MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1903 Luckily not disgraceful

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  Partners of the cooperation, Yan Xiaoyu started to approach all of them. It is not that the hospital has no money, but some money in the hospital cannot be moved.

  For example, the scientific research reserve fund, which cannot be moved, and the funds for the daily operation of the hospital, which cannot be moved either.

Of course, the people I get in touch with are those who will be useful to tea in the future. For example, Ms. Zeng, she will really help you at a critical moment. They will get you a special plane if they say they want to get one, and it will be for you abroad. Made it.

  As for the person who brags that he can hang the photo of Uncle Zhang Fan on the city gate, he also contacted, but it was not Yan Xiaoyu who contacted, but Ouyang contacted. The general routine is not to make excuses.

   I took it into Ouyang's office and started talking in a serious manner, followed by a group photo on the wall and an inscription half the size of the wall.

  Ouyang will keep asking you whether the source of the money is legal or not. Anyway, the reputation of Cha Su Hospital among this group of people is quite bad for a while.

  Some people even moved their hearts and thought about transferring Ouyang or Zhang Fan away, but then nothing happened. Because no one takes the job!

The first wave is reward stocks, academic leaders and major research and development winners are the first class, then the front-line personnel working in Chasu Hospital and universities are the first class, the logistics staff are the second class, and even Zhang Fanlian digitally sent over to maintain two straight-line aircrafts. There are digital personnel who lift the plane and provide security for the laboratory.

  Administrative third gear.

  Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hospital suddenly changed.

  Everyone originally thought that Heimaimaijiang would definitely give this equity to the employees, but it was definitely not as high as the leadership, after all, everyone’s unit is the same.

   As a result, a senior nurse is paid more than the dean level.

   This time, everyone was not only happy in their mouths, but also sweet in their hearts and began to feel that staying up late was nothing.

   Zhang Fan and several deans held a special meeting to study this matter.

  At the meeting, everyone unanimously approved this regulation. After all, those who stay up late in the hospital before their thirties and become bald are all front-line personnel.

  In the hospital, the young nurses chirped together, "Heimai Maijiang is still one of us!"

   "Yes, Heimai Maijiang is the most handsome. Do you think the shares will be divided at the end of the year? I want to buy clothes, I want to buy cosmetics, I want to buy."

  The young doctors also became more motivated, "When the dividends come down, we can scrape together the wages and buy a car. This year, we will drive to my girlfriend's house!"

  Of course, these shares are automatically withdrawn upon retirement.

  The Yangcheng family members who already thought that the hospital here in Chasu was very good have gone crazy these days, calling their own Yangcheng hospital every day.

  The doctors at Nanfang Hospital in Yangcheng, which is located in Yangcheng, have started to resign one by one in the past few days. When the hospital first started, they didn't take it seriously. After all, a big hospital still needs to be recognized as a big hospital.

   But as the situation changed, Nanfang Hospital was in a hurry, because half of the laboratory department had left their jobs, and all the mainstay doctors were in their early thirties and less than forty.

   This is strange.

  What's going on? The director of the hospital couldn't figure it out no matter how much he asked, but suddenly found out from a doctor's circle of friends that he had already reached the point of tea.

  Nanfang Hospital’s dean used to show off at the beginning, but now he is so outraged, “Damn it, I just finished a meeting from Chasu, shameless, is this just playing empty tricks for me?”

It's a pity, he also knows in his heart that the benefits of tea are really good, he was angry not because he left, but because he felt that his bragging a few days ago was a bit too much, and now he is fine, and several other hospitals in Nima Yangcheng are calling A condolence call came.

  In Chasu University, the mental outlook of the teachers has been getting better and better recently. Especially the young teachers, these days they are living as adults at home.

The wife is not good enough to serve water and tea, "You have a good rest, you have a day of class, and I will take the child to my parents' home, and I will cook you some delicious food from Luyuan in the evening. I heard that the director of your hospital eats this specially." Yes." While saying that, she winked her eyes.

  Those who sell tea ingredients now, as long as there is a little

  It’s a bit upscale, Du Nima began to say, this is good, knowing that the dean of the Cha Su Hospital came to me secretly and made a reservation, it’s much better.

   "Didn't they say that the dean of Chasu Hospital took his own antiemetic? Why did he take your Luchong again?"

   "You don't understand, antiemetic medicine is tiger wolf medicine, ours is warming, nourishing and not hurting the body, you will understand when you get older. Do you want to, don't go away, don't delay my business."

  The common people in Chasu think that Zhang Fan is a black guy, who secretly rules the little nurse in the hospital while he has nothing to do.

  Sometimes, this momentum is really hard to say.

  Zhang Fan had been busy for a whole day. He had just returned home and gnawed on Zhang Zhibo's little feet.

   "Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan!" Wang Hong seemed to be stepped on by her tail, her voice was so sharp that the phone vibrated and buzzed.

   "Listen, listen." Zhang Fan felt relaxed when he heard Wang Hong's excited tone. As long as there was no accident, he was not afraid of anything else.

   "The factors of intestinal tumors have been found. Dr. Zhao Yanfang just called me, and the factors of intestinal tumors have been found."

   Wang Hong was excited.

  Zhang Fan was stunned, and relaxed a little, "Isn't it another antiemetic?" "No, no, this time it is absolutely correct."

  「Okay, I’ll go to the hospital right away!」

   Putting down Zhang Zhibo's little meaty feet, the little boy quickly crawled and hid behind the sofa, wanting to play peek-a-boo with his father.

   "You eat it, I won't eat it. I have to go to the hospital. The boss of the hospital can't predict that this time it will be successful."

  Zhang Fan said something to Shao Hua, and Shao Hua chased him out from the kitchen, "Drink some soup first?" "No."

   Zhang Fan, who was snowing all the way and muddy all the way, rushed to the hospital laboratory. The little **** in the lab were going crazy. There were big men hugging each other and crying, some sitting in a corner in a daze, and some talking on the phone.

  As soon as Zhang Fan entered the laboratory, Zhao Yanfang quietly stood at the door with her hands folded. After seeing Zhang Fan, "It's not easy for them. They have been chasu for several years, and now they have finally succeeded." Su sent scholars to conduct joint experiments with Chasu.

  As a result, after the antiemetic drug was developed, they competed for the patent of the antiemetic drug, and at the same time, most experts began to think that the research route of tea element was wrong, and then began to withdraw funds.

  At that time, the investment in the key points made Chasu Hospital almost make Yang stomach!

  Antiemetics have not been sold yet, and scientific research is not up to par. At that time, except for Zhao Yanfang's firm insistence, everyone began to shrink back.

  I think it is necessary to continue the research that even Chibi Maruko thinks is not possible? And the hospital doesn't have much money left.

  Zhang Fan tried his best to reject all opinions at the time, and he would continue to sell iron. The original decision was also one of the main reasons why Lao Zhao was determined to stay in Chasu, because the leader understood her!

   At that time, it was the most difficult time on the road to the rise of Chasu. If Zhang Fan hadn’t gone to the rich country to work and made a lot of money, it is estimated that Chasu Hospital would have given a discount at that time.

  At that time, Maruko had withdrawn investment and experts, and those who continued to engage in scientific research were only a small number of people who thought they were right.

   On the contrary, with fewer people, scientific research has become more dynamic under the integration of Lao Zhao. Now, they finally saw the light of day.

   "The pathogenic mechanism of rectal cancer (CRC) is now clear. This is a thesis. Fortunately, it is not a disgrace!" Zhao Yanfang solemnly handed the paper to Zhang Fan with tired hands.

  Zhang Fan quickly wiped the white coat with both hands, and took it with both hands, "Thank you."

  Nowadays, for many diseases, the pathogenic mechanism is actually unclear. Although the doctors in the hospital prescribe a handful of medicines, almost all of them are symptomatic treatment, not the cause.

   Or go down with a knife and cut off the trouble, but what is the reason, everyone can only guess.

  Rectal cancer is one of them. With the popularization of colonoscopy in recent years, rectal cancer has become the world’s

  The third malignant tumor.

Some say it's eating habits, they usually eat more meat, especially greasy, irritating, high-fat, high-protein, pickled foods and other non-fresh foods, and there is not enough high-fiber food intake, some say it is Chaotic daily life, smoking, drinking and staying up late, these things are not good for the health. Some people not only have one situation, which greatly increases the incidence of rectal cancer. They also say that they do not like sports and often sit for a long time, which is not conducive to digestion and intestinal tract Peristalsis, over time, leads to the accumulation of a lot of toxins in the intestines, increasing the chance of disease.

   But pickled food is clear, especially in East Asian countries, is the hardest hit area of ​​rectal cancer. Hua Guo, Bangzi Country, and Wanzi Country are especially serious.

  Ten years ago, almost no one had a colonoscopy, but now as soon as you enter the gastroenterology department, the doctor recommends a colonoscopy. It's not that the doctor wants to see the patient's chrysanthemum bloom, but that the disease is too hateful.

  Once the position is not good and the patient cannot keep the patient, it will be a catastrophe. There is also a way of self-observation, that is, after the stool is over, look back and remember that it is not digging, but watching.

   Check to see if there is blood in the stool. Once there is blood for a long time, you should pay attention. It is often either hemorrhoids or colon cancer.

  「CD30 and CD30 ligands regulate the microenvironment in inflammation-cancer, which leads to the transformation of cells from inflammatory cells to malignant tumor cells

  Zhang Fan read each word slowly, and when he had doubts, he looked up and saw that Zhao Yanfang had fallen asleep on the sofa.

  Zhang Fan asked Wang Hong to carefully cover Lao Zhao with a small blanket. "Yuan Zhang, Dr. Zhao is too tired."

  「Yeah, you can make a phone call later, let Lao Chen find a way to buy some sake, let the master chef in the cafeteria make some, the one wrapped in seaweed


"Yes, sushi, anyway, it's just a little bit of the characteristics of the meatball country. Let the professors in the meatball country in our laboratory relax. I guess some of them won't be able to go back. We must do the corresponding work. Only one can be left.”

   "Alright Zhang Yuan, I understand. I'll go and inform Chen Yuan now."

In terms of talents, Zhang Fan has never dared to go to the altar when he is not burning incense on weekdays. Although Wanzi Kingdom has withdrawn most of the experts, and the remaining part, Zhang Fan will directly give three times the amount when he becomes rich. salary.

  At the beginning, Zhang Fan felt that this scientific research would be hopeless within a few years. But he wasn't stingy, and now he finally paid off.