MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 8

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Seeing Yang Xuan approaching, Feng Bo let go of Tang Junhe's neckline, and before letting go, he shoved him in the chest: "Brother Xuan, he threw your basketball out of the window."

Pushed by him, Tang Junhe staggered two steps back, then stopped, looking at Yang Xuan.

"What basketball?" Yang Xuan asked.

Chen Hao leaned against the door frame of the classroom with folded arms, watched the excitement and said without hesitation: "It's your basketball signed by an NBA All-Star."

Yang Xuan turned his head and glanced at Chen Hao, walked up to Tang Junhe, blocked the sunlight reflected on his face, looked into his eyes and asked, "Did you throw it?"

Tang Junhe raised his head slightly, looked at Yang Xuan who was half a head taller than him in front of him, and tried his best to look calm: "Yes."

Many people ran to the back door and stretched out their necks to watch the commotion. People passing by in the corridor also stopped, stopping to watch the sudden dispute. A small spark falling from the ivory tower is enough to ignite a large area of ​​dull curiosity.

Yang Xuan thought it was a little funny, he noticed Tang Junhe's clenched fist hanging by his trousers, and easily saw through his nervousness and pretending to be calm.

The doll who used to cry only when things went wrong, now stares at her like a cat with its back arched and ready to fight. It made him want to try what it would be like to annoy him - would he cry like he did when he was a child?

"Pick it up." He said coldly.

"Don't you even ask what's going on?" Tang Junhe looked at him, swallowed his throat, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

The right half of his clothes was wet a lot, presumably it was Feng Bo and Chen Hao's mess.

"Is it necessary?" Yang Xuan smiled, "You threw it away, then you pick it up."

"What if I say not to pick it up?"

Yang Xuan seemed to see that the cat's back arched higher, like a fully drawn bow. A prank idea suddenly popped up in his mind, then he lowered his head slightly, leaned into Tang Junhe's ear, and said in a low voice, "Since your mother treats you like a little princess, I probably don't mind buying you one." Exactly the same basketball, right?"

Tang Junhe's mind flashed the slightly mocking smile that Yang Xuan showed to him in the morning, his face was burning red, and his clenched fists immediately waved out towards Yang Xuan's face.

Yang Xuan tilted his head to hide, and stretched out his hand to catch the punch. His hand was wrapped around the clenched fist, and he used some strength to press down: "Want to do it? Save your energy—"

"What are you doing? Gathering crowds to fight in the corridor!" The math teacher rushed over in high heels, pushed aside a group of students who were watching the excitement, and instantly dispersed the dozens of students blocking the corridor with a shocking voice, " I don’t even look at how I am doing in the exam, and I still have the face to go out to watch the excitement—hey, you two, how about exorcising evil spirits there? Go back to the classroom!”

Taking advantage of the situation, Tang Junhe shook Yang Xuan's hand away forcefully, glared at him, then turned his head and walked towards the stairs.

"Hey—isn't that from our class?" The math teacher had never seen such a student who didn't show his face, and was a little dazed for a while, grabbing a person next to him and asking.

"It's... just transferred today." The man stammered.

"Call him back—hey wait, forget it and stop calling," the math teacher waved his hand, "Go back to the classroom, he doesn't need to make corrections. Everyone else, go back to my seat and sit down!"

Everyone dispersed, Yang Xuan stared at the stairs for another two seconds, then turned and went back to the classroom.

"That's what you said you didn't lie to me, right?" The math teacher slapped a stack of test papers on the podium twice, sending dust flying all over the place. Yes—oh no, there is one, a new student from another school who doesn’t have to do winter homework.”

"The class representative is here to help distribute the papers!" The math teacher handed the test paper to the class representative, slapped the eraser on the podium loudly, and roared earnestly, "You still think you are a top student in a key high school, don't you? Look at the students who just passed the exam today. A new classmate transferred from No. 3 Middle School! Complete a test paper in half an hour, full marks! Don’t you have a sense of urgency? Wake up my classmates, don’t be a frog in a well, okay?...Go back tonight and order the test paper It’s just right, tell me about it in class tomorrow, do you understand me?”

"Understood—" the whole class replied lazily.

As soon as the math teacher came out of the classroom, Feng Bo turned around immediately, slapped the desks in the back row with both hands, and shouted at Yang Xuan: "How about Brother Xuan, do you want to relieve your anger?"

Yang Xuan got up and walked out the door: "The basketball signed by the NBA All-Star, you guys can really talk nonsense."

Feng Bo walked out behind him with his schoolbag on his back, and said with a big laugh, "It looks like he really believed it, and I almost couldn't hold back my joy."

"How did you recruit him?" Yang Xuan glanced at him.

Feng Bo recounted what happened in the classroom before, and then eagerly asked: "Hey, let him pick up the basketball tomorrow?"

"What you pick, you pick." Yang Xuan didn't dump him at all.

"Brother Hey Xuan—I'm helping you vent your anger!" Feng Bo wailed.

"It's almost done, it's just targeting him, it's not interesting." Yang Xuan lost interest, and walked in another direction, "I'm going to the cafeteria to eat."

"Go to the cafeteria?" Feng Bo grabbed his arm, "What's the matter, won't you go home?"

"Well, I applied for accommodation with the head teacher."

"You're not serious, are you?" Feng Bo's eyes widened in shock, "That's your home!"

"I don't want to cause trouble for myself," Yang Xuan looked at the playground not far away, frowned and said, "Okay, leave my affairs alone."


Tang Junhe left the teaching building, bowed his head and walked out of the school quickly.

What happened just now made him confirm a vague idea that Yang Xuan hated himself. Originally, he still had a little bit of hope. After all, some time ten years ago, they were really as close as brothers.

Now it seems that I am still too naive. At that time, Yang Xuan didn't know his identity. In those days, it was not so much that Yang Xuan was kept in the dark and willingly extended good intentions to himself, but it was better to say that he concealed his identity and stole those good intentions with ulterior motives.

After all, at that time, although Yang Xuan knew nothing about his identity, he vaguely knew that Yang Chengchuan was his biological father, and Yang Xuan was his biological brother.

No one had ever told him the truth, so he resignedly pretended not to know.

When he walked out of the school gate, he was sensitively aware of a gaze cast on him.

Surrounded by parents who came to pick up their children, bustling around the school gate, Tang Junhe looked in the direction of the line of sight just now, but did not see any suspicious figure - he should be hiding.

He subconsciously clenched the strap of his schoolbag, and looked back cautiously as he walked through the crowd.

As he was walking forward, someone suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, which startled him. His heart jumped up and he almost cried out. He looked up reflexively—it turned out to be Yang Chengchuan's driver. Yes, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Chen."

"What are you thinking?" The driver laughed amused by his frightened look, then looked towards the school gate, "Where's your brother? He hasn't come out yet?"

— That gaze came again. Tang Junhe looked back suddenly, the man had no time to hide, half of his body was exposed in his sight, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"What's wrong?" the driver asked, noticing what he was looking at.

"It's okay," Tang Junhe turned his head, and then he said to the last question, "He went home by bike."

Although Yang Xuan didn't say that, Tang Junhe guessed that this should be his idea.

"Then let's go first?" The driver asked for his opinion.

Tang Junhe let out a "hmm".

The driver walked in front, led him to the car not far away, and then leaned over to open the door for him.

Tang Junhe got into the car and kept looking back.

"Should I open the window?" the driver asked.

"Don't go," Tang Junhe hurriedly stopped his movements, "Someone is following me."

The driver saw the cautious expression on his face from the rearview mirror—it didn't look like he was joking, and asked in surprise: "Who is following you? I'll go down and have a look?"

Tang Junhe realized that he had slipped the tongue just now, so he quickly turned around and said, "No need, the classmate is playing a prank, let's go."

The driver looked in that direction again suspiciously, turned his head and started the car, and said, "If you really feel that someone is following you, don't try to be brave."

Tang Junhe responded with an "um", sat up straight, and didn't turn his head to look again. After a while, he raised his head and said to the driver, "Uncle Chen, you don't need to pick me up from now on."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not used to someone coming to pick me up." Tang Junhe said looking out the window.

"What's wrong with this?" The driver laughed.

"I'm just not used to someone coming to pick me up." Tang Junhe said in a stubborn tone, "I will tell Uncle Yang when I get home tonight. Thank you for coming to pick me up this time."

These are all Yang Xuan's things, he doesn't want any of them.