MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1240 change

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The entire Tianshan up and down, at this moment was surrounded by tens of thousands of imperial courts.

Just because today is the day when the Emperor Tianshan is meditation.

However, no one can think of it. Under the protection of this great army, when the Emperor Zhao Wei stepped into the peak of his life, he also encountered the biggest crisis in his life.

Inside and outside the temple, thousands of imperial courts fell to the ground.

The imperial guards, the masters of the great masters, and the royal family Zhao’s offerings were all seriously injured, or fell to the ground or died on the ground.

At the deepest part of the corpse, Zhao Wei fell pale and sat in the corner of the wall. He looked at the palace glamour in front of him and said, "I can’t think of it, I can’t even think of you, even you are theirs."

In front of the palace, the beauty dressed in a graceful royal robe, wearing a phoenix crown, slightly applied powder, but it is already a picturesque person.

It is Zhao Xie’s most beloved nephew, Shu Shu.

But in fact, this Shu Shu has always been a disciple of the Upper Heavenly Girl, and came to Zhao Wei to monitor and seek benefits for the goddess.

Looking at the pale face of Zhao Wei, Shu Shu looked cold and said: "Zhao Wei, can let me serve you for so many years, it can be regarded as your blessing. You are talented, male and talented, can make trouble, anyway, the world, indeed It is an emperor.

I also committed to marrying because of this.

It’s a pity... you shouldn’t do it, you shouldn’t think about it and you should be an enemy of the upper gate. ”

Zhao Wei’s face was bleak: “How did you find out?”

At this moment, the wind rang, and several cold light flashed through the air, but the four women turned into four swords, and they stabbed the body of Shu Shu from four angles.

Zhao Wei, who saw this scene, was surprised and shocked. The martial art will be madly spread out: "No!"

The golden martial art will turn into a roaring dragon, but it is pressed by Shu.

At the same time, the four Jianguang and Shulu hit together, just like the glass hit the diamond, the smashing one burst, the four women have already broken the bones, and the disappearance of the flesh and blood disappeared.

These four people are the maids that Zhao Wei cultivated since childhood. Not only have they been martial arts, but they have all cultivated to the level of God-level, and they have excelled in other espionage, tracking, leading, snoring, etc. Helping him to collect intelligence from inside and outside, monitoring the hundred officials, and supervising the four seas is the confidant in his heart, but now all died in the hands of Shu.

"These four little monks still want to save you. It is really self-reliant." Shu Shu sneered, the white light in his hand, the power of the martial arts will continue to promote, and the golden dragon released by Zhao Wei will be shattered.

"Zhao Wei, you really don't deserve to be a genius. You have created a self-made dragon, and even has a certain charm of the upper bound Tiantianmen. It brings together the power of the people against the upper gates of Xianmen. It is also unique. ""

"Unfortunately, you don't understand how big the gap between yourself and the upper bound."

Shu Shu slowly walked in front of Zhao Wei. At the same time, more than a dozen girls wearing white palace costumes came out slowly. Everyone was a god-level repair.

These days, the female disciples smashed the army and guards around the guards.

The level of God is one of the martial arts myths in the lower bounds. There is no one in the world, enough to cross the world, but now it is a heavenly female teacher who can send more than ten casually.

And Shu Shu himself has a double-level cultivation of God, which can defeat Zhao Wei.

Shu Shu stared at Zhao Wei and said: "The emperor, this is the last time I called you the emperor. Your last chance is to give up the world and join my goddess, you can also get shelter."

For this rare wizard in the world, the goddess of the heavens has been shackled for many days. Only then does it want to secretly accept the other party. At that time, it is announced that Zhao Wei is dead. In fact, it is under the income, secret training, and various means of prohibition. With the potential of Zhao Wei, after a hundred years, it is another card.

Zhao Wei smirked and looked at Shu Shu: "The upper bound is enslaved to the world, and it is the fate of all the people in the world. I am the first to dissatisfaction. You are only a few years older than us, and we live a few more years than we have. Once again, I will resist the end."

In the eyes of Shu Shu, there was a glimmer of cold light. At this moment, it was a flash of white light, and two young people appeared in the hall.

The youth who appeared in the main hall were Fang Xingjian and Wu Ruitai.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Shu Shu’s eyes were in a big alert: "Who are you? Here is the day we are taking over, and it is best not to mess up."

Fang Xingjian did not speak, just looked at Shu Shu, the latter has even disappeared with more than a dozen palace women.

Then he looked at Zhao Wei, who was on the side. Zhao Wei only thought that the other side's eyes seemed to contain countless messages and mysteries. The sea of ​​knowledge was constantly impacted by these mysteries, and it was like a sponge that absorbed the endless information.

A variety of martial arts, a variety of secrets, as well as countless scientific and technological knowledge, the world is wonderful.

At this moment, Zhao Wei only felt that he had spent thousands of years of tens of thousands of years. When he reacted, he appeared in the study room of the palace. It was like everything was just a dream bubble, and it was an illusion. .

But the infinite knowledge in my mind tells him that these are not illusions.

At the same time, Shu Shu slowly opened his eyes at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and there seemed to be a world of stars in his eyes.

Just in the moment, he also felt that countless knowledge and mystery were poured into her brain.

"What happened in the end?" Shu Shu felt the knowledge gained in her mind, only that every door was so vast, so mysterious, so familiar.

At this moment, she actually had a feeling of being constantly improved.


Urutai frowned and asked: "What have you done?"

Fang Xingjian said faintly: "Zhao Wei has long been divided into a detachment into the upper gate of Xianmen, so his body here is dead, and the avatar can still survive in the upper bound, which is also the one he left for himself. Backhand.

Shu Shu is even simpler. As a disciple of heaven, she can't compare with the safety of her martial art. Therefore, she has left a trace of her martial art. Even if the subject is dead, there is still a chance. ”

Uru Tai's eyes are more and more doubtful. Although Zhao Zhao is far-sighted, Shu is very cautious, leaving a glimpse of the upper bound, but what is the relationship with them.

Fang Xingjian went on to say: "The connection between the upper and lower boundaries has been broken. From the perspective of time and space, there is no connection between the two worlds. Even the two universes cannot be overemphasized.

So if you want to find the upper bound, you can only rely on people. ”

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