MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1264 Winds and clouds

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Just like the attention of the stars, not only Yan Feibai feels, Fang Xingjian also feels. .

The dark shadow of Fang Xingjian’s incarnation slammed his head, seemingly piercing the endless time and space, and touching the two extremely incomparable and great existences.

"who is it?"

No answer, no communication, the other party... or the existence of the demon level, will not communicate with the real thing, because they want what, just think about it.

So the next moment, between the silent and the silent, the emptiness of Fang Xingjian's incarnation seems to have shaken a bit, then he feels that his power has begun to decline, and the emptiness of the broken space around the four has returned to the vacuum.

The martial arts will jump back more than 10,000 from more than one million, then withdraw from the **** level, withdraw from the second turn, and return the state of the mortal.

Time goes by silently to the body of Fang Xingjian, directly changing him back to the appearance of five years ago. The next moment, the whole person began to suffocate and cool down because of the vacuum environment in front of him, until the end of the whole person’s sight. Fall into the darkness.

When Fang Xingjian returned to God, the picture that had just been retracted had disappeared, as if everything was just a phantom.

But Fang Xingjian knows that the real feeling, the touch of physical degradation, is definitely not as simple as an illusion.

After a while, Fang Xingjian found that his martial will will begin to retreat again, but this time it took a long time to resume.

Fang Xingjian instantly understood: "The two guys... They are fighting for my time control, one is in reverse time, one is in forward rotation..."

Just as Fang Xingjian understood the situation at hand, another wave of offensives came.

Thousands of indescribable, difficult to describe, detached from all colors, appearance, size, weight points appear within a thousand miles.

'this is……'

'Singular point? ’

Thousands of singularities have been directly invested in the universe before them, what kind of effect is it brought? What a horrible, horrible scene, when 10,000 big bangs occurred at the same time?

With endless photons, mats, neutrinos, protons, the oncoming is hundreds of billions of degrees of high temperature.

After 0.1 seconds, the temperature begins to decrease and the various dimensions of the time space begin to open.

After 1 second, the neutrino escaped. After 10 seconds, the nucleus began to form, the quantum vacuum continued to skyrocket, and soon exceeded the sum of the entire universe.

As for Fang Xingjian, Yan Feibai or the Doomsday Fortress, the gate of creation, it has long been turned into cosmic radiation in this big bang, and spread to every corner of the universe in the next few billion years.

However, this is only a possibility when the two great devils are shot.

Fang Xingjian took a breath and sighed again.

His eyes are still boundless black nothingness. It is just the moment when two supreme beings have just paid attention to him. It seems that the big bang is just an illusion.

"Is it time again?"

"No, it's impossible. If you can reverse the thousands of cosmic explosions in an instant, he can do more of the other operations, such as taking the whole universe away, there is no need to reverse this time and space..."

Just as Fang Xingjian made all kinds of guesses, another wave of attacks came.

The dark matter that occupies 96% of the entire universe suddenly boils. The big bang from 20 billion years ago seems to have been accelerated, the expansion speed of the universe is accelerating, and individual galaxies are accelerating. Break through the original arrangement.

With the changes in dark energy pressure and dark energy density, all spatial distances become infinite.

Because of the change of distance, the gravitational and electromagnetic forces of the entire universe began to fail. The stars collapsed. Any matter that relies on gravitation and electromagnetic support began to split. Every atom was collapsed and shattered, and the whole universe began to tear. .

In this great expansion, all known substances are not important, and all the intelligent life finally realizes that the dark matter dark energy that occupies 96% of the entire universe is the main component of the universe.

The consciousness of Fang Xingjian also fell into a void after the 16th minute of the expansion and accelerated, and never recovered.


Open your eyes again, everything is back to the moment the other person has watched, and the attack comes at the same time.

A white jade finger jerked out of the void and gently spotted on Fang Xingjian's forehead.

But it was such a simple movement, but it triggered a terrible doomsday disaster in an instant.

Because the quality contained in this finger is more than the quality of the entire universe.

So at the moment when the finger arrived at this time and space, a big contraction began to happen, and all the material was inevitably captured by this horrible gravitational source, and the whole universe would gradually slide down here.

The whole universe is like being played back in reverse, returning to the original singularity in the past billions of years, completely reversing the process of the Big Bang.

Fang Xingjian, as the first object touched by a finger, was completely transformed into an infinitesimal point in the first instant, losing all subjective consciousness.

"Whering..." Once again, Fang Xingjian, the whole man, suddenly hugged his head and made a cry in his mouth.

It can be imagined how painful Fang Xingjian can make a painful attack.

The next moment, his eyes flashed a sharp edge, and the breath of the whole person suddenly changed.

Originally turned into a piece of nothingness, it was almost a moment of effort. All the forces that lost control have returned to his body. The whole person of Fang Xingjian has been reinvented into human form, and perfectly controls all the martial arts. will.

In the distance, Yan Feibai saw the re-emergence of the human form, but it fell directly to the ground and excited: "Your Majesty! You are here!"

But in the next moment, Yan Feibai’s eyes were all covered with yellow light, and the corner of his mouth was a hint of evil laughter.

Electromagnetic fluctuations that transcended the speed of light were radiated from the two people and instantly collided together, directly triggering the Big Bang.

A new universe, also in the big bang, was born in the hands of their blows.

Numerous pieces of information are exchanged back and forth among the singularities, and will be turned into a wonder of the universe in the next tens of billions of years.

Because of the big explosion caused by the collision of the two forces, the information they exchanged was accompanied by the radiation from the big bang, along with the expansion of the universe, and a new universe born with the big bang, new The timeline has also been derived in an instant.

For the devil, there is no difference between the past and the future.

The moment when the timeline was born has been completely smashed by them.

Read The Duke's Passion