MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 57 twists and turns

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Yu late went out to the publishing house today to talk about the publication of the 'final pendulum'. In addition to the red beans, the family only had Shen Qingzhou alone.

At this time, Shen Qingzhou was feeding the group of babies waiting to be fed in the living room. At this time, the phone rang, and Shen Qingzhou glanced at it.

"Director Shen Da, what are you calling me early in the morning? Sorry, I slept late yesterday and didn't hear it."

"Don reading." Shen Qingzhou put down the dog food and stood up. "Is it too wedding?"

Tang Yue is on the opposite side, "Call for... Marriage? Shen Qingzhou, are you deliberate, knowing that I don't have a girlfriend now!"

"Hey, have you asked for a marriage before?"

"I didn't! Wait..." Tang read and reacted. "Why do you ask this, you will not ask for marriage!"

Shen Qingzhou paused, "Well, else I will ask you what to do."

"My God... you really want to propose a marriage." Tang Yue was completely shocked. "Is it a marriage with Yu?!"

Shen Qingzhou said that she did not want to talk, not with Yu, who is it with?

Tang Yue soothed some emotions. "You have a big director, and you have asked about this marriage proposal. It is better to give yourself a guide."

Shen Qingzhou, "...and did not lead to the proposal of marriage. Moreover, this is life, not a movie."

"Life and movies are actually the same. Girls, they all like romance. You must prepare a romantic proposal for Yu."

Shen Qingzhou thought for a moment, "How to count romance."

Tang Yue sighed. "I don't understand this. If you, let her prepare a candlelight dinner, and then put the room in a romantic atmosphere, such as... put a love on the ground with roses? Or come to the field without ordinary Fireworks? Anyway, you must show that you have spent your thoughts!"

"She doesn't like roses, stinging people." Shen Qingzhou paused and added, "The community is not allowed to put fireworks, it is very dangerous."

Tang Yue, "..."

"Forget it, ask if you are really asking questions."

"Hey, hello, how can I ask, I will give you advice!"

Shen Qingzhou looked indifferent. "Don reading, go find a girlfriend early, don't be so sad."

After that, I hang up the phone directly.

Tang Yue, "???"

What happened, how sad? Who do I provoke anyone! Can you laugh at someone with a girlfriend? !

After Shen Qingzhou hung up the phone, he just received a text message from Yu.

"The publishing thing has been finalized. Now I am eating with the people of the publishing house, but I have no appetite. I want to go home and eat with you~"

Shen Qingzhou hooked his lips, and the fluorescent color of the phone was printed on his face, surprisingly gentle.

"Well, I am waiting for you to come back."

After sending out this text message, Shen Qingzhou made a decision, so he called and called the assistant. "Xiao Yang, bought all the things needed for candlelight dinner."

Xiao Yang, "... Shen guide?"

"something wrong?"

"No... I thought your phone was stolen."


"I, I will buy it right away."


A small past, Xiao Yang sent the things and ingredients needed. After entering the door, Xiao Yang looked around and saw, "Yu scriptwriter is not there."

Shen Qingzhou looked at Xiao Yang as if he was suffering from neuropathy. "Is it still a surprise?"

"Surprise..." Xiao Yang was shocked again, and Shen Zhi even had to play a surprise!

"Let's go, you can go."

"Oh... good."

Xiao Yang’s away.

Shen Qingzhou looked at a table of things and silently opened the mobile phone Baidu.

It’s already more than seven o'clock for Yu’s return home. I just couldn’t eat anything at the dinner. Now it’s a bit hungry to go home. Take out the key and open the door, Yu night put on the slippers.

Yu point to see her coming back and rushing to come around her.

"Also spoiled you." Yu night petted his head. "Okay, let me in."

Yu called Wang Wang twice, and was tired of her side.

Yu night put the bag down in the living room and looked around. "Shen Qingzhou? In the study room?"

"I'm here."

The sound came from behind. Yu turned around and looked at it. Shen Qingzhou stood next to the restaurant. Suddenly, he slammed the light.

“Hey?” Yu night snorted. “Why turn off the lights?”

Shen Qingzhou was serious, "Come and eat." He said that he walked to the table and brushed the candles.

Yu night, "..."

"Come here."

"Shen Qingzhou, are you giving me a candlelight dinner?"

Shen Qingzhou gave her a look. "Is it not obvious?"

Yu late smiled and ran over and sat down. "It’s obviously obvious, wow, this steak looks good, what do you do?"


Yu’s mouth must be licking her ears, and we will take a romantic route.


"Okay, then let me try your craft." Yu said, he picked up the knife and fork and cut it. He tasted it. Well... it tastes good, smooth and tender.

Just want to boast a boast, look up and see Shen Qingzhou's expression is a bit weird, Yu night blinked, "What?"

Shen Qingzhou paused. "Nothing." Just when I reached out to the pocket of my clothes and took the diamond ring that I had already prepared, I was empty...

Yu was a bit skeptical, but she didn't think too much, and she was happy to eat steak.

Shen Qingzhou's brows are slightly wrinkled. I just put it in the pocket here. Why didn't I disappear? Is it falling somewhere in the house?

Just then, red beans and a few small radish heads passed by. Shen Qingzhou's gaze is red, the red box biting red beans... there! point! eye! Cooked!

By the way, the jacket was placed on the sofa. It is very likely that the red bean will fall out next to it and then it will bite and play...

Yu night looked at Shen Qingzhou’s cockroach and stood up from the position. She still bite a piece of meat in her mouth and said vaguely, “Don’t you eat it?”

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and said, "You eat first." Then he left the position.

Yu night looked puzzled at his back toward the red beans.

The red bean is probably a small box as a toy. After a while, it will kick and play. When Shen Qingzhou came over, it was carrying the box into the study.

Shen Qingzhou followed up in a few steps, and slammed into the door.

"Red beans." Shen Qingzhou's voice is very heavy and angry.

The red bean sprouted and looked at him. He thought that Shen Qingzhou had to play with it, so he ran around and ran around the circle.

Shen Qingzhou, "... spit it out."

Red beans licked their heads, didn't understand.

Shen Qingzhou pressed down the depression, and pulled the red beans up. "Is it too much to pet you recently, huh?"

What a bad bite actually bite such an important thing, just now can be done in a natural way!

Red beans were forced to drop the box, and Shen Qingzhou picked things up from the ground. The box... is wet.

"Thinking over the wall!" Shen Qingzhou opened the door and led the red bean directly to the small corner where he was usually mischievous after doing something wrong. "Without my permission, I am not allowed to move around, just stay here."

Red beans are frustrated with this face, inner os: What the family is doing wrong.

Yu night in the restaurant witnessed Shen Qingzhou's serious face of red bean noodles, usually Shen Qingzhou is very fond of red beans, no big mistakes will not punish it. "What are you doing, what about red beans?"

Shen Qingzhou finished the red beans and returned to the living room. "Nothing."

"Nothing, why are you inexplicably making people face the wall." Yu night was distressed, and couldn't help but maintain the red beans.

"It has been lawless to keep it."

"Is it..." Yu late took the knife and licked the steak. "Shen Qingzhou, I think you are weird today."

Shen Qingzhou’s meal, “Where is it?”

"This, I can't say it, is... What special day is it today? Anyway, you are weird."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and looked at her. "Well, is the salad delicious?"

Yu night, "..."

Is this a transfer topic? ?

Yu night, "...not bad."

"Well, then it's delicious." When Shen Qingzhou said, the hand placed under the table had already thrown away the box and only picked up the big diamond ring inside.

Yu night looked at him suspiciously, and took a spoonful of seafood that he had not been drinking.

"Late night, I..."


When Shen Qingzhou was about to speak, he was blocked by Yu’s reaction. “...Is it difficult to eat?”

Difficult to eat and want to vomit?

Yu night waved his hand and covered his mouth. "It's not difficult to eat." The voice just fell, and there was a feeling of vomiting, and the more you smell the seafood, the more you want to vomit!

Yu night fiercely stood up, "I want to vomit."

Yu night ran towards the bathroom, Shen Qingzhou immediately followed, and the ring in his hand was thrown back into his pocket.

“Is not feeling well?” Shen Qingzhou was worried about standing next to Yu’s night and helping her to follow her back.

Yu night retched a few times and couldn’t vomit anything. "No, it smells like it suddenly vomits. But it’s definitely not something you don't do well. I have eaten a lot of steaks."

Shen Qingzhou listened to the pause, and suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly. "You..."

"Okay, let's continue to eat, right, what you just said."

After Yu’s talk, Shen’s expression was very strange. “What’s the matter... ah.”

Shen Qingzhou suddenly held her in her arms, and Yu leaned on his chest. "Hey, he said, hug, hug, you..."

"Late night."


"You said you should not be unmarried."


"Sorry, I can't do it."

At 8:40, Yu was pulled down by Shen Qingzhou, and she was embarrassed.

"I, I just spit, how do you know that I am pregnant..."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her, "Hey, wait for the result."

Yu late flatned his mouth. "If it is really what to do." Yu late suddenly thought that her menstrual period was delayed. After the end, this time is a real prize. I didn’t expect that a few percent of the things would be touched by her. Got it! This time I really want to give Yu Huanyu a death.

Just when Yu was depressed and circling, she suddenly saw the hand that had been stretched out in front of her eyes, and there was a ring on the thumb and forefinger of the hand. The diamond on the ring was shining.

She looked at Shen Qingzhou awkwardly. I saw that the latter had some helplessness. "Late night, I was marrying you at night, but things are a bit of a twist, but I don't want to wait."

"So, marry me."