MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1234 three people

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"Is the three gods of the three great gates? I just want to find them to fight." Fang Xingjian laughed and looked at Uretai on the side and said: "You have been fighting with them for years?"

Urutai shook his head: "In the beginning, basically three days and one small battle, ten days and one big battle. When I became more and more familiar with the power of the god-level nine, they basically stopped testing."

"The Heavenly God of the Emperor Tianmen, the Yuqing Xianzun of the Changsheng Palace, and the picking star of the Flying Fairy, I have had a fight with them. But fortunately they care for each other and fear that I will give up their lives to attack them. The Western Continent, the masses of the lower bounds, so they are restrained to fight, and they have never teamed up to attack me."

Uru Tai’s eyes flashed through the scenes of memories, and the battles in the mind were all over the past decade.

"The three of them are all god-level and martial arts."

"Tiantianmen is the most respected, and the martial will of the gods is strong. I am afraid that it is the first in the world. He is fully committed to the Emperor's handprints. Even if I bring the Emperor of the White Emperor, I must temporarily avoid the edge."

"Yu Qing Xianzun has learned from all walks of life and knows the martial arts in the world. What martial arts are all at first glance, one school will be fine, ordinary martial arts will be able to shine in his hands, and the truth will be the few times he played against him. He has already learned most of my martial arts.

If it is not the inheritance of the Holy See, every door to the high martial arts is profound and profound, and there is almost no flaw. I am afraid I will lose to him long ago. ”

"There are people who pick up the stars, this person... is the most unfathomable of the three." Urutai sighed:

"His age is probably more than tens of thousands of years. Even the records in the history of the Western continent do not know which year he was born. This is a person who is truly a living fossil. No one knows his real name. No one knows his limits, and no one knows how long he has lived."

"Do you know how terrible this is? The method of life conversion is also the conversion of strength and longevity. He can live for so many years, and still maintain the power of the gods and the nine-fold power has not been turned back, which shows that for many years, his power has been In progress.

He is probably the closest person to the top of the gods. ”

Wuruitai briefly introduced the three top masters of the Western Continent. He said to Fang Xingjian, who was on the side. "So you understand? The water in the western continent is too deep. Do not intervene before the power of the gods."

And you are too late in the past. Before Adam, they had not strictly monitored the entrances and exits before the past.

But since more than a hundred years ago, after the penetration plan was exposed, the entrances and exits have been strictly monitored, and you want to go..."

Urutai turned to look at the big Yan’s fleet and said: "At the very least, there must be their preparations to hide their own cultivation."

However, after Fang Xingjian heard the introduction of Urutai, there was no slight retreat. Instead, there was a flash of light in his eyes. It was an interested eye.

"It doesn't matter, I came to the Western Continent to fight against the **** level." Fang Xingjian said: "I only hope that they will not let me down, can help me make breakthroughs in the martial arts."

"Child, you are too arrogant." Uruita frowned, and some heartache said: "You are not a god, even if you inherit the power of my god-level nine, but only one of them is comparable.

As for you now..."

Uru Tai’s eyes picked up and seemed to see the connection between Fang Xingjian and the time and space around him: “Although it has reached the level of God, it is not enough for them to see.”

"Who knows." Fang Xingjian thought slightly, and once again controlled the entire fleet toward the western continent.

Urutai sighed and was about to stop him, but he saw Huang Tian’s projection stepping out and stopped in front of him: “Don’t stop me, I’m looking for the opposite, I don’t want to bully you.”

When I heard the words of Fang Xingjian, Uru Tai’s brows were deeply wrinkled. I only thought that the other side was too arrogant. The power of the god-level nine is the ultimate force of the world. Who can bully him?

However, in Fang Xingjian's view, no matter whether their realm is a god-level, facing the power of 90,000 martial arts will be used in each projection, it is bullying.

At this moment, the road Jin Jinman lit up from the horizon, and the last moment was still thousands of kilometers away, the next moment has covered the entire sea.

Numerous golden figures shine and emerge in the clouds, just like the dozens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers will come down, the pressure from the face will even freeze the entire surface of the sea, like a mirror.

Wu Ruitai, who saw this scene, looked at each other: "It is the Lord God Gate, God, how come he?" During the speech, the light of his body slammed, which was the eighth of the White Emperor Nodes.

A white light wrapped him and Fang Xingjian, and the invisible force collided with each other in midair and the power of the gods, hitting a space of plasma radiance and distortion.

Urutai said with a dignified face: "His cultivation has progressed. You will be careful to stay here when you fight. Don't go out."

Once I have done my best, I have no extra energy to protect you. ”

During the speech, the space distortion of Fang Xingjian's body became more and more serious. He had already vaguely seen the distant scene and seemed to be separated into another space.

Uru Tai’s heart secretly said: ‘Damn, it’s the present, Fang Xingjian can’t die. ’

Both of them are masters of the same realm. Once they get together, they are evenly matched, but Urutai is now trying to protect Fang Xingjian, and he has a lot of constraints in the battle immediately.

If the **** of God is staring at the Fang Xingjian attack, Urutai will also be shackled.

The golden clouds in the sky slowly opened, and a figure wrapped in a golden armor was slowly coming out.

However, compared with the golden clouds around the four sides, the hegemony of the golden armor, and the power of the emperor, this person’s shadow is a kind of loving love, a kind of heaven and earth, all the people in the world. Be a great kindness to your child.

The father of the heavens and the earth, the temperament of the mother of the sun and the moon, Fang Xingjian is also the first time I saw it, but I have already felt a mysterious.

From this point of view, the realm of the other side is much higher than the Prince.

The next moment, God God slowly opened his voice, and with his mouth, immediately the wind fell, the world was silent.

All the voices in the world seem to have disappeared at this moment. Even if Tang Xian and Huang Shan, who are six-level gods, are doing the same, then they use all their strength, but they cannot hear the slightest sound waves.

Just as the **** of heaven is open, there can be no more noise between heaven and earth.