that this unit is in Chasu, and it has something to do with medical care, so it's better to hand it over to Chasu Hospital.

   Self-responsible for profit and loss!

  At that time, Cha Su’s second child said: I’m afraid that Zhang Fan won’t be fooled! Because in everyone's eyes, this is a burden.