MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1096 sentient beings

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The golden energy appeared directly on the square star sword in a high-dimensional strike, and then instantly turned into a light column that pierced the sky, completely submerging the Fangxing sword.

In order to control the aftermath of the attack, the Prince spent a lot of energy and strength to condense the destructive power of the attack, reduce the impact on the material world, and control the light column to a diameter of only two meters.

But even so, its destructive power is still alarming.

The golden light column rises all the way, and in a blink of an eye it has penetrated the atmosphere of hundreds of kilometers and then spreads toward the endless starry sky.

Downward, it evaporates and smashes the earth. It instantly penetrates hundreds of kilometers of lithosphere and directly enters the underground iron-nickel layer.

However, the aftermath of the attack occurred in an instant and ended in an instant.

The thunder and lightning elders and the flames of the old man stunned and looked at the light pillars that suddenly flashed and disappeared. When they saw the deep hole in the bottom of their feet, their eyes were full of horror.

Such amazing power and horrible destructive power are never seen on the planet.

However, after Fang Xingjian’s figure was swallowed up by Jinguang, he soon appeared again. This was his conversion of a martial art projection.

"Maria, have you not recognized this world yet?"

The Prince gave a slight glimpse: "This world?"

Her martial arts will soon listen to the innumerable information of the whole world in a high-dimensional sense.

She can see the city at the end of the earth.

She can hear the electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere.

She can hear a trace of electrical signals in the submarine cable, can hear the whispers between lovers, talk between mother and daughter, can hear the teachers in the classroom...


Tens of thousands of kilometers away from a school classroom.

"Teacher, why are dinosaurs extinct?"

"There are many explanations and hypotheses about the extinction of dinosaurs, but the most popular and accepted by the academic world is the asteroid impact."

"70 million years ago, an asteroid hit the earth and directly wiped out 80% of the creatures on the entire planet. The impact caused a tsunami hundreds of meters across the globe. Strong earthquake..."

“A large area of ​​crustal rock is evaporated, causing countless debris to rush into the sky, becoming a meteor shower that envelopes the entire planetary atmosphere, and the whole earth has become a big stove...”

"Even the largest piece of the continent at that time fell apart because of this violent impact, and then completed the mainland's elegantness under the influence of the mantle convection..."

"The earth's orbit has also changed, making the environment of the entire planet more suitable for our human existence later."


Numerous messages met in the mind of the Prince, allowing her to react to the situation at hand.

"This world is caused by us? Is it the blow I made before, which caused the extinction of the dinosaurs in this world? The terrain changes?" After these words, the Prince immediately began to deny it again: "Impossible, this is the difference." How could this be a world for tens of millions of years?"

"Maria, do you really know where you are now?" Fang Xingjian looked at the golden light that covered the sky and said: "This planet under our feet is one of the planets you destroyed before, and it is its future. ”

"You said that you can travel through time and space? Just kidding, how can you do this kind of thing?" Prince angered.

At the same time, the virtual sky full of performances of the golden sword light, the emperor's swordsmanship is arbitrarily launched, turned into a sword enough to cut the mainland to stand on the side of Fang Xingjian.

But this time the sword light fell, but it disappeared in contact with the body of Fang Xingjian, and did not play the slightest role.

"What did you do?" The Prince was puzzled.

"This is the parallel world of the planet." Fang Xingjian said: "I can't shuttle the past world of the same world, but I can find his usual world of the future.

This is not a jump on the timeline, but a change in space.

It is also the architecture of the giant that makes countless worlds. He contains many parallel worlds. ”

The golden light in the sky is constantly oscillating and telescopic, but the voice of the Prince is not reappearing.

However, Fang Xingjian continued to say: "Maria, even if I have been fighting, it will take me several years, I can kill you.

But I think that ending is something you and I don't want.

So I specially found this world and cast the strongest trick I can deduct to defeat you. ”

"The strongest move?" asked the Prince.

"Yes, this sword is called the sword of all beings." Fang Xingjian said faintly, as he finished this sentence, the whole person has disappeared.

In the perception of the Prince, Fang Xingjian has disappeared completely.

Just when the prince was confused, she immediately felt that it was wrong.

The power that shrouded the entire planet began to subside, and it quickly subsided at an incredible speed.

No, it is not a retreat, but a more powerful, more violent attack that melts her power from an incredible perspective.

"what happened?"

In just a few minutes, the golden light over the entire planet has faded by more than half.

The prince tried various methods to stop the situation at hand, but it had no effect at all. The speed of the force subsided faster and faster, and the virtual image disappeared in the blink of an eye. She had already returned to the human form and appeared in the air.

The prince looked at his hands in a dull manner, and could not be channeled: "What have you done?"

The sound of Fang Xingjian sounded directly in the mind of the Prince: "My sword of sentient beings needs to go deep into the group consciousness of the whole world, and the thoughts of all beings can be displayed.

So I left my mind in the world 70 million years ago, and now, the past and the future have been connected. ”

"Sword of all beings?" Prince said: "What martial arts is this? Impossible, even if you can use the power of all the creatures on this planet, you can't surpass me, I can kill them with one thought!"

Fang Xingjian said faintly: "Smart life is the existence of the most variable in all universes. When a universe is born, they become one of the foundations of the whole universe and become the most important factor for changing the future.

Mastering all life, you have mastered the future. Every life, every probability of thought, masters 99% of the world's future.

And my sword of sentient beings, at this moment, determines the power of the souls of this entire timeline after the two worlds of the past and the future.

I am not relying on the power of the souls of a planet, but the power of the souls of a whole timeline. ”

Read The Duke's Passion