MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 69

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Yang Chengchuan was annoyed for a while, and immediately dialed the phone back, but there was no answer there.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Chengchuan was furious and walked back and forth in the office. What annoyed him wasn't the fact that "two sons were gay" itself, on the contrary, he didn't believe a single word in the text message. He felt that this thoughtless text message was fabricated out of thin air, maliciously slanderous, and extremely absurd! The text message made him feel extremely insulted and slandered.

However, Yang Chengchuan's anger only lasted less than half an hour. A reporter from the TV station came to interview this year's flood control work in Runcheng. Facing the camera, there was no trace of anger on his face, and he returned to his usual gentle and elegant public image. When he got home at night, the content of that text message was left in his mind with only a few residues, and its power was gone.

But as soon as he sat at the dinner table and looked at the two sons in front of him, that disgusting text message popped up in his mind without losing the opportunity. Yang Chengchuan didn't say a word about it, but he couldn't help observing his two sons quietly.

Unexpectedly, this observation really made him see some clues.

The youngest son has always been close to the eldest son, which Yang Chengchuan has always noticed, but he didn't notice until today that Tang Junhe's attitude towards Yang Xuan is simply not close, and it may be more appropriate to say "care" a little. From the moment he sat at the dining table, Tang Junhe's eyes were fixed on Yang Xuan. His eyes were big and dark, and he couldn't hide his eyes.

Yang Chengchuan had dinner, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Tang Junhe's eyes reminded him of Tang Xiaonian back then. Tang Xiaonian, who was in his early twenties, used to look at him like this, his eyes were innocent and eager, and the unconcealable liking seemed to overflow outward.

Yang Chengchuan couldn't help but asked Tang Xiaonian side-by-side: "Do you think Jun He is a little too dependent on Yang Xuan?"

Tang Xiaonian became angry when he heard it, and cursed: "It's not your fault!"

Yang Chengchuan knew he was in the wrong, and when he mentioned that year, he wisely kept quiet. But even though he didn't say anything, he didn't stop thinking about it in his mind. The youngest son may have some problems, but Yang Chengchuan has no doubts about the eldest son Yang Xuan.

"It's hot to shave your head." Yang Chengchuan used this sentence to describe the relationship between the two brothers to Chen Xing early in the morning. Although Yang Xuan really doted on this younger brother when he was young, since Yang Xuan grew up, especially after his mother passed away, his personality has become more and more lukewarm. In order to improve Yang Xuan's indifferent attitude towards Tang Junhe, he had talked to Yang Xuan more than once. If it is said that Yang Xuan has any feelings for Tang Junhe beyond brotherhood, Yang Chengchuan categorically does not believe it.

Yang Chengchuan not only thought about it by himself, but also specifically asked Chen Xing about this matter: "Do you think the relationship between Yang Xuan and Jun He has improved a little recently?"

Chen Xing felt a little strange, he might not be able to see the two brothers once in half a month, Yang Chengchuan could see his son every day, why did he still ask him this question? But he still replied with a smile: "Xiaoxuan is becoming more and more like a big brother, Jun He, he has always been like a child, when he sent his brother to the airport last time, he used to hold hands and walk together, brother The relationship between the two is really getting better and better.”

He does not mean that. In the past, even if he witnessed the two brothers walking together holding hands, Yang Chengchuan would only feel relieved that the relationship between the two had eased, but now, when Chen Xing said this, his expression changed drastically, and his heart suddenly sank. Coming down, he said angrily, "What nonsense!"

Chen Xing was taken aback by his sudden anger, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Yang Chengchuan said in a bad tone: "I'm still holding hands in the street at such an age, I don't want to be ashamed!"

Chen Xingcheng was terrified, and tried his best to persuade him naturally: "Hey, Jun He looks like a child at first glance, there is no need to discipline him from the perspective of an adult, I think it is quite cute."

Yang Chengchuan didn't take it seriously and would not listen to any persuasion. After learning from the police that Tang Junhe was suspected of falsifying evidence, although he didn't say it clearly, he was more certain that Tang Junhe had a mental problem in his heart.

The last time I intended to forge the scene of self-defense, and this time I contacted the drug dealer to forge evidence. How can a normal 17-year-old child do this? ! Yang Chengchuan thought angrily, Tang Xiaonian had always disagreed with him finding a psychiatrist for Tang Junhe, now it's all right, he even got gay, and even fell in love with his brother!

Yang Chengchuan has only one thought in his heart, he must stop this ridiculous thing, otherwise not only his eldest son may be led astray, but his official career may also be ruined!

Only then did he start to pay attention to that text message. Who is that person who texted? How did you find out about this? What is the purpose of sending it to yourself? The officialdom is dangerous, and there is no guarantee that anyone will be waiting for an opportunity to blackmail. Now that he doesn't have the support of his father-in-law behind him, he relies on his connections and achievements to rise to the top. If he is not careful, he may fall into the trap of others, so he has to be cautious in everything.

Thinking of this, Yang Chengchuan began to consider a safe way to deal with it: he wanted to send Yang Xuan abroad as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to send Yang Xuan abroad. His passport and visa are complete, and his grandparents can take care of him. What's more, even if he doesn't go out now, Yang Xuan will definitely be sent away in a few months. Going abroad a few months in advance, maybe Yang Xuan can apply for a better school in the local area.

Despite some reluctance, but considering various factors, Yang Chengchuan made the decision without hesitation.

That night, after dinner, Yang Chengchuan walked to the door of Yang Xuan's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Yang Xuan, come to the study, I have something to tell you."

When Yang Xuan sat on the chair in front of him, Yang Chengchuan asked him a few questions about the progress of his school application, and then got to the point: "Recently, you and Jun He go to and from school together?"

Yang Xuan let out a "hmm".

In front of his eldest son, Yang Chengchuan felt a little embarrassed to mention this topic of "homosexuality", which even he himself thought was absurd, and he began to insinuate: "Jun He is still quite tired of you?"

Yang Xuan didn't answer directly, looked up at Yang Chengchuan and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yang Chengchuan thought about his words and said: "I think Jun He is a little too dependent on you. A 17-year-old boy needs to learn to be more independent."

Yang Xuan looked out the window noncommittally, as if he was not interested in this topic.

Yang Chengchuan pulled his attention back: "What do you think?"

Yang Xuan didn't save any face for him, and said foolishly: "I can't rely on you."

Yang Chengchuan frowned, his face darkened, and he said, "I'll talk to you about the business, don't always play young master, which of you two brothers doesn't rely on me? Don't rely on me, you can only go to the street to beg for food now!"

Yang Xuan smiled and asked: "Then who are you relying on?" The implication is obvious, Yang Chengchuan's success today is naturally due to his rich ex-wife and respected father-in-law.

Yang Chengchuan was stepped on by his son, and his anger rose for a while. But even though he was in a bad mood, he did not forget the topic of the conversation, and said with a suppressed anger: "Don't talk about anything else. During the Chinese New Year, your grandma urged me to send you abroad. I have thought about it for a few days. Now you are abroad. The learning environment is more beneficial to you, and it is more convenient to apply for schools. You should prepare in the next few days, and go to your grandma's next week." After Yang Chengchuan finished speaking, he did not forget to ask tentatively: "What do you think? ? If you don't want to leave now, give me a reason, and I can consider it."

Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan had no objection, nodded and said: "I can't ask for it."

While this attitude angered Yang Chengchuan, it also made him feel relieved—Yang Xuan so easily agreed to go abroad next week, which shows that there was no "homosexuality" between him and Tang Junhe. At least Yang Xuan can be sure.

Tang Junhe knew nothing about the conversation that took place in the study. That night, he went to Yang Xuan's room with the vocabulary expansion for the college entrance examination. Just as he was about to open his memory, Yang Xuan who was sitting in front of the desk suddenly turned the swivel chair under him to face him, and asked in a rare way: "What are you memorizing tonight?" ?”

Tang Junhe sat by the bed, stood the vocabulary book on his lap, and showed the cover to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand towards him, as if he wanted to read the book. The distance between them was very close, and Tang Junhe could hand him the book as long as he stretched his arms, but he still got up from the bed, walked up to Yang Xuan with the book, and handed it to him.

Yang Xuan took the book, but didn't flip through it, just put it on the desk casually. Tang Junhe stood in front of him, and Yang Xuan sat on the swivel chair with his back leaning against the back of the chair. He never liked to look up at people, so he stretched out his arms and pulled Tang Junhe closer to him, letting him sit on his back. on the legs.

It is rare for Yang Xuan to hold himself like this when he is not making love, Tang Junhe consciously leans into his arms, he leans closer to kiss Yang Xuan, the tip of his soft tongue penetrates into those two cool thin lips between. Yang Xuan neither avoided nor took the initiative, but let him kiss himself, until he touched his body with his hand, he reached out and grabbed Tang Junhe's wrist to stop him.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and brushed aside the hair on Tang Junhe's forehead, revealing the small scar that was knocked out a few months ago. It healed very early, but the scar has been lingering for a long time.

Tang Junhe opened his lips slightly and looked at him panting. He felt that his brother was different tonight than usual, so he asked sensitively: "Brother, what happened?"

Yang Xuan let go of his hand, brushed his hair back, looked at him and said, "Yang Chengchuan knows." His voice was hoarse, but there was no expression on his face.

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment. He was always very smart, but he was dumbfounded after hearing this sentence. He asked stupidly, "What do you know?"

"I knew you would seduce your brother." Yang Xuan said, seeing Tang Junhe's astonished expression, he smiled, stretched out his thumb and pressed his brother's bright red lower lip and said, "But I probably don't know that your brother put you on."

"Then, what should I do..." Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, and stammered.

"He's going to send me away," Yang Xuan said, "next week."

"Next week..." Tang Junhe repeated mechanically, and then a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, "Then when are you coming back?"

"Next summer."

Tang Junhe looked at Yang Xuan with wide eyes, as if in disbelief: "But isn't this summer not here yet?"

Yang Xuan turned his head and looked out of the window. The branches with new buds looked bare, and they had to wait until they were watered by rain and sunshine to flourish, and then they would fall one by one in the autumn wind and first snow, and then grow lush again. And the dense leaves will not come until next summer.

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't speak, Tang Junhe asked hesitantly: ", what should we do?"

Only then did Yang Xuan turn his head to look at him, he lowered his voice, his tone was almost coaxing: "There is a way."

Tang Junhe looked at him in confusion.

Yang Xuan raised the corners of his lips and smiled, "I can take you away."

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