MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 7 restaurant

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Yu night is a very home-based person. The most important thing to do when I was young is to read books in the library and at home, because I don’t go out to play often, so there are not many friends. However, Yu night is beautiful, it is very cute and very cute. When I go to school, I cut a flat bang, short shoulders, and don’t want to be a boy.

Many people in the student era have confessed to her, but they were not sent by Yu Huan, but they were sent by herself. Yu night is very clear, she is not interested in them, in comparison, her obsession with books is absolutely overwhelming to beat her boyfriend, if she wants to not read the novel and chat with a boy who knows soon to the cafe. Chat, about a meeting, she feels not worth it.

Jane Rain is also a novel fan. She once said with distress that people who have long read romance novels will find a satisfied boyfriend.

Yu late said, indeed, the author always writes the plot and warmth that he wants, but there is no possibility of life. It seems to comfort himself. There are such people in the world. Although he loves others, he Live in your heart.

Jane rain sighed and sighed, that Yu night, no wonder you are so hard to find a boyfriend.

Yu smiled and didn't speak.

From small to large, she opened her heart and sinned. She had never experienced these secrets. She sometimes admired the beautiful man with Jane Yuen, and he admired that he was handsome, but she forgot her eyes. Maybe she really doesn't care about the people around her.

On the day when Shen Qingzhou could be met, Yu late found that she was not as woody as Jane Yuen said, nor was she as heartless as she said.

She found that she had a different kind of affection for Shen Qingzhou and found that she would be inexplicably attracted when she stayed at Shen Qingzhou. When she saw him laughing at the dog, the heart would be soft and messy.

Perhaps, this is a little feeling, Yu late thinks that he needs to explore and explore, and get along with each other.

When I slept until the big noon, Yu wakes up and sorts out and goes out. Today I will meet with two screenwriters in detail. Yu night put them in a restaurant, she has not eaten, just ask them to have a meal.

After dinner, the three began to formally discuss the script.

"This branch line can't be changed. It's hard to start changing the things behind." Yu night frowned.

"There may be a lot of things to do in that case."

Yu late is a bit embarrassed, the novel is like her own child, no matter which part is removed, she is distressed. "Let me think about it again, let's discuss the next one."

"it is good."

Being discussed, the writer who sat across from the side suddenly pulled the partner next to him. "Linye and Hey, come over."

"That is Shen Qingzhou, they actually appeared here together." The screenwriter girl was a little excited, and Yu night saw Shen Qingzhou's three words subconsciously turned back.

Several people came to the restaurant, among which Shen Qingzhou and Lin Ye were the most eye-catching. But this restaurant is very upscale and quiet, so people who come and go will not rush to run to sign.

"Does the two of them really have something?"

"It's very good, I think it's a good match."

Yu night looked at Shen Qingzhou, getting closer and closer, listening to the dialogue between the two screenwriters, she was not a taste, match? Where is it?

When the distance was only six or seven meters, Shen Qingzhou’s eyes suddenly tilted and fell on Yu’s body. Yu’s eyes were staring at him. At this moment, she suddenly looked at it and she was shocked.

He looked at her and suddenly stopped in front of her.

A group of people behind Shen Qingzhou stopped, and they looked suspiciously to the table of Yu. The two screenwriters at the same table are also stupid. What happened? The loud voice was heard?

Yu looked up at him, "Mr. Shen?"

Shen Qingzhou suddenly leaned down to her and threw a key on her lap at a point that no one else saw. His voice was very light and heavy. "My home key, you look after the red beans, I will go back later."

Only the voices of the two of them were heard, and his breath exhaled in her ear, warm and a bit numb.

Yu night licked, licked his lips and snorted.

After Shen Qingzhou said, he stood up and didn't look at her again. He went straight ahead. The people behind him were curious to see Yu, Lin Ye and Shen Qingzhou took a few steps, and looked back at Yu, and his eyes were unclear.

"Yu night, do you know Shen Qingzhou?" Writer said, "I have been to a crew before. I have seen Shen Qingzhou once. He can be strict in filming. You have also followed the crew in Yu late?"

Yu night shook her head, "No..."

"Then he just said something to you, relying on it." The writer is envious and hateful.

Yu coughed and coughed. "Nothing. That, let's get some work. Finish these episodes today..."

The two screenwriters are obviously very gossip, Shen Qingzhou, so a person who is so cold, just in that position, if you think about it, it is really pink. But Yu does not say late, they are also embarrassed to ask.

Yu night flipped through the documents, and my mind was a little floating. Although he knew that he was only for the red bean, but the moment he leaned down, the string in her heart was really tight, and he said a word more, the string should be broken.

Before going home, Yu night went to the supermarket.

When buying food, she called Shen Qingzhou. At that time, Shen Qingzhou was talking about his work at the dinner table and his companions at work.

He glanced at the call and picked up the phone. "Hey."

"Don't bother you?"

"You said."

"Oh good. I want to ask you how late you are, do you need to have dinner today?"

Shen Qingzhou glanced at the flamboyant dining in front of her eyes. "I will come back at seven o'clock and have dinner."

"Well, then I will feed the red beans and my Highness on time, and your meal will be done later."

Shen Qingzhou listened a bit strange, he and the two are compared?

"Mr. Shen, do you have any taboos, can you eat spicy food?"

“There is no jealousy.” Shen Qingzhou thought for a moment, “Don’t be too hot.”

"no problem!"

Shen Qingzhou hung up the phone, only to find that everyone at the table looked at him.

The Shendao’s phone sounded a bit small, and he returned at seven. However, everyone wants to think about it, everyone dares to ask. Shen Qingzhou’s glory was cold and swept away everyone’s eyes. “Continue.”

Yu bought the ingredients and went to the house. She went home and took Yu with a little bit, then took out the key of Shen Qingzhou and drove into the door of 702.

Yu and the red beans met each other very much, playing together, Yu night is to enter the kitchen to eat these two.

"The rice is coming, you two, come over soon."

Yu Xiaodian and Red Bean heard the sound and ran quickly. Yu night put the two things in good condition and watched the happy pets eat happily. She smiled and took out her mobile phone to take a picture of her back.

Spread on Weibo: Your Highness has a meal.

Someone replied soon:

"Big, have you raised one more?"

"I don't want to face up."

"Don't you be able to raise your text, and the people I wait for will grow up."

“Is this a new favorite? Is it so big, not big?”

The microblog rang and the followers gave her a comment.

Your mother is flying: Where is the big dog, like Yu?

Yu night sat on the ground and replied to her: neighbor's.

Your mother is flying: I am going, you...

A few seconds later, Yu’s cell phone rang, and Jane Rain quickly yelled at the phone: “What is the situation, you didn’t hook up and hook up the dog first? Yu night, good means.”

Yu night turned a blind eye at this, jokingly said, "This is called a roundabout way, you know what."

"I learned it." Jane Rainy said, "That man, give me a photo."

"Look for it online."

"On the Internet? What? Don't make trouble, just show your sister how handsome it is."

Yu night sat on the ground and watched two meals. "I want to see the Internet and find photos online."

"...celebrity?" Jane Rain asked cautiously.


For a moment, "Who?"

"Shen Qingzhou."

"...lying trough!"

After Jane’s countless swearing swearing words came over, Yu’s calmly hung up. So excited, is it true that Shen Qingzhou lives in her house? Does she say that she is amazing at Shen Qingzhou now?

As for greeting her ancestors...

After a while, Jane rain sent a WeChat to come: Comrade Yu, I told you on behalf of the masses, you really stepped on the shit.

Yu late smiled: Don't be too embarrassed.

Jane Rain: (indifferent face)

Red Bean and Yu Xiaodian had only finished at 5 o'clock after dinner. Yu was estimated to have two hours before he came back. She ran back to take a wandering script and a few bags of snacks from home, and dragged her home. The flip-flops were also taken over. Shen Qingzhou’s slippers were too big for me.

Yu night took the script and sat on the sofa that the family company had seen before. It was really a high-end goods, and it would have been enjoyed. It was too cool to sit down!

Yu night sang the script while eating snacks, while the red bean and Yu point were full of houses running around. I don't know how long it took, Yu night went to sleep on the sofa.

When Shen Qingzhou returned home, she saw such a scene. On his favorite sofa, there was a slender person. Her whole body was uncomfortably unfolding, and one foot hangs in the air and swaying, very leisurely. Next to the sofa, red beans and Yu point to her while she is sleeping. One person, two dogs, formed an extremely harmonious picture.

Shen Qingzhou slowly approached, and looked down at someone who was comfortable sleeping. He looked back at the restaurant. It was obvious that nothing was done there.

"Yu night." He called her name.

Someone on the sofa turned over and continued to sleep.

Shen Qingzhou’s eyes narrowed and she reached out and grabbed her arm. Yu was arrested in her sleep. In her dream, she was in her childhood. Yu Huan saw her bed and grabbed her directly. She asked her to go to school. . She refused to go, sitting on the bed and holding Yu Huan’s waist tightly, clamoring not to go to school.

Shen Qingzhou was stiff and his temples violently beat. He looked at Yu night holding his waist tightly and took a deep breath. "Yu night!"

Yu night suddenly woke up, she stunned her eyes, who is calling her?

Three seconds later, Yu late found a bit weird. She slowly looked up and waited for her to see Shen Qingzhou's cold and cautious face, and found that she was holding the waist of others tightly...

She had a short circuit in her head and blinked. "You are back."

Read The Duke's Passion