MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1123 return to zero

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‘Is it going to die that day? ’

Fang Xingjian bit his teeth and transported Longevity, and began to transform his life into a martial art will.


Almost at the moment of running the exercises, Fang Xingjian felt a roar in the whole consciousness, just like being blown by a raging tornado. This feeling Fang Xingjian has not been experienced for too long.

How powerful is his current strength? In particular, the body is still in the early high-dimensional space and time, even if the supernova explosion is difficult to affect, this moment of transformation of life, there is a feeling of storm, just like ordinary people broke the nuclear reactor.

The rumbling sound of the rumble came from the void, and the space around Fang Xingjian was actually burned like a flame. Of course, this is not a real burning. This is the appearance of extreme distortion in space.

At the same time, Fang Xingjian felt that the martial arts will of Emperor Heaven's projection would rise like a rocket. In the blink of an eye, it has already broken through 15,000 points, and all the losses have been made up.

And this growth is still going on. Fang Xingjian can feel that there is nothing in the void like never ending, endless, and the power of it is so great that even the swords of all beings seem to be completely incomparable.




The martial art will be like the flame of gasoline, and the power that comes with the transition of life is growing rapidly.

In a twinkling of an eye, it has broken through 20,000 points of martial arts will and then 21000...23245...25443...29857...

The speed of this kind of power growth is something that Fang Xingjian has never felt before. He feels that his thoughts are slightly swept away, and it seems that he can destroy the entire miracle continent.

But even more terrifying is that his martial arts will continue to grow.






The bang banged! With the martial art will of Fang Xingjian breaking through to 100,000 points, the space around the four is directly shattered by life, turning into an infinite absolute darkness and spreading rapidly around the four sides.

Did not use any attack, did not use any martial arts, any ability, any magical power.

The 100,000-point martial art will only shatter the space directly by virtue of his existence, and it has done nothing for the entire miracle world since ancient times.

And this is not ordinary broken, even after the broken, the space is not self-healing.

It's like a big hammer crushing the floor of a building. If the big hammer doesn't move away, the floor can't be repaired.

The same is true now. It seems that as long as Fang Xingjian’s 100,000-point martial arts will be here, the space cannot be repaired.

Seeing the broken space, the disappearance of the dimension, and the rapid spread of the broken darkness, all the materials that were dragged into it were directly dropped into the 0-dimensional, just like the singularity before the Big Bang.

If this space breaks down and continues to spread, the entire universe will probably be returned to zero dimensions, returning to the state before the Big Bang.

However, Fang Xingjian also quickly responded. First of all, he immediately stopped the life conversion of Longevity, and then he began to try to converge the influence of the martial arts will.

"No... This level of power, the existence itself is destroyed, and the convergence of light and light is useless."

Thinking of this, Fang Xingjian directly transferred the martial arts will of Emperor Heaven to the high-dimensional sword world, and reduced the will of the Emperor’s projection to 90,000 points in one breath.

As he finished this move, the broken space stopped spreading and then began to repair itself.

Looking at the space for re-recovery, Fang Xingjian spit out a sigh of relief. At the same time, Prince, Urbian and Silver Witch King appeared in front of him at the same time. Obviously they have just noticed the change.

"What's going on!" the prince shouted: "I just felt a strong sense of crisis in my whim... The feeling is simply everywhere, like a man on the back, just like... it looks like..."

"It's like the sky is going to collapse, the whole world is going to be destroyed." The silver witch king interface said: "Fang Xingjian, what have you done?"

Urbian also looked at Fang Xingjian and seemed to be waiting for his answer.

Fang Xingjian indulged for a moment and said: "I am practicing a practice, because I am not familiar with it, and accidentally broke a part of the space. Don't worry, there will be no such thing in the future."

When I heard his words, everyone else changed his face and asked for it, but Fang Xingjian did not want to say that they had no choice.

Urbian and the silver witch king left in turn, only the prince left in the end, she looked at Fang Xingjian, directly passed the message to the mind of Fang Xingjian: "You...had you ever played Longevity?"

Fang Xingjian glanced at her and did not hide it. He nodded and said: "I did transform some life into strength."

The Prince thought in his heart, although he felt that the other person did not seem to lie, but always felt that something was missing.

After killing the Prince and others, Fang Xingjian continued to practice the longevity of Longevity, but this time he carefully controlled the degree of transformation and strengthened all the martial projections of his men to the 90,000-point martial arts will.

The 90,000-point martial arts will almost be the limit of power that Fang Xingjian can control now. If he continues to grow, he can only carry out very extensive control and attack and defense, and even directly cause the space to be broken and the world to return to zero.

Feeling the incomparable power of Emperor Heaven's projection, the emotion in Fang Xingjian's heart is very complicated.

‘The growth of this power should come from the demon god? ’

Fang Xingjian can feel that his life span is infinite before the time arrives. Before he arrives in five years, he can't grow his life anyway. In any case, he can't shorten his life, or even how to toss, how to take risks. Will not die.

‘Everything is the influence of the will of the devil. ’

Compared with this kind of power that is like omnipotence and omnipresent, what is the martial art will of 90,000 points?

Fang Xingjian’s eyes are set off, and all the signs show that he hopes to live through the five-year period.

‘In this case, I have to prepare early. ’

Thinking of this, his figure flashed and he has returned to the Imperial Capital again. Although he is not willing to die or even fear death, Fang Xingjian also has enough calm to face death.

In this case, he has to make some preparations. If he really dies after more than four months, then all of his forces should leave behind his back and not be cheaper.

In addition, Fang Xingjian also wants to leave a few back roads, leaving for the coming day.