MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 75

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The next day, they went to the beach near the hotel. Although he was a little afraid of the water, when Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to pick him up, and said "jump over" to him not far away, Tang Junhe jumped towards him without hesitation—and then took a mouthful of salty water. sea ​​water. Yang Xuan fished him out by the waist, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Did you really dance?"

"You made me dance." Tang Junhe stretched out his arms and hooked Yang Xuan's neck, and his whole body clung to his body. The sea water was warmed by the sunlight, but Yang Xuan's body temperature was a little cold.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't catch you?" Yang Xuan reached out and wiped his wet forehead hair.

"You won't," Tang Junhe looked at him and said, his eyelashes were still stained with water, "Brother, I just choked on a mouthful of water, it's so salty," he leaned over to kiss Yang Xuan, his eyes There was a hint of slyness in it, "Try it."

Yang Xuan put his arms around his waist and led him to swim a certain distance into the depths of the sea. There was no wind on the surface of the water, and the tide was slightly choppy, but it was not easy to swim a few hundred meters with a person without water skills. When he swam to a small reef, Yang Xuan supported Tang Junhe's waist and let him Climbed up the rock wall to sit down, then supported the rock by himself, turned over and sat up.

The tile-blue water stretches as far as the eye can see, and as the field of vision stretches to the horizon, gray birds flap their wings and fly low over the water. Compared with the beach, it is much quieter here, and you can even hear the sound of birds flying.

The sky gradually darkened, and the afterglow was as beautiful as a painting. The blood-red sunset smeared layers of colors on the clouds. Farther and darker, the blue sky and sea water intertwined into a very thin line at the end of the field of vision. line.

They were all shocked by the scene in front of them, their eyes were filled with the thick ink in the sky, and they forgot everything at this moment.

"The sea water is always moving, as if it is alive." Tang Junhe said looking into the distance.

"Tide is the breath of sea water." Yang Xuan whispered.

Tang Junhe turned his face to look at him, and repeated in a low voice: "The tide... is the breath of sea water."

"Have you never heard of it?" Yang Xuan smiled, "My mother told me the first time I went to the beach."

"I still remember what she looked like."

"My mother?" Seeing Tang Junhe nodding, Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Has it been more than ten years?"

Tang Junhe nodded and said, "I remember everything about my childhood."

After a while, Yang Xuan said calmly: "Sometimes a good memory is not a good thing."

"But I remember all the happy things." Tang Junhe said. He remembers everything related to Yang Xuan, but as for the period when he encountered cold violence on campus, even though it happened more recently, it has become very blurred in his memory.

After Tang Junhe finished speaking, he looked at the sky in the distance. He never knew that the sky could be so vast. There was no one around, and the huge sky was like an overwhelming oil painting, which made him feel that Runcheng, thousands of miles away, was so insignificant, and so were he and Yang Xuan in it. How insignificant the world is, even if they are buried here and now, it will only stir up a tiny wave on the sea surface, and then the rhythm of the tide will soon resume.

The tides are endless, and the sea doesn't stop breathing for anyone.

They went to a nearby market street the next day, just strolled around holding hands, and didn't insist on buying anything.

There was a small shop at the end of the market, and there were many strange patterns painted on the walls. Tang Junhe stopped and looked towards the door of the shop. There sat a long-haired man tattooing the person in front of him.

Yang Xuan was about to take him back the same way, when Tang Junhe pulled his hand and called in a low voice, "Brother."

Yang Xuan followed his gaze: "What's wrong?"

Their voices were heard by the long-haired man. He looked up and saw them holding hands, his eyes walked around them unabashedly, and asked, "Do you have tattoos?" It was a Chinese, and said Speak very standard Mandarin.

Tang Junhe looked at him and nodded. This time he didn't want to ask Yang Xuan's opinion.

"Come in," said the man, "just wait for half an hour, and you can choose the pattern first."

Tang Junhe dragged Yang Xuan in, sat on the wooden sofa next to him, and took the album handed over by the tattoo artist.

"Where are the tattoos?" The little apprentice in the shop came over to greet them, "Do you all want tattoos?"

Tang Junhe glanced at Yang Xuan, saw him flipping through the album with his head down, raised his head and said to the man, "I want tattoos."

"Are you a student?" Seeing that he was a little young, the man suggested, "If you want to get a tattoo in an inconspicuous place, you can do it on your upper arm, chest, back, or legs."

"Don't be so subtle," the tattoo artist at the door smiled, "You can also put it on your waist and buttocks. Your skin is very fair, and the tattoo looks good anywhere."

Tang Junhe thought for a while, hesitated and said, "Waist..."

"Ankles." Yang Xuan said.

Tang Junhe froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, ankle."

The tattoo artist looked up at him, and said with a smile, "What's your relationship, you are so obedient."

"My brother." Tang Junhe said.

"Oh, brother~" The tattoo artist's tone sounded a little frivolous.

Tang Junhe didn't read the album, he told the tattoo artist who came over that he wanted to tattoo a poplar tree.

The experienced tattoo artist nodded and said no problem. He quickly drew a small white poplar, not in a realistic style, but rather abstract.

Tang Junhe was sitting on the tattoo bed, his ankles were white and slender, and the tattoo artist raised his head and winked at him when he was holding his ankles to draw patterns: "It will look good on the ankles, your brother has a good eye."

Yang Xuan stood at the door smoking a cigarette, wondering if he heard this sentence.

"However, I think he will like it very much if it is tattooed on his waist." The tattoo artist whispered.

Tang Junhe blushed slightly and said nothing.

The tattoo machine hummed slightly, and Tang Junhe gritted his teeth in pain as the needles pricked the skin. After Yang Xuan finished smoking a cigarette, he leaned on the door frame and looked down.

After tattooing the trunk and branches, it's time to tattoo the leaves. Yang Xuan suddenly said, "That's it."

Tang Junhe loosened his teeth, looked up at him, and the tattoo artist also stopped his movements: "Huh?"

"You don't need the leaves." Yang Xuan said.

The tattoo artist looked at Tang Junhe and asked for his opinion with his eyes.

"That's how it is," Tang Junhe said, "The leaves will wither."

"Alright, it's simpler and more beautiful." The tattoo artist nodded.

The warm yellow light in the tattoo room reflected Tang Junhe's skin like delicate porcelain. The tattoo of the poplar plant was slightly larger than a coin, just above the thin ankle bone, and it looked very beautiful.

After the tattoo was done, the tattoo artist took the tattoo needle and asked, "Is it okay?"

Tang Junhe bent his legs, bent down to look closer, and nodded.

"What do you think brother?" The tattoo artist stood up to make room for him.

Yang Xuan walked over, squatted halfway beside the tattoo bed, stretched out his hand to hold Tang Junhe's ankle, looked carefully and said, "It's pretty good."

During those few days, they spent almost all of their time at sea. One day they went to see whales. The huge fan-shaped fish tail made spectacular waves on the sea surface, and the cool sea water splashed on them. At that moment, the sun also Jumping out from the sea level, looking at it through the water, it looks like a sudden flame. The calm sea surface seems to be ignited in an instant. The fire light falls in the deep sea and cannot be shaken. before their eyes.

Tang Junhe thought at that moment that the outside of Runcheng looked like this.

That night he was lying by the window looking at the sea, the white sand reflected the starlight, it looked like the snow in Runcheng in winter. He didn't want to go back to Runcheng at all. To him, Runcheng was just as big as a room and a classroom. In the middle of it, he was suppressed by various expectations and wrapped in Tang Xiaonian's airtight care. Almost breathless.

Then he remembered the days when Tang Xiaonian sent him to Yang Xuan's house when he was a child, and he cried and missed her. They had lived together for many years, and she was his mother, so he still felt a little worried about her.

His freedom is like a balloon tied to Runcheng, it can float far away, but it will eventually fall back. Yang Xuan is the wind that carried him away, but will the wind never stop?

Tang Junhe was a little sad. He didn't understand the emotion of being sad before. His life before the age of 16 was dominated by fear and indifference, and his own emotions were pitiful. After meeting Yang Xuan, he tasted the feeling of worrying about gains and losses and seeking but not.

Yang Xuan sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out his hand to pull his ankle. Tang Junhe was unprepared, and he slid back on the bed for a certain distance. He turned his head to look, and Yang Xuan was looking down at the tattoo on his ankle, the tattoo had already started to scab, it was a little painful and itchy.

"Brother." Tang Junhe called him.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes to look at him, because the eye sockets were slightly deep, when he looked straight at someone, he always looked a little affectionate, but when he looked closer, he felt that affection was just an illusion, and there was only indifference in his eyes. But when they looked at each other like this now, Tang Junhe felt that he could neither see affection nor indifference. He only felt that Yang Xuan's eyes were dark, like a deep sea after the burning clouds faded that day.

He crawled over to touch Yang Xuan's genitals, the desire there was about him, he stretched out his hand to undo the top button, bit the lock end of the zipper with his teeth, and pulled down the zipper one by one.

Tang Junhe didn't know why he did this, he just instinctively wanted Yang Xuan to react more for him, when the semi-rigid **** was fully erected and its complete shape was exposed through a layer of fabric, he I feel a strong sense of satisfaction in my heart. And Yang Xuan didn't stop him, he just looked at him with those dark eyes.

Tang Junhe licked that part through his underwear, it was already very hard, and there were some water marks on the cotton fabric, and it was hard to tell whether it was his saliva or the body fluid secreted by his genitals.

He leaned in and pulled out the **** that had been inside him, it almost bounced on his face, so he ducked back unconsciously. Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to support his blood-congested penis, and slapped the corner of his mouth twice.

Tang Junhe leaned over to lick it, licked off the salty liquid on it, and then opened his mouth to hold it. He tried to swallow it all, but it was so big that he backed out after swallowing it for a while. He took a deep breath before swallowing a little deeper.

The feeling of the head of the **** against his throat made him want to retch, but he held back. He tried to swallow, and when he swallowed shallowly, he used the tip of his tongue to drill into the small hole at the top, across the joint between the glans head and the stem, and then sucked in the air to swallow the whole thing down.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to press his hair, the strength he used was not strong, but it was enough to control Tang Junhe. He went in and out of his mouth and reached his throat, where sometimes it would shrink, just like Tang Junhe Like the inner walls of the body that tighten during orgasm.

Tang Junhe's mouth was already a little numb, but he still swallowed Yang Xuan's things hard. He noticed that Yang Xuan frowned slightly when he swallowed, which was his instinctive reaction to restrain his desire. Tang Junhe liked his reaction very much.

He felt that Yang Xuan moved in and out faster, and the **** in his mouth swelled up accordingly. He thought that Yang Xuan would come in like this, and he hoped that he would come in. He liked everything about Yang Xuan, but when he thought this way, Yang Xuan backed out holding his own things, and the **** came out almost at that moment, and shot on Tang Junhe's face. The scorching liquid hung on his hair, eyelashes, cheeks, and some remained on those two bright red lips.

Tang Junhe was a little overwhelmed by the liquid sprayed on his face. He was in a daze for a moment, and looked up at Yang Xuan slightly in a daze. Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head twice. Then he took out a tissue from the bedside table and lifted his chin to wipe off the **** from his hair and face bit by bit. After throwing away the tissue, he held Tang Junhe's face, bent down and kissed him vigorously on the lips.

They did it again tonight, Yang Xuan held Tang Junhe's waist and penetrated him deeply. "Tattoos on the waist are also good." Yang Xuan said suddenly when he was halfway through.

"If you like..." Tang Junhe was pushed up and said intermittently, "I, I will get another tattoo." They have done it many times, and he knows that his brother likes to enter him from behind. He sometimes asked to turn around because he wanted to watch Yang Xuan do it, but this night he almost tried his best to cooperate with Yang Xuan. he.

It took a long time for Tang Junhe to understand where his sacrificial mood came from that night - he wanted to do better and let Yang Xuan remember him, even if Yang Xuan would do these things with others in the future, he would I hope that Yang Xuan can think of himself at a certain moment, be it young or lewd.

They did it many times that night, but it took a long time for Tang Junhe to understand where his sacrificial mood came from that night—he wanted to do better, and wanted Yang Xuan to remember him, even if Yang Xuan He would do these things with others, and he also hoped that Yang Xuan would think of himself at a certain moment, no matter if he was young or lewd.

After they all lay down tiredly, Tang Junhe, who was sweating profusely, leaned on Yang Xuan. He thought that the one-week deadline had come, but he couldn't say how to leave anyway, and he still didn't want to be separated from Yang Xuan. He is too greedy.

They chatted listening to the sound of the tide, and Yang Xuan suddenly asked him what he wanted to do in the future.

"I don't know," Tang Junhe said, "I thought about being a doctor before."

"Huh?" Yang Xuan asked, "Why?"

"My grandma got sick when I was a child, and the people in the hospital said it couldn't be cured. I thought so at that time," Tang Junhe said listening to Yang Xuan's heartbeat, "but now I think, if I'm with you, what would I do?" It will be all right."

Without Yang Xuan's response, Tang Junhe continued: "It's okay not to take the college entrance examination."

"Skip the re-examination, and skip the college entrance examination?"

Tang Junhe didn't speak, but he really thought so in his heart. But Tang Xiaonian would go crazy. Then he thought about it again.

"Brother, can I call my mother tomorrow?" Tang Junhe asked in a low voice.

"Let's fight." Yang Xuan said. He brushed away Tang Junhe's forehead hair again, and reached out to touch the small scar. Maybe they'll disappear soon, he thought.

Tang Junhe didn't fall asleep all night, his right eyelid kept twitching. Tang Xiaonian once said that "the left eye jumps for money and the right eye jumps for disaster". I don't know if he was affected by this psychological hint, he always felt uneasy.

Yang Xuan didn't seem to sleep well either, they just cuddled together, listening to the sound of leaves and tide outside the window, Tang Junhe opened his eyes just after dawn, he tentatively whispered: "Brother, wake up Yet?"

"Well," Yang Xuan raised the back of his hand to cover his eyes, "call now?"

"Let's fight..." Tang Junhe said.

Yang Xuan didn't say anything about how he got up early in the morning to make a phone call. He just sat up, handed the receiver to Tang Junhe, and pressed a few keys to let Tang Junhe continue to dial the phone number.

The difference from last time was that this time the beep sounded for a while before the phone was picked up. Tang Junhe's uneasiness became more and more intense, and he was almost afraid to speak. He held the receiver tightly and called "Mom".

"Do you still remember that you have a mother?" Tang Xiaonian's voice sounded a little tired, but surprisingly calm.

Tang Junhe's sense of uneasiness was suppressed a bit. At that moment, he almost had a sense of luck, thinking that maybe he could stay with Yang Xuan for a few more days, but Tang Xiaonian's next sentence made him The heart that had just fallen suddenly lifted up.

"Yang Xuan is next to you, isn't it?" Tang Xiaonian said in that surprisingly calm tone on the phone, "Tell him, his scumbag father, he has only one breath left, so hurry up and give him his funeral."

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