MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1120 minutes

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In the big bang, the sword of the seven emotions seems to be unaffected at all, but the red light emitted is more and more demonish, and the size of the body of the Venus is broken. .

Catherine looked at the monitoring of the fuselage, and her face became paler.

"Fang Xingjian! Stop working, you know the value of this spaceship!"

"Maniac, you guys! You don't even know what you destroyed!"

"Damn, I won't let you go! Someone will avenge me!"

"Hahaha, everyone will die, everyone will die, no one can escape the end of the game, I will wait for you!"

In the crazy laughter, Catherine's body was completely swallowed up by the red sword light, and then it was the super big explosion that rivaled the supernova explosion.

The glaring white light lasted for twelve hours, and the time and space of the entire starry sky was reversed.

When Fang Xingjian, Urbian, Prince and Silver Witch King once again set foot in the three-dimensional material world, there was nothing but a darkness.

"Unfortunately, there are too many secrets in this Venus star that are worthy of our study. Now they are all gone." Urbian shook his head, and his eyes were all a pity.

"Maybe." Silver Witch King nodded, his eyes deep as a prison, seemingly exuding unpredictable brilliance.

"At least we have got thousands of planets and billions of people." The prince's gaze is burning: "These resources are used well, and our strengths can be improved several times."

"Not bad." Fang Xingjian nodded and directly spit out the planet traps that had installed thousands of planets from the high-dimensional sword world.

"A total of 4,323 planets. Among them, there are 4,000 resource stars, 102 stars, and 221 stars." Fang Xingjian said: "But the situation of these 221 stars is not uniform, some are ancient feudal civilizations, and some are modern societies. Some are super-powered societies. But the ranks are not too high, and the strongest power is probably about three levels of God.

In addition to this, the harvest is 104 psionic engines, the remaining more than one billion people on the Venus, and ten members of the squad, all of which are equivalent to the six-level rank of God. ”

There seems to be a golden light in the eyes of the Prince, and some can’t wait to ask: "How is it divided?"

Fang Xingjian said directly: "The 10 billion people on the star, there are 221 stars, I have to, and the other points."

Silver Witch Wang brows a pick, but did not expect Fang Xingjian to open this condition.

In theory, the most precious of these things is the psionic engine, the squad and the 102 stars, which are all super good things.

On the contrary, those literary stars and populations not only do not provide much resources, but the burden is still the burden.

The silver witch king did not understand why Fang Xingjian had to choose this way. He turned his head and looked at Fang Xingjian and said: "Fang Xingjian, are you sure you will treat these people kindly?"

"Do not worry, I will not sacrifice them." Fang Xingjian said lightly.

Seeing that the Silver Witch King still wants to ask, Urbian said: "Do not worry, I can assure you that Fang Xingjian will not abuse these people." He and Fang Xingjian together exerted the sword of seven emotions, although they could not find out clearly. The principle of the source of the power of the Seven Swords has a bit of speculation.

Fang Xingjian wants so many people, naturally it is to let the nine-life spiral into it, deep into the group consciousness, so that they can display the sword of all beings anytime and anywhere.

After all, although the sword of the seven emotions is powerful, it can also use the emotional changes to quickly penetrate into the group consciousness, but every time it needs to start from the beginning, there is no fixed connection with the world, and there is no way to display the choice under the sword of all beings.

Although the silver witch king still has some doubts, but since Urbibian guarantees, he will not ask again. After all, he still believes in the character of Urbian.

Fang Xingjian has to leave all the stars and the population, and the rest of the things are Urbian, Prince, and Silver Witch King.

Although the Prince had some frowns when Fang Xingjian took away all the population, it seemed to stop and say, but after all, he still did not say anything.

Although her sacred swordsmanship also needs the population to enhance the dragon's spirit and enhance its power, but her power in this war is far more than that of the star sword. With her pride, she naturally cannot pull her face to **** the population.

So the next three people split, Urbian was the biggest among the three, directly to go 3,000 resource stars and 52 stars.

The silver witch king and the prince were equally divided into 500 resource stars and 25 stars, and 5 people of the squad.

As for the psionic engine, everyone has studied together and shared it.

After all the harvests were all cleaned up, the pedestrians again crossed the quantum foam and returned to the position of the Earth's Earth. Others returned to the miracle world. Fang Xingjian stayed in the solar system and began to calculate the earth's orbit. Put it back.

After spending three hours, Fang Xingjian finally calculated the orbital position, running angle, auto-transmission speed, rotation speed and other parameters of the Earth at this moment.

He carefully released the planet trap and released the earth.

Along with the volatility of the space, a transparent vortex suddenly magnified in the void, and the colorful colors spurted out from the emptiness of the sky, and then all merged into one, turning into the appearance of the earth.

For everyone on the earth, the whole process is that the starry sky suddenly disappears. All the institutions have lost contact with outer space. Unexplained light sources in the sky guarantee black and white nights. The earth under the feet is not autobiographical and rotating, but there are still unknown. Power creates gravity.

The Planetary Capturer captures the entire planet through compressed spaces and provides a variety of different levels of living environment.

But people on earth don't know about it, so it is a big mess in the world.

However, a dozen or so young people have returned to normal, and people have to wonder if everything they have just experienced is a dream, or is it that God is joking with human beings.

Looking at the normal working earth, Fang Xingjian spit out a breath, finally solved this matter, but he did not first manage the earth society, but focused on the high-dimensional sword world.

The next step is the problem of these populations. First of all, it must not be placed in his high-dimensional swords for a long time. After all, in high-dimensional space and time, ordinary creatures cannot perceive time and space, and they will become vegetative people who have no thoughts.

Since it cannot be placed in a high-dimensional world, nature can only be placed in the three-dimensional material world.

In the three-dimensional material world, it is the miracle world and the earth.