MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 105

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Yang Xuan didn't tell much about the past, he just mentioned two or three sentences briefly, saying that when he returned to Runcheng, he was just in time for the summer conscription. A special operations force stayed for more than nine years.

Tang Junhe was stunned for a while after hearing this, until the plane took off and made a loud hum, he closed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. I don't know if it was because the air current was too turbulent when the plane was ascending, or because Yang Xuan mentioned this past incident, he suddenly felt a little palpitation again.

His heart rate and breathing were abnormally fast, and he turned his face to the window, trying to calmly regulate his breathing. When Yang Xuan reached out to hold him, he curled up his slightly trembling fingertips.

His fingers were too cold, Yang Xuan sensed something was wrong, and turned his head to look at him: "Why is it so cold?"

Tang Junhe opened his eyes, clenched his fingertips tighter, and said in a low voice: "The plane is not very comfortable."

The noise was too loud when the plane was flying, and for a moment Yang Xuan didn't hear what he was saying clearly, so he lowered his head and turned towards him, "Huh?" Tang Junhe tilted his head and leaned on Yang Xuan's shoulder, shaking his head. say. Yang Xuan didn't ask any more questions, and put his hand under his forehead to test the temperature. He felt that there was no serious problem, and leaned back on the seat back.

Tang Junhe leaned against him, his cheek against his shoulder, Yang Xuan's body temperature came through his shirt, he felt his heart palpitations eased, and after a while he called out "Brother".

Yang Xuan was flipping through the aviation magazine provided by the plane, and looked down at him when he heard the sound: "Huh?"

Tang Junhe said it was okay, and moved his eyes to the magazine in Yang Xuan's hand. There was a car advertisement of a certain brand printed on that page, but Yang Xuan quickly turned the page. Tang Junhe was not interested in cars. He closed his eyes and fell asleep leaning on Yang Xuan's shoulder.

When he woke up, the symptoms of heart palpitations had disappeared, and the plane was descending. Tang Junhe raised his eyes to look at Yang Xuan, and saw that he was leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed. He straightened up, stretched out his hand to open the baffle of the plane window, and looked down. It was summer in the south, and there was lush greenery as far as he could see, and the scorching sun could be felt at high altitude.

When he turned around, Yang Xuan had already opened his eyes, perhaps because he had just woken up, the crease on his double eyelids appeared deeper. Tang Junhe's heartbeat began to quicken again, not the rapid frequency of heart palpitations, but throbbing powerfully in his chest, boom, boom, boom. He looked straight at Yang Xuan, and at this moment, he had an almost strange feeling that he and his brother Yang Xuan were in love, and this thought made him unable to calm down.

Yang Xuan also turned to look at him, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tang Junhe called "Brother", and silently said two words with his mouth. Yang Xuan smiled at first, then sat up straighter, leaned over to him, and pecked on his lips.

Tang Junhe's cheeks were slightly hot. It was just a whim just now. He didn't expect Yang Xuan to come for real. He couldn't help but look at the people around him. Seeing that they didn't notice this side, he looked at Yang Xuan and said: " Brother, you can understand."

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Lip reading is a compulsory course."

From the airport, take a taxi to the hotel. The summer in the south comes earlier, the streets are lined with trees, the summer is full, and small bridges and flowing water can be seen everywhere in the town.

After opening the door with the room card, Yang Xuan put the suitcase aside and straightened up. Tang Junhe came over and hugged him, rubbing his hair against his neck.

"It's not hot? You stick to me as soon as you come up," Yang Xuan reached under his T-shirt and touched his waist twice, "Are you sweating?"

"Out." Tang Junhe said this, but he didn't let go of Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan wrapped his arms around his waist, hugged him vigorously, and when he was walking towards the bed with Tang Junhe in his arms, his cell phone rang. Yang Xuan walked to the bed, put Tang Junhe down, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, Tang Junhe buried his face in his neck.

Hearing the female voice from the phone, Tang Junhe turned his face and looked up at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan had no expression on his face, and after asking "what's the matter", he listened to the phone in silence.

Tang Junhe vaguely heard something about the military area and household registration on the other end of the phone, guessing that it should be related to Yang Xuan's work, he stood against Yang Xuan for a while, straightened up and left his body. Yang Xuan's hand on his waist moved away without stopping him.

Tang Junhe walked over and put the suitcase on the ground, squatted down to find a thin T-shirt and shorts, carried them to the bathroom, and closed the door.

The water from the nozzle poured down from the top of his head, and he heard Yang Xuan say outside the door, wait a few days, there is no time these two days, and he said that I will book the air ticket, and then he heard footsteps, all his Focusing on the approaching footsteps, he thought Yang Xuan was walking towards the bathroom, but then he heard the sound of the door opening, Yang Xuan walked out, and then closed the door.

What did you do? Thinking of this, Tang Junhe squeezed some shower gel on the palm of his hand.

He washed quickly, and came out wearing a T-shirt and shorts after taking a shower. When he saw the half pack of cigarettes Yang Xuan put on the table, he picked it up and walked to the window to look at the scenery outside. The dusk was reflected on the calm and waveless lake, and the scenery in front of him was obviously not the slightest resemblance to Sri Lanka, but he still couldn't help but think of the dreamlike scene of those seven days.

He smoked a cigarette, lit it with the matches provided by the hotel, and sat on the window sill, but he didn't smoke, he just held it in his hand and flicked the ash a few times after a while. This was the case when he quit smoking a few years ago, because at that time he discovered that it was not the smoking itself that made him addicted, but the process of burning the smoke, which reminded him of Yang Xuan.

A cigarette was half lit, Yang Xuan came back, he turned his head and looked at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan closed the door behind his back and walked towards him. The window sill was very high, and Tang Junhe's two legs swayed slightly on it, and he didn't stop until Yang Xuan walked over.

"Did you take a shower?" Yang Xuan looked at him and asked.

"Yeah." Tang Junhe raised his chin slightly and looked at him, resting his finger on the window sill with the cigarette in his hand.

Yang Xuan supported the window sill with one hand, leaned down to kiss him, started from the lips, slid to the chin, and kissed along the neck. At the same time, he took the remaining half of the cigarette in Tang Junhe's hand with the other hand, The ashtray was stubbed out, and then covering his hand, the other hand lifted his T-shirt and fell it to his chest.

"Brother..." Tang Junhe put his arms around him and asked unsteadily, "Who called just now?"

"You've seen it before." Yang Xuan inserted his fingers into the hair at the back of his head, gently grabbed him to tilt his head back, and licked and sucked at the skin of his arteries.

"...You Xin?" Tang Junhe swallowed impatiently.


"Then where are you going?" Tang Junhe felt Yang Xuan's hot and humid breath on his chest, which made him stand up straight, his chest heaving rapidly.

"Go back to the military area, and we'll talk about it in a few days. There's no rush." ​​Yang Xuan looked up at him, reached out to help him pull down the T-shirt piled up to his chest, and rubbed his fingers twice on his lower lip, "I'll go first Take a shower."

"Don't go bro..." Tang Junhe panted softly, groping and touching his body with one hand, and wrapped his arms around Yang Xuan with the other to prevent him from leaving.

"Where don't you go?" Yang Xuan asked knowingly.

"Don't take a bath," Tang Junhe said, his teeth gently biting the skin of Yang Xuan's neck, "I washed it before going out in the morning..."

Yang Xuan put his hand into his shorts, wrapped his semi-rigid penis, moved it up and down slowly, and looked down at Tang Junhe who was gnawing on him like a small animal: "It's all sweat, not too dirty what?"

Tang Junhe shook his head vigorously a few times, leaned on his shoulder, looked at him and said, "You are my brother."

Yang Xuan smiled, comforting him with his hands and kissing him at the same time. He hugged Tang Junhe from the window sill, closed the curtain with one hand, and put him on the bed.

Tang Junhe only felt that his body vacated for a while, and he hugged Yang Xuan instinctively, and then his back touched the soft sheets of the hotel. Yang Xuan lowered his head and kissed him, and the familiar breath rushed to his face, scorching hot, and the temperature on his body Cover them all.

Yang Xuan lifted his T-shirt and pushed it to his chest, and buried his head in kissing the skin on his chest. Tang Junhe was very thin, with a thin layer of delicate flesh covering the bones of his chest, and he was licked and sucked very quickly. red. Yang Xuan helped him take off the T-shirt from the top of his head, and peeled off his shorts with one hand.

Tang Junhe's lower body was so hard that it swelled, and a lot of water flowed down the stem. When Yang Xuan's thumb scraped against his high-spirited top, his waist was reflexively lifted up, and he let out a muffled grunt and breathed. They all trembled. His eyes stared straight at Yang Xuan, as if reluctant to blink, his obsession and desire were all written on the dark eyes.

Yang Xuan lowered his head and kissed his eyes, took out a tube of lubricant from his pocket, and squeezed some on his fingers.

"Brother, did you just buy this?" Tang Junhe's eyes moved to his fingers.

"Otherwise?" Yang Xuan looked up at him, threw the lubricant aside, touched the acupuncture point behind Tang Junhe with his wet fingers, first pressed and rubbed it twice, and then slowly poked it in with one finger. The closed acupuncture point pushed his fingers, and the hot and humid inner wall wriggled uncomfortably in resistance. Yang Xuan moved a few times tentatively, looked at Tang Junhe and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Sweat broke out on Tang Junhe's forehead, and the feeling of being entered again after many years was strange and resisted, but he bit his lip and shook his head.

"It doesn't hurt and you're still so nervous?" Yang Xuan lowered his head and licked his lower lip, then inserted his fingers into two knuckles, stirring slightly in his body, "How long has it been since you did this?"

Tang Junhe endured the pain of being invaded: "Very...a long time."

"I haven't done it myself?" Sensing that Tang Junhe's body had adapted to one finger, Yang Xuan put in another one and asked while looking into his eyes.

Tang Junhe's face was red hot, turned his face away and shook his head: "There is no..."

"What about the front?" Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to touch his chin, making him look at him.

"Occasionally," Tang Junhe whispered, "Brother..."

"Huh?" Yang Xuan added another finger, stretching him patiently.

"You..." A trace of hesitation flashed in Tang Junhe's eyes, but he still looked at Yang Xuan and asked, "Have you...thought about me before?"

"Yes." Yang Xuan said, pulled out three fingers from his body, straightened up, knelt on the bed, reached out and unbuckled his trousers, raised Tang Junhe's waist with one hand, and lifted Tang Junhe up with the other. Holding his own **** against his ever-shrinking hole.

The moment the glans tried to push in, Tang Junhe's waistline instantly tightened, he instinctively grasped the bed sheet tightly, and flinched back.

Yang Xuan supported his waist and tried to push the **** in a little more, but Tang Junhe's body was tense due to tension, resisting the intrusion of foreign objects in an impersonal manner.

"Relax," Yang Xuan's **** were so hard that it hurt, he resisted the urge to push in hard, kneaded Tang Junhe's waist, and said in a low voice, "Come in from behind, okay? This is not good It's too easy to get in."

Tang Junhe gritted his teeth and nodded, he tried his best to let himself relax to accept Yang Xuan, but his body seemed to be disobedient, and the tearing pain made him not know how to relax.

Yang Xuan turned him over, let him kneel on the bed, stretched him a few times with his fingers, and then squeezed more lubricating fluid on his penis. His arms clasped Tang Junhe's waist, and he hugged him into his arms. His hot chest was pressed against his back. He whispered in his ear: "Relax, I am your brother."

"Brother..." Tang Junhe groped and stretched behind him, his fingers touched the undulating tendons on the huge penis, "Come in, don't...leave me alone, I don't hurt."

Yang Xuan straightened up, pinched Tang Junhe's waist, and slowly and firmly pushed the **** in. The shrunken hole was stretched open by the huge glans, and the transparent lubricant was squeezed out, flowing down Tang Junhe's buttocks. Watching the shrunken acupuncture point swallowing his **** little by little, Yang Xuan's possessive desire was satisfied for a while, the moist and hot inner wall tightly wrapped and sucked him, and the physical pleasure and psychological satisfaction surged up at the same time , making him almost unbearable.

Tang Junhe's breathing trembled, and he tried his best to accept Yang Xuan's intrusion.

When the **** were pushed in halfway, Yang Xuan pinched Tang Junhe's waist and withdrew slightly, exerted force on his waist, pushed in suddenly, and stabbed the whole thing in.

"Ah..." Tang Junhe couldn't help screaming, and turned his cheek against the bed sheet to see Yang Xuan, "Brother..."

Yang Xuan hugged him into his arms, brushed away his sweaty forehead hair, and kissed between his brows: "It's all gone in, it doesn't hurt anymore." Then he lowered his head and kissed him, while controlling the frequency to slow down in his body. Twitching slowly, waiting for him to adjust to himself.

Pain was wrapped in pleasure, and Tang Junhe raised his head impatiently: "Brother, hurry up..."

He heard Yang Xuan laughing in his ear, his waist was lifted suddenly, and the **** in his body was completely pulled out. When the edge of the glans rubbed against the hole, the pleasure climbed straight up the spine, and he hadn't reacted yet. In the next second, Yang Xuan pushed in deeply, submerging his whole body without reservation, Tang Junhe cried out unexpectedly, but Yang Xuan then lowered his head and kissed him, swallowing all his groans, behind him quickly and Bump in hard.

"How fast?" Yang Xuan straightened up and asked behind him, pinching his waist and thrusting fiercely, pushing his **** into his body again and again, "Is this enough?"

The intense pleasure rushed to the brain quickly, Tang Junhe was speechless by the violent impact, and a shattered groan came from deep in his throat.

"Speak," Yang Xuan bent down to look at him, his strength unabated, "Is it enough?"

"Brother..." Tang Junhe's voice was stained with tears, and he looked at him slightly out of focus.

Yang Xuan lowered his head and kissed him, slowed down, straightened up and held his ankle to turn him over.

Tang Junhe's **** had hardened again, vibrating up and down with the frequency of Yang Xuan's thrusting and thrusting, transparent body fluid dripped from the top and landed on his smooth lower abdomen.

Yang Xuan held his ankle, raised his two legs high, and while manipulating him fiercely, turned his head and gently kissed the tattoo on his ankle.

Tang Junhe curled up his toes, his eyes were red, and he looked at Yang Xuan almost unconsciously, wanting to cry for no reason.

Yang Xuan pressed one of his legs and folded it up, put one hand on his side, leaned over to look at him, his **** was completely pulled out from his body, and then he pushed it in deeply, Tang Junhe was so happy I trembled all over.

"What about you?" Yang Xuan tortured him lightly and deeply, "Thinking about me, have you done it?"

"Hmm..." Tang Junhe tightened his grip on the bed sheet, bearing the impact in his body.

"Good boy," Yang Xuan leaned forward and kissed his lips, "Call me brother."

"Brother..." Tang Junhe put his arms around Yang Xuan's neck, leaned over and continued to kiss Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan pushed his lips away with the tip of his tongue, and poked his tongue into his mouth. His lips and tongue were entangled, and he took a deep wet kiss. Yang Xuan exerted force on his waist and pushed him very deeply. He straightened his back reflexively, bit his lip and let out a long low moan, his whole body convulsed, white hot liquid sprayed out from the top of his genitals, and splashed on his and Yang Xuan's lower abdomen.

Yang Xuan wrapped his **** with the palm of his hand, and moved them twice following the frequency of thrusting and thrusting. The **** that were still in the aftertaste of the **** were extremely sensitive. Tang Junhe was strongly touched when he touched the calloused hand. He was so tormented by the pleasure that he was almost crying, he held Yang Xuan's wrist and tried to stop him, crying softly: "No brother, no more..."

Yang Xuan didn't stop moving, he held Tang Junhe's semi-soft genitals, leaned down to kiss him deeply, blocked his moaning and pleading together, accelerated the frequency of thrusting under his body, getting deeper and deeper each time, Every hit hits his most sensitive point.

The thrill of being overwhelmed made Tang Junhe feel the fear of dying. He sobbed in a low voice and called Yang Xuan indiscriminately. At the same time, Yang Xuan was also a little out of control. He kissed Tang Junhe again and again, and his **** moved in and out of the tightly twisted hole wall without any effort.

Tang Junhe's genitals, which had been softened a few minutes ago, hardened again in his hands. Accompanied by more intense convulsions, he hugged Yang Xuan's neck tightly, and **** while crying. Desire gushed out, Yang Xuan tightened his arms, and after a fierce and rapid jerk, he frowned slightly, and shot all of them into Tang Junhe's twisted body.

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