MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1248 everyone

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After the second emperor claimed to have retired, he disappeared. Even the sacred rituals, the three great sons descended to the emperor, and the all-seven seven sieges of Fang Xingjian did not appear.

Now Fang Xingjian finally understands that the other party came to the Western Continent and sneaked into the upper bound.

Fang Xingjian's high-dimensional perception ability constantly scans the inside and outside of the other's body.

‘God is six heavy, so fast... um... there are traces of flying fairy teaching. Fang Xingjian's gaze flashed a bit. The second emperor has ten layers of embossed patterns. The qualifications are naturally one-of-a-kind. However, to reach the six-level level of God so quickly, there is obviously no more than ten layers of hairline.

Fang Xingjian asked: "It turns out that you are connected with the saint Adam, the **** of horror?"

In the past, Fang Xingjian had already heard Uretai said that the sage Adam, the horror **** Dante and so on, the top masters of the millennium, have already learned the method of life conversion, and sneaked into the upper limit of the Western Continent.

The promotion of the second emperor is so fast, Fang Xingjian’s greatest possibility is to get the support of Adam and the horror god.

And he probably won't go back to the miracle world and hit the **** level. This shows that he is in a high position in the upper gate of Xianmen and can be sent to other parallel worlds with a nine-story Tiangong to attack Tianguan.

Coupled with the traces of the flying fairy teaching methods on the other side, Fang Xingjian judged that the other party is still entering the core of Feixianjiao.

On the other side, the second emperor heard the words, but his face changed slightly. He said with a smile: "What do you mean by your brother? What two emperors? In the next flight, you can admit the wrong person?"

Fang Xingjian smiled slightly, and the voice was sent directly to the other side's sea of ​​knowledge: "Is it a good feeling for the ten layers of the French pattern? I am Fang Xingjian, I haven't seen it for a long time, two emperors."

Upon hearing this, the second emperor's expression was slightly left, and he immediately returned: "What about the big sister? How is she doing?"

Fang Xingjian knew that the other party was still tempted, and directly replied: "The big prince has already withdrawn from the battle for the throne, and is currently raising the sky in the summer palace on the outskirts of the Imperial City."

"So..." The second emperor gave a slight glimpse and sighed: "Star Sword, I don't think you have come to the Central Continent."

Fang Xingjian nodded and said his thoughts: "There is no way, you can't leave it here. There are too many martial arts masters here. If you just leave it alone, the threat to the miracle world is too great."

The second emperor decided to nod his head: "The central mainland's heritage is too deep, there are three masters of the god-level nine-powered, and the god-level eight-powered master has more than ten or twenty.

Our miracle mainland has only a thousand years of life conversion, but it is still in the hands of a very small number of people. It takes too much time to catch up with them.

Therefore, we can only implement the method of infiltrating them, from the inside to prevent their invasion of the miracle world, try to delay the time of the two world wars, and give the miracle world more opportunities to chase. ”

As he spoke, the second emperor looked more and more surprised at Fang Xingjian’s gaze, and finally couldn’t help but ask: “Star Sword, your current state...”

"Hey, God is seven heavy." Fang Xingjian replied.

"The **** level seven?" Two emperors surprised: You really surpassed me, the **** level seven, even in this upper bound, is also a hegemon. ”

Fang Xingjian did not care about this, but asked: "How do you infiltrate the upper bound? Did Adam and the horror king also come? How much do you know about this gate of creation?"

When I heard the words of the door of creation, the two emperors could not help but frowned, and the eyes were deep.

"Adam's ancestors and horror gods, I also inadvertently got their inheritance, and this has followed all the way, secretly lurking, breaking through the gods in this world.

Originally with your talent, I feel that you will be able to surpass me in the future, and then help in the battle against the Central Continent. Now, your growth is faster than I thought. ”

"As for the gate of creation, the first time you hear it, you must think it is a fake."

Fang Xingjian raised an eyebrow: "Hey? Is it true?"

"I don't want you to say that I have become one of the ten true disciples of Feixian. Now I know some insider things about the door of creation." The second emperor explained: "The ancient heavens are tens of thousands of years. The powerful forces that ruled the entire central world before, they spent a lot of resources to build the door of creation, and even caused the shortage of resources in the entire central world. This is the next two points, and many powerful people concentrate resources in the upper boundary. The reason for cultivation.

The root cause of the two points of the world is the lack of resources. It is necessary to gather most of the resources to cultivate a few people to control the number of practitioners and the consumption of resources. ”

Fang Xingjian nodded and finally understood why the world was divided into upper and lower boundaries. The attitude of the upper boundary to the central mainland was so cautious and unwilling to destroy the mainland environment.

The second emperor continued: "And the picking star as the world's oldest god-level nine-powered master, indeed got the inheritance of the ancient heaven, even he is probably a strong man in the ancient heaven, stayed in this world Among them, there is also a piece of the door of the creation.

Therefore, he wanted to gather resources from the upper boundary and re-cast the door. ”

Fang Xingjian nodded and asked: "What is the role of the gate of creation? Why is it left behind, and where did the ancient heavens go?"

"Who knows." The second emperor shook his head. "This kind of thing, I am afraid that only the picking stars know it. What we can do is to delay the process as much as possible, and then find a way to find out the news."

It is necessary to know the environment of the creation of the door of the transformation of the entire planet's environment, so that other martial arts masters have to move the space, and create a world to cultivate the martial arts, you can imagine how much his consumption.

I am worried that the star picker will put the target on the miracle continent. ”

Fang Xingjian did not speak, nor did he intend to tell the other party that the picking star was chased by the upper bound, and it was impossible to go back.

Fang Xingjian does not intend to disclose any news at least until he completely kills the star.

Because he does not know, the two emperors, including the sage Adam, the horror king and other masters, they have stayed in the upper bound for such a long time, now what is the attitude towards the upper bound and the miracle world, is it already someone The culture, background, and martial arts of the upper bound were put into the upper gate of Xianmen.

"Right, Adam and the gods have come over this time. I will take you to see them."

Fang Xingjian followed the second emperor and his party to another place in the venue, and saw a group of men and women gathered there.

The second emperor said: "This is the square of the lower house of Feixian, but it has been eroded by our people. The city and the sub-owner are Adam and the **** of horror."

Fang Xingjian was amazed, looked up and saw the deepest position of the people in Sifang City. Two young people sat on the top of a jade table.