MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1913 Pull up the mountain to be a hero

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  Chapter 1913 Pulled up the mountain to be a hero

  People were in high spirits for the wedding. In the hospital administration building, people who came in and out had smiles on their faces that they couldn't hide no matter how hard they tried.

  Especially the few young women who are at the same level as the director of the Nursing Department, their make-up is extra coquettish today. Women are really strange sometimes. Unmarried girls, married young women, and mature women who still have charm, really seem to have changed from quantitative to qualitative.

  For example, makeup, a mature woman who still has charm, is estimated to get up three hours earlier every day, not to make breakfast, but to smear her face.

  The reason why they are happy is also very simple, because Niaoshi gave Chasu Hospital a policy to build the first hospital with a Chinese prefix in Northwest China.

  Once the hospital is upgraded, their salaries will go up. As for what the hospital needs to pay, it is not their turn to worry about it. After all, it is already very good for them to spread less rumors about the hospital leaders.

Now, although the Chasu Hospital's bonuses are frighteningly high, they are still not very optimistic. According to the coefficient, the administrative and logistics personnel are the lowest. Others get 30,000 to 40,000 a month, and they only get 3,000 to 4,000 .

   Regarding this point, many administrative people are not very satisfied with Zhang Fan in private, because in the past, they could get clinically high, after all, he is a cadre.

  But after Heimai Maijiang came to power, it was different. He even changed the canteen of the Wannian Nailhu Hospital, so he still cares about a few mature women with big buttocks? When the rumors were raging at that time, Zhang Fan said: Whoever wants to leave, he is responsible for signing, and will never delay everyone's future.

   Now if you want to enter the Chasu Hospital, if you queue up, there will probably be half a group of people. It is too easy to transfer away.

  However, no one is willing to transfer away, not to mention other things, just a parent's hospitalization is convenient, and he can ride on the body of the man at home.

  Others, especially the clinical doctors, looked sad.

   When a hospital is upgraded, it will be upgraded from the third class to the third class without mentioning the prefix of the country. Not to mention other things, just a medical record modification can make the clinical doctors feel bald.

  This is absolutely not an exaggeration. Random checks of medical records within 30 years, this thing, just a computer to enter the medical records before going to work, can make everyone worse than life.

  Now the clinicians of Chasu Hospital don’t care about the extra one or two thousand a month. This is also good, that is, for drug dealers and equipment manufacturers, the threshold for tea hospital is too high.

   If you give too little, the doctors will look down on you, and if you give too much, it will not be worth it.

  Some people do the decapitation business, but no one does the loss-making business. Now not only the hospital clearly prohibits the doctor from contacting the drug dealer and the device manufacturer, but the doctor himself is impatient.

  At noon, Zhang Fan just came out of the operating room. There were a lot of general surgery operations in the past two days, and the general surgery department was too busy. Zhang Fan was dragged out.

It's okay to be a strong man, and it's a bunch of low-tech surgeries, which made Zhang Fan quite opinionated, but now there are a lot of talents in general surgery, and when encountering difficult surgeries, no one is willing to give up. Bring the doctors in your own group to improve.

  Especially after Zhao Jingjin became an academician in one step from a Changhe scholar, the doctors in the general surgery department seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

  Sometimes, it’s really like, brother, work hard, and brother will marry you a sister-in-law during the Chinese New Year. For most doctors, not to mention academicians, outstanding young people are a luxury.

  But I can’t help but have a role model. This guy is less than forty years old, and ambition can still be taken seriously.

Zhang Fan had just undergone two perforated appendix operations, and his stomach was full of infected fluid. When Zhang Fan left the operating room, he felt that his sense of taste had not recovered and he hadn't rested yet, when he heard: "Master, I'm back. "

  Zhang Fan looked up, I'm going, Huo Xinwen is like a little girl holding the dishes in the shop.

  Plushy plateau red, oily red lips, "What's wrong with you, is it too cold, why is your face swollen from the cold!" Zhang Fan asked with a bit of distress.

   In a word, the girl almost cried, not because she was moved or wronged, but because she was ashamed.

Going to the pastoral area, and the place where Zhang Fan used to hang out, the local people heard that this is Zhang Fan's female apprentice, and the enthusiasm couldn't be more enthusiastic. Even the lamas in the Huang Temple came out to invite Huo Xinwen to eat rice dumplings cake.

The locals are enthusiastic and the weather is cold. The lamb for three meals a day, if you don’t eat it cold, it feels like you eat more and more. When I first went, Huo Xinwen, who ate two lamb ribs, was almost the same. When I was walking fast , You can eat several catties of finger meat in one meal.

Suffering is also suffering, his face is red and bloodshot from freezing, but he is also enjoying the blessings. He eats safflower stewed lamb, beef stew, and venison stew. The two red faces are like blown up pink balloons. He thought he had frozen his apprentice.

   Once he heard that it was not frozen, Zhang Fan felt relieved.

   "It's just right, come here, there just happened to be two external abdominal hernias, let me see if your level has fallen back!" Zhang Fan, who was arresting his apprentice's strong man, had no psychological pressure at all.

  With the development of various departments in the hospital, Zhang Fan felt that his status had declined.

  In the past, Zhang Fan entered the departments of surgery as if he was an uncle, choosing to perform surgery, but now, it seems that it has become a thing of the past.

  However, this is what Zhang Fan hopes to see, after all, it is spring when all flowers are in full bloom.

   Entering the operating room, Zhang Fan saw Huo Xinwen holding the old man's **** as a reply, and those who didn't know thought that she was doing nothing wrong.

   "Okay, there is no way to return it, don't get edema."

  Zhang Fan said angrily that doctors, especially surgeons, would feel that they might be better than others.

  Old people, especially elderly men, when they were young, smoked and then caused chronic cough. This cough is caused by increased sputum secretion, and ordinary people who are not painful or itchy will not care about it.

  However, as I get older, problems arise.

  Every time you cough, it is actually equivalent to the air pressure in the chest cavity forming a small hammer, beating the abdomen.

  When you are young, it doesn’t matter if your muscles are strong, but as you get older, some places that originally had gaps, after the muscles relax, are beaten for such a long time with a small hammer, and a crack may become a hole.

Then, some old men coughed violently, plopped their intestines from the groin and fell into the testicles, and the testicles instantly turned purple and bright, and became as big as a large shot put. They went to the hospital for treatment. I went to the young doctor, fiddled and fiddled, didn't answer, and finally got edema, and the old man was like an elephant in heat, dragging a big pimple. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it also hurts Nima's intestines, as if the **** was pulled out by the second brother, and taking an extra step is a punishment.

   This is one of the disadvantages of smoking.

A month of going to the countryside has significantly improved Huo Xinwen's surgery. At least in terms of the independence of surgery, it has been significantly improved. Huo Xinwen seems to go to the pastoral area to suffer from the cold. , it may take several years to make progress.

  Going out for surgery alone without relying on teachers, superior doctors and colleagues makes the girl seem mature in no time. In fact, there is nothing wrong with what the people from Huaguo said. People will never teach others, but they will learn things once.

   "Not bad! Come home with me later in the evening and ask Shao Hua to get you some cosmetics. Every girl doesn't know how to take care of her skin. You'll be cold."

  Huo Xinwen couldn't even raise her head in embarrassment. The old anesthetist in the operating room kept adding fuel and jealousy, "Xiao Huo is trying to save you from embarrassment. Otherwise, would the student of the dignified hospital director take the initiative to go to the pastoral area?"

  At noon, when Zhang Fan came out of the operating room, he saw the snake-playing man standing awkwardly at the door of the operation, and he knew that he was waiting for someone.

"You don't come here to ask for marriage leave, do you? Unless that flower has a big belly, I won't ask for leave for you, and you too. Don't see when, is there any winter marriage in the hospital? Every day, I will give it to Lao Tzu." look for a job!"

  Xu Xian raised his head, glanced at Zhang Fan in astonishment, and then pulled Zhang Fan to a place where there were few people. However, the nurses in the operating room were like bees that had seen blood, and rushed forward desperately, gossiping one by one.

   "Don't mess with me. What and what!"

   "As long as it's not asking for marriage leave, it doesn't matter. There's nothing to be shy about."

   “There is something wrong with our hip device development.”

   "Isn't it normal for something to go wrong, just modify it!" Zhang Fan is already a person who has seen the world, unlike before, when he heard about scientific research, he was excited.

   "You can't do this, you have to help us find a way."

"Hey, you can cook as much rice as you have. Don't pull me, and you want to cheat money. Can you change your trick? Since you started scientific research, calculate how much I have invested. Even if you are a hen, now It's time for chickens to pile up, how about you?"

   "Last time!"

   "How much?"

  There are only a few departments in the hospital that Zhang Fan prefers, the Department of Orthopedics for Surgery, and the Department of Respiratory Medicine for Internal Medicine.

  Xu Xian chased away all the little nurses in the operating room, and whispered: "The design of the acetabulum seems to be wrong, it's not wear-resistant!"

  Zhang Fan also said in a low voice: "You guys are doing research, this is tantamount to failure."

   "We opened the experiment under your name, and we have already sent out invitation letters at the end of the month to the experts in the same industry, asking them to come and see our finished experiment."

  When Zhang Fan heard this, he almost trembled with anger, "You guys, you guys!"

   "Go, go and see!"

   To be honest, Zhang Fan is willing to use the system in terms of surgery, because every time it is a last resort, if not, maybe the operation fails and the patient will die.

Moreover, the surgery opening system improves once and for all. Not only Zhang Fan can improve, but other assistants can also improve. After all, surgery is like a girl turning into a young woman. Once the first time is gone, it will be relatively easy to pull the belt next. .

  However, scientific research does not work.

  Opening the system once can indeed save a lot of detours, but this detour may not be an experience.

  Zhang Fan does not hope that the scientific research of tea is based on his own system, otherwise the money is poured out like water every year, what is the point.

  But this time, this group of orthopedic products, this product provoked by Zhang Fan, let alone a failed product, even if there is a little flaw, it is estimated that the saliva of the orthopedic colleagues can drown Zhang Fan.

  The menacing Zhang Fan entered the Bone Research Institute with a mysterious and reckless hero.

  As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Fan first cleaned up the directors of several tea and golden retrievers of the Institute of Bone Research.

  (end of this chapter)

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