MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-Chapter 9 struggle

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To have revenge, you must have a strong power.

Want to have a powerful force, at this moment for Fang Xingjian, the best way is to learn swordsmanship.

And he wants to learn swordsmanship in the miracle world, he already has some eyebrows.

This was originally a world that far surpassed Earth in the development of personal force. The five major families of the genius today, their strongest are all getting huge resources from the outside world.

Fang Xingjian this time should be brought to the miracle world by the other side after being kidnapped by Caroline, and the time of rehabilitating does not prevent him from listening to the information from the old man's mouth, most of the time and him It is very close to what the magic capital knows.

In this world, ranks, attributes, and skills have been taken for granted. It is taken for granted by all human beings living here, like the sky, like the sun, as a matter of gravity.

Although I have heard rumors of different worlds in the Devils, it is really the first time Fang Xingjian has come to this world.

In the mouth of the old man, he knows that his foot is a very large continent. At present, there are six countries on this continent. He is now in the vicinity of the West Coast of the Sinkoda Empire, the largest country in the mainland. .

'But according to the internal government of the Modo government, the Earth is only in contact with the Federal Republic of Yulanlis in the six major countries. The other five major countries do not understand the Earth, and may not even know that Ulanlis has united. The power of other worlds. ’

Fang Xingjian thought: "It seems that the situation is understood from the old man's mouth during this time. Ordinary people simply don't know that their world has already had a little bit of outsiders breaking into."

I don’t know what the cooperation between Ulanlis and the Earth government has reached...’


Fang Xingjian turned his head and saw the old man looking at him indifferently. The old man’s hand was holding a sword. The sword was dusty, stainy and greasy, just like a year in the house. It is the same as a fire stick.

Seeing that Fang Xingjian turned his head, the old man reached for a throw and threw the long sword to Fang Xingjian.


The long sword is unsheathed, there is no brilliance, and there is no compelling chill. It is just an ordinary Western-style one-handed sword. It is 1.2 meters long and about three fingers wide. The blade can also see many gaps left by the battle.

"You kid, hurt so heavy, but still practice sword every day, do you want to go back to revenge? Can you be like this, it is not a simple role."

In the face of the old man's problem, Fang Xingjian did not explain.

Shaking his head, the old man continued: "This sword was left when I was a soldier. Anyway, it is useless to keep it. You can use it."

"Thank you." Fang Xingjian looked at the old man seriously.

As he said, he took up his long sword and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

"North, Koster. I heard that there are many learning skills and places to train soldiers." Fang Xingjian said that this is the nearest big city to the fishing village. He plans to find opportunities there, collect information and see if it is possible to find A place where you can learn swordsmanship.

He believes that in a world with attributes, skills, and leveling, there will definitely be places like martial art, trade unions and the like.

"Koster is far away, the road is very dangerous, and it will be winter soon. The blizzard on this road, the hungry beast, even the soldiers of the brigade may not be able to arrive safely. You are not afraid to die on the road?"

"Death must go." Suddenly, it seems to explain, Fang Xingjian added: "The time left for me is not much." Indeed, if the will in the purple fire did not lie to him, now he only has left Five years.

His time is really not much.

The old man was silent for a while and said: "When you arrive at Koster, if you want to learn the sword if you are not dead, you can go and talk about the sword hall."

Fang Xingjian turned back, but saw the old man's brown eyes slightly lost, seems to be caught in what memories.

The old man blinked and waved: "Go, go, do what you should do."


On the entire continent, although everyone has the potential to become a strong, but perhaps because the individual strength is too strong, the level of civilization throughout the continent has slowed down.

Countless villages and towns are still in a state of ignorance, and most people are still not liberated from physical labor, somewhat similar to the medieval Europe on Earth.

Even because the people here have an average of five levels, most of the civilians have become the main force of manual labor, even on the horses.

"Come on, hurry, you have to reach the next camp today." The blond caravan called out.

In the caravan, Fang Xing’s sword was on his waist and carrying a cargo weighing more than two hundred kilograms on his back, stepping forward toward the front.


In the middle of the night, Fang Xingjian bite his teeth and tear the black bread comparable to the stone. Looking at the bonfire, there seems to be a flame burning.


In the torrential rain, a carriage was directly rushed under the cliffs. The caravans were madly urging labor and slaves, and even had to join the team.

Fang Xingjian was all drenched by heavy rain, his feet stepping on the muddy road, step by step toward the mountain road, the rain was cold and the water was heavy, and his waist was still straight.


"This is your wages." A bag of copper coins was thrown into the eyes of Fang Xingjian: "Do you really consider going to Felan with us? It will be snowing soon, and the road to Koster can not go well."

"Thank you." Fang Xingjian took the copper coins and turned and left.

"This kid, the lord is talking to you." The brown-haired man standing on the side stood up, but was pressed back. He looked at the management inexplicably: "Adult?"

He didn't understand why he didn't let him teach the arrogant boy. There was no extraordinary power on the other side. Obviously, there was no turn, and at most it was only ordinary civilians of the ninth grade.

The caravan manager shook his head and did not speak. He just kept his eyes on the tattered sword of the other side, revealing a dignified color.

In the snow, Fang Xingjian walked toward the north step by step, like a knife-like frost wipe on his face, nearly zero degree of low temperature made his face a bruise, he can only try to shrink the body, the whole body is covered by fur Wrap it up, don't be exposed to the snow.


Under the stars, Fang Xingjian hides in the small hole he has dug, and the bonfire on the side is getting weaker and weaker. It seems to be extinguished at any time. He constantly shakes his body, which seems to reduce the heat of the body, and the burning flame of revenge in his eyes.

‘Carolyn... Onassis...’

'wait for me……'


Fang Xingjian ran fast, jumped, and the sword at the waist did not know when it had been squirted. A drop of hot blood fell from the blade and sprinkled on the snowfield, leaving a long blood line.

Dozens of giant wolves angered and screamed, chasing the footsteps of Fang Xingjian. The smallest ones of these giant wolves are more than four meters long, tearing the air between the runs, making a sharp whistling sound, just like an armored artillery shell.

This data-based world is not only human beings can be strong, but also has many powerful monsters.

These monsters are called violent animals on the mainland, and they are the beasts after the upgrade.

This violent animal is in the forest, on the grasslands, and in the rivers. It is not known every year that many people who travel in the wild are killed by them and then swallowed.

This world has never belonged to human beings. Most of the civilians who have not reached the level of mastery of extraordinary power may not leave their hometown for the rest of their lives.

With a splash, Fang Xingjian jumped into the stream, and the chilly river was almost frozen for a moment.

Looking around, the giant wolves stayed on the shore and hesitated. After chasing a few hundred meters, they slowly dispersed.

After drifting for two kilometers, Fang Xingjian found the opportunity to climb the shore. He immediately undressed and looked for a fiery stone.

He stood by the campfire and jumped, swords, sports, and the light of the beasts in his eyes.

"I want to live."

"Not only must we live, but we must become stronger and stronger."

In the wind and rain, in the snow and ice, in the most lonely night, Fang Xingjian did not fall down, he has been holding his own back, and his eyes are like a faint glow of wolves.

He has been thinking about his mind, thinking about the night in the ancestral hall, thinking about the days that he wore, the pictures that were repeatedly over and over in his mind, making his heart colder and colder, the fire in his eyes More and more vigorous.


There was a man standing in front of Koster’s city gate. The man’s body was ragged and his hair was long and entangled, like a refugee who escaped from the dirtiest and most ruined civilian area.

The man's lips are chapped, his face is blue, his cheeks are thin and he feels like a famine. Only the man's eyes are still bright, just like the stars in the night sky.

"finally reached."


The man is naturally Fang Xingjian. He looks down at his expertise panel and wonders when he has another specialty.

Primary survival instinct, your endurance willpower, let you ignore the pain and endure hunger, all non-fatal injuries can not stop you from fighting to struggle.

Read The Duke's Passion