MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 64

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The few people who hadn't left the playground turned their heads to look in their direction at this moment, their faces were full of surprise for a moment, and after they left, the people present looked at each other in blank dismay.

The rumor that "Yang Xuan and Tang Junhe are actually brothers" has been circulating in the third class of science since the first week of Tang Junhe's transfer to another school. One year has passed, and almost the whole class has acquiesced to this fact, and there are few people there. Talk about it behind your back. But because of the scene that happened on the playground, the third class set off another upsurge of discussion.

Because of this little episode, Tang Junhe's mood jumped until the next morning, but he still didn't forget the most important thing that night. He took out the bright black cigarette case from the drawer, took out the broken cigarette inside, and kept two pieces at home just in case, and stuffed the others into the pockets of the school uniform and put them away safely.

The next morning was the early self-study of Chinese. Tang Junhe went to the bathroom halfway. When he came back, all the students in the class were immersed in reciting key ancient poems. The sound of sleepy reciting was like a dull humming. Walking to Feng Bo's seat, Tang Junhe stopped. He revealed the cigarette case hidden in his hand, put his hand on Feng Bo's table, and knocked on the edge of his table with the cigarette case.

Feng Bo, who was drowsy at first, lost all sleepiness the moment he caught sight of the cigarette case. He raised his head in surprise and saw Tang Junhe standing in front of him. Those eyes were staring straight at him at the moment, which made him feel astonished. He was momentarily taken aback. When he came back to his senses, Tang Junhe had already put away the cigarette case and sat back in his seat. He looked back, but Tang Junhe just looked down at the textbook and didn't look at him again.

How could that cigarette case be in his hand? This question made Feng Bo uneasy. He tore off a piece of note paper, wrote a line quickly, then folded it, turned around and knocked on the table in the back row, motioning him to pass the note to Tang Junhe.

"How did you get that box? What do you want to do?" After Tang Junhe received the note, he opened it and took a look. He knew that Feng Bo was looking back at him at the moment, but he didn't pick up the pen, but wrote the note The small note was torn off directly.

"Fuck." Feng Bo cursed in a low voice. He wanted to write another note and pass it to Yang Xuan, but suddenly the scene of Yang Xuan holding Tang Junhe up and shooting a basketball on the basketball court yesterday appeared in his mind, and this scene stopped him.

Could it be that Yang Xuan gave him that cigarette case? After all, only the two of them were present when the cigarette case was unpacked. If Yang Xuan hadn't revealed it, how would Tang Junhe know where the cigarette case was thrown?

—They ganged up on themselves? Feng Bo clenched his fists angrily and uneasily. If he confronts Yang Xuan, he has absolutely no chance of winning, so he can only find Tang Junhe alone while Yang Xuan is away.

At the same time, Tang Junhe was also a little apprehensive. What if Feng Bo found Yang Xuan directly and asked him to hand over the cigarette case? If Yang Xuan asked him to do this, he might really hand over the cigarette case to him... Tang Junhe planned with some anxiety, so he had no choice but to give up this step, and tell Feng Bo when Yang Xuan was about to leave after school I have another handle in my hand.

But things went surprisingly smoothly, not only did Feng Bo not find Yang Xuan directly, but he came over to find him by himself when Yang Xuan was not around during the class break.

"Come out." Feng Bo stood by his table and said in a bad tone.

Tang Junhe looked up at him, put the pen in his hand on the table, got up and walked out with him.

Arriving at a secluded corner of the corridor, Feng Bo asked straight to the point: "How did that cigarette case get into your hands? Yang Xuan gave it to you?"

Tang Junhe didn't answer him directly, but said: "If I were you, I would burn the cigarette case instead of throwing it anywhere."

"Fuck," Feng Bo said violently, "what are you going to do?"

"Call the police and lure minors to take drugs." Tang Junhe didn't play around with him, "Let's leave school tonight."

Feng Bo sneered and said, "Call the police, just rely on that cigarette case? How can you prove that it is mine?"

"Of course I have a way." Tang Junhe said coldly.

"Do you want Yang Xuan to testify? You really are brothers. But don't you think that Yang Xuan can't get away with it? The cigarette was taken out of his cigarette case, and he asked you to smoke it."

"You were the one who proposed to make the game, and you were the one who suggested that I learn to smoke. Yang Xuan was the one who stopped me from inhaling. There should be monitoring to prove this." Tang Junhe was not afraid, these words were already in his mind After rehearsing it many times, he tried his best to calm down and said clearly, "What's more, on the premise that no substantial harm is caused, there is a difference between the suspension of a crime and the attempted crime."

Feng Bo was stunned by the two legal terms he said for a moment, and he threw his fist at Tang Junhe angrily. Tang Junhe turned his head to avoid it, and the fist actually landed on his shoulder, causing him to stagger back. Enraged, Feng Bo wanted to go up to catch him and beat him up, but a teacher from a neighboring class happened to pass by at this moment and scolded, "Which class are you fighting in the corridor? Don't you know how many minutes are left in class—" Before she finished speaking, she turned and saw Tang Junhe.

Although he has a withdrawn personality, among the teachers and students of the second-level senior department, no one knows that Tang Junhe, who transferred to another school halfway, has an extremely eye-catching background, grades, and appearance, and even many teachers have secretly talked about this Yang The illegitimate son of the deputy mayor.

"Tang Junhe, right?" The female teacher stepped forward and asked with concern, "What's going on?" Seeing that Tang Junhe just shook his head and didn't speak, she said, "Hurry up and go back to the classroom, class is about to begin. "

"Thank you teacher." After Tang Junhe finished speaking, he turned and walked back to the classroom.

After sitting down, he quietly stretched out his hands to hold his shoulders and moved a bit. Just now Feng Bo's blow was heavy, and the punch landed on his body with a dull pain, but he was still glad that he didn't hit his face, otherwise if Yang Xuan asked, He was about to invent another lie.

He lowered his head, put the cigarette case in his schoolbag, and casually flipped through the test papers that had just been handed out.

Before class in the afternoon, after Tang Junhe sat back in his seat, he glanced at Feng Bo, and Feng Bo happened to turn his head to look at him, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, at the same table," Yin Cong leaned over his head at this moment, and said in a low voice, "Feng Bo came to your seat just now, and it seems that he took something out of your schoolbag and took it away. I can't stop him at all..."

Tang Junhe turned to look at her: "What did you take away?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a very small box... Quickly see what's missing in the schoolbag."

Tang Junhe lowered his head and flipped through his schoolbag, and sure enough, the cigarette case was gone. He dragged the whole schoolbag out of the table hole and put it on his lap, lowered his head and searched carefully again, but there was still nothing.

"What's missing?" Yin Cong looked at him and asked, "Is it okay?"

"A small box," Tang Junhe shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Hearing what he said, Yin Cong felt relieved and didn't ask any more questions. Feng Bo kept looking back, seeing Tang Junhe rummaging around, the smile on his face became more and more arrogant.

Tang Junhe looked up at him, without any expression on his face. When he lowered his head and put the schoolbag back into the table hole, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As he expected, Feng Bo took the cigarette case from him. And if Feng Bo accepted the hint of what he said in the morning, he would not immediately throw the cigarette case elsewhere, but would take it with him temporarily, and burn it when he got home. After all, burning things in school is too much Not very realistic.

In the afternoon between classes, before Yang Xuan went to the basketball court, Tang Junhe reached out and grabbed his arm. Yang Xuan stopped and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

"Brother, don't wait for me to leave after school." Facing Yang Xuan, Tang Junhe tried his best to calmly say. He had already thought of the reason, if Yang Xuan asked, he would say that he had a question to ask the teacher, and wanted to stay for a night of self-study today.

"What's the matter?" But Yang Xuan just asked, after Tang Junhe nodded, he walked out of the classroom and went downstairs without asking anything.

There was nowhere to use the drafts that had been prepared, and Tang Junhe was relieved and at the same time a little disappointed. He thought that Yang Xuan would care about what he was going to do, or ask to wait for him, but Yang Xuan didn't expect to ask anything.

But no matter what, 80% of the preparations had been completed, so he could only pull himself together, and before class was over, he walked out of the classroom and headed downstairs. The front door of the teaching building was facing the basketball court. In order to avoid being seen by Yang Xuan, Tang Junhe went out from the back door and quickly walked around to the public telephone booth outside the school.

He picked up the receiver, took a deep breath to calm himself, and then pressed his fingers on the keys 1-1-0 in sequence.

"Hi, hello, I want to call the police..." He swallowed his throat, "It's about drug dealing, it's at the southwest gate of Runcheng No. Yes, a boy, about 1.75 meters tall, without glasses, and carrying a dark blue leather shoulder bag... The other is not clear, he is also a boy, but not a student, and his age should be between 20 and 25 years old..."


When the class bell rang, Tang Junhe ran a few steps in the direction of the teaching building, entered through the back door the same way, and then quickly stepped up the stairs.

When he walked into the classroom, all the students in the class were busy sorting out the wrong questions during the day, Feng Bo looked up at him again, with a provocative look in his eyes. Tang Junhe ignored him, returned to his seat expressionlessly and sat down.

Facing the test paper, he was a little absent-minded. Are there any omissions in this plan? Will that person arrive at the agreed place on time? Will the police arrive in time? And... Will Yang Xuan be involved in the end? Even though the plan was as perfect as possible, he still felt that there were too many things that could go wrong.

Every few minutes, Tang Junhe looked at the wall clock on the wall. After finally surviving until a few minutes before school, he closed the test papers in his hand and packed up his homework for the evening. As soon as the school bell rang, he stuffed all the things on the table into his schoolbag.

There was a commotion in the classroom, and the students who stayed for evening self-study stood up one after another and went to the cafeteria to eat. Feng Bo was slowly packing his schoolbag. Seeing Tang Junhe approaching, he put the dark blue shoulder bag on his shoulder, smiled contemptuously, and sarcastically said, "Go to the police?"

"There was no cigarette in that cigarette case, didn't you notice?" Tang Junhe looked at him and asked.

The smile on Feng Bo's face froze for a moment, his expression turned cold and he asked, "What do you mean?"

Tang Junhe didn't speak, just took out the two sticks of cigarettes from his pocket, spread out his palms and shook them in front of his eyes, then immediately withdrew his hands, turned around and walked towards the door of the classroom.

"Fuck!" Feng Bo cursed after he realized it, raised his legs and chased towards the door.

Tang Junhe quickened his pace, grabbed the handrail of the stairs, and walked downstairs quickly. The southwest gate is a little far away from the teaching building, passing the school cafeteria, there is a lot of people coming and going, Tang Junhe shuttled through the crowd, Feng Bo followed closely behind.

There were not many people going to the southwest gate. When they approached the school gate, the crowd gradually dispersed. In order to prevent Feng Bo from catching up, Tang Junhe raised his legs and ran. Without the barrier of the crowd, Feng Bo was about to catch up. When Tang Junhe walked to the school gate, he almost bumped into a person at the gate. Beau reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his school uniform.

Tang Junhe panicked, and in a panic, his eyes swept over the person he almost bumped into just now. The person looked to be in his early twenties and looked like a gangster on the street. He was stretching his neck and looking into the campus. As if waiting for someone. Tang Junhe suddenly had a strong premonition that this person was the one he contacted by phone.

He slowed down, trying to free the sleeve from Feng Bo's hand, but Feng Bo held on tightly and refused to let go, threatening: "Give me the things."

"Impossible." Tang Junhe said coldly.

"Fuck, don't you need a beating?" Feng Bo stepped forward and grabbed his collar, "I beat you so much that you finally begged to hand it over to me, believe it or not?"

"I can give it to you." Tang Junhe said. He tried every means to delay the time. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the person at the school gate had already taken out his mobile phone and began to dial the number. He continued, "But you must promise not to contact Yang Xuan in the future."

"Damn, are you disgusting?" Before Feng Bo finished speaking, the phone in his pocket vibrated. He ignored it and continued, "Don't make the same thing about homosexuality on Yang Xuan's head. Don't think I don't know-"

"Your phone is ringing." Tang Junhe raised the volume at this moment.

Hearing this, the man at the school gate turned his head to look at them.

"Fuck, you don't care if my phone is ringing or not!" Feng Bo opened his mouth to curse, and before he finished cursing, the gangster came over with his mobile phone, grabbed his arm and said, "Hey, buddy, is it you?"

Feng Bo turned his head to look at the person in front of him, and said inexplicably, "What am I, did you recognize the wrong person?"

The gangster heard the vibrating sound of the mobile phone in his pocket, and pointed the screen of the mobile phone in his hand at him: "Is this your phone?"

Feng Bo took a look: "Yes."

"You asked me to come here," the gangster couldn't help crying, "Dude, have you lost your memory or something?"

"What are you talking about?" Feng Bo pulled his arm away impatiently, "Don't interrupt, I don't have time to talk to you now."

His tone was harsh, and that gangster was not easy to mess with. He lowered his face and said, "Fuck, what do you mean?" He put his arm around Feng Bo's shoulder and said, "Dude, was it you who called me yesterday? I I specially drove ten kilometers here, come here, come and see for yourself if this text message was sent by you."

Seeing that Feng Bo's hands were loose, Tang Junhe saw the opportunity to break out of his hands, raised his legs and ran towards the path on one side. Feng Bo's hands were empty, and he was about to chase after him, but he was held by the shoulders of the gangster, unable to break free at all.

He couldn't get rid of the gangster for a while, so he could only be patient, frowning and looking at the text message: "The number is mine, but I haven't sent this text message."

"Then it wasn't you who made the call?"

"of course not."

The gangster said angrily: "Then did I see a ghost or sleepwalk and just run here with nothing to do?"

Tang Junhe ran for a distance, looked back, and saw a few people in police uniforms walking towards the two, and the gangster immediately let go of Feng Bo, trying to run away quickly, Feng Bo didn't know the situation yet I froze in place. The pace under his feet slowed down, panting heavily, while turning his head to look behind him frequently. He had already reached the intersection, but he was still a little worried. Just as he was about to take a look back, a bicycle passing through the intersection passed in front of him. He subconsciously took a step back to avoid it, but the car suddenly stopped in front of him. .

Tang Junhe was in a state of high mental tension. He looked up in panic, subconsciously wanting to apologize, but saw Yang Xuan who was frowning at him.

"Aren't you looking at the road?" Yang Xuan pinched the car brake, looking at his distraught appearance, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing," Tang Junhe swallowed his dry throat, trying to calm down his shortness of breath, and said in a steady tone, "Brother..."

Yang Xuan didn't ask much, just said: "Do you want to come up?"

Tang Junhe hurriedly looked at him and nodded: "Yes..."

Yang Xuan withdrew his gaze from him, let go of the brakes, and pedaled forward again.

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Yang Xuan riding past the intersection, he came back to his senses and ran to chase after him. Yang Xuan was not riding fast. He reached out and grabbed the back seat, and sat on it with a light jump. Looking at the vehicles speeding past in front of him, he collected himself and took a long time to breathe slowly. Then he slowly He raised his arms around Yang Xuan's waist, and put his head on his back.

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