MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 14 assistant

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On the way, Yu night was trapped in that laugh and could not extricate himself.

The eyebrows are not cold, but a little gentle, the outline of the clear and soft, the smile is light but easy to open the night of the desolate, at that moment, Yu night heard his heart beat like a drum.

The car opened the hotel's underground garage, and the surrounding area became quieter. Shen Qingzhou parked the car in the parking space, untied the seat belt, and went to see Yu night, "get off."

Yu night was facing his light brown eyes, and he gave a low voice.

Shen Qingzhou stared at her and saw that she did not get off the bus after answering. "Do you want to stay in the car?"

In fact, Yu night thought too much, so I forgot. She used to never feel that she was crazy, and she could control Shen Qingzhou. Why do she think that everything looks good, even his frown looks good?

"Is it enough?" Shen Qingzhou's brows are slightly wrinkled, his eyes are a bit puzzled.

"Shen Qingzhou, your face, it’s a pity to laugh too much." Yu night looked ‘heartbroken,’ and even forgot his title, calling his name.

Shen Qingzhou’s look has a crack. “You don’t have to worry about it, you just have to pay attention to dinner now.”

Yu late swayed his head and said to himself, "Yu Huan knows how to make a living with his face..."

Shen Qingzhou did not hear what she said. When she saw her grinding, she directly opened her seat belt and went over to push the door of Yu’s side and push it out. He ordered, “Get off the bus.”

The clothes material wiped her clothes, and the warmth was close to the moment, and Yu was shocked by him. "Oh, I know..."

Shen Qingzhou saw her stupid get off, and her heart was filled with a feeling of incredulity. How did this reaction slow down half-shooting to write suspense novels?

After returning to the hotel room with Shen Qingzhou, Yu opened the refrigerator and there were ingredients that she had not used up.

"You wait for a while, very soon." Yu late took out the meat to sort out, Shen Qingzhou sitting in the living room, can directly see her actions. After a few minutes, the sound of the pan rang, then the sound of cooking, the smell of meat wrapped in the smell of sorrow came in. Shen Qingzhou didn’t eat much during the day, and the taste was very attractive to him. force.

Yu turned over a few times, the probe went to find the soy sauce, "Hey? Where is the soy sauce?"

A hand was found behind him, and the soy sauce came out. Yu looked back and saw it. I saw Shen Qingzhou standing behind her coldly. "You just put the corner."

"Hey." Yu late took over, "Thank you."

Shen Qingzhou sighed and leaned on the kitchen counter to look at the dishes in the pot. Yu night glanced at him and continued to seriously cook.

After a while.

"Hey, take me the olive oil."

"I want sugar."

"Is this salt ok? On the side... right."

"How much to put." Shen Qingzhou's calm voice.

"A small spoon."

"These ones?"

"A little more."

Yu night saw that Director Shen Da was very light and turned two spoons, and he was careful... a little funny.

In fact, she just let him help her to get the spices at the moment, but I didn’t expect to call the call to finish the cooking. Director Shen Da, it seems that there is no impatient meaning, he seems to be the magic of discovering the cooking, a pair of eyes shining bright.

"Okay, the serving is finished." The last one is vegetarian, this time only two dishes and one soup, relatively simple.

Shen Qingzhou sat down at the table and began to eat seriously. Yu night sat opposite him and looked at his chin.

"Oh, yes, my Weibo yesterday, you didn't see it."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her, "No."

"Then you look at it, I mentioned you, you don't give me a reaction, I am very embarrassed." Yu said seriously.

"Is it shameful? Will it be." Shen Qingzhou's expression of "I have always been like this", Yu late mouth twitching, probably in the past there are quite a few people who have been ignored by the director of Shen Da.

"I have a lot of book powder, hey, they must be spit on me again."


"Sink, remember, don't let me be embarrassed, look at the kindness that I am so kind to you." Although Yu said so, but did not expect Shen Qingzhou to give him a response, entertainment Cold noodles, the name is really not covered.

After Shen Qingzhou finished eating, Yu night went back to her room. After Yu’s departure, Shen Qingzhou, who was sitting on the sofa for more than a month without opening Weibo, opened Weibo.

A lot of comments and likes, Shen Qingzhou did not find Yu night, so he had to search for Yu Wei's Weibo number, and she saw her certification number late.

Clicking on her homepage and seeing her latest Weibo, Shen Qingzhou casually opened her comments. In the popular Weibo, some people are 'sympathetic' and she has no response, and a large number of people give her science. he'.

Shen Qingzhou raised his eyebrows and pointed his finger at the forwarding button. He casually matched the expression of a food.

Successfully forwarded, Shen Qingzhou smiled and smiled, it seems to be able to anticipate someone's smile.

Yu night showered out, wearing pajamas indented in the bed, after opening the screen saver of the mobile phone, Yu late found that Weibo had a red one plus a small symbol, Yu night did not think about it, it was opened, there are people concerned to forward?

Clicking on the information, Yu late, looking at the name of the forwarder, Shen Qingzhou? Shen Qingzhou? !

Did he actually respond to her? Also concerned about her? Yu late smiles to crack into the ears, it seems that the temptation of food is really great, Shen Shen gave this face.

Yu Xiaoxiao’s commentary, Shen Qingzhou’s commentary, a group of people were bombing there.

"Who is it late?? Who will give me the science? Who did my male **** forward?"

"The screenwriter of the new drama of Shen Shen, or the original author of the script, the novel heard that it is quite a cow."

"Oh, ah, Zhouzhou first re-transmitted something that was not propaganda, thank you!"

"My family was so big that it was so big. Yesterday I sprayed her white, hahahaha."


Yu night found that his fans had inexplicably gone up a lot. They opened the first Weibo comment, and a group of people ‘Shen Qingzhou Tourist Group’ visited here.

Yu night, "..."

The next day, Yu got up and went to the studio. The other two screenwriters watched her come and started the small meeting of the script. After the end, Yu night looked at the actors on the side of the filming, of course, also to see how the director adults in the studio.

Yu night is very satisfied, and I think that Li Mengmeng and Xiang Zeranhong are reasonable. The value is high and the acting is still very good. In addition, he heard that the protagonist of the male and female is Shen Qingzhou personally chosen, um... Shen Dao really has her heart.

Li Mengmeng and Xiang Zeran ended the scene. The next scene was not the drama of the two of them, so they both walked to the side to rest. Seeing that Yu is also sitting here, Li Mengmeng is excited to come and chat with her.

Xiang Zeran also sat over and saw that Yu night naturally remembered the Oolong yesterday. "It’s not too late. I ate your meal yesterday, so I will ask you to eat at noon today."

"When did you eat her meal?" Li Mengmeng curiously said.

Xiang Zeran had to say what happened yesterday. Li Mengmeng laughed after listening. "Please, please, please don't eat at home. You are absolutely out."

"I originally wanted to give my to her, who knows that she ran..." shouted to Zeran.

Yu smiled and smiled. "I was not hungry yesterday. I ate after eating. I don't have to call me back."

"That can't be done, don't leave at noon, I let the assistant buy delicious food."

"That is."

The two sang one and one, Yu night no longer refused. "Okay, okay, I will have a meal at noon."

"Oh, no problem."

Li Mengmeng smiled and suddenly remembered something. She came over and said, "It’s not too late. Yesterday I saw Shen’s guide forwarding your Weibo! I’m also following you. I’m telling you, so I’m his heroine, but he’s even I haven’t paid attention to me yet."

Yu night calm smile, she can not say that she is using a very tactical approach to make Shen Qingzhou so understanding.

"Ah... is it, then I am really honored."

"No, I have been paying attention to Shen Dao for so long. I haven't seen anyone who has forwarded it. Oh, except for Guan Wei." Li Mengmeng said the thief. "Not too late, tell the truth, is there anything?" □ □."

Yu lately raised an eyebrow. "Do you think we should have it?"

Li Mengmeng indulged for a while, and self-denied, "Hey... I think more, if there are talents, I will guide the ice face, who will get hot."

Yu night: Is it not hot? Do not believe, I laughed yesterday.

At lunch time, the group and the actors sent a box lunch, and Xiang Zeran promised to let the assistant buy a lot of delicious food. Yu night sat in the middle of Li Mengmeng and Xiang Zeran.

The other actors passed by, "Yes, don't call me if you have delicious food."

"Give you a bite, don't eat too much, this is what I gave to our screenwriter adults."

"And you have a brother who needs to make a sin."

"is not that right."

"Then I will not eat, you will accompany you well to accompany you... Hey, director." The actor walked and talked without looking at the road and directly ran into Shen Qingzhou who came up.

"Well." Shen Qingzhou nodded slightly.

The actor ran away, and Shen Qingzhou’s eyes fell on Yu’s wife who was eating Huan’s, and Zeng Ran happened to give her a dish. Yu did not react much, and seemed to be used to eating.

Shen Qingzhou suddenly felt very unsightly.

He stepped forward and looked down at Yu late, who was eating down. "Writer, come out."

Yu night looked up, "Well?"

"Are you finished, come out."

"Not finished yet." Yu answered honestly.

Shen Qingzhou’s temples were pumped out. “I will give it out if I have not finished eating.”

Yu night, "..."

Shen Qingzhou went out first, and Li Mengmeng took a shot of Yu’s shoulder. “Shen’s hair is terrible, I wish you good luck.”

Yu late, "What am I doing wrong?"

"Yes, yes, you have to know that although Shen Dao is terrible, he is reasonable. If you don't do anything wrong, he won't murder you."

Yu night looked puzzled and put down the chopsticks. "You two will continue to eat, I will go first."

Xiang Zeran, "I have eaten this, do you want to keep it for you."

"No need to use it, you eat it yourself."

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