MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-Chapter 4 escape

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A few hours later, Fang Xingjian slowly woke up and found that he was still in the ancestral hall. His mind remembered the conversation with Li Shuanghua a little bit, and his eyes were full of bitterness.

When he went out to leave the ancestral hall, he was stopped by the ink crystal, and he turned around and found that the entire ancestral hall had been surrounded by the ink crystal.

Knowing that he could not get out of his own strength anyway, he sat down and thought about countermeasures.

"The stubbornness of the grandmother is absolutely said to be long. If I don't want to escape, I can only be a witch slave in the next half of my life. This is definitely not the life I want."

"But... how to escape."

"These ink crystal rides are cultivated at home since childhood. Although there are not many skills and almost no expertise, they are all grades of killing monsters. Together with the professional growth of the ink crystal ride, their strength and speed endurance are at least At thirty points or more."

More than 30 points of strength and speed endurance, it is the ability to easily knock over the elephant, get rid of the tank, and use the iron stick as a noodle. Now Fang Xingjian can't rush out.

"What should I do?"

After thinking for more than an hour, Fang Xingjian still had no clue, and there was a voice of dialogue outside.

"Let's go, my mother asked me to persuade him."

"But the adults said..."

"Well? You can't believe me? Or do you think I can't hold him?"

"I don't dare to belong."

The sound of the iron armor rubbing the ground came from outside, which was the phenomenon of the retreat of the ink crystal.

After a while, the door was opened and slowly walked in.

Fang Xingjian looked at the second stunned face and said: "Two, are you coming to persuade me?"

"Oh." Two sighed: "You come with me."

Fang Xingjian followed the two sorrows in confusion and found that the next four people did not know when they had disappeared. The two went more and more, and they came to the back door of Fangjia in a blink of an eye.

"Mom wants you to be an apostle of the stars, I don't agree, but her mind has been fixed, and I can't persuade her." Erhao shook his head and said faintly: "Let's go. Go to the miracle world. The name of the world), the farther you escape, the better, never come back."

Fang Xing’s eyes were red and he looked at the two eyes in front of him. It seemed to return to the genius of the pre-marriage.


"There are two million in this unnamed card. You have collected it. This is the private money that you used to save me for a few years. It was discovered by your second aunt." The second sighed: "Hey, I haven’t been able to take care of you in the past few years. You don’t belong to the house, go out and find your own way. Don’t stay in the magic, or she will catch you back.”

Fang Xingjian’s card, whispered, “Oh, thank you.”

The second singer did not speak, but stared at the face of Fang Xingjian and said: "Like, really like..."


"You and your mother are really like."

Fang Xingjian suddenly got excited and looked at the second question and asked: "Two sisters, why... Why would the grandmother hate me so much? What did I do wrong? How did my mother die?

And who is my father? Why do I ask my grandmother every time? ”

He asked these questions that had bothered him from an early age.

"The big sister's thing... I don't know. If you want to know, when you become a god, you can come back and ask your mother." Suddenly, the whole yard was noisy, and the second nervously said: "Let's go, they Searched over here, I will take them away."

Fang Xingjian finally looked at the Fang Family Courtyard and turned his head and ran towards the darkness outside the door.

‘One day, I will be back. ’

‘Grandma, I will prove to you that you are wrong. I am better than anyone, I am the real hope of Fangjia. ’


In the station, Fang Xingjian looked at the staff in front of the counter and asked: "Is it still not working?"

The staff looked up and carefully compared the picture of the star sword below and the identity information. He said, "Sorry, there are some problems with the machine. Please wait a moment."

Fang Xingjian looked at the other side with a puzzled look and looked subconsciously around.

Then I found the front and rear doors, corridors, and outside the square, there is a tall and strong man walking in his direction.

‘Damn. Fang Xingjian drilled straight out of a sprint, and the speed and strength of 9 points broke out at the same time, making him a crazy cow like a hair.

"He wants to escape!"

"catch him!"

"Don't shoot!"

The four surrounding areas just slowly came, and the slowly approaching big men immediately reacted and surrounded the square star sword.

After some chasing, Fang Xingjian only opened those big men with the superior physical quality.

Leaning against the wall, he gasped in a big mouth: "Is the airport blocked? Is it the official route?" He knows that with the influence of the Fang family, it is too much to add a search to arrest the various vehicles. It's too simple.

‘In this way, there is no way to go to the miracle world through official channels...’

The miracle world is connected to the earth, and the connected position is in the magical capital, but it is not a specific passage, a door, or a bridge, but a large overlapping area. This overlap covers a large area of ​​land and sea, so you can go by car, take a boat, or even walk over.

Therefore, the entire overlapping area is jointly blocked by several major countries. If ordinary people want to go, they must pass the approval of the government.

Fang Xingjian had already prepared the approval as a back road, but now it has been ordered by the Fang family. Not only that, but once it is found that there is a move, it will be sent directly by the upper level.

‘In this case, you can only try to sneak...’

Several big countries want to control the right to enter the entire overlapping area. Naturally, many organizations, forces and even other countries have expressed dissatisfaction. This naturally has the so-called smuggling.

After all, the entire overlapping area is intertwined because of the time and space of the two worlds. The internal structure is complicated and even dangerous. Many places cannot be completely blocked even by the military.

‘In this case, the mobile phone may have been monitored and even positioned. ’

Fang Xingjian left the phone on the bus and got off the bus to the side of the phone.


"Hey?" A crisp female voice came.

Fang Xingjian said faintly: "It is me."

The other party's voice suddenly dignified: "What happened? How do I feel that the whole city is chasing you."

This is a woman that Fang Xingjian knew when she learned swords in the martial arts hall. Later, she gradually became the best friend of Fang Xingjian.

Fang Xingjian asked: "Is it already passed to the city bureau?"

The woman looked up and looked at the police officers and colleagues who were in a hurry. When they walked outside the door, they said, "There are people ordered to catch you, what have you done?"

"Li Shuanghua wants me to be a witch slave. I left home."

Policewoman Jessica spit out and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want to go to the miracle world, I know you have a way."

"Twelve o'clock this evening, the old place."

Read The Duke's Passion