MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1230 Inquiry

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Just then, an adjutant came to Lin Guodong’s side and asked: “Adult, one person in front of the fleet, coming from the sea, seems to be a warrior.”

"Warrior? But the miracle mainland's barbarians?" Lin Guodong's eyes lit up, but now he just wants a guide to help him navigate the continent.

The adjutant shook his head and said: "I don't know, although this person came from the mainland in the direction of the sea, but it is black and black eyes, similar to me."

Lin Guodong touched his beard and said: "I am afraid that the Central Remnant will bring him up."

Because of the repeated attempts of the upper bound Xianmen, the fleet of the trek, the people who fled, the warriors who avoided the enemy, and the royal family who fled the dynasty in the dynasties.

There is no shortage of people on the western continent who have fled to the miraculous mainland. Lin Guodong is not surprised by the compatriots who see black hair and dark eyes on this continent.

So several warships leaned toward the position of Fang Xingjian.

Fang Xingjian looked at the fleet in front of him, and the martial art would sweep across all the people in the entire fleet.

"Is the four god-level strong ones, is the army of the Western World secular dynasty?"

The level of God is very heavy, probably because no Tiangong system can impact higher realms, naturally it is the secular dynasty of the lower bounds of the western continent.

At the same time, Fang Xingjian’s gaze was swept away, and he had already penetrated a door artillery and ammunition on the armored warship.

"The fact that the power of the etheric ecstasy has been mobilized has sealed various high-temperature, low-temperature, and thundering phenomena. This power can basically rival the battleships on the earth."

With a slight flash of gaze, Fang Xingjian has a general understanding of the strength of the fleet.

Today, he was searching for a space overlap area in the western mainland. However, he did not expect to find a fleet of the Western Continent directly. This time, he came up and asked about the situation in the western continent.

Seeing the ship that was surrounded, Fang Xingjian’s body flashed slightly and stood on the deck of a warship.

The sailors around the four sides immediately became nervous. With the brushing of the knife body, hundreds of congenital soldiers, more than a dozen guru soldiers surrounded.

Fang Xingjian did not care about them, his eyes swept indifferently and asked: "Who can you be the master here?" The exit is the pure Western mainland language. This is also the preparation of Fang Xingjian before going to the Western Continent. I have a document on the Western mainland language.

A two-faced white middle-aged man walked up, and his body was filled with a touch of aura. It was a phenomenon that was obvious to the martial arts. He was obviously one of the god-level powerhouses in this fleet.

"The old law, the little friend is from the miracle continent?"

"Not bad." Fang Xingjian said: "You are the general of this army?"

"Yes, I don't know if Xiaoyou can wait. General Lin wants to see you. He is the real power of this fleet."

Fang Xingjian nodded, so he was escorted to the flagship by the fleet. There was a strict law on the way. This god-level powerhouse has been following, and the name is accompanied. In fact, it is a kind of monitoring, but Fang Xingjian does not care about these, just follow the flagship. Command the room.

I saw Lin Guodong standing tall, sitting on the main seat, standing on the side of two god-level powerhouses, including Lin Guodong and Yan Law, the four god-level powerhouses in the fleet have arrived.

Seeing the influx of Fang Xingjian, all three looked at each other with a look of gaze, and the martial arts voluntarily came out and swept the body of Fang Xingjian unscrupulously.

On the other hand, Tang Xian’s gaze opened, and the martial art would sweep over the position of Fang Xingjian, but he could not feel abnormal.

After all, in the realm of Fang Xingjian at the moment, once the power is restrained in a high-dimensional state, even if it is the strength of the martial projection, no one can perceive it. In the eyes of the ordinary strong, the restrained martial will and the shape of the projection are not. It is the rank of the title knight.

After a little observation, Tang Xian also saw that the momentum of Fang Xingjian was not like a mortal. He nodded: "This person lives in the miracle continent, and has the bloodline of my central continent. I don't know the status on the miracle continent." How, if there is some power, it can be used to make good use of it."

On the other side of the command room, Lin Guodong looked at Fang Xingjian and put on a high-profile gesture: "What is your identity on the miracle continent?"

At the same time, a hint of blue martial arts will be released from him and slowly flow through the body of Fang Xingjian.

The strength of the god-level powerhouse, mastering the momentum of the army, in the view of Lin Guodong is enough for the other party to be sincere and fearful, honestly account for all the situation on the mainland.

After all, the god-level powerhouse has an absolute gap for the average master, enough to dominate the fate of any non-god-level powerhouse.

The other three god-level powerhouses did not speak, looked at Fang Xingjian silently, and showed the meaning of greed and scrutiny in their eyes. They all decided to ask the man in front of him and get the miraculous mainland information from his mouth.

However, the imaginary scene did not appear. Fang Xingjian glanced at Lin Guodong in front of him and said: "You seem to have not figured out the situation."

He raised his palm and saw a finger pointing out of the air. The four swords flashed past and had completely suppressed the martial will of the four people in front of him.

The violent swordsmanship wanders in the body of four people. Their martial arts will face this force as fragile as glass. They are directly crushed by layers, crushing all the way, and directly compressing the will of the martial arts into fists on the chest of the four. The size of a group.

During the whole process, the four people tried their best, their eyes were smashed, their expressions were embarrassing, and the martial arts will continue to erupt, but they could not break through this layer of imprisonment.

Between the two strikes, the four Western-level god-level powerhouses were suppressed.

Lin Guodong looked at the square star sword in front of his eyes: "Who are you?"

"It seems that you are not very good at communicating, or I will come to see it myself." Fang Xingjian stretched out his palm, and the palm of Zhu Xian’s projection was already on the head of Lin Guodong.

The martial arts will be like a typhoon crossing, and it was searched wildly in the knowledge of Lin Guodong.

On the other side, Tang Xian and Huang Shan were open and opened their eyes.

"Good guy, turned out to be a hidden master." The black gas in the eyes flashed past. In just a short time, he and Huang Shan have regained the power hidden among the many soldiers. Going back to my peak state.

Feeling the constant rushing of the body, like the martial arts will of the Yangtze River, Tang Xian’s eyes showed a sense of self-confidence, how long he has not manipulated this force so freely.

"If you don't have me, maybe this fleet is really defeated by you, but now you blame yourself for being unlucky."

"Hey, I hope this kid will not scare the urine for a while." Huang Shan, aside, laughed.

They are very curious, a world that is only a god-level one, and if you see them like a six-level powerhouse, you will have a funny expression.