MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1104 Silver Witch King

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After temporarily deceiving the Prince to board the ship, Fang Xingjian and Urbian went to find another goal.

"Silver Witch King?" Fang Xingjian said: "Does he do?"

Urbian said: "The devil of silver, his strategy has always been to break the face. Instead of wasting a lot of resources on the forces, it is better to build a top figure and drive the trend of the whole world.

Therefore, everyone who gets the silver devil will not be too weak in strength. The same is true of the silver witch king of this world. He has also reached the six-level level of God. He can just go with me, break through to the seven-level god, and set off together. ”

The next moment, the two have already arrived over a tribe in the northern icefield.

This is the largest tribe of the northern barbarians, the location of the Frostwolf Department.

However, at this moment, the Frostwolf tribe is surrounded by a hundred men and women in a total of hundreds of people. Their body exudes a strong demon atmosphere, which is a white breath.

Obviously these people are the people of the Holy See.

The reason why they are outside the Frostwolf tribe is because of the entire northern frozen soil. At this moment, only the Frostwolf Department did not recognize the dominance of the Holy See, and only the Frostwolf Department has not converted the God of faith.

At this moment, this Holy See team is obviously trying to force the Frostwolf Department to submit.

Looking at the two teams facing each other in the snow, Fang Xingjian said: "He is supporting this tribe?"

"I can't talk about supporting the waist." Urbian said: "You may not know much about the situation in the northern wilderness. Because of the harsh natural environment, the scarcity of food and the lack of supplies, the major tribes have practiced the survival of the fittest since ancient times. rule.

The strong are born, the weak are dead, even if they are brothers and sisters, parents and children, if they are not strong enough, they will be eliminated.

Only the strongest warriors can live to the end. Ordinary morality and morality are not applicable here. For thousands of years, slavery has been practiced here, and all the defeated tribe members have become private products of the victors.

Therefore, on this piece of frozen soil, the lives of the people are extremely cruel. Except for a small part of the upper level, most people live in a deep water. ”

Listening to Urbian’s words, I immediately remembered the idea of ​​the Silver Legion in the ring world, and Fang Xingjian understood it.

"Silver Witch King, is he trying to change the situation here? Save those civilians?"

Urbian nodded: "Save the tragedy, this is his justice."

The two men’s talks, the two teams below have already collided. Whether there is a god-level power in the Holy See or the Frostwolf, the martial arts will collide with each other and blow up large blocks directly on the snow. Snowflakes and gas bursts.

One of the silver-haired youths among the Frostwolf Department took the lead, and the silvery light of the road rose to the sky, and one person blocked the power of the Holy See.

The three heads of the bishops took a step forward, and the white awns flashed out, colliding with the martial arts will of the silver-haired youth, and immediately caused the whole earth to tremble.

These three bishops did not exist at the semi-god level before the change of heaven and earth, but since the change of heaven and earth, they have made rapid progress. At this moment, they have reached the realm of the three levels of the gods. At the same time, the three men shot at the same time, and immediately became a catastrophe.

But even so, it has not been able to deal with the silver-haired youth in front of us.

When the two sides are about to fight, the entire battlefield is suddenly occupied by black and white, and all the martial arts will, the strong, the air, and the light beam are in a static state.

"Time pause?" Standing outside the black and white range, Fang Xingjian picked a brow, and Gao Wei's ability to perceive him understood the principle of the phenomenon that occurred in front of him: "It is a certain material static field, which stagnates the movement of all atoms, the magic Or is it a martial art?"

At the same time, a middle-aged man with a silver hair slowly emerged from the void and stepped on the ranks of the Holy See.

In the field that was suspended during that time, everything was black and white, and only the silver-haired man was still alive, just like the only living thing in death.

Strolling in the quiet field, with each passing a member of the Holy See, the other party will instantly disappear into the void, as if it has never been seen before.

Fang Xingjian can perceive that it was sent to a certain place by the ability of space to move.

In a moment, the original Holy See disappeared without a trace, and the material resumed the movement again. The silver-haired youth saw this scene in front of him and said, "Master!"

The Frostwolf staff behind him also immediately caught a piece.

Silver-haired middle-aged did not pay attention to them, went straight to the sky, disappeared into the eyes of everyone, and appeared in front of Fang Xingjian and Urbian.

Obviously, this silver-haired middle-aged is the silver witch king in the Wizarding Association, and it is also the goal that Urbian and Fang Xingjian are looking for.

He came to the front of the two, but his eyes were fixed on the square star sword.

As the most powerful witch king in the Wizarding Association, the life of Silver Witch King is legendary and hard.

In fact, before he was thirty, he had been living as a slave on the frozen soil of the Northern Wilderness.

For thirty years, the world has shown him a very cruel side. He lost his lover, lost his best friend, lost his parents, and lost hope.

At the age of thirty, he has been face-to-face, his heart is gray, and his limbs, heart and lungs, and the brain have suffered permanent damage in these 30 years.

This is the first desperation in his life.

But at this time, he had fallen to the bottom of hell, but he was saved.

The silver sorcerer of the previous generation saved him, handed it to his martial arts, taught him the magic, made him a silver robes wizard, and obtained violence that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

He climbed from the bottom of **** and did not indulge in hatred, but learned to save.

After ten years, he saved countless people, families, and kingdoms, and saw countless tragedies, joys and despairs.

But no matter how hard he works, he can't save everyone.

Hatred and battle are like the never-ending melodies of the world. He can't stop people from ruining each other with all his strength.

From that moment he understood the truth that saving alone could not stop the birth of tragedy. The entire Northern Wilderness, and even the entire miracle of the continent, requires a radical reform from top to bottom and bottom to top, changing the way people need to survive through struggle, through oppression, and through exploitation.

However, what method is used to reform the world has made the Silver Witch King difficult.

He can rule a country with violence, but he can't manage the country very well, because even the smallest herdsmen and children know that they are grabbing someone else's bread.

So he first experimented with some small tribes and towns.

However, repeated experiments have made him more and more desperate for human beings. No matter how hard he tries, human beings are greedy, cruel, and can never be satisfied. They will always pursue the endless **, no matter what After all, the system has a decade of decay.

After decades of experiments, he even had the idea that humans had no hope.

This was the second time of desperation in his life. At this time, he met a woman named Fang Yueru...
